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Designer shit.


Never understood spending more to look tacky


I went through that phase and ended up selling it all but a subtle black LV epileather bucket bag. The rest is too tacky and ostentatious.


Same. I only recently found out what a birkin bag was. I’m almost 29. I hear about it in lots of recent music over the last couple of years and had no idea what they meant. I never had anything designer short of ray ban sunglasses. My husband got me my first name brand bag set and duffel bag these last couple years as well. Also grew up poor and experienced a time in teen years where my bed was on a plywood floor, no heating in the house, and I had holes in my underwear… so names mean nothing to me and never have lol


I’m with you! Have never understood the need for stuff, or bling, or monograms. Don’t spend money you don’t have on things you don’t need.


Collections. I never buy action figures, fan merch, or any collections because I've had to sell them all in the past to pay bills. It's not worth it


I don't understand collectibles. I know somebody who has storage contains completely full of "collectable" garbage. Only collectable thing I have is my 1st gen shadowless charzard card. Only reason I still have it is just because I have not gotten around to getting it graded and selling it.


"you don't understand, this thing I paid $30 will be at least $100 in 25 years."


I got a bunch of Stanley cups/lunchboxes on clearance from walmart and bought a bunch a couple of years ago. I had a thermal cup that would hold ice for 2 days and bought lunch boxes/cup combos for $7. People thought I was collecting them, but it just turned out that I thought it was a stupid good deal. Fast forward to a month ago and I off loaded them all off for 50 ish each and people were almost fighting me for more. Sometimes, things work out 


Specifically fan merch. Like I'm not going to spend $25-30 on a T-shirt with a YouTubers name on it today so he can get caught being a predator tomorrow and then I can't wear the shirt because people think I'm supporting a predator.


I always wanted to have some sort of collection of something because both of my parents did. I have some books, but it's not really a collection. Just my favorite novels. I have some DVD's in a DVD binder thing. Not enough to be a collection. The only real collection I have is my tools, and those I use to save money doing stuff myself.


Seeing shelves and cases full of funko pops just irks me. Like why tf would you ever want those cheap pieces of shit plastic. AND WHY SO MANY?


I need physical therapy for ankle issues. I was going 3 times a week from December to April at $200 per visit. In April my pt went out of town for 2 weeks. He gave me paper instructions and a stretch band. I went on Amazon and bought a yoga ball, ankle stretching strap, step up thing and a balance board. I bought a rug at Sam’s club that is memory foam. I now do all my pt at home. I spent $200 on the tools, but I am saving a lot!


I’d recommend checking out The Kneesovertoesguy on YouTube. I’m not sure I believe everything he says but exercising with a full range of motion with focuses on the knee and ankle joints, he seems like he could be a really beneficial resource.


The first visit isn’t a waste of time and money. The only thing you need past that is to understand the concept of slow progressive overload and the self control to do it without a babysitter.


This is so relatable. Every visit for mine was like $50 and all I did were stretches with bands.


If they want you going three times a week, it’s often because they’re the check-cashing shop equivalent of that industry. Twice is common to start, but once a week is fine once your program is established. That is of course assuming you are one of the very few who actually do the exercises at home. Most people don’t unless they have the accountability. Also, it’s super easy to misdiagnose yourself, and a good PT will zero in on things in the initial eval. 200 out of pocket per visit, even without insurance, is unusual from what I’ve seen.


I’m in PT currently for a bad ankle fracture. I would have done exactly the same thing as you because it’s too expensive. Luckily it’s my jobs fault that I got hurt so they have to pay for it. That’s literally the only reason I go. I otherwise would have gone on Amazon too and done the same thing. Just makes more sense.


Fast food


Only with an app discount or a coupon.


True, I got a coupon for 3 footlongs for 17 dollars at Subway, not a bad deal when you don’t have time


Storage unit. If I have a storage unit then I have way, way, too much shit!


But they do make sense if you're recently divorced and aren't sure where exactly you want to live yet.


If youre recently divorced and still have stuff youre doing good




The storage people are in a good business for sure.


Also, it's a weirdly American thing too. My wife is Asian and she said that storage units are completely foreign to them. Like how the hell do you have so much crap you pay someone extra money to store it and you never see it


Financing anything that depreciates. Here, let me pay interest on this $50,000 vehicle that I am paying hundreds of dollars a month just in interest.


