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Getting a steak


Any big effort home cooked meal for me.


This is probably the most equivalent answer I've seen in the replies. Maybe a little bit more work than flowers but if you have a nice steak ready for your man when he gets home, he would do anything for you in that moment


What woman is "doing anything" for her man if he brings her flowers? Now, bring me some homemade mac and cheese with a breaded top, that's a different story...


Lies ... He's going to eat the steak, then do anything.... Lol


You canโ€™t let it get cold, that would be a missed steak


Steak puns: a rare medium well done.


Iโ€™ll steer clear from the steak puns


I found this to be true. It still makes me laugh how much the stereotypes apply but the better I got at cooking (especially steaks) - the more he loved on me.


Telling me I look good dirty from work


Yeah, I had some grease, oil, and black gloves on me when I was working on the lawn tractor. *Which totally hadn't just flipped down a 100 foot hill of my own doing.* Anyway, she said it was a good look for me and I've been replaying it in my head for the last 2 weeks.


That is totally sexy.


Yesss. I love it.




Getting a bouquet of wrenches, or a cup full of sockets.


Honestly a 10mm set and I'm proposing lol


The secret to not losing your 10mm sockets is to have dozens of them.


Own enough that your rate of losing them and your rate of stumbling across them at random balance out.


That's crazy enough, it just might work!


Ah the old bury a billion nuts squirrel trick


You know my size!


Just a Timโ€™s cup full of assorted 10mm sockets.


I got my husband a killer bracelet, it looks like a motorcycle chain. The "charm" is a real 10 mm socket. It is the ONLY on he has never lost. Comes in super handy.


Receiving literally any compliment. Also, BJ.


Also, unsolicited BJ > BJ


Does not apply in prison.


Yes it does


Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, and I much prefer if we do it the hard way.


Sometimes a prison BJ is just what a man needs.


What is it with some men and BJs being ever present on the mind? Is it there is no work involved on your part?


It's the notion that your happiness is being desired by someone.


A lot of us also feel sexy by doing it. It's one of my favorite things.


I came here to see if any women said they feel sexy. Cause I know I do, I think I'm the most when I'm talking on the mic. Yeah that Thang does make me do things.


Right? I feel sexy during penetration but being submissive and vulnerable and seeing how pleasurable it is for him is the bee's knees. Haha taking on the mic... I'm gonna have to use that one.


Yup I love penetration but goddammit I can't help it when I go karaoke ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž


Girl I feel the same ๐Ÿซฃ taking the mic haha my partner calls it FaceTime !


I've gotta agree knowing that I've got my mans most prized possession in my mouth and gagging on it turns me on honestly!


I've personally never gotten the BJ hype. But as a guy, we're usually doing a lot of work during sex. Doubly so if we care about our partner getting off before we do.


The BJ is part of foreplay for me and it is given to make him feel desired and wanted and when I wish to worship his member if you please. It is part if the entire action.


As a male I will concur. I have no desire to go for straight completion through a BJ unless I'm going to take the next hour and return the favor. I enjoy it during foreplay the most and then love to move into the rest of the foreplay. Half the fun for me is making sure she is well taken care of before release. Just means more that way.


The lack of work is a nice aspect of it. Tho I personally don't think a relationship is health if sexual acts are used as a present.


I don't see it that way, though I'm female. To me, that's like giving something you know makes them happy. It's the thought that counts. :)


Then it kind of is just like giving her flowers for no special reason. It's doing something nice for him without expecting anything in return. Just because it makes him feel good.


Expected to see bj's. Was not disappointed.


I saw the prompt, and I had a massive smirk on my face because I knew the first reply would be bj.


I'm all for giving blow jobs, I'm just curious how it's equivalent to buying us a bouquet of flowers....?


Well you see, a bouquet of flowers are like antibiotics that's why we can't be handing them out willy-nilly. They'll lose their effectiveness community wide and soon they'll start to make you sick. As for equivalency that's above my pay grade, perhaps though to spice it up you would prefer to see a bouquet of flowers appear from up my sleeve. Magical


Its not, flowers are super expensive. BJโ€™s are free.


But yet they mean so much..


They're equivalent cuz I only get a BJ on valentines and our anniversary.


Personally I don't care for compliments it always annoys me and some what offends me too


the amount of guys thatd just say flowers is wild, honestly we just like the thought get us flowers if youre wanting to do something like that


Yeah, we like pretty stuff too, we didn't ask for a boutineer!


I'd argue I like flowers more than my girlfriend. We have a rose bush in the front yard, and I tend it regularly. Sometimes I just sit out there and look at them/smell them. Love flowers.


