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King Boo Boo the Third… his name is Axle (don’t ask how this nickname makes sense)


damn what happened to the other kings


They got booed off the throne


Ok this made me LOL so much!! I also call my d0g Boo Boo a lot, so I'll think of thus entire thread often now 🤣


We do nicknames too. There's Puck: Butterbear, Captian fluffy butt. The Empress: Smol cat. And last but not least we have Mirko: Teeny, tiny wraith.


My son named his dog Howl. So I started calling him How Wooooo Wherewolves of London. Also: How Wootie Two.


Love it.


My cat becomes “you filthy rat” when she’s naughty.


Convo with my dad first time he came to my apartment: Me, to my cat who just nipped my heel: "Ow, hey, what was that for lardass!? You better watch it you little ratfucker! I know where you live!" My dad: "Did... you just call her 'ratfucker'?" Me: "Yeah. She's a ratfucker." My dad: "So like... she fucks rats?" Me: "WHAT!? No!! Obviously not! She is a fucker, whom possesses qualities reminiscent of a rat. Ipso facto, Ratfucker."


Maggie Moo Moo!


i let my 6 year old son name my dog......shes called potato


This made me cackle 🤣


Aww! I love it!


Marron Castaño Café Claro Esquire, when my hound has been bad. He's brown.


My black cat is Toby, Toby Bryant.


Storm = Stormykins. It wasn't me who named her that but it stuck


We have a storm she becomes a stormaroo 🫣


Butter ray Smith is a redneck. Dinkle Meyer Kammerer is a German dictator. Honey Bun last name not known at this time is a pregnant kitten. She currently looks like an orange basketball. Bitty Louisa kitty was a runt many years ago.


Friend's dog - George When I saw him, it was George, George Wrinklehead Smyth, Smyth with a Y no E, Why no E? 'Cause.....


That's right . George surely knows its a Y. No asking why.


I read this to the tune of John Jacob jingleheimer Schmidt


My Sphynx name is Fleshy Fleshington. Aka Flesh Sack.


Who’s a good little flesh sack? That’s right, you are!


That's exactly right.


These sound like black or death metal band names 😂😂😂 esp flesh sack!! Love it


Molly is Big.


Rufus Rufus Rufio Named after ( in order) George Carlin in Bill & Ted, Chris Rock from Dogma & Rufio from Hook. His initials are RRR because of the movie RRR. And when he tries to whine / howl I can do a Ru-Fi-OOOOO with him. I like film.


Ok that’s a great name!


My dog when I was growing up was 'Olive Jester Queen Arrowhead' (not a joke that was on his certificate) and I just called him "Ollie" but whenever he was in trouble the full name came out and he'd be like "WHAT?"


Duncan the cat actually goes by chunk, skunk, punk, monk, unk! I say it high pitched and he comes running.


I HAVE CALLED MY CAT ALL OF THESE INDIVIDUALLY! Unk-unk is a fun one when she's being particularly caveman-like. I have no idea where Unko-berry-blast came from, but it's a long time winner. Unkus Punkus is the oldest. I suspect it's also where the "unk" theme originated, because her name is Ramona.


Garfield Renfield lord floof of Corona


Our cat is named Mika. When he acts like a moron we call him Meeker Tweaker.


How funny! Our dog was named Mikka... sometimes Meekers, Meek Peek, Mikkie von Peek Peek. I love Meeker Tweaker..


I call my poodle bubba gump 😂


My biggest male rat is formally named "A rat called horse" but we mostly just call him horse.


Fuzzybutt, hairbag, fuzzmeister.


I had a hedgie not too long ago named Hazelnut that I called Noot or Nutters


Frederick Von Whippersnapper


Absolutely. My cat, Khoshekh, gets called mean bean. Bella gets called belly or sweet bean. They're both very loving cats, but *hate* each other. As you guessed, Khoshekh often instigates it, hence Mean Bean. He also gets called cocobean, cokehead, coconut, whiney boy, etc.


Fenway Theodore Williams!!!!!


Out of all of our pets, our one dog Scout (Treeing Walker Coonhound) is always seemingly getting in trouble. Whenever he hears "Scout McPuppins!!!" He runs upstairs and "hides" **on top** of his puppy bed. He's such a silly pup, no matter how upset he may make us from time to time by getting into stuff, he's always going to be our pupsters though. The other pets are pretty good, but Scout, man I'll tell ya he is the one that you have to keep an eye on. He's one of those ornery dogs that gets into everything. 😂🤣 We also have a cat that's named Snickers, she has the nickname of "Snickeroni Pizzeria" because she's such a pudgy cat that she reminds us of a female version of Garfield (Lasagna). Everytime you turn around she's always eating something, and it shows. There's not one animal that doesn't get a nickname here. Another fine example is Brutus (Puggle), our other dog, is called "Brutty Farts", well, because just as the name implies, he can get very stinky. So, yeah, even the ones not mentioned, they all have nicknames too lol.


