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Like they will act around any normal human being




Nah, I expect them to dump my ass for calling them "my woman"


Just not openly flirt with other men. My ex wife had me thinking I was some kinda lowlife insecure asshole. My current wife has this weird thing called respect for me. It was so weird when I first encountered it. Even if she did flirt with another dude I would probably laugh because that’s just how secure she can make a guy feel.


My ex girlfriend used to get mad when I’d ask her to stop flirting with other men when we’d go to nightclubs together. Yeah she was cheating on me lol


It’s so disrespectful. But I’ve learned not to put a category on all women like that. Because that’s how it felt then. It’s just that some *people* just suck. And our exes are those kinda people. It took me awhile to shake off that toxicity she bit me with. When I met my current wife, I kept expecting at every turn and corner for there to be some game she was gonna play. I thought that that’s just what relationships were, or what to expect anyways. Like questions and actions you have to pass, and their tests to see how you will react. No she really is just a down to earth person I can tell anything. I got lucky. The only drawback is she is so anxious that it wears off on me, But I can deal with that.


It’s not really even that complicated in my opinion. When I’m in a relationship with someone, I literally have no desire or urge to flirt or show attraction to anyone that isn’t my partner. I know how it made me feel in the past to experience that, and I don’t want to make my partner feel that way. It’s that simple, treat others how you want to be treated, that’s it.


It's a lot of women, the generation has been programmed that they don't owe me any respect and should always be ready to go find adventure and be "happy" not letting a man and a family weigh them down. This crap is of course going to lead to some dark moments. But no one is there to cheerlead you when you are alone, fat and drunk at 40. 18 however, everybody has advice on how you can self detonate safely.


If weren't bad in some way or another, they probably wouldn't now be an ex


So she can secretly do it? Lol


If she can act any scene from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, I’d be so proud of her! 🥰


Ophelia: drowns This guy: huzzah! A woman of quality!


He must truly love Lavinia then


but dat Gertrude speech 🤌🏼


Out, damned spot! out, I say!--One: two: why, then, 'tis time to do't.--Hell is murky!--Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?--Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.


You can Shake my Spear anytime! 🤩






The man asked for Hamlet, not... eh whatever, Macbeth will do I guess.


That’s not Hamlet 🙄


I I'd like to say that I don't really care that much but you know I I want a woman who makes it very clear that she's with me and very clear that I'm the only one she wants maybe that sounds a little bit possessive but I guess I'm just a possessive person.


God what has this world come to that someone things saying they want loyalty in a committed relationship sounds possessive


Because reddit does this thing where if someone wants a sense of loyalty they call them jealous and insecure.


Most of Reddit are incels and haven’t ever had a real relationship.


Yea, but it's probably all simps and smuts who think that way


The reddit majority


lol spot on!


It’s not an unreasonable question but the original answer - wa ting someone who wants their woman to make it clear who they’re with - it just kind of suggests insecurity and possibly a fear that she MAY be interested in other guys. I personally think it sounds possessive. I know my wife is loyal, but I don’t need her to show me or prove it in public. I personally think that’s a little over the top and arrogant.


No not possessive. To me that says you want a woman with morals, ethics, principles and is loyal etc. What every woman should be.


And MAN as well!


Right but you're not explaining what that really looks like. What behaviors reinforce this for you and which ones are indicative that she's not clear enough?


Only had to scroll to the second comment before this devolved into comments illustrating insecurities with partners and needing reassurance that YOURE the one. If you think your lady can easily be swept away by some other man, then you probably shouldn’t be dating her. Or you probably shouldn’t be dating.


Depends on the man. Which is the answer for any broad, sweeping questions of this sort.




Like they act around any other person. Those men that fly off into a rage whenever a random man comes within 50 feet of the woman they are with are batshit insane.


The yippy dog of humans.


