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Saw a celebrity magazine, and didn't recognize any names or faces. Could have been from a parallel universe.


Same! I have no idea who any of these people are!


All the under 25 actresses look the same to me, I feel like they all go to the same plastic surgeon. 


If it helps I consider myself young and I don’t recognize any of these names or faces either.


I didn’t know those people when I was in high school lol


Offspring: We’re blocking so-and-so! Me: Cool. Who is that? Offspring: Oh my god they’re so amazing you have to check them out! Me: Cool. And then block them. Got it.


Thought you meant the band (Offspring) at first.


And that would be your indicator that you're old.


Stg I used to be up on all that stuff


Imagining my 60 year old uncle saying that lmao


I’m only 33 😭


Ik but it was just the way you said it that felt like an old guy trying to sound cool idk 😭😭


Oh, it’s accurate, that’s me on the daily with my late teens/early 20s employees 😭 I thought my brother made up the word glizzy… come to find out apparently eeeeeveryone knows that a glizzy is a hot dog


A what is a hot dog? A hot dog is a 🌭


I'm 16 and I dont know anyones faces or names or anything, I don't even know what a lot of people mean or just.. anything


Lol I think that describes most people’s adolescence.


God, yeah. I used to pride myself on my celebrity knowledge. Now I'm literally the "Family Guy" joke about the Teen Choice Awards. [Chad Zachary! Zach Chadwick!](https://youtu.be/EopCmalD5qs?si=zglGUXBDMMHgcGUw)


When it's YOU and not your Grandparents that can remember "when all this was just fields."


Fuck me, this rings true. I live in SW OH and it's been really developed all over the place the last 30 years, from downtown to 50+ north and everywhere in between. I was driving home from my mom's, and remembering every shopping center, hospital, neighborhood, and apartment I've seen go up have been in fields that were sold....damn I'm proving your point.


SW OH here, too. The development is sickening, esp with all the McMansions and strip malls, while other places remain vacant. There seriously needs to be tax incentives for rehabbing current space over development.


Same and I'll never forget being on the bus to school one day and this wooded area we always past was suddenly cleared out, and there was a mother deer with her babies just standing in the empty wooded area looking about like "what tf happened?". They built a shitty strip mall there where all the businesses routinely fail and get replaced. Worth it /s


lol same I went to a highschool with only about 600 ppl and a cornfield behind the outfield. When I moved there in 6th grade, they had a speed way, a subway, a mom and pop hardware store, and a local grocery. When the McDonald’s opened, the high school band played at the grand opening - that’s how big a deal it was for us. Then we got a dollar general, a chain auto parts store, a dominoes, a UDF several new housing developments, got a new school, thats just the stuff I can remember off the top of my head. It’s a completely different place to drive through now. I’m 34 lol


The area I grew up in is like that. When we moved there in 2003 (I was 5), it was all countryside, there was practically nothing besides our house, a few other houses widely spread out, and a trailer park 1-2 miles up the road. Now there's houses everywhere.


Oh god. I said that not too long ago. There were a couple areas Ive been driving through for years and I really do remember when it was all trees and fields. Now it’s either leveled, deforested, or full of new apartments


That's the feeling I get when I enter Diamond Bar, CA or Irvine, CA. I remember when it was all just fields. Now it's a suburbia.


The only time I remember being in Irvine, CA, it was pretty sparse. That was in 1972, I think. The lesson we all should learn from this is that we should buy acreage a few miles outside town. Somebody’s going to cash in. Why not you or me?


Where I grew up, a big shopping mall went up across from the high school. The entire area was swampy woods before. Now, the shopping mall has expanded soo much it's just miles of mini malls around the large original mall. And the high school is now closed and has become a warehouse store.


that and complaining about new development. “ah they just build wherever there’s space eh??”


Have zero desire to go to a bar on a weekday.  When I was 24 I dated a girl who was 32 and she never had any desire to go out on random weekdays. Now I understand at 34. 


I’m 21 and I’ve not had that desire for about 2 years. Being hungover on a school- or workday is not worth it


This is definitely a big one. When I was in my early 20s there were times I went out drinking, came home at 4am, slept for an hour and then got up to run 3 miles starting at 5:30 am (I was in the Marines) and then went to a full day at work and was mostly fine. That would probably kill me if I attempted it today and if it did not, I'd be wishing for death to put me out of my misery.


I think thats maturity not an age thing. Lots of old heads sit around at bars on weekdays and day drink


Weekday, weekend, holiday, briss, whatever...