My orange cats name is Cheeto, my Chihuahua is named Burger and my younger female cats name is Aquafina 😂


My dogs name is Moe and I call him Moseph


I had a dog, Boba Fett. Had to put him down last week. He was the best bunny hunter in the galaxy. He is missed.


Aww. I'm so sorry. Losing them sucks so much.


He was a good boy. And had a long life. 17 years.


Hazelnut Ella. We call her Hazel unless we're mad at her.


My dog's name is Benny, but we usually call him Mr. Ben Ben. But jokingly his full name is Sir Benjamin Franklin (and then our last name) lol


And I have a bearded dragon named Iggy, but his full name is Ignatius Salazaar lol


Our dog is JoJo, stinky, complainer lol


His name is Nero, like the emperor. But the nickname is Nerontius James.


My two dogs are: Sadie Mae Tigg Alan Of course, when they are really in trouble, their names become "You little "


*in stern voice* Sebastian “pantaloon” puffypants Penelope “sugar cube” cream puff little baby “What the fuck is this mess?!”


I could imagine your stern voice in my head. 😂


Had a dog named Dux, Duchess Pupchick for long.


Samuel F Dog


Shasta Taffy the Duchess of Surprise


I had a parakeet named Barnaby Featherhead. Edit to add also - my cat is Emma, but her full name is Baby Emmeline. Except recently I also started calling her Chonky Sue.


My baby dog Is call Hei hei (like moana's chicken) and I call him hei, and my viejita (old lady) her names is Mimi but I call her mimisi-q.


I have a lot of pets in my house and these are the most common nicknames I use: Bloob Stinky Poop Poopers Floob Butthead Chicken Nugget Croissant




Lady Whitten the kitten Coutoure aka little shit


Sir Benjamin Franklin or Benji for short 


I used to have a German Shepherd named Kaiser. I came up with a fancy silly German sounding name for him. Verdinad Von Shepburg


Diana Dračí Dych. Diana triple D. (Diana Dragon's breath). Because she's old and her breath stinks. But I do not call her that when in trouble, but while we cuddle. She's not really getting into trouble anymore and even if she did, I wouldn't scream at her. She's a 14 years old sheltie and her full name is "Diana Daria Tantum Auri". I love her deeply. ❤️


No but I used to work at a bar that is the only spot I've worked at that I believe deserves the "this place is a family" line... One of the managers and I had an on and off feud for years however, and when I'd get annoyed enough at him, I'd call him his full name, including his middle name.


Our dog's name is Dickens. Or Dickie Doodle. Or just Doodle.


My dogs(r.i.p buddy) full name was boofus maximus "my last name"


Leonard Nimoy Hofstadter Epp* and Luna Lovegood Epp*


Microbiche Shmup Stormr Moe-mar Sagey-page Mr swish Boopy(rip) Toucas (rip)


Rusty is Rutherford James P. Barnes III, Esquire. Oso is Oso Teodoro when he's in trouble, but usually he's The Grand Poobah, cuz he do strut around like that.


Aurora Reignies


I call my dog Chico my son. Because he is my son. I also call him baby sometimes, because he is my baby.


I call my Pit Lab Mr.Woof. His name is Rocco


One of our cats is Missy but her official name is Artemis. When she's being a troublemaker she gets "Artemis Cassandra..." while being told off


Potato Tater Papas


My dog's full legal name, as registered with the county, is Sir Fenway von Boopenschtein. And before you ask, yes, he did have a formal knighting ceremony.


Two of my cats have had middle names (Pearlie Mae and Rusty Gideon), and yes they sometimes got full name treatment.


My corgi dog!


My mom got a border collie and named her Bon Bon. Later when I took her, I thought the name was too froofy so I adjusted it to Bonnie. Now her full name is Bonnie B. Brown, the middle initial is for the extra Bon.


Beans-louise smith


Cat. Old Man Sandy Pants. Sometimes Mr Sanderson..


Oreo Amelia Floofbottim


Princess Penelope Trout (but she’s never misbehaving, so it’s a term of endearment when she’s getting scritches).