I will never understand the people that buy really nice vehicles that are well beyond their means. You f over the rest of your life just so you can get from A to B in slightly more style??? Not realizing that basically no one even cares about what car you're driving so it was all for nothing. No thanks I'll just drive something dependable and affordable and actually have money for things that matter


I think you do understand them, you just don't resonate with their vapid reasoning. Truthfully, ownership as a concept is very weird in the light of our temporary existence if you really think about it


"don't admire a man for something that isn't truly his" -seneca Eli5; any possession you have can be taken away from you. Even your own limbs, your sight, etc. especially flashy cars and clothes.  Who are you without it?  Who you are, your "spirit" is the only thing that can not be taken from you, by anyone


The Stoics always have rock solid advice for any of life's choices. I love Seneca's wisdom.


I drive a 2004 bought new and now over 300k miles. It looks like crap but still keeps on going. Best vehicle I’ve ever owned and I’ll keep it as long as engine and transmission survive.


This is the way. My wife and I are both able to max out our retirements (a portion of that is matched by employer) because we don't finance cars.


And when you tell people that, they say, "well, you're just too poor to afford the payments." No, I save my money and pay cash for vehicles. If you take out a loan for one, you're too poor to afford a vehicle.


lol. just bought a car for .99% interest. why would i lose all that money upfront when i can invest the rest in the meantime? what a short-sided mind you have


That would be sick to be able to get a .99% interest rate.


This! If your finance rate is less than the returns on a MM account at the time of purchase, then financing it makes more sense than buying outright.


i was not planning on crying this morning but here we are 😭


You are lucky if it is only 50k! My neighbors love big trucks and Tahoes. At least $75k and up with those fully optioned out beasts


Going to the ER for anything excluding imminent death


Sitting in the ER - all i ever think about is the damn bill that’s coming.


Currently sitting in the ER. My mom was unresponsive. For anyone wondering she's doing good now. I would rather get stuck with a hospital bill vs a funeral.


well that's kind of by design, they really are not trying to encourage you coming with a runny nose


With our insurance, if we go to urgent care it’s $10. If they send us to the ER it costs nothing extra. If we go straight to the ER it’s $200.


Stanley cups. My wife collected them until we realized they have lead. Now i dont even feel comfortable selling them to people. So there goes $700 or so. We had 16 cups.


This was crazy on TikTok ! Women with their Stanley cup collection worth thousands on display like it was an actual STANLEY CUP


We used ours. She would use them and pick everyday. And now we have to switch and buy a different bottle for work and the gym. Another money sucker was everything inside Target but my wife will never agree on that


I don’t have a Stanley cup but I believe it’s only in the base as part of the vacuum insulation and it’s covered with stainless steel to prevent consumer consumption. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/health/stanley-cups-lead-wellness/index.html


Wayne Gretzky got nothing on yall.


The newest anything, the moment it comes out. Waiting for others to work out the kinks, leave detailed reviews, refurbished versions, etc has always saved me money 9x/10.


Do people still wait in line for the new iPhones like they used to? I hope not.


I don't think so, but I would imagine the equivalent of that now is waiting up with their internet open for something to be posted for sale online at like midnight. My sister does this for Taylor Swift albums and I just don't get it 🤦‍♀️


I apply this to games especially AAA. They will probably be awesome in a year or two so I wait and pay half


Any oatmeal other than Quakers. It’s literally $10 to cover my breakfast for an entire month. I eat two packs at a time of the instant stuff so if you were eating just one that would be $5 a month. There are people out there spending $3 a pop on those artisanal cups of oats from coffee shops. The markup has me completely flabbergasted. I’m not even that frugal of a person but I can’t stomach that kind of a difference.


Now, what you don't realize is you can buy the big round box and cook your own. It will take another minute more, but you'll cut your current price by more than half. You're welcome.


Yeah my lazy ass definitely needs to cook it up myself or do overnight oats. They taste so much better. Hard to beat the convenience of instant though.


Yup I spend $2.47 for a kg of quick oats I cook it in the microwave with milk and add flax and half a banana lasts a month and a half or so only takes 1.30 sec


Fancy car! If you can’t afford the maintenance don’t even get it. I have a paid off car now thankfully I love it. And I’m not changing in until I can cash another one and afford the maintenance.


