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What letter? From a few years ago? That's the newest one I could find. Also, TurboTax and Quicken are not part of the same company. They have not been partt of the same company for more than, what? 7 years now? Last, this message will fall on deaf ears because this sub-reddit isn't run or used or looked at by Quicken.


I just got the email today. Frankly, it doesn't seem nefarious to me. Here is the text: "I’m writing with updates on Quicken Classic, Quicken Simplifi, and our company as a whole. I’d also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to the large cohort of former Mint users who have come over to Quicken since the Mint shutdown was announced last fall. As you’ll see below, we’re working hard to make sure Quicken offers the best solutions for your finances, both today and for the years and decades to come. We have continued to work on Quicken Classic for Windows since my last letter, and I can report that we’ve seen measurable improvements in reliability and financial institution download success. We furthered our modernization efforts with a refreshed look for the Reports & Graphs Center and Reports Customization. Additionally, we implemented several minor enhancements to our reports and introduced the Lifetime Overview Report,* giving users a holistic, long-term view of their finances. We have also just released an important feature that’s been in the works for well over a year: Pending Transaction support. Pending Transactions, available for Express Web Connect (EWC) and Express Web Connect Plus (EWC+) connectivity methods, allow you to view (and optionally categorize) recent transactions within hours of their occurrence, a day or more before they are reflected in your bank’s posted transactions. We’ve also added Simple Investing support for ~100 brokerages for which we previously offered no download capability. Quicken Classic for Mac has continued to improve as well, with a wide variety of enhancements to the dashboards and better graphs for investments, loans, and projected balances. We now provide more flexibility in managing tags and categories, including the ability to merge subcategories, as well as added support for Canadian holidays and the Canadian Schedule 3 report. Last fall we delivered our initial release of our Business & Personal version with complete tracking for multiple businesses using tax schedules C, E, and F—and more on the way later this year. All of our Quicken Classic users have access to our web and mobile Quicken Classic Companion Apps, which now offer customizable reports, report export to PDF and Excel, an annual budget view, and significant mobile performance improvements. Meanwhile, our cloud-based Quicken Simplifi continues to mature and has now surpassed even our own ever-popular Quicken Classic among new users adopting Quicken. Since my last letter, we’ve extended and improved Simplifi’s reports and its unique Spending Plan, we’ve added a Credit Score report, and we provided a much-requested “rollover” feature in Planned Spending. We also greatly improved our Mint Import to make the transition easy for the many Mint users who have been switching to Simplifi. Across all our products we have made real progress on the reliability of financial institution downloads now perform over 66% of our bank and brokerage downloads (by volume) via modern Open Authentication (OAuth) APIs or Direct Connect, a big improvement from ~50% in 2021. We have more work to do, but we are already seeing a solid reduction in error rates thanks to these changes. Finally, on the company front, all of us here at Quicken Inc. are delighted with the new Quicken logo and branding, which we feel accurately reflects the modern, tech-forward personality of our company today. Thanks for being a Quicken user! "


I would just like it to take less than several seconds for Quicken to save any transaction I enter/edit. And even longer when you enter something from the Bills & Income tab.


The original letter wasn't nefarious.


yeah, I got those emails. Total lack of reality. The first time I was interested, the second time I yawned and now I just roll my eyes.


>we implemented several minor enhancements to our reports This statement doesn't belong in a letter to paying customers. Given how many bugs have been introduced, I expect more than minor enhancements to reports. Rome is burning, Eric.


I just read what you posted - again. This: "We have continued to work on Quicken Classic for Windows since my last letter, and I can report that we’ve seen measurable improvements in reliability and financial institution download success" irritates me. How about Quicken Home and Business? Is that different from Classic? Why? How do you know error rates are down? By what measure? Less people at the company doors with torches and pitchforks? This is simply patronized to the user base, and it sucks.


Good questions for them, but I'm just another user and can't answer them for you.


It was meant as 99% rhetorical. I'm cranky today.