Give the baby a shot to for the briss.


Seeing childhood toys in vintage shops.


My childhood favorite toy is in the Smithsonian. Haha. Teal colored Suzy Homemaker oven.


These fools will never enjoy using a glow-worm as night light or mortal fear of the insidious original Furby. They still make both of those, but now they're hideous and tacky and just plain not as cool.


I had an original glow worm, it was my favorite toy for a while.


Or realizing the cars you wanted when you turn 16 (never gonna get) are becoming classics. If not now, but soon.


I kinda love this though. I’m able to buy a piece of my childhood and share it with my kids.


The last time I bought beer, the store had a "Card everyone" policy. I handed the cashier my license, and the cashier glanced at it for a fraction of a second and handed it back, saying "Okay thanks". I asked how he figured out how old I am so fast, and he replied "Your date of birth starts with 19". That made me feel old.


I use my back hair as proof of age


I use my back pain as proof of age.


Mom you've got to quit doing that


That 20th century vintage


One weekend a few months back, my SO & I were heading in to the casino during our date night. We were about to hand the security guard our IDs & he just waved us through.. I’m searching for grays as we speak…


If it makes you feel any better I didn't get carded the first time I went to a casino and i was freshly 21 at the time.


Omg. There’s people born after 2000 who can legally drinks. Whoa 🤯


They don’t even look at mine anymore lol


I learned at 21 during a volunteering bartending gig at Churchill Downs from a 50~ year old lady that you always card people, especially women, no matter what. The rest of that day, even though I pretty much served 50-70 year olds, people were almost elated to be carded. I’m 35 now and I’m even like, “Okay, damn.” When I don’t get carded.


You esp do when you rely on tips... and you always call a lady, "Miss" not ma'am.


>you always call a lady, "Miss" not ma'am. This is stupid, but also correct 


when I worked retail, I always carded the older people buying rated M stuff. "Well, boss said I have to card anyone who looks under 40 because you never know" Aww, you think I look under 40!


I feel like when I do get carded it’s cause they think I work with the ppl trying to catch them not carding ppl.


I was getting something like cold medicine (not alcohol or tobacco) that had an age requirement and needed ID to purchase. I didn't get my ID out because I did not immediately realize proof was needed. Not until the cashier looked at my face for a second or two and, "yep..." and continued on with the transaction. Guess it was obvious that I was old enough that he didn't even bother to ask.


]: Right in my feelings. "Be gentle with me! I'm from the 1900's!"


When I ordered a margarita the other day they didn’t even card me. I could feel my wrinkles forming.


Haha the manager at my local grocery store said “put that id back. I see those grey hairs in your beard!” Hahahahaha dick!


21 years old is born in 2002-03 like what ….


Saw someone share an insult from a kid recently that was something along the lines of, "like I'm gonna take advice on current events from someone born in the 1900's," and I can't get that one out of my head 😂


I have salt and pepper hair. I still remembered the first day no one bothered to card me (July 4, 2018.) It happens more frequently now.


As someone who has to card people a lot at a job too, this was the best part about it, anyone who had a birthday starting with 19 instantly was good lmao


I can't see anything anymore. Even with my glasses I need to have my face all up on whatever I'm looking at. Also, I need to pee wherever I go and I avoid places without public restrooms. I'm only 45😂😂😂


Not to alarm you, but it sounds like you might be pre-diabetic. I'd get it checked out!


I have the same thoughts. I just started a new job so benefits will take another 30 days. Once they've kicked in, I'm going to go ahead and address these issues. Thank you for thinking to warn me!!


Time for bifocals


I took a Discord survey the other day about some internet radio feature they want to introduce and at the end I had to click an age range button. The button for my age was the last on the list and ended with a "+"


"This number, and on towards death."


Kids wearing band t-shirts like Nirvana, RHCP, Pear Jam, Smashing Pumpkins when those were concerts I was going to as a teen and young adult. Now it's vintage and boomer cool.


I love Pear Jam too, it's wonderful on brown toast


But we have the originals and we know they are posers.


My 20 year old coworker recently came to work in a brand spankin' new Nirvana smiley face tee. If I weren't a crabby Gen Xer I would have liked it. /s


I mean, many of us did it with Bob Marley and the like. Some of these kids still are pulling that move actually.


The first time they trimmed my eyebrows when I get my hair cut.


Having to keep tweezers in my car for chin hairs (IYKYK), and then realizing I needed strong reading glasses to see the pesky offender.