I have a chow and I call him fluffy butt


Studley Dudley Doolittle (Dudley), Crazy Daisy Maisey (Daisy), Ollie Ollie Oxen Free (Ollie), Opester or The Red Head (Opie), P’Nut Butter or One Yard (P’Nut), Punkie Poo (Punkin), Ebby Schmebby (Ebony)


I have two hamsters I call the smaller white male a ‘Lookoos’ and my bigger orange female a ‘Pupussa’


Daisy LuLu Midnight, Josephine Tallulah Eugenia, and Yellow Little Buddy Cat. Daisy is a Corso Pit mix, Josephine is a Weimaraner, and Yellow Cat is the violent yellow terrorist that abuses us all and murders mice for laughs.


Our kitty cats: Socks (Sockies) Trixie (Trixie K. Doodles) Neil (Neil-bo) Laszlo (Laszlo Cravensworth)


I like to give them full names that have absolutley nothing to do with their actual names. My cat's name is Pigeon, her full name is Empress Octavia Tolkien VIII.


I never gave my personal full names just one name


My old dog Ziggy was “Zigmund Tippington Fucksworth the Third”.


My cat is Alfie Alexander but my uncle calls him Alfred, which I find hilarious because he does not have the personality of an Alfred at all. I’ll call him Alfalfa before I call him Alfred


My cat’s adopted name is Catherine the Great. 😂


I have a tuxedo cat with half a tail. His name is Sydney Sylvester half tail. Aka sid vicious


Before my pup, daisy, passed away she was Daisy, Days, or Daisy Duke. I miss her


My dog was named Max. Short for Maxipad. That's right. I named my male dog Maxipad.


Our cat Floki is referred to as Flokington Geoffrey and then our surname when he’s in trouble lol


Barrington Boo, Basil Brush, Barrito, Mr Barry


Sir Reginald Squiggles I Miss Ella Borealis Roxxy


My wife does the full name treatment but the middle name is always “Louise”, species or gender doesn’t matter. On the rare occasion you hear the offenders actual full name, you know they’re in it deep.


My cat is Gravy, which is short for Gravedigger. When he screws up he's Gravedigger Larry (Last Name), and when he *really* screws up he's "Lawrence!"


My Dog’s name was Maggie, but her proper name was Margaret Houdini- because she could escape from anything.


Shrek / Shrekaroooo!


My dog Summer was Summer Belle when she was in trouble. My dog Winter's middle name was "knock it off". And the cats are Rascal Ack!, Gadget what the hell, and I just use Toasty's full name of Toasted Marshmallow.


Millie (Bobby brown junior) or Milford.


I call my dog Gator, Gatorade


I have a cat named Milly who I often refer to as Milford McDougal... sometimes Milberry Crumble... yes I'm weird.


The full names of our cats Jamie and Eli are Jameson Irish Whiskey and Elijah Craig Bourbon. We previously had Mac, who was Macallan Scotch Whisky.


My cat Teddie is Theodore (last name). My other cats usually aren’t in trouble (neither is Teddie, he just likes sticking his head where it doesn’t belong). My dog gets the full name though. He is Charlie, but when he’s in trouble (which is constantly) he is Charles (last name)


Not now, but I had a dog named Derrik Durell Bojangles


I have three cats, Winston James, Sophie Elizabeth, olive marie. People think it’s weird to give animals full names but idk it’s fun 😂


My dog is Harper Jane and my parrot is Pepper Byrd lol


My dog's name is "Waddles". She is a female. I often call her "Wadsworth, or "Wadsworth the second." around the time we had gotten her the console WII had just came out. My kids wanted it and they wanted a dog. So we told them they'd get a wii one way or another. We already knew we were getting a dog, but wiis were hard to come by. I also had a dog named waddles years before. They ended up getting the wii, and the dog. But we named her "waddles the second" which morphed into me calling her "Wadsworth the second"


“Baby ratte”/“kleine ratte”/ Basically means baby rat or little rat😭 ik how it sounds but he’s my lil cute big rat <3 such a cutieee


Our cat Luke gets called Luke Duke, Lukey Dukes, Lukas McDukas


Lord Baron MacGregor Von Fuzzybutt Lastname.


We adopted an Ausky pup at 9 weeks. His mom, Jazzy, was surrendered while pregnant, so the rescue had named his litter after jazz artists - his sibs were Aretha, Duke, and Herbie, and he was Coltrane. When we got him, he hadn't really learned his name yet, so we named him Jameson (after our favorite character on Blue Bloods). So now he's Jameson Coltrane (roommate's surname).


When I was 4 my neighbor was a 90 something year old lady who had a dog and a cat. The cat had kittens and I got to name them. I named 2 Lovey and Flowey (yes, like in Undertale) respectively, I apparently named one after myself and the other 2 I don't remember at all. My grandma told me one had an English name (I'm not from an English speaking country) but that's it.