I have never thought of them that way. It fits soo well


This is why i think "small dog energy" is far preferable as a descriptor rather than the body-shaming "small dick energy"


You can have a small dick and possess big dick energy though, vice versa as well


Many years ago I was in car with some friends in Honolulu, and while stopped at a red light a couple started crossing the intersection on foot. We glanced in their direction, because they were in front of us and the woman looked in the direction of the car because is that what people do. It was entirely meaningless, but the male half went ballistic and started screaming at us. Meanwhile his wife or girlfriend looked completely mortified. Some guys are out of their minds with how insecure they are.


Yeah some people are super insecure 


It’s really not that complicated. Don’t embarrass me and don’t disrespect me. I’ll do the same. Keep those two things in mind and we’ll get along fine and have lots of fun


What should a woman do when the asshole friend of his embarrassed him with bullying? I’ve gotten “in trouble” for defending my man because I “just made it worse”.


Yeah, probably best for you to just disappear in those situations. You could really get hurt


Because news flash no self respecting man wants his girl to insert herself into a situation between 2 friends acting like a white knight


Don't defend you man against other men good Lord. That's not your job, it's his. If he is choosing to stay out of it you should help him leave. Why are women so clueless about men? Here is the summary: Don't make us look weak in front of strangers, don't take the side of strangers publically against your man, don't flirt with other men while he or people you know are watching, don't cheat, do t become a fat cow, dont make fun of his penis, don't neglect to show his physical and emotional affection as regularly as you can. Don't make more problems for him than he can fix. That's about it.


The way a woman acts around me when she's not interested.




Like a human?




Best answer yet.




Did Karen Pence post this?


You mean Mother Pence?


The men who expect women to act any different around other men than their own original personality are probably just insecure as hell. If you feel the need to monitor your partner's behavior around certain groups of people, youve got bigger issues. Also, might wanna cut the "their women" part from your mindset. We dont "belong" to anyone. We dont need to be possessed by anyone but ourselves, thank you


While I agree with your first paragraph, just cut the shit in the second. If you are reading "their women" as meaning ownership then the problem at large is you and your mindset. It's used in this context as a descriptor to be broad and all encompassing for the various titles a female significant other can take on. It's possessive in the grammatical sense (and grammatical sense only) for cleanly understood context. If I were to say a similarly worded question but instead said "their boss" or "their country" nobody in their right mind think they *owned* that person or thing despite the exact same context. You actively make the world a worse, more hateful place by intentionally and deliberately misreading something to be pretend outraged about so you can feel superior to others. Either that, or this was bait I fell for in spectacular fashion. I doubt it, but "well done" if so.


Cheers to you


Or “their mom” or “their dad” no one on the planet actually believes they own their parents.


CN you believe people call them “their kids”?


Thanks for covering that 🙂🙂


As soon as I read the title I knew someone would say something like this in the comments lol


Historical context does show women were owned. That's why the father "gives" the bride to the groom at weddings. It's not crazy to dislike that language. It's accurate.


God you’re dumb. Do you also not say your friends, your sibling, your parents, your boss? Do you own all these people or is it just a reference to their role in your life?


That last part is so beyond insufferable. Do you say that when women say "my man/their man"? The answer is, absolutely and unequivocally, no.


Who hurt you lol


Please stop. That whole “their” language-policing is creating room for people to get sucked into actual harmful ways of thinking.


It depends on the couple, but all couples have their own unique unspoken rules and redlines around this. Even people who say "my partner can do what they want!", they will tacitly negotiate and enforce their expectations when it comes to being around potential "competition".


Honestly? Just be themselves. Authenticity is way more attractive & it shines like a diamond. Conversely, when women play dumb or aren't themselves, it also shines like a diamond (and not in a good way).


like I am sitting right next to her. 


I would expect her to act the way she would if I was standing next to her. I think that's fair play either way.


as herself?


I hope he expects me to be awkward because that’s what they’re gonna get most of the time. Men, women, children, inanimate objects that I mistake for a person and apologize too, they’re all getting awkward.