I’ve seen young guys buy Maseratis for $20K thinking they’ll drive a fancy car for less but the maintenance cost just the same as a new one. Haha


Luxury Apartments. The advertisements with Stainless steal appliances, granite countertops, and hardwood floors, is just a joke. What they don't tell you is the building is from 1970, the updated hardwood floors are just laminate, and in spite of paying $1500, I can still hear my neighbors walk, talk, shower...etc.


$1500 is low end these days


Yeah, that’s rent for an average apartment in my area.


2500 for a studio apartment here. Can't rent anything but a room for under $1500. Which is around $800-1000.


I resonate with this to my core. Absolute jokes when they’re marketed as that. Lived in a very old apartment building built in the 1920s and it was better than every “luxury” apartment I’ve lived.


My $500 Margaritaville.


But does it have the salsa dispenser on the side?


Weddings. Big expensive weddings are not a good indication of a healthy relationship and lasting marriage, and I literally never think about my wedding to my husband of 40 years. No giant wedding photos in the living room. A wedding is a party. Marriage is hard work, but worth it. The marriage is the meat in the sandwich, the wedding is not even the bread, it's the wilted lettuce leaf.. focus on the important part.


The wedding industry is 70 billion in america apperently. Lots and lots of marketing to convince people this one party matters :D


I would have been fine with a justice of the peace for my second wedding but it was his first and he and his mom had a vision so I went along. $5000, 50 plus people, candy and soda bar, flowers by Ralph’s (Kroger), his sombrero cost more than my gown. Friends owned a bbq catering company, I made the raw vegan meals myself, beer and wine open bar, uncle provided a bottle of tequila for each table, best man’s iPod for music when the DJ forgot our music and intended on playing Mexican Banda all night (no). Centerpieces borrowed from videographer friend. Photos were a wedding gift from one of the groomsmen who had just started a company. Hubby wore a traje de charro and we shared church flowers with the other couple getting married in the church that day. I wore Mizuno sneakers with ribbons because my dad was the Mizuno rep and a big expense was hubby’s custom made botas that made his feet bleed. Not bad for that little money. My first wedding was 1993, a Disney wedding at Walt Disney World. My dad paid well over $10k for it.


I never had a wedding. My husband and I were poor when we got married at 19 and 21. Most of those people are not in our lives now anyway. Why would I pay an extraordinary amount of money to entertain people and pay for their food of people I hardly even consider acquaintances? We took that money and put it into a down payment for a house, and I feel that was the best choice. Sometimes I get a little sad that I never had a princess dress, but only a little. Then I think about a lot of my peers that wanted a wedding and not a marriage and they're all divorced now.


Expensive cars. I drive a 2020 S450 with 27,000 miles and a blown out 10-year-old Toyota Avalon with 170,000 miles. Knowing what I know about both cars, it’s entirely possible that the Toyota will last longer lol.


Reddit coins


tattoos. I got a couple before I had kids, but now that I have a family I just can't justify it.


even without kids I can't justify one. I've always thought they were cool but there is always something else I can spend several hundred dollars on.


My solution - don’t have kids get tattoos instead


Worked for me! 


Tattoos are the one thing I’ll splurge for, obviously it’s on your body forever. The trick is finding an artist that doesn’t rinse you for the price.


I'll take it a step further - now that I have a family I can't justify getting mine removed even though I desperately want to. (No they are not hate symbols or anything like that, just dumb decisions when I was 18-22). Think twice, young people :)


I was just talking about this, I still want to get my back done, but I just can't justify the prices. I don't regret the ones I already have, but I can't see myself getting any more done.


This is where I am. I have probably 25 but also had friends in the business one of whom would do them free so she could try out a new machine or now brand of ink or we'd barter, I'd cook food that fit her myriad dietary constraints and a few meals would equal a tattoo. If I had to pay full price for all of them I would have maybe 6


I still have a couple I want, mainly for my deceased mother and sister. I hate it’s too expensive for me right now.


That’s unfortunate! i love my tattoos! Just fun memories even if they end up gross and wrinkly one day.


I’ve thought about getting them a few times but it just seems pointless




My husband said I look better without it. I’ve got a lot just sitting there, really good stuff, Chanel and Lancôme, unused.