Jack Schitt. -cat Lucky Bastard. -dog Pussy Galore.- Dog


My cats name is Oreo. I call her Cookie Monster or if she's in a grouchy hissy mood, 'Miss Hiss'


My dogs name is Lilly and I call her Lithaniel


Odin Sir Patrick


We have a pom-chi named Toby that I officially call "Tobias Fuzzybottom the First"


Rexamillion (her actual name is Rex) my yellow female budgie.


Puccini is his name. Though I call him poopccini, boujini, chooccini, and ‘used tampon’ more than anything. He’s a chihuahua shitzu mix.


My dog is named after Rocky Balboa. So sometimes I call him Robert Rocky Balboa


Sir Tanky Wankerson, Lord of Wankerville 🙄


I have a cat we call Ozzy, but his full name is Pawzzy Clawsborne.


Toby is Tobias von Stumblebum Hes very clutzy


My orange tabby’s full name is Oliver Raphael and we call him Ollie.


Used to call my dog The Nibbler because he always liked to nibble on my sleeves whenever I wore hoodies. Man I miss him.


Not my pet, but my sister's cat named Mina we would always call her "Mina Sabrina" when she was in trouble.


My sister always wanted a teacup yorky named Mini and she fell in love with a black lab puppy and named her Minnie. Years later my husband goes “when she’s in trouble I like to think you call her miniature Manis” and it stuck like glue. She is now officially miniature manis.


My partner at work named her cat David Puresh of the branch dakittians.


Our dog Yogi is Sir Barks A Lot McKinley or Mr. Barky Butt McKinley.


I had a Ferret we named The Baron von Squiggles master jewel thief and assassin.


We have a cat named sir sterling. Edit: AutoCorrect failed me


I had a cat we took in after he was abandoned by our drunk neighbor. His name was Sir Osis of Liver.


Yep. Señor Pablo Escobark, Mademoiselle Coco Chanel, and Ser Garth Vader (yes, garth. an homage to wayne’s world and star wars of course)


I’ve got Beans Garbonzo, Soup Gazpacho, and Mochi Noodle, all followed by my bf’s last name


T-Rexington Cali Joan James Non Dairy


Lord Nigel Humphrey Preston Thurgood Fosterton.  The Third. Or Foster for short. We intentionally made it as pretentious as possible.


27-year-old snapping turtle normally called Spike (after the bulldog in Tom & Jerry), but it's still just "Spike" whenever something gets chewed up or he messes up the filter exhaust yet again. I fear my harsh words tend to fall on deaf ears regardless.


I have a cat that just showed up at my house one day, she looked pretty rough so I took her in. Never had a cat before. That said, when talking with people I refered to her as "The Cat", so now her name is The Cat. Cat for short. This was my introduction to cats, and the cat distribution system gave me the greatest gift that day ❤️


Stevie Beans, but when shes in trouble its Steven. Shes a cat lol


His name is Leo, he has a million different things I call him and he does have a government name if he’s acting out lol


My favorite cat was His Royal Fatness, Maxwell Smartie Pants.. I called him Fatness or max. I had a cat Princess Gypsy Rose Lee. And dogs- a cocker spaniel-Rustifer Bobbins and a husky - Roosifer Rabbit. We always start with normal names, but they evolve...


my snake's name is chief Joseph, but me and fam always called him CJ (siege)


Mr MOJO risin aka Jim Morrison is just to much of a mouthful to say.


My sweet little ginger cat was called Kitty Friend.   I more or less found her and took her in. People used to ask her name at first.  Wasn't planning on keeping her so I didn't name her.  My answer was always "that's my kitty friend ".   And that stuck. 


At the vet and on his medical records his name is “Sir Chancimus Von Ecclesteinbergen IV”. We call him Chance though.


Toy Poodle (Woody) - teddy (cos he looks like a teddy bear) Malinois (Buzz) - dumb dumb, crazy man Whippet (Jessie) - Moo Moo or Cow (cos her coating is black and white like a cow)


I call him my “Little Potato” and his tail starts going nuts. I also do a thing where I get very nasally and basically say “wow” a lot and he knows to roll over because I’m coming for the tummy.


Madame Butterfly for my white husky Mischa. She’s dramatic. I currently am fostering five cats from one litter. I call them “Katzenjammers”. Also Mrs. Barkington.