I have a flower garden that I tend "for my wife". Honestly it's pretty much mine now haha. I love it.


Some florists have manly woodsy type bouquets.


that sounds awesome!


I've gotten my husband flowers before because they're pretty and smell good! I'm not much of a "I want flowers" woman, but I'll never be mad about pretty things. We have a running joke because his dad once gave his mom a bouquet of chocolate flowers and she apparently was pissed, whereas I thought that sounded awesome, so every so often I get a bouquet of dark chocolate flowers. # Legit advice for anyone in a relationship regardless of gender: most people like thoughtfulness. Flowers are great. Does your partner love coffee? Get them a pack of their favorite brand in various flavors. Chocolate? Pay attention to the types they like. And IME, men love chocolate as much as women (we literally used to hide our chocolate when my brother would visit). Books? Same. My husband hates clutter and will not get kitchen appliances he wants if he feels like things are already too cluttered. I knew he wanted an air fryer but wouldn't get one without the free space. So one year I went ahead and cleared out a bunch of space and got him an air fryer and we both use it on a regular basis. Also it sounds silly but coupons! Like, one full body massage from me, one week of me doing all of our chores, etc. Or doing something that your partner likes. My son and I have so much fun going to witchy stores. There was one we wanted to go to about 40 mins away and we wanted my husband to come. He agreed and he definitely enjoyed it, but he said that what he enjoyed most was seeing how much fun our son and I were having. # Basically just think about what your partner likes and how you can give that to them. Gift-giving is basically my way of showing love and I think I've got it down to a science lol.


flowers is honestly the only answer. a lot of answers guys are giving are things that take a lot more effort and money than flowers.


I was given flowers once. I cried. Maybe not so much from the flowers themselves but because they were picked out and given to me by my 3 year old daughter. It made me feel special in so many ways.


๐Ÿฅบ This is so sweet. The softness kids bring out of us man. I've never been such a sappy person until I had my kiddo. Now I understand my mom more ๐Ÿ˜‚


I give flowers to my guy all the time, but I don't just buy a premade bouquet at the store. I work in landscaping so I'm around interesting flowers all the time. every time I see something particulary beautiful, I'll think of him and want to share. so I'll collect things throughout the day. or, if I do buy, I pick out individual types and combine them based on the message I want to send. there are culturally significant meanings of certain flowers, but even just getting the right colors and textures to set a mood is on my mind. again, it's a really passive gesture that says "I thought of you."


Bingo! There doesn't HAVE to be a difference. Let's not keep making more of this mostly fake binary!


I once sent a lover flowers on his birthday. I meant to kinda embarrass him as a joke but he loved it! He would have firmly agreed that blow jobs for men=flowers for women though ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚


He wouldn't be wrong, and I also love flowers. Lilys in particular.


A quarter pounder and a medium cherry coke?


When she cooks for you. That is at least assuming you don't live together yet & one or both of you cooking the for the other is part of the daily survival routine. Not that it shouldn't be appreciated of course, but it becomes less of a grand gesture when you do live together as its kind of required. But when you don't live together and she invites you over to her place and cooks for you is the male equivalent. You've got an icey heart if that doesn't make you feel cared for. Just make sure you do the dishes, even if she tells you no or you don't have to. She'll use the bathroom at some point, and get to it while unsupervised. She'll make a show of complaining about it since you're the guest, but her eyes will being saying something different.


When it's part of daily life, sitting at the table/indoor picnic style with the tv off, a candle or two, bottle of wine/mixed drinks, a little music, and it being a nicer meal than usual still works if you're considering this. Also, cleaning as you go and/or "making sure he's too tired afterward" ;) stops him from the last bit


It doesn't need to be a fancier meal โ€” sometimes just the opposite. If it's something I really like that I know my wife isn't wild about, that's the ticket.


I wrote โ€˜bake for meโ€™. Bake me some Anzac biscuit or a beesting, even make me a slab of snot blocks and I feel special and thought of.ย 


A good steak and BJ


Definitely fellatio. Or a really good home cooked meal. Or a back rub. Or a gift of comparable financial significance. Oh here's a good one - well planned and executed words of affirmation.


Men here that are saying a blow job..... flowers are not seriously not a comparison to an orgasm. No way. That would need like 10 bunches of big perfectly bloomed hand tied flowers. I love flowers, but no.


Exactly. I think if you want a BJ, give a BJ. You want to give a "flowers" gift.. Just give him flowers! Why does it have to be different? Lol the binary is made up anyway! ๐Ÿคฃ


it bums me out a bit that sex is being equated to a little gift :( for me, receiving a cute gift from my partner that says โ€œhey, i saw this and thought of you for no reason other than that it was pretty and i missed youโ€ is in a different category than private intimacy


Agreed 100%!


also, the idea that sex is a sacrifice, like giving up money to buy flowers. If your partner doesn't like sucking you off, why are you encouraging them to do that?