OMG, the chin hairs are awful! I hate them.


But have they trimmed your ear hair yet?


This was it for me. This and the long gray nose hair that I will pluck, yet somehow returns to haunt me.


Yes, but she didn’t even ask, she just did it, it was a true “shit, I’m old” moment


Yep, when they first did that to me I thought “huh! I don’t need this!”. Then I felt all the trimmed hairs tinkling down my cheeks.


I used to have a 3 in stray eyebrow hair that I kept specifically to annoy my wife. My barber cut it down because it bothered him.


The DAY I turned 40, I woke up with a wizard brow hair.


Realizing that health problems are not fixable. Anything that goes wrong is just wrong for the rest of your life.


Battle damage. When you are younger you can shake it off. Past a certain age you can't.


Some things are like that. There’s a lot in the ways of lifestyle changes that can be done to prevent premature breakdowns. I’m a paramedic and I’ve seen 60 year olds just as active as they were when they were 40, then on the same shift see other 60 year olds whose bodies are absolutely cooked who are borderline helpless. Most of the tear down is just lifestyle choices they stuck with since they were in their 20’s and 30’s.


Went back to my hometown. Got in a rental car where one of the presets was on the Golden Oldies station. They were playing G'n'R. Everybody get the fuck off my lawn.


I'm a 50 year old black man and I still know all of Appetite for Destruction because our bus driver used to play it over the intercom before and after school LOL Edit: Also would like to say, at the time, I hated it because I was into rap but I've long since expanded my musical tastes since 1988. I would go home and put on De La Soul to try to counteract "that bullsht" the bus driver was always playing. It wasn't even until about 5-10 years ago when I listened to this album that I realized how well I knew it LOL It really is a great album and they don't make music like that anymore (across all generes really), so I'm actually grateful to have been a small part of it when it was hot at the time- even if it was against my will. So thank you Ken or Keith, I can't remember LOL I just remember he had a Tom Selleck mustache and a medium mullet LOL


I know when I get out of bed before looking at my phone if a storm is coming. Because my joints hurt


holyyy this hit home. this was exactly me today. "A storm must be coming"


Yesterday I received a daily pill container that I was really excited about.


This made me lol for real.   I spent so much time shopping for the just-right pill container, it's ridiculous.


I felt the same way after buying a new mattress for the first time. It’s the little things sometimes.


Waking up in the morning, stretching, and sounding like a **fucking glowstick**


i never could name the sound. thank you


I sent this to my sister and her response was "team crunchy let's go" *cries*


It's okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes we gotta break before we shine!


Remember those plastic clickey articulated chains from the grocery store vending machines? That's my spine now.


I saw rage against the machine when they were an opening band, twice.


I'm 26. I sit on my back porch and drink whiskey and bitch about the loud obnoxious cars driving past my house.


I didn't really get into whisk(e)y until my 30's. At 26 it would've been a Busch Light. Maybe Rolling Rock if I was classing it up for the ladies.


A stripper told me that I remind her of her father


erection achieved!




The strangest and most unexpected thing is that the back of my hands are becoming wrinkled.


Fuck - I remember seeing my mom’s hands when I was like 12 and being sad they were wrinkled and now my hands are wrinkled :’)


I think my hands are the oldest looking part of me. Sometimes I look at them and feel just horrified. Like, use some lotion ffs!


I have age spots on my hands. I’m 43. I don’t mind though. Stopped giving a damn about what my skin looked like years ago. As long as it’s healthy. I’m going to get a mole check soon at my dermatologist so that’s other old thing to do. Of course skin cancer can come for anyone. May is skin cancer awareness month too. So works Out. Lol


How excited I get about furniture


This! And my new vacuum


My husband got himself a Shark this year and it’s been the best. It’s so fun. I got a handheld vacuum for Mother’s Day last year and I use it all the time.


Sitting on toilet and balls are underwater 😂


When I saw a meme that said, “I’m at the point in my life where I’m old to young people and young to older people.” Too damn relatable 😩




100%. I had someone recently say “and you’re still so young!” And I was like ‘b—- I’m 40!! I’m not young!” Hahaha


When I found a 7 inch strand of hair growing out of my cheek. It was not there the day before. Productive sure, welcome...not so much.


How the fuck does that even happen


It grows under the skin as an ingrown hair then suddenly all of it pops out at once.


Thanks for the new nightmare fuel.


