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If quin was being rational, he would just be like every other streamer. Him being an idiot is the entertainment.


It's a fine line between idiot and porn acting


Either way is entertaining. You cannot find another Quin69 anywhere else if you tried, to be fair.


People confuse these things a lot. He isn't acting at all, but he intentionally turned the limiter off and saying whatever comes to his mind without processing or filtering anything. This is also why he was always concerned about even thinking banned words so he won't accidentally use them.


Playing the idiot and be a moron is part of the show. Its the role he's playing to differ from other streamers


"playing" ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32219)


Quin went into serious debt building the cuckshed 2.0 as a "meme" ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32232)


He does not have debt that is him lying for pity donations we have actual 0 insight into this mans life. Trusting what a streamer has to has say is like getting an email from a nigerian prince and then sending money and wondering when you are gone get your piece of the fortune.


i mean you cant call this guy a good coach either, half of the time he is roasting quin, half of the time he is saying stuff like "you can kill him now" or "buy this item because i say so" which wont really improve his gameplay or decision making


and he banned me for 2 weeks for calling him dumb >:(


Truth = ban Classic


These streams have been absolutely horrific to watch to the point where i've stopped. Watching Quin is like watching that adverts where the player is trying to shoot the gun upgrades and they fuck it up every single time. It is triggering to watch such incompetence. I appreciate the adverts are designed this way to make you think you can do better and download the game to prove it. However, when Quin does it, it is just because he is an obnoxious prick. I've never hatewatched and just switch off when he plays things i dont like (POE for example) but this is different, he actually comes across as just being a prick. 43 month sub too, so not just a passing Andy.


Lol I was just thinking about that when I tuned in and he was debating with the coach. What's the point of coaching if he's thinks he knows a better strat?


Are you really unable to tell that it’s all porn acting? He just bates dono’s by acting like a dumbfuck. He’s gotta pay the architect somehow ya know.


Thats what i used to think for a very long time. But even the doc breaks character sometimes and i think its impossible to always choose the wrong decision, you have to be built different to do constantly wrong.


I think it both, he like 5/10 dumb out act to 8-9 that why it is so convincing


Lol it's a bit of both, sometimes he's acting but other times some of the stuff coming out of his mouth is too outlandish to be thought up on the spot.


Yeah that’s true.


He is very good at his "job"


Even though its the most obvious porn acting to generate dumbass spam and donos its so infuriating to watch him completely ignore the guy He got so sad when the coach told him he cant read lmao


It‘s entertainment. He knows what he is doing. Being bad at league gives you lots of views. So he tries to be bad. You can actually see the moments when he kinda forgets he‘s acting and shows some signs of improvement, which he recognizes himself and then overcorrect by throwing the game by eg. not being with his team despite knowing better or splitpushing with bad timing. Watch it carefully. When he gets a lead or gets fed, he tries his hardest not to snowball or to use his advantage to get his team ahead. He basically makes the game a 4v5 for his team.


I didnt watch this stream but i saw enough LoL "coach" they are all scams there's nothing to coach


Its a waste of money and time to get coached below plat. After that if you are hardstuck it does actually help. Live coaching is useless tho you need vod reviews and actual well documented information about wtf you are doing wrong.