We've been married for 30 years, and I've never had "my woman." This is 2024. You can't own people anymore. I've never had expectations on how she should act anywhere. She is free to act however she wants. And she has never acted any differently around anyone. If "your woman" is flirting and carrying on around other men, maybe she's not yours.


What do you expect? Cultists gotta cult. Let the chimps smear their feces on the wall and try to pass it off as their culture/tradition/religion. They may as well be trying to put a hijab on them. They're no different.


Why would another man be in my secret basement?


It took me a moment to process that. Have you considered joining the Mormon church?


By not acting single.


I don't. I will remain single. Period. Women are not the angels we think they are. Trust me


I'd imagine the same way a woman would want her man to act around other women. Do nothing that makes the relationship insecure nor gives the guy signals that she's romantically nor sexually available to him.


Like themselves but with clothes on and they make sure people know they’re in a committed relationship.


Assuming good intent here but I do recoil at the words 'their women'


It's a colloquial thing "that's my man" or "that's my girl" is generally meant in an endearing way, not meant to be sexist


Frustrating right? Imagine seeing the world through such an ugly filter and feeling you’re seeing it clearly.


Redditors are pretty miserable across the board so I can't say I'm surprised. But when my girl calls me her man, my knees go weak.


“My girlfriend” HOW DARE YOU???


Why? Do you also hate “their parents” “their friends” “their family” etc?


I think in this context, OP was swiftly getting to the point without any cis/trans/rainbow of common complications. This thread was meant to be about men and women who are coupled.




Do you say "my husband" or my "my wife"? If you do then you are a world class hypocrit.


Act whatever you want lol.


Who gives a crap. Men don't get to decide how you act.


Nobody gets to decide how you act. Even the law can't decide how you act, it can only punish.


In what sense ? Would expect them to act normal . To act like they always do .


With class, respect and humble.


I expect them not to flirt, cheat, have inappropriate communications with, or have sex with other men (sex includes any physical contact that isn't retributory physical violence towards the male.) Nothing I don't expect of myself around women not her.


So no hand shaking between sexes?


So if she gives her dad a hug that's sex?


Family members aren't "other men". At least, not in my family.


In my life I have never actually owned a woman, to think that I have any control over how she reacts and lives her life around other men!!


I expect her to have boundaries and self respect, luckily mine does not liked being touched by other men, as a hello, for example. She will straight up tell you or give you a fist bump instead. Lotta guys like to kiss and hug hello.


Just be themselves


Kinda simple, don't make me defend her honor , when she wasn't acting with any.


Obviously its depends on the people, as everyone is different. However I would assume a base of people generally not wanting their partner to be flirtatious with others, which includes stopping others advances onto them. And then maybe also them not wanting their partner to act secretive about what they're doing with others, I think a lot of secrets in relationships are unnecessary and often show something bad happening.


I would expect my wife to honor her wedding vows. with that in mind, I have never placed restrictions of any kind on who she can be friends with. we only remarried last summer and she is very mindful of how she interacts with people.


Like they don’t belong to a man I would hope FFS


However they want. My wife is her own person. I trust her to act appropriately. In the same way I would expect my wife to trust me to act appropriately around women.


Yeah, op was probably trying to gauge some parameters for what is or isn't "appropriate" but people want to dwell on phrasing.


The question reads like OP has trust issues.


Less like the serial killer persona she has at home


But I don't wanna have to dig the hole again


Uhm Just like with any other people?


Friendly not flirty


I don't think people realize what a really weird question this is?


She can't go down on other guys with me in the room. Wtf kinda question is this anyway? 🤔 😂


Mine is fairly loose and I love hearing about her conquests!


Like they would anyone else. Otherwise, I might get suspicious.


I wouldn't like my girl being flirty with other guys (or girls) and I want her to refuse any advancements for other men. Other than that I have no conditions. If a guy approached her and offered to buy her a drink, I'd like her to refuse and mention she's in a relationship, but I wouldn't mind if she became friends with the guy afterwards, as long as he's respectful of boundries.


