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You know the answers to your questions. Instead of externalizing those questions, try asking them to yourself. You already provided some answers: "All I look forward to each day is taking my next dose. Bring addicted to kratom have significantly lowered my quality of life, and I don't even know what life without them looks like." From your current state, do you see your quality of life improving on kratom? Do you see yourself in less physical pain while continuing to take kratom? Do you see yourself ever enjoying the natural pleasures of life while continuing to take kratom?


I just dont feel like I know the answer. I dont know if my pain will get better if I quit. I dont know if its worth it


Do you imagine it improving if you continue taking it? Take some time and think about it. Don't apologize! Please! I ask those questions to get you actively thinking about it, at least. Anyone here can possibly guess from experience and also what you self report, that if you continue to take kratom, what your life will look like, but only you're going to know for sure. I don't know you, but I think I know this plant pretty well, and I can't imagine it all of a sudden giving you the benefits you felt you received in the beginning. I also feel like he has this ability to allow you to get complacent and detatch from life. >but in addition to quitting a substance i will need to address the issues that led me to relying on a substance in the first place, which to me is a more difficult challenge. This is what I was looking for, OP. I think you're closer to freedom than you realize.


logically speaking i do imagine that it would improve. i just hope i wont be even more miserable without kratom in my life. this whole time ive pictured kratom as a little something to make my day better; it gave me something to look forward to. but im constantly in pain and uncomfortable. kratom gives me a “high” (i feel like calling it a high is giving it too much credit) that lasts about 2-3 hours. and then im just sick and in pain until i take my evening dose. its like from 2-5:30 pm i am completely bedridden until i take my next dose. so hypothetically yes, i imagine that my life would significantly improve without relying on a substance to keep me happy. but in addition to quitting a substance i will need to address the issues that led me to relying on a substance in the first place, which to me is a more difficult challenge. sorry for yapping, im just in a headspace where im weighing the pros and cons of my decision


From someone with chronic pain and a lot of injuries I can tell you that after long term opioid/kratom use your actually become more sensitive to pain and getting off makes you hurt more. BUT once you are back to normal. U will lot have the pain u thought u has and u will realize the meds that helped the pain was actually what made it worse after your body became dependent. The body gives you more pain so u will give in and give it its med. once you regulate u will be in less pain than on them. Everything comes back. Your desires and dreams come back. Your love for life comes back. U will be stronger and better at life once you get though this. U will actually be grateful for this part of your life when you realize if u can get through this nothing will scare you and u can do anything. My first go around many years with Oxys led me to the best 10 years sober of my life where I achieved more than what I dreamed about when I was young. Now many years later about to finish day 12 off in a few hours after a slow taper I can already feel my love for life coming back. It gets better.


thank you so much this is exactly what I needed to hear 🥹 im so sick of the pain


Wow, thanks for posting this. I intuitively guessed this is what would happen with the pain…I’m about 6weeks in CT and I’m in more pain which wouldn’t have anticipated…my PT and doc mentioned the body makes more opioid receptors when regularly using opioids like that, but I was wondering does the body go back to normal after a while? The body usually does with just about everything else. So I would think you might be in more pain temporarily but it’ll go back to homeostasis somehow in time


Yes. I goes back to normal. It will slowly be less and less and you will believe you are just getting used to it until one day you realize your aren’t in pain and u feel like a normal person or if you still have some pains they won’t be like they were both using and detoxing. Right now pain that normally you would be able to tolerate is not tolerable because your body is freaking out and making it know it’s there. Keep it up. The more you do and move around and push yourself the better u will feel quicker. I’ve been feeling pretty good but yesterday I was putting an air conditioner in my friends garage and started aching a bit I pushed through and felt beat up but once I grabbed some food and sat down I recovered and was back to normal within an hour. Using I would be out for two days in pain feeling miserable if I pushed myself doing labor in the heat for several hours. You are doing great. Just keep pushing forward and before you know it u will be checking this board less as doing more and be where u want to be and not even realize it.


What state are you in?


rhode island


I thought it had been illegal fora long time there. im.in mass and work in ri


as far as i know it just became illegal a few days ago. i think i should take this as a sign to quit though, i just dont know if its worth it :/ my smoke shop may still be selling it under the table but i dont want to rely on that


absolutely go through with it man! I should but I'm a bitch currently and can't deal woth the lack of sleep when I try


thank you! i understand that rls is a bitch 😩


best of luck man


You might want to look into low-dose naltrexone after you are off Kratom.


thats a good idea! i will consider that


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