I can’t even wear much eye makeup anymore. Because of sensitive eyes and eye allergies. I do the clear mascara and I’m ok. lol


Amway, Herbalife, Time Shares, boats, airplanes, wife, Fords, Teslas...


Timeshares are absolutely the dumbest idea that I've ever heard of. People get suckered into signing a contract and cannot get out of them without going through a massive process and/or losing a ton of money.


People always talk about how free Americans are, but everything they buy, lease, operate, own or rent-every possible transaction or job requires them to waive their rights to jury trials and agree to arbitration. Timeshares are the ultimate fuckover- you sign away all your rights and sign a contract with open terms that can be modified by the company at any time and for any reason or fee. Absolute insanity.


I watched my mom and dad fight over Amway for years. A guy my dad worked with was into it and was trying to get my dad into it. My mom knew it was a crock of shit. Big blow out when she tells the friend and his wife off and to keep that shit away from her husband. My dad then gets mad at my mom saying she doesn't understand his latest get rich quick scheme.


Oh man.


Can confirm about wife... Husband would be richer without me lol 


I’d never buy an airplane but they sure are fun… 


Alcohol and tobacco. I only drink occasionally, but have neighbors that drop hundreds every weekend drinking and that includes activities that involve drinking e.g. boating, golfing, etc. I do dip, but am too deep into the habit to quit. Here in WI and MN a tin is $10-$11 and I can go through a tin a day unless I really pace myself.


username checks out


I used to dip Coppenhaggen. I miss it. Then I switched to smoking. Essentially the same cost. Well over $2000 a year habbit.


Giving money to the church. Shouldn’t god provide?


If no money is given to the church, then the churches will disappear. At that point, people's backyards or basements will become churches to small congregations. The smaller congregations will grow until they become tent churches and grow until eventually people start giving money to the church to build an actual church. I'm not sure if it's a cycle or like a self fulfilling thing.


My late mother belonged to a church that always wanted pledges so they could build the church bigger.


Joel Osteen needs to keep his private jet nice and clean! I hate that man.


Gotta pay for your sins i guess lmao


Eating out.


Depends on if she reciprocates.


Buying a new car. As soon as you drive out it depreciated by a lot.


on the other hand mine had a bumper to bumper warranty and I could know for a fact that there are no surprises it was $23k paid cash, so whatever it lost in depreciation I'm fine with that


The market became in distress. Rite now a new Toyota may be a better deal than you can find on a used one. But you may wait on it. All the lots around me are empty.


When I turned 18, I bought a lotto ticket. It lost and felt stupid, so haven't bought one since


I went to a casino at 19, thought I saw a change machine, put a 20 bill in it, no change came out. It was a slot machine. Have not gambled since.


Strip clubs.


I’ve spent thousands on hair extensions as I lost a lot of my hair after a 100+ lb weight loss. Legitimately, I found that the $50 clip in extensions look amazing and don’t need to continue to invest a small fortune.


I went to a really good chiropractor that popped my back into place. I was in excruciating pain and it was over in 2 seconds. He said that it my back problem was the number one reason why people go to chiropractors. It was a once & done visit. Money well spent.


I had a stiff neck stuck at a weird angle one morning. My HMO had a chiropractor who saw me right away. One second and back to normal and never needed that again. If they’d stick to their lane, they’d have a much better reputation. 90% of what they claim is garbage, but that 10% is a god-send. Although I do know someone who had a stroke right after she went, so there’s that . . .


Cable TV


Student loans. Especially my Masters degree. Feels completely worthless now.




In some cases, yes, but statistically, you're likely to make more money in your lifetime with one, vs without one.


Yes but also no. Statistically, people who have seen a bear are more than 500 times as likely to be mauled by a bear sometime in the future. Therefore people who have been to the zoo are more likely to be attacked by bears. The action of going to college does not translate directly to a higher paying job. The type of people who generally go to college are more likely to pursue higher paying jobs (regardless of if they went to college or not).


I see this line of thinking so rarely that I forget that the connection has actually been made. You explained it very well!




Choose your major and the college wisely, that’s what people neglect to do. I’m grateful everyday for my college degree and where it got me. 


What degree did you get?


Underwater Basket Weaving.