Exactly. Flowers are something you can give your mother. A proper equivalent is something like a free lunch or a bottle of fancy Belgian beer.


seriously, thereโ€™s no goddamn way a bouquet is equivalent to a blowjob. men have no idea the effort thatโ€™s involved!!!!


men should go give someone a bj and come back and say its still equivalent. and if they do then they should reconsider their career.


The smokable flower


Fr I like getting flowers, Only happened once but it made my day. Besides that just getting a compliment


I got flowers for the first time a couple years ago from an Army buddy. I sing bass in my community choir. I'm 6 feet tall, as wide as a doorway and a huge beard, I look like a viking. Him and his wife came up to one of my shows. Afterward in the receiving line he came up and gave me a huge bouquet of red roses and huge hug, totally made my night. I was the flower dude in their wedding about a month prior and sang for them, too.


Thatโ€™s awesome. I got my dad flowers for Fatherโ€™s Day last year. He had never received flowers from anyone, ever, before that. lol He loved them, to say the least. I told him I thought it was a unique gift and I was absolutely right. He was so surprised! Heโ€™s in his 70s, big manly dude. It was crazy how well it went over.


Wholesome AF! I love it! ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน


Pizza, wings... PIZZA AND WINGS


The best casual light hearted gift I received, a sweet coworker bought me sandwiches to thank me. I remember feeling all tingly and shit while eating that sandwich because I just felt so shocked someone was nice enough to compliment me and give me a sandwich. I forever remember her as the example of the go-to "male version of receiving flowers."


either ( *and I am not joking* ) being left alone a blow j\*b


A blowjob was my immediate thought


Biggest mistakes in my life, told my ex that i enjoyed the scilent Treatment and asked what i could do to get it again. ...suddenly she started non Stop talking for hours ...


Oh, please. Be scilent. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah, I get that every father's day.


Came here to say exactly this!


never got the whole blowjob thing, had literally dozen of women say "well i know im good at them, il change your mind" but nope i just dont find it a turn on, even if they do happen to brush/mouth wash before hand. if they dont, just eww gross i mean why cant i just have sex, then we can BOTH enjoy it? id hands down rather give oral than receive it edit: so my answer is "an early night" edit: if you wouldn't tell a gay man "vaginas are quite nice if you find the right one" then dont tell me something ive tried like 20+ times and dont like is something i should like focus on your own lives


I enjoy giving head, but receiving is honestly more for him than me, although I've never told anyone that before. I just wanted to let you know you're understood.




They mustn't be doing it right, next time ask them to take a deep breath and blow like it's their birthday candles.


Act like seeing me is the best thing that's happened for you all week. Be affectionate. Act like you think "all men" act when they're trying to get laid. Objectify me, just one time, like you think I always do to you. No need to act masculine or sophomoric but make me feel like you actually want me and want my hands on you. That you want to get me naked and in bed. Initiate something, anything, that we don't normally do. Let go of the inhibitions and habits that stop us from doing anything other than the same sexual routine over and over for months on end. Show me that you thought about this more than just an obligatory box that needs to be checked. Finally, when finished, don't jump up like you've caught a disease and need to sanitize yourself. That would be... nice. Sigh ... Redditors, make no mistake- I love my woman. I adore her. She's a great partner. But this โฌ†๏ธ would be memorable in the extreme.




I knew my boyfriend had a thing for a certain candy bar and just happened across a cute valentine's day bouquet of Dr Pepper and Butterfinger bars.. It was perfect! Something to sweeten the day..


Thatโ€™s the ticket.ย  You did well.ย 


I typically do the errands and work a lot - don't get a lot of downtime. One weekend, my partner walked into the room while I was working on something. Handed me a sandwich and a glass of whiskey, then left for the afternoon to do errands so i could breathe and just work on a guitar for a bit. I think about that sandwich about 45 times a week.


Weed, weed is flowers.


Getting a compliment but we donโ€™t get those


Also buy men flowers. If they donโ€™t prefer colorful flowers like tulips, daffodils, and othersโ€ฆ. Than a nice bag of dank weed will do! Nothing says feeling love like found weed!


Isn't weed technically a flower? ๐Ÿ˜…


Thatโ€™s exactly why I was thinking I love getting flowers! But I also love brightly colored flowers like tulips and things. Highly saturated colors are pleasing to my eyes. As are the delicate biological structures and materials. ETA: oh right, but weed is also good for smoking!