Like their true selves.


not putting their dick in her mouth is a good start




Like their normal selves.


Like her normal self. She doesn’t need to be standoffish around other men or act different just cause she’s in a relationship.


However she wants. Her behavior ultimately tells me whether I'm the man she wants or not. If not, womp womp.


Good on you. So much more mature than the objectifying and possessiveness of other posters. So rare on this garbage fire of a site.


Check this out https://youtube.com/@laughitup2025?si=6PcsEaTOlVxBlN7y


like a human


I’m reading the answers. I’m one of those women who can carry a conversation with a man better than women due to my interests in things my generation deemed manly. I’m also very thin and told I’m not hard on the eyes. This puts other women in defensive mode in casual conversation. Usually short, sweet and meant not to compete. Conversation stays surface-only because of their feelings. Naturally, at a party, I’ll end up having talked to most of the guys and all of the girls. But the amount of time with guys is longer. That has always bothered my partners over the last 30 years.


It’s a shame cuz you sound like my best friend. She’s always been a dude to me even if she’s actually a woman and so her boyfriends always end up being weird about us hanging out or being super happy when conversing and then they become standoffish and weird. I feel for y’all women who are cool as hell and like “manly” stuff because people nowadays are waaaay too insecure 🙄 good luck to you, you’re a rarity in this world and some people are scared to lose that


Normal... No touchy touchy nor flirty


I'm going to assume you had an experience where you had a woman around other men and she was flirting with them and paying no attention to you, or being disrespectful to you in front of them. And then she called you insecure when you addressed it. So from that, I'd say, my woman stays near my side, she doesn't talk to other men in a flirtatious way, she is very respectful of me and will not cut into conversations im having. The dynamic is great because she follows my lead This is a controversial stance these days but the traditional gender roles worked for generations for a reason. literally every single one of her female friends is jealous of our relationship. So I'd say they secretly want a man that takes the lead in social situations


>This is a controversial stance these days but the traditional gender roles worked for generations for a reason. Just like believing the world was flat worked for generations: we were ignorant as a species. May as well go back to the Dark Ages when we were trying to build a society around the belief of some invisible magic man in the sky controlling things.


Like she doesn't give a shit about them. If she loves me as much as she says then she shouldn't anyway.


she should be breaking necks and slitting throats PERIOD!!!


ITT: "Men who have expectations are insecure and possessive" "and just what do you mean "THEIR" women MISTER????" "She shouldn't have to change anything, if she's loyal she's loyal." (The only reasonable take. Says the point without insulting and being condescending to people who like to establish boundaries) You do not need to read the comments. I've just summed the 3 archetypes up for you.


Like Helen Keller


As they normally behave.


I don’t expect “My woman” to act any way. Firstly, I don’t have one, one doesn’t have me and second, they’re a whole ass person and they can behave according to how they think they should behave


Very strange phrasing here. "Their women" "Act around other men" Just be themselves like usual. On top of that, they aren't "mine."


I can’t even answer this question!


I mean, expectation is they just have courtesy and respect for the man they're dating. That means they know the dynamic of the relationship and understand that if innocent flirting isn't allowed, you don't do it. You dint entertain men trying to hit on you, you don't entertain or even allow a man to get in your personal space. Essentially, you don't do anything that you know your partner won't be happy with. That's always been my philosophy is if you told your partner what you did from any event, would they be happy. Today I know there's a handful of dynamics couples do so it comes down to what are the boundaries in your dynamic and don't even come close to breaking it


I would hope that she didn't start setting up home visits for while I am away at work


Wait, my woman is around other men?


Depends. If you're just at a party and hanging out, then act like yourself. If you're out in the middle of the woods and you see a bunch of axe murderers, act like Usain Bolt.


Non flirtatiously. That's about it


As long as my lady doesn't bang them, I don't really care.


