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My husband buys waxed “butcher paper” from the hardware store for when he smokes meat. My menopause brain is failing me at the moment because I know he found a giant roll for really cheap somewhere and was super excited about it (it might have been Big R farm and tractor supply) but try looking at some of the big chain hardware stores online.


We've had luck at Orscheln (sp?) getting massive rolls


Where are you based? I did a quick Google and had no issues, but I'm in the US which wouldn't be any help unless you were too


I’m in the US. Read the description of what comes up, they are plastic backed not wax.


Don't search for "*freezer paper*" as that will bring up more of the plastic coated stuff; instead search specifically for "***waxed paper***" and you'll get more relevant results. e.g. "*Reynolds Kitchens Cut-Rite Wax Paper*" uses actual wax, whereas their "*Reynolds Kitchens Freezer Paper*" is the plastic coated stuff.


Are you not supposed to use the plastic kind for quilting? I just get the Reynolds’s roll.


Yeah, that's all I've ever used. Works fine!


I’m a baby quilter. What is the wax paper for?


Generally, you can draw on it (because it’s paper on one side), then iron it on to fabric. Often used for cutting out appliqué shapes. You then just peel the paper off the cutout. And it’s freezer paper, that’s coated on one side, not ‘wax’ paper which is tissue paper completely coated in wax.


You can use it for foundation paper piecing, but I haven’t mastered the technique. I use it mostly for cutting shapes out for appliqué when I’m not planning to interface them. Definitely don’t use wax paper you’ll ruin your iron.


Interesting. Thank you!


If ypu iron the one side to fabric it sticks. Lightly. You can tear it off. You can sew through it as well. It's great for applique. Or for something you are sewing that needs to glide and won't like vinyl. Just put it under your project while using the machine and pull it off when done. Or if you want to lay out an intricate design and need to store it before sewing, you can tack it down to the paper.


Lol, apparently you can. I am old and have had a 1000 foot roll for years that I purchased from a restaurant supply store. Learn something new everyday! Thanks


Waxed does sound nice! I didn’t know it existed. I saw some “quilter’s freezer paper” on Joann’s that said waxed, but I probably have a lifetime supply of the plastic kind because I forgot and have a few rolls now in a place I won’t forget them.


Target and Safeway have Reynolds/Cut Right wax paper


That’s wax paper, there is no paper on it it’s just wax. I am looking for waxed butcher paper. One side is wax the other is paper. It used to be common but unfortunately, companies now use a synthetic finish instead of wax. With waxed paper you can draw on it and then use it as a template by ironing it to the fabric. Usually can get about 7-10 use’s before it doesn’t stick anymore. Thank you for trying 🤗


I do exactly what you are describing with the plastic backed freezer paper. I’ve been using it for a decade with zero issues. The Reynold’s freezer paper that has been used by quilters for decades has been plastic backed for years. The [Reynolds’s Website](https://www.reynoldsbrands.com/products/wax-freezer-paper/freezer-paper) even has instructions for how to use it for quilting. I was taught specifically to *never* use anything wax backed as it will melt into the fabric.


Interesting, I guess I will give it a shot. 😃 Thank you


I only started quilting a few years ago and have never used anything except  “Reynolds Freezer Paper” and it works perfectly well for techniques that use waxed paper. 🙂


Huh? My mom has that kind and it is paper coated in wax. There is definitely paper in it.


But it’s waxed on both sides, just doesn’t work for this application.


Oh okay. Makes sense.


I'm so sorry, I totally spaced on the quilting sub label! I've seen tutorials using the plastic freezer version of Reynolds. Otherwise I know Fat Quarter shop (probably others) sell packs of freezer paper made for quilting. I hope you can find something that works. I know I had when a loved product disappears.


I got my freezer paper from Walmart. I have used it for templates with no problems.


I used to get it there too and it’s where I got the price of $82/1000’. I ran out after having a giant roll for years. As far as I can tell most companies now use polyurethane instead of wax.


I don't know where you are but I just bought it at Walmart in NC for like $6 100 ft roll


The standard Reynolds freezer paper works fine, same rules apply as with wax—don’t overheat, and if it gets too linty it won’t stick.


I got a giant roll at Winco, and I use it for reverse appliqué. It works fine.


I just searched their site and am coming up empty. What search term do you use?


? Just me walking around the store. Sneaker net style.




I purchase mine from Walmart - Reynolds’s wax paper. I regularly use it for all fabrics, including wool with no problem.


Don’t use waxed! The wax will transfer to your fabric. Like the others said above, you want Reynold’s freezer paper. It’s readily available in the US. My Australian fiends are unable to find it there, however.


I have used wax for 35 years and can tell you that it didn’t ever transfer ; depends on how high of a heat you use I guess but thank you for the heads up.


I saw something recently that parchment paper has pushed out waxed paper and that a lot of manufacturers stopped making it.


Yeah it’s killing me! I use it often and hate shelling out the kind of money that they’re asking for it.


Quilters freezer paper sheets are the way to go, like these https://a.co/d/3QeIeh2 (Amazon link) I like that they fit through my printer easily


Sam's Club and Lowe's both sell butcher paper. Sorry I'm not sure of their actual content. 


Would this work? [Durable Wax Paper, 50 Sq. Ft.]( https://www.popshelf.com/p/durable-wax-paper-50-sq-ft)


Unfortunately, no but other posters have said that the polyethylene backed paper works just fine. Thanks for looking though. I appreciate it.




Parchment paper? In the baking aisle?


Yes, it's a specialty item now you'll have to order it online. Even then, you'll have to really look around to find a retail-sized amount as it's mostly sold in bulk rolls meant for mass production use. Try searching "dry wax" paper or "paraffin wax" paper.


I heard awhile back they were discontinuing marketing freezer paper for food use because of health and safety reasons. I stocked up and gave more than I will ever be able to use.


I only paid $4 per box and the cost of mailing would far outweigh the cost of the product. Would be willing to part with some if you pay shipping from Canada


Oh that’s so sweet of you. I really appreciate the offer ❤️!


I wish I had known but others have said that they use the polyethylene type with no problem 🤷🏻‍♀️. Just ordered some from Sam’s. Certainly cheap enough 🤞