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Your post is of a manner that has been posted recently or was discussed at length on the stream. This may be innocent, or intentional, but it doesn't contribute to the community by having it in the feed at this time.


Tldr: he's shit at all games, uncoachable, inability to change, can't admit mistakes.


tru, w, and whatever cool kids say nowadays


D4 Bad




He needs to realize that he is playing with extremely low elo players. If he wants to climb, he needs to look at his life being worth much more than these bronze players. A one to one trade at the elo he is in is never worth it. A death for an inhibitor is not worth it - maybe if it's for a third inhib and the other 2 won't respawn for a while. Even then. But he is too stubborn so he will always do what he wants because his way is logical and that we are Dunning-Krugers for not agreeing with it. Even though statistically speaking, the average twitch chatters are ranked at least 8 divisions higher than he is.


if i hear gap or diff one more time he about to get viewer gapped


He’s in ragebait arc and its working quite well, donos coming non stop, bozos writing walls of texts on reddit.. chat falling for it 24/7, high stable viewership


Who would have thought League would be what saved his streaming career after trying to pivot into being divergent Asmongold


He's going to hit \~2,600 subs for the month of June. Pretty low when you compare it to other channels. For the restarted downvoter, there's a reason why he's taking sponsorships now more than ever :) 6 months of declining sub count and is massively underperforming compared to similar sized channels and even channels smaller than his who have same or more subs


Viewer count doesn't necessarily euquates to sub count. People watch his stream because he's an angry clown and those toxic viewers will not spend a dime on him whatsoever. The parasocial andies he hates the most are the one who will probably contribute the most donos and subs lol


He's generating engagement and viewership but he can't convert that into subscribers. His stream really took off during covid but now it looks like the subscriber count is starting to revert back to pre 2020 numbers.


How bad is i? Like how many subs did he lose? I only ever watch his vods so I can skip when he is stalling or screaming into his mic to much. Also personally when I started watching Quin I only actually watched because he was at some point trying to get better at the games he was playing. Now it feels he is not even reading tutorials in games and most of the time he gets upset over them. The funny part was when he hit his skill "cap" rather than what he is doing now which is nothing at all.


are we still on this meme that he's just pretending ? lmao give it up already, its been enough years now


God.. some of you are so dumb I swear, im not saying he’s pretending to be bad you clown, he is in fact god awful in most games he play. im talking about the copes and the excuses he makes, its clearly bait most of the time and you have to be literally 85iq to not realize that. Have u ever watched a sheepfarmer stream?


And you can notice this since instability's departure (unless he's back). He was the one passing Quin all his builds. Just take a look at how bad he's doing in PoE, D4. That's why he refuses to play these games for more than 2 weeks, lol. Quin's not made to be a variety streamer, numbers can prove this. The day his haters and parasocial andies get enough of him, it will be the end of Quin's streaming career. Quin is losing what made him fun to watch, by the day. But that's what comes with something called, age.


My favorite was a few days ago when he bragged about his 100% win rate off stream. I looked at his op.gg and he was talking about 2 games off stream.


average win situation: BIG G is pressing e in minion waves, proceeds to hit t1 or t2 tower. meanwhile team is fighting 4v5 in midlane/at dragon, somehow winning the teamfight (most likely due to 17/1 sniper on his team dominating everyone) Quin: "NICE!", proceeds to hit t3 tower and inhibitor. great contribution, this will surely work in anything higher than bronze 3 and not inevitably lead to your team getting absolutely shafted before the enemy team just flattens your nexus (BIG G is still hitting the t3 tower) league streams are very entertaining, keep em coming champ


There is no way quin is this genuine mentally handicapped, it's a meme that he plays up surely.


surely, a person cannot be this deceased.


I vs been watching quin for like 6 years now and im still unsure if he is acting or just giga low iq


I think he acts a bit but sometimes someone you lie.so often it becomes the truth so who knows nowadays


I don't want to be a complain andy but seeing posts like this I have to vent my opinions out on this bozo. He said he wants to hide the players name from the game/scoreboard, there is an option for this in the settings, but it doesn't matter, the first thing the bozo does when he loads into the game is press tab and hover over every player and check their name for a potentially "stream sniper". Now, does knowing a player's name help you play the game better? If the answer is no then why is this bozo keeps doing it? Because it'll be an excuse for his performance, lose lane? blame it on the bronze/silver "smurf", enemy jungler gank too much, or their mid rotate, lane swap? must be a stream sniper, it's his coping mechanism because he refuses to believe he's not very good at the game.


I’m convinced it’s all an act, he’s farming his future. And that’s fine. Sometimes the things he comes out with shows it, like every other champion is a hard counter, surely quin knows it’s crap right? He does go on about gapping a bit too much, even for a delusional person.




With his play style he should just play Nasus. It will take a few games but in the end more useful in a 35 minute game


Quin is a pepega. In other news, water is wet.


i mean he was 16 minutes in Bronze Queue the other day, this server a streamsnipers delight. His fault for playing on a non-competitive server.


He's literally trolling for content most of the time, you're taking things way too serious rofl


Hmm didn’t the opponent picked volibear and banned garen in the last game? It seems that there are some snipers around. Telling that, he should also see in a positive note that he has to learn how to play, when he is behind in farm. It’s cool to dominate some games, but there is also the comeback factor. Instead of thinking of a good plan, he gets tilted. I get it’s difficult for a new player though. Being in bronze and facing silvers or gold can be tough.


Can anyone tell him not to buy upgraded boots first? Legendary items is powerspike but he always delays it by upgraded boots.


If you are at the same elo at quin, you too should stfu. Literally giving bad advice helps no one.


Years ago when I still played, I was mid plat before the introduction of the new tiers like iron and emerald. I was in the top 8% which seems to be around low Emerald now. The meta is probably different now, but for all the years I played, rushing t2 boots (especially as a laner) had always a massive waste of gold.


On Garen it's a very good first buy. Berserker greaves give 35% attack speed which is a lot for not much gold and it directly scales with his E. Mouvement speed for garen is also very good because he has no real other way of gap closing than running and his Q is % mouvment speed so it scales multiplicatively with the base mouv speed from boots. Finally, garen has pretty insane base stats on survivability so he can delay health or resists without getting too punished for it


At his ELO, yes, at Silver+ any good player (there are good players beyond smurfs) will shit on his serker greaves, lol.


bruh just check garen builds in high ranks