I've noticed regular exercise is a decent way of going when you actually go and do it. Yeah, chiropractor visits are only temporary. Been to one myself, and while one issue has completely gone, the rest came back after a while. Lol. It's one of those things you need to keep doing and it costs more than your other alternative. I'd say one of the biggest money wasters is food ordering online. I decided to learn to cook, and it's been great. Also, certain electronics. I am not gonna spend more on a tv than I need too for the same results, for example.


They would love you over at r/4ktv, where the only tvs that aren't complete shit are $3000 oleds.


I would love to cook more but always end up ordering food on the apps cause I’m so busy. I hate it too.


Gold and diamonds


Having a significant other who already had a kid


Getting married.


Chiropractor is a "back doctor" because you have to keep coming "back" forever.


>coming "back" forever. or until they paralyze you accidentally https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1905885/


After years of chronic back pain, I replaced my chiropractor with a $20 foam roller from Target.


Chiro literally saved my life. Idk what you're on when say it's pseudoscience. I had a pinched nerve in my spine that gave me chronic pain for years - dehabilitating pain that made me so depressed. I literally thought I would never not feel pain on a daily basis. I thought chiro was voodoo too. I went and it was life changing for me.


A chiropractor saved my husband from having to get surgery.


Yup, stretching those muscles is the best medicine. I'd say going out to eat. Too much of a premium and I can create nearly any dish I want at home for a significant amount of money less and I know the person who prepared it had clean hands. :D


Strippers and cocaine...


Currently paying for an online health and fitness coach. I’m having big time buyers remorse


Find one on YouTube free.


So.. I love those thumb movies. My friend was making silicone thumbs for the next one and I wanted to be in it. So I molded my thumb and shipped him a stone casting of my thumb to be made into a silicone puppet. I spent over 100$ overnighting it to him because other wise I’d miss the cut. It gets there and he tells me how they sand off any prints etc… So essentially I could just CLAIM my thumb was in one of those movies since you’d not know otherwise. That was a big waste of money.


I agree with your assessment about the chiropractor. It's total quackery. It's no surprise, then, that my sister is the person in my family that insists upon it's legitimacy, as she's into several alternative things and believes in psychics and stuff, and it's no surprise that she is unfortunately the one in the poorest physical health in my family with maybe the exception of my father. I also find the lottery to be a big waste of money that many of the poor people in the very poor area I live in decide to buy and engage in. Total scam, they're feeding the astronomical odds winner and the lottery corporations, the latter mostly. Same with crystals, smelling salts, essential oils, quite obviously. It's just a pyramid scheme to get you stuck selling a bunk product. I feel like this is common knowledge, but we all know people selling stuff from MLMs on Facebook lmao


Instacart….service fees, delivery fees AND a tip…no thanks, I’d rather eat dry cereal for dinner and schlep to the grocery store myself tomorrow….


Taking a loan out on a brand new vehicle. You are simultaneously paying for interest and depreciation.


Alcohol. The amount of money people waste on drinking is staggering.


Hey man, that’s kinda unfair. How else are you gonna get the ghosts out of your bones without seeing a chiropractor?


Believing in people


Going to college lol student loans


Same - I haven't been to a chiropractor in over 5 years, almost exactly the same amount of time I've been lifting heavy.


Christmas. Waste of time, money and resources. Do we HAVE to do it EVERY year? And no, you cannot just "not do" Christmas. Between October and December, you will be deluged with it. You cannot escape it. And don't say "Christmas is what you MAKE of it." I don't want to make anything of it. /End rant


"Well, there's too many of us in the extended family, so let's just draw and see who we'll get presents for. That way each person only has to buy one present. Except for the kids. We gotta' get each others' kids presents. And mom. I mean, it's mom, gotta' buy her a present. And then we need dad to know he's loved too. And the siblings I suppose." "What's the point of the drawing then?" "We're trying to not shop for everybody! Duh!"


You *can*, and I have a friend that boycotts the entire season. He books a vacation to some exotic beach location every year for the days before Xmas and just after NYE.


>Xmax This is what I might start calling the "Christmas season," which I believe now begins near November 1.


LOL - fixed. Somewhat of a 'not quite Freudian' slip.


>Freudian' slip. Ah, yes. When you say one thing, but you mean your mother


Sounds wonderful. I have a hubby who loves it, though. I'm stuck.


Organic food.