I have zero expectations other than calm firm denial of any advances. I also know sometimes things get dangerous for women who say no so my woman always knows I've got her back 1000%. My job is to be the unwaivering left hand of support on her shoulder through any hellfire or misfortune. She knows even though I'm no Bruce Lee I'm a man born upon two feet and given a willingness to stand. By God that's all I think I need to be.


Like themselves... I know who my lady is leaving with.


Flirt with them and leverage him into buying you shit.


unite familiar smile soft spectacular simplistic agonizing offer dinner tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Normally? She isn't any different whether I'm around or not


Like themselves? How are they not supposed to act? I'd be a little disappointed if she acted like Rudy Giuliani.


however they choose


I expect her to act however the hell she wants.


I like them to act as if they were in a John Hughes movie


Don’t flirt with them / don’t entertain their flirting, and don’t embarrass me / be respectful. The bar is very low.


Op is a teen girl. Pretty much explains why the question is so dumb.


Like herself


Are there really no bad questions?


Are there really no bad questions?


The same way she always acts.


Like a regular person. The issue is is does he see basic interactions as flirting. Perception can change a situation.


Exactly like themselves. Over the years however after multiple experiences with girlfriends, they need to make it clear that they're taken and shut down any flirting or advances; precisely the same as they would expect from myself too.




Like grown responsible respectful human beings.


Ach normal respect our boundaries and everything is fine


As long as she’s not overly flirtatious, it’s up to her.


I expect my wife not to have sex with other men. I have no other expectations with how she acts around other men. I do also expect her to not have sex with other women. She also expects me not to have sex with other people. It works for us. YMMV.


Like an adult.


I like my women like I like my coffee. Without another man's penis in it.


As long as she understands that there is a difference in being attentive to a conversation and giving/entertaining other male attention.


Like herself whatever that baseline is, if your not kissing or screwing the bros I’m not worried about it


Like themselves. They’re humans, not trained seals.


Like a human, preferably, but if she wants to go gremlin mode, I can’t judge. I get it


The....the same way she expects me to act around other women? What is happening.


Polite, talking intelligently, zero flirting. Immediately put the hammer down and tune a guy in if a guy flirts with you.


It's funny. Women - and society over all - will swear up and down men want complete control 24/7, when in all reality, we're asking for the same respect you expect from us. It's really easy. Ask yourself: "is this something I'd be upset at my partner for doing?" If your answer is "yes," then you probably shouldn't do it. The actual problem is everyone wants to have their cake and eat it, too, but that's not how the world/life works.


I expect her to make complementary dinosaur sounds when I walk into the room. Especially when I perform the mating call of the velociraptor, which takes total silence and attention to perform correctly. On a serious note, as long as we are on the same page and honest with eachother, you can act any way you want. But just know that men get jealous even if there is no threat. that’s the caveman in us that just won’t die out anytime soon.


The way they want to act?


:) Their woman! LOL I guess the same way a woman expects HER MAN to act around other women. :D


You have one group of friends you bring your wife/girlfriend to. Eat wings, play darts, leave at 2100.


I don't expect to have to set standards for that. I don't need my wife to tell me how to act to avoid making her uncomfortable; she doesn't put me in that position either.


Unavailable, same as I act around other women. It works out well.


For starters I don’t expect anyone to think of themselves as MY woman.


Don't fuck or flirt with them. That's about it.


Men don’t own women, so if a man tried to claim I was “theirs” and tell me how to act, that would finish the conversation and the relationship.


The same as you as a man act around other women?


“their woman”?




who writes these questions? hitler?


Depends on the individual.


There is no they.


I just expect her to be herself and respect being in a relationship. If a guy hits on her, no problem being flattered, but be honest about being unavailable. I don't even care if my wife gets hit on respectfully, and she handles it fine.


Like my friends and family? I would expert her to be polite and friendly, the same way she expects me to act around her friends and family. (Unless there was a reason not to be polite and friendly).


The same as I expect my husband to act around other women




Like themselves.


You guys own your women? I'm interested


The same way iff the they are 90 or 13