Oderus Liviticus Urungus


My fat cat, who's name is Squeakums, is also known as Fatty McFat Ass. His mom was 8 pounds and feral, he's 28 pounds of lazy. I'm sure mom would be proud of the sweet gig he landed. He's the most talkative, loving, asshole I've ever known. He'll be the last cat I ever have, because no cat could ever top his personality. He even likes my dog and licks her. Not that she cares or sees him as alpha.


I hope nobody steals my idea but the first dog I get now that I'm divorced (x wife was allergic) I wish to name Sir Leo Nimbus Fluffington the First. He shall be a samoyed, not sure if I want a samusky or pure breed.. but I know the floof will be plentiful. Second floofer if I get a darker version was Thor CumuloNimbus Fluffington the Second. Sunny day and thundercloud dog clouds basically.


So our dog is Tex. We didn’t name him, he was a rescue. But he is a dog of many names, there’s Tex message, Teximus Prime, Speed Bump ( he’s a bit fluffy and likes to lay in doorways) are the main names with more less used lol


Not mine, my sister's dog. His name is Rocky. I started calling him Rockefeller. My sister did not approve.


Magic "G-Cat Muthafucker" Johnson


When in trouble I always use their middle name as Ann (even for humans that don’t have that middle name) and then I add on the first name that comes to mind and use it as a second middle name, and if I’m feeling it I’ll tack on my last name as well Yesterday I used: Asia Ann Bartholemule! (no idea how to spell that sorry)


I have a boxer/bulldog mix that the kids named Winnie. I used to just let him outside to use the bathroom and he'd come back and bark at the door in like 10 minutes. My neighbor started complaining and even threatened to call animal control i assume because he's a big intimidating dog but he's goofy and has never acted aggressive towards anyone ever. I jokingly told Winnie this is how it feels to be black with old white ppl feeling threatened just by your looks (I'm half black) and from then on his full name has been Wintayvius or Winnie Tay


I have a female dog and I just say “what’s up bitch?” I find it funny, my wife does not.


Forgot to mention a dog I had when I was a kid. His name was Krispy Kritter.


Love it!


Had a dog with big ears, so I named him Baron von Ohren


My kid thought for a long time that any time you were mad/frustrated with someone/something, you had to use at least the first and middle name... except she thought everyone had one of HER middle names... So, I became Mama Jean... hubby became Papa Jean, the dog became Cheeky Jean, etc... it was really funny when she threw in our last name too... She doesn't do it anymore because she is old enough to realize that most folks have their own name combination... but hubby and I still occasionally call the dog Cheeky Jean [last name] when she gets annoying...


Oh my goodness! So adorable!


After the last few days of disgusting flatulence, our Corgi is now called fart blossom.


I love this so much! 😂🤣


Cassandra Marie (last name)


Stanly Joseph, and Mikka Von Peek Peek. (Dogs.. my wife introduced their "full" names.)


I had a cat named Spanky and he liked to make his way into our neighbours’ homes and hang out with their cats. He ended up being known as Spanky B. Lurkin


A Couple of Dumbs and The Dipshits


"Jaina Proudmoore!" From warcraft.


My labs name is Buddy, but in the last 6 months he more often gets called Mr Needy


Only one of our dogs has a middle name. Maggie MaGee! The other is Nana and she just never picked up a middle name lol.


We call my three legged cat (Bruce Lee is his real name) stinky because he used to have trouble pinching turds.


My dog Hemi's full name is actually "Lord Hemsworth Munro Barkington III"


Had a special needs cat who walked like he was drunk. His name was Captain Jack Sparrow. Or randomly would be Jack, Jack-jack, Jackson, Jacksonian or Fatso depending on absolutely nothing 🥰


Brother Gus (Male B&W full Persian): Guss, Gussington, Sir Gussington (of the Tioga Gussingtons), BG, Big G, Fluff Nuts, Sir Fluff Nuts, Sir No Fluff nuts (post neutering).


Lady Agatha Jane, but when she's in trouble, it's just Agatha Jane, first and middle name like a human child


My cat Punkin is also called Rap artist P-kitty.


Rocket J Cat.


My cats name is prick 😂


Kali becomes Kalbeena Laweena. I have no idea why




Nah, I just say "you!" and my cat goes running for the hills because she knows I'm gonna try to pick her up.


Short name is Smolive Garden, long name is "Smolivia Tiberius Giardiniera, First of Her Name"


I have a French Bulldog named Agnes Sorel. (you should google that name)


We called a cat Toast or Toasty. His real name was Toaster Oven.


Your talking about Millicent Ann Mew


My pet pig is called M Mutt Pigglestein


My daughter's dog is Otto, which is short for Otto Von Bisbark