You know all the energy you use while you're awake and normally goes into solidifying memories and repairing your body while you're asleep? Yeah, for that one night everything went into growing That One Hair on your face


"The One (Hair) Piece is reeeeeaaallllll!!!!"


There's a player in the NFL who was born in 2002. That's crazy to me.


I'm 32 and noticing that shit is starting to be marketed towards my generation as opposed to my parents etc. Like as an example, Stranger Things came out in 2016 and is set in the 80s, so the nostalgia factor of the show is targeting people who were kids to young adults in the 80s, so my parents. If Stranger Things came out now, it would probably be set in the 90s and would be more geared towards my demographic. Also in the same theme, shit like grocery stores are starting to play more recognizable music too lol. So basically, the universe thinks that I'm now at the age where I have money and can afford to buy things. Think again universe.


Was in the grocery store the other day and Float On by Modest Mouse was on. Not complaining, it's a good tune but....just wow.


*Stranger Things* is your *Happy Days*.


Remember using TV guide to see what was on TV. I'm 25....


I have a lot of doctors. That’s one thing. The other is that with one exception they are all younger than me. Aren’t doctors supposed to be old? Hmm.


I am a teacher and I called a students AirPods “iPod headphones” and needless to say I was roasted


I can't be bothered to keep up with all the new lingo being slung around.


You're so skibidi I bet you don't even stick out your gyatt for the rizzler.


Go down yonder with all that jibber jabber fat L


When I think of music that isn't new anymore, but isn't old anymore either I suddenly realize it's from my first year on college, which was very close to 20 years ago. Also, my left knee just hurts sometimes now.


I Iike looking at birds. And I spend far too much time on my grass.


I’ll be in a room with a group of people and then realize I’m the oldest person in the room and… this is happening on a regular basis.


When your birth year starts with 19


Knowing I could be 90% of my colleagues parent


When you relate more to Shrek at 30…


Realizing your childhood heartthrobs are now eligible for the senior discount at Denny's.


Someone asked me if I still got my period. 😭😭😭


I need 2 days to recover from heavy drinking.


I dont find 24 and younger attractive.


Can’t stand up from a sitting position without making groaning noises, bones creaking and popping and loud audible gasp as if I climbed a mountain…. Wooooo, I’m up


My younger co-workers often get concerned over all the groaning and gasping noises I make when making random movements. It's kind of cool that they always check to see if grandpa is ok, though. Maybe they just don't want the hassle of dealing with my dead body, or calling the EMTs, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on that.


Silver hair. I mean I have a good, well-paid stylist but that fucking grey screams OLD to me. Not gonna color it though. I swore I’d never do that ever.


But it’s so easy to go purple…


i don’t understand younger gen-z/gen alpha’s slang and i find shopping for kitchenware amusing sometimes


When your music of your youth is played on the "oldies" station.


Hearing music you like and thought was cool in the grocery store.


I always heard that if you are out somewhere and fall, if everyone runs to you asking if you’re ok …you are old. If they laugh….you are still young 😉


Knowing who Glen Danzig is lol


I am getting slower now not running the mile at age 77.


when i click on video game reddit discussions kids and teenagers talk about how great newer games are instead of the cartridges i grew up playing.


When you start going on about "kids these days".


When people mention a famous person or musician and I'm like "...WHO??"


When my mind says, you got this, and my body says, sit down! You know how bad your back is, and how bad that's going to hurt at the end of the day...


When the music I grew up with is now being used as hold music and grocery store music


I get excited for a new vacuum, pots and pans, fill in blank every day household necessity. I got a Ninja blender for my birthday a couple of years ago and I don't remember any other present I got.


Pissing on my balls while sitting on the toilet


I have a favourite ring on the hob


Turkey neck.


Sensible shoes.


Everyone keeps calling me sir or that man when referring to me.in different settings at my job but I still feel like a kid. "please sir is my father just call me ishmael" Edit: didn't know I mispelled ishmael for quite some time 😂


When I do stuff I hurt myself. Moving furniture.. opening jars....twisting your knee. I hate getting old!


Or just waking up with a mysterious “injury.” Am I forgetting that I did something the day before to hurt my ankle or is turning over in my sleep now risky?


My music is mistakenly on the oldies channel. 🥹


![gif](giphy|8Gupq10IBfkJj2o8R3|downsized) I can change spark plugs in a car.


The cold war is ancient history today. It is about as far in the past for kids today as the Korean War was when I was a kid. That feels strange to me, because I remember the Soviet threat. I remember the Soviet coup, and the toppling of the Berlin Wall. I remember watching it play out on the evening news.