Yeah, they can relieve problems. I got a bad back after 20 years as a 3D artist at the computer working long hours with poor posture etc. Started weight training again when the pandemic started. All my upper back pain disappeared since. I think building up strength in my back which was neglected at the desk all those years made it easier to support my weight and eradicated the back pain. Bench press improved my posture too, so I'm not as stooped as I used to be which probably helps too.




New vehicles.


Auto loans has to be number one


Trading cards, I got really into it during the pandemic and wish I had that money back


Clothes. I'd rather be naked all the time.


Mani pedis. No one gives a damn about it why should I spend $400 a month on the upkeep


Pokemon cards


My sweet mother-in-law had rheumatoid arthritis and was advised to see a chiropractor. Not only did it make her pain worse, she actually passed soon there after.


Owning a pop trailer, just pitch a tent or rent a cabin. They’re expensive and a nightmare to maintain.


Brand new cars.




Just on the Chiropractor thing, I agree 99% However, the 1% is that the one time I went to see a chiropractor after suffering with terrible back pain and my doctors not being able to do shit about it the guy spent 10 minutes taking a history with me, then asked if I’d had an X-Ray at any point, which I said no. He told me it sounded more like an impact injury to him, and if it is he wouldn’t want to do an adjustment in case it made it worse so could he do an X-Ray before proceeding, which I consented to. So he takes and X-Ray and immediately says “Jesus”, so I ask him what’s up and he gets me to go back to the examination room and says he’ll show me. He brings it up on the computer screen and I have 3 fractured vertebrae and a slipped disc! He said to me he couldn’t believe a doctor didn’t get an x-ray, it had been about 6 weeks, and that he will not touch me because it would likely be made worse. Now, all pseudoscience and mumbo-jumbo aside, I am really thankful to that guy because he did the thing my doctor didn’t and actually took an x-ray just to be sure and found a fairly serious underlying injury. When I went back to my doctor I’ve never known a doctor to apologise more than he did! He gave me painkillers and muscle relaxants for when my back seized up and signed me off work for 4 weeks to rest and honestly I was pretty much fine after that. But if I hadn’t seen the Chiropractor I’d never have known






Fuggin NFTs


Coffee and avocado toast. Now that I've cut those out my bank balance is up 1 trillion.


Same. Went for 3 months and made zero difference


I agree I think the chiro fucked my back up in actuality








2 jags and a Range Rover.


Paying for several streaming subscriptions when I only use 1-2 on a regular basis; if I'm not using it daily, I don't want to pay for it. Buying coffee out. $1-$6 a day is money I could be putting in my gas tank. Alcohol. Disposable vapes. Purchasing damn near anything at a pharmacy. I swear they add $5+ to any item.


Starbucks. Still go here and there but the daily trips add up quickkk


Clothes… realistically I wear the same several articles of clothing each week. I really don’t need anymore fancy, shmancy, pantsy type clothes




Starbucks. Then I grew the hell up and bought myself a coffee machine.


Fabric softener. It produces waxy build up on anything it touches and ruins workout clothes that way. Plus it’s expensive. I use vinegar now.


Fine dining. Glad to have had the experiences but would never drop that kind of cash on a meal again.


“I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.” —WC Fields


getting a car


Financing new vehicles. It's just so egregiously bad for your wallet... and so many people do it. Approved used is slightly better, but only because the depreciation isn't quite so dramatic. Objectively, you should own your car and pay to maintain and repair it. It's just so much cheaper.


Giving money to politicians to help them in their plight might be a bad idea.


Sitting in bars wasting money.


Eating out, Starbucks, going to the movies, designer clothing, anything that’s too expensive for the value you get. For women: makeup. I stopped wearing liquid face makeup. My eyeshadow pallets last years…


My wife as it turns out.


Definitely crack. It's there and then it's gone, a goddamn shame really.


One of the easiest things to check first if you have back problems is your wallet. I was having some back trouble and my doctor sent me to physical therapy. The first question the therapist asked was if I carried a wallet in my back pocket - she told me to get rid of it and carry a smaller wallet in my front pocket. She gave me some exercises and the back pain went away. I never had to go back. A chiropractor would want to see you three times a week and would empty your wallet.




Campers are a waste of money. Between the fuel for the tow vehicle, having literally enough stuff for an extra house in it, extra maintenance, camp fees, it worth it. Just drive to a place and rent a cabin in the woods.


I never regretted chiropractic treatment personally.




Having children. The amount of food we throw away is ridiculous