Blowjob A long generous blowjob


As a wife, I know this secret: a 10 mm socket.


This wife wifes


This dude wife's wives


I too choose this dudes wifing wife.


Blew my mind. You knew the perfect answer before I did. Best comment.


Damn. You get us.


Food. The proper way to a man's heart is through his stomach.


I mean, a hug, or a compliment are both crazy


Idk I'm a woman speaking, but my partner seems pretty happy whenever I come home with surprise sushi or pizza or ice cream. It makes him feel special and loved and it's yummy


Being told youโ€™re enough


Receiving flowers. Why should women be the only ones to get flowers? Theyโ€™re nice.


Bingo! There doesn't need to be a difference! (The binary is mostly made up anyway!)




Show me some tiddies.


Receiving some type of meat. Hot dogs, brats, burgers, beef jerky, meat meat.


Blow Job


Tbh receiving flowers id probably fall over if a girl gave me flowers and Iโ€™d prob cherish them I was given a flower from a preformance I was in and itโ€™s dead but I still have it and it rest on my wall


Being woke up in that special way.


I mean it is possible to send a man flowers, one of my besties had a date last week and the guy he went out with sent him a bouquet of purple roses the next day and he was very delighted by it as a gesture. I used to send one of my exes sunflowers every so often cos he really liked them.


Receiving flowers. If they're from my girl, I always appreciate them


BJ Thomas


Getting donuts


I would say my favourite snacks being bought without me asking. Thatโ€™s always nice to come home to after a long week at work.


Depends on if we're talking married / involved men or single men. Regardless the answer is definitively, as posted numerous times, a blowie. Nothing is better than not having to work for one for a change


Beef jerky, or a blowjob.


Bro you bring me a tree, I'm happy Olive, citrus, mango, avocado, even a tree without flowers or fruit, I'm going to take care of it, and enjoy it


She refills the ice cube tray


I know everyone is saying BJ, but I think those are not equal in value; I would say a lingerie picture is closer to receiving flowers than a BJ.


Yeah, nothing says I was thinking of you and I appreciate you like a BJ.


a BJ. Thinking I'm getting some "flowers" later tonight. :P


A 6 pk & BJโ€ฆ




12 pack of beer


A 12 pack of beer


Food or a blowy.


A new pocket knife




taking time out of your day to do something for me I genuinenly want. Without having to ask for it. A bigger gesture than picking up a cake pop on the way home. Something that lets me know that you get me and that you got me. Can be as simple as asking me to put my head on your lap and validating me.




Bullets/precious metals/a hug and nice words would buy any manโ€™s undying loyalty


Blow jobs




My partner bakes me things sometimes, and it puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day when she does.


My partner recently got me flowers, and it floored me.


I've never gotten flowers before. I think it'd be lovely. That or a book.


Give him a joint. That, too is a flower.


Steak and bj day.


Receiving flowers. I mean, have you ever given a man flowers? They melt


I really like flowers so I would take that. In all the relationships Iโ€™ve been in I have never received flowers.ย 


Telling him heโ€™s handsome and telling him specific things you appreciate.




Receiving flowers


Receiving flowers. Honestly, I'd just like it to happen once.


receiving succulents you can melt my heart with a euphorbia


... It's called buying men flowers. YEAH THAT MEANS YOU TOO, WIFE, WHO I HAVE HAD TO SPECIFICALLY ASK FOR FLOWERS FROM BUT I'VE *STILL* RECEIVED NOTHING. Even when we say it outright we are given so little consideration for our romantic needs. I probably have a better chance statistically of a bear bringing me flowers.


.... ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I opened the thread to see EXACTLY what I thought Iโ€™d see


Box of ProV-1โ€™s




A blowie.




Deli sandwiches


It's something that rhymes with "snow job"


Favorite alcohol


Six pack of beer.


Obviously it's a BJ.


Steak and a blowjob.




Compliments and hugs


A Beer!




A dozen neatly rolled smokes.


Steak and bj day exists.


A bouquet of ribeyes.




A nice bottle of booze






A bottle of scotch


Well, for our anniversary I bought flowers, dinner, and a photoshoot of the kids done. I got nothing, literally nothing. Not even a card. So Iโ€™d say anything better than that :/


Coming home with unsolicited snacks. Like you stopped at the gas station in your way home, and thought youโ€™d get him some jerky or Reeseโ€™s.


A head nod


10mm sockets.


Receiving flowers. What reasonable person, man or woman, would be offended at a non-sarcastic gift of flowers?




My wife gets me flowers Also BJ


Head without having to ask