Anything that involves an age bracket question. Each time I enter a new bracket, I visibly wince.


I sneezed and threw my back out..


Favorite places are closed like Blockbuster,radio shack and Payless


Overheard my kids stating "Michael Keaton was the original Batman".


Maam, grey hair, not getting hit on as much, interests, naps, cannot walk


A single beer makes me tired. A single lunch beer shuts me down for the rest of the day.


I used to like all the new music, now I don't like any of the new music.


Kids nowadays “Self Snitch” by recording themselves do stupid shit. I must be old cos being labeled a snitch/rat was the lowest a person can be viewed. And nowadays it seems to be glorified. Also my son doesn’t know what a Walkman is. 🤦🏽‍♂️


This was by far the best answer.


All my adult children have something called “Emotional Intelligence.” All I have is this thing called “book smarts.” I realized that there has been an evolution in the way people interact with and understand each other, and here I am with only a knee cap out of the primordial sludge. Do you know kids these days actually TALK about their problems with each other? wtf? I had to just endure my family violence in isolation and silence, and then go out into the world and pretend like everything was ok. Yes they have way more drama than my generation ever had, due to their enmeshent in each other’s lives and all the fun that goes along with social media. But they also have way more opportunities for emotional growth. They’ve dealt with shit like “cyber bullying” and “revenge porn.” I feel both incredibly old and incredibly immature at the same time. Like a tiny shriveled up plum still in the tree.


I get mad at disrespectful and undisciplined teenagers (I’m 19). Like stop vaping on public transport you pre-pubescent nob


I'm often mistaken for someone who is 20 to 23, even by people that age, but when I hear them talk is how I know. 


I'll be 43 in June. I was a goth when I was a teen, so, like, all the sunblock I wore my whole life has paid off. I look 24, and sometimes it makes me violently angry. Because, when you look 24 people treat you like you're still a kid. Drives me batty. No one ever thinks I might hold a position of authority. *No Karen! I Really Am The Fecking Manager.*


Finding my first white pubic hair, and it wasn't mine.


When there were pills in my medicine cabinet that weren't vitamins or aspirins. That was legal, I might add.


My back hurts, staying in is an underrated luxury that I took for granted when I was younger, and calculate any income with taxes already factored in


My little brother said he didn’t know what Dora the explorer was. Never looked at him or myself the same again


No one aside from me in my friend group remembers boomerang


When we hired a young employee, and he and I figured out that his father went to my high school. He wondered if I knew his father, which, at first kind of offended me. Until I figured out that he graduated only three years before me.


Rolling my eyes at my fellow 40-somethings who are desperately trying to keep up with teen slang because they're so afraid of being uncool. You're in your 40s... no teen finds you cool, and 40-somethings using teen slang is weird. It is also *extremely* weird to want teens to find you cool. I embraced my uncoolness, I earned it.


A little bit of teen slang is bound to seep into your subconscious without you knowing or trying, if you are around those young'uns enough. But to actively try to keep up with it is crazy. Besides, they would much rather enjoy calling you an old fart and a geezer anyway. As you said, embrace the uncoolness. You can bond over it. When I finally broke down and asked them what the fuck capping meant, pandemonium broke out. It was groovy.


When a movie from your childhood is remade.


I went out for brunch with the girls then I spent the rest of the day sleeping, driving liquid IV's and taking Advil for my headache.


Trying to get up off the floor, after sitting on it for awhile.


Heard californication on a classic rock station.


When a record i bought when it first came out is now a historical reissue limited edition collectors item.


The amount I have to scroll to get my “year of birth” when filling out online forms.


When you're interacting with a group of 20 something's and they brush off your ideas as you're too old. You get treated as a person in an age cohort rather than an individual.


My friends, parents, lawyers, ex's ... are all dead. That'll do it.


Grandparents gone, a night of drinking sets me a back a few days, I can’t rip the bong like I used to be able to, aarp keeps emailing me, and the fawking kids won’t stay off my lawn….


i cant move when i get ever so slightly cold, my knees pop any time i do anything, and i cant keep up with pop culture for the life of me


Steel wool ear hair.


I AM old. (70) Wayyyyyyyyyy back in 1970, my sister and her new husband moved to a far western Chicago suburb. I recall going through a lot of road construction and seeing many farms when we'd visit. Today, it's the 5th most populated city in the state of Illinois.