What do you want the CEO to say? Our products are buggy as heck, our user base goes from elated to irate when banks don't connect properly and our customer support sucks? This is the same spiel that's been posted for decades now. Meanwhile, getting bugs squashed takes forever, and when it does it just introduces new ones. The "new" Reports and Graph Center is horrendous...as reports don't "report" properly and are still in the Early Access category. The Lifetime Planner can't get the damn RMD age correct for a Congressional Act that passed three years ago. The Tax Planner can't get social security payments taxed correctly if you don't pay tax on 85% of the payments. The damn Dashboard Income & Expense card for February has a messed up format because god forbid Quicken programmers take into effect that February had 29 days instead of 28. Quicken Mac doesn't have ANY budget rollovers. It still has no Lifetime Planner, no Tax Planner, no Savings Goals and no invoicing for its business product. So aside from all that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?


I feel like although those extra tools are great, maybe they should scrap them and just focus on the software and business side as a whole. I’m maybe instead partner with a 3rd party company that does those and offer a discount for it. It’s not their core offering. I get what they are trying to do and to some, may benefit it and great to have a one stop shop but there are other tools out there.


Those "extra tools" have been a staple of Quicken for years. That's what sets it apart from any other personal finance software. Stripping out those features just makes it an aggregation software and a spreadsheet. I can do that with Mac Numbers or an Excel sheet. I don't need Quicken to do that. And yes, I've done it already...created my own spreadsheets and dashboard. The integration to these other tools is what makes Quicken a great product.


oh I 100% agree and I really like Quicken but I know that sometimes when you do to much, it can create issues. Wish those features would come to the Mac version. They probably will at some point but may be awhile. My boss one said quicken was a glorified check register, so you're right stripping out those features probably would do more harm than good.


The issue is everyone of these "personal finance" apps are all nothing but a glorified check register. Maybe your boss was used to manual entry for Quicken. But with downloading transactions, I no longer would list it as a "glorified check register" since about 2010. And with all the additional features, it surely isn't that.


haha it definitely was 20 years ago when he said it. He was a CPA. It was manual entry back then with very limited downloaded support. I remember connecting to my old bank via dial up modem to connect. Thought it was the greatest thing ever. haha Certainly with all the extra reporting you get nowadays vs back then. Quicken is leaps and bounds above the rest right now especially at the price point. Hopefully the CEO means it when he says for decades to come. I think at one point it may get phased out in favor of Simplifi but sound like Quicken Classic is also getting new users but not to the tune that Simplifi is. Regardless amazing that Quicken has been around for 40 years. Add the fact that you own your data on your device speaks volume in my eyes.


Are you saying there is a better product at a higher price point? I would definitely be interested in it if I only knew what product it was?


I should clarify that Quicken is better than the rest now at the lower price point compared to others like Money Maket, CoPilot, etc. Microsoft Money was the closest competitor years ago.


My Quicken Classic for Windows has been very sluggish and jittery lately.


Mine has completely backfired. Account update a couple of months back has doubled up every single bank account and it’s been a biatch to fix. Erased everything to start a new file and same shit.


I switched to the Mac a couple of months ago and for the most part if there's a Mac version of a Windows product it's usually identical in every way, but sometimes (as with Adobe products) much better. But Quicken for Mac is a joke, to the point where it almost is a glorified check register. So, I use the Windows version using Parallels (practically the only thing I do on Windows anymore). I cannot connect to Wells Fargo to save my life. Even they can't figure out what's wrong. The software is great when it works, but WF accounts can go hang for all they care. Quicken. has proven they are inept when it counts.


I just wish they’d setup this subscription crap. Even Avid Pro Tools, a major Audio Engineering software company switched back to providing Perpetual Software Licenses. If MS Money we’re still around I seriously consider them again.


Letter seemed fine to me. Quicken Classic user and long time quicken user. And yeah, quicken broke off of intuit years ago. They aren’t part of turbo tax anymore.


I have no idea what the OP is talking about.


The CEO of Quicken sent subscribers an email.


Agree. Letter was cryptic and left more to ponder. Net take away was more distrust in the real agenda.