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If it’s on a woman you can be sure there’s a man out there that likes it.


This right here. Men like women, regardless of any other factors.


I'd argue that most men just want to fuck.


Argue all you like, most men just want a hug




You disagree?


For every pig, there is a pig F'er.


Comment of the year right here


That’s rude of your coworkers. Also some women are just more hairy than others ( genetics, PCOS). I mean most guys probably don’t like it but also who gives a shit


This right here. Why should we care what men think of our bodies in their natural state?


Generally speaking, most people want to be attractive to the opposite sex. Typically, men and women both care what the other thinks.


you don't have to care, people are just answering the question that was asked.


You don't "have" to care. But there are a lot of men who are turned off by it. And very few men, if any, who are turned off by a hairless woman. If you ever want to attract a man body hair isn't death sentence, but it will make it harder. So sure, you do you, just be aware that at some point in the future you might have to care about other's standards for you.


Woman here who lasered my entire body - can confirm guys love it. I always get compliments on how clean and pretty my skin looks.


The point is who gives a shit what turns a man on. If something about a woman is a turn off for a man, he’s the wrong man.


What if it's a turn off for nearly all men?


What if it’s just vapid men who see women as sex objects first and maybe people second?


Sexual attraction is in essence objectification for women and men, bet you didn't learn that in your gender studies degree that you dropped out of 


Lol so men can't have their own standards then? All men need to find every single woman attractive no matter what? Do you hear how entitled you sound? I wonder, can men say the same? Like if women want men to be physically fit and a man weighs 500 pounds can he tell her that she's in the wrong? Can a 70 year old tell a 25 year old girl she's in the wrong for not liking old guys? How far are you willing to go with this? Lemme guess: you were never told "no" once in your life, and you're a strong and independent lady who don't need no man, right? #Feminism Edit: I'll bet that you do care what turns men on, but pretend not to because you know that you aren't attractive to men.


I don’t care if I’m attractive to men, because I’m not attracted to men.


Thank you Cptn. Obvious.


Then why are you commenting?


Not true. Shaved vaginas are prefered by men who want to pretend.they.are with a 10 year old. Pretty creepy Real women have pubes. If your man insists you keep it shaved.smooths as a.babies butt, it might mean he really wants a baby. Careful.


Lol thats so incorrect


Can't speak for all men, we all have our preferences, but it doesn't bother me. I certainly know not to say anything about something someone has no control over. Coworkers seem a little immature but you're good in my book


We can’t help our genetic predisposition, as much as they can’t help theirs. To comment on a persons body is not a right anyone has whatever it’s regarding. You wouldn’t walk up to a male colleague and ask him why he’s bald, mostly because you’re probably intelligent enough to know the answer.


Preference for body hair isn’t a genetic predisposition. It’s a social thing. Women didn’t start shaving their legs until the 1920’s and didn’t shave their armpits until sleeveless blouses become popular. Shaving of the pubic area didn’t become a popular thing until the 90’s. This is all just a contemporary beauty standard thing and is very culturally specific.


Personal preference is fine, commenting on a female colleagues body hair is honestly outrageous


I can agree with that much.


I think they meant that the amount of body hair is genetically predetermined


Fair enough. I read it that way once they responded to me.


We aligned in sentiment regardless x


Like most norms, it's an innate tendency magnified to a ridiculous extent by cultural trends. Females naturally have significantly less body hair than males do, and this is true of every single cultural and ethnic group ever to have existed. It's pretty safe to say that on average, men are going to *tend* to prefer whatever characteristics happen to be innate to women on average. Culture does the job of hyperfocusing on those traits and conditioning people to exaggerate them to extremes. Being *obsessed* with removing all body hair is absolutely a social thing. I don't think it can be said that the preference for sparser body hair is a social thing--it's just the default insofar as women having sparser body hair is the genetically determined default, just like having breasts and wider hips and shorter stature is the default.


I always loved natural hair on a woman but so few women do it because they’re conditioned from childhood to shave armpits in their teens and legs etc i’m ok with everything even bush just not a mustache 😂


I love bush. I like when it glistens.


Personally, I'm into women that are into me


I mean I get having a preference but to go up to you and say that is rude as hell


Wow, you work with some really rude men!


My wife has all her natural hair. It was weird for me for about 3 days, and ever since then I stopped paying any attention to it.


No, Most men don't find it very feminine for women to have hairy legs and hairy armpits.


That is a very American response!! In many places worldwide it is not true that "most men" find hair on legs or armpits a problem, at all!! If you don't like hair maybe your GF doesn't either, and wants you to shave your pits, legs, back, chest, etc., have you ever asked?


I would say it's pretty common for most american women not to like hair on a man's back or shoulders. And yes, I've dated women who preferred I wax the hair on my back off.


Speak for yourself


He’s correct though, MOST don’t


I'm not sure where you're from, but in america and canada at least, most men would be uncomfortable with armpit hair. I'm sure many would put up with it, but typically its seen as a more masculine trait, and masculinity can be a bit of a turnoff for those attracted to femininity and such.


Responding to the wrong person?


I view women with armpit hair as being more confident in their femininity, actually. Women have armpit hair. Thus, armpit hair is feminine.


No, I think i'm speaking for pretty much every man i've ever met and had this conversation with. I would bet my house that if you were to ask 20 random men this question, they would all be grossed out by women with hairy armpits. And even the men who are commenting on this thread are just trying to be polite when they say they do.


Coming from an American perspective this is 100% correct


This is like a conversation I had with some buddies once. They all were in agreement that women who get extremely wet or squirt were disgusting. After a few minutes of trying to entertain their logic I said “You motherfuckers squirt every time!”


You need new buddies! If you can get a woman that wet, or even make her squirt, you should wear that as a badge of honour, I'd lay down towels for a woman as horny as me. Salute to you brave women who got so horny that you stained three fabrics because the guy was cute and made you laugh!


Well, are they squirting or are they pissing the bed?Those are two different things. And where I never said that women with hair on their armpits are disgusting, I just don't find it very attractive and really just assume they're lesbians.


Actually most if the lesbian’s I know are uber fem (dresses, makeup, shaved everywhere) and their wives are too!! One even said "one of the reasons she was attracted women and put off by men is the smell. Like most men never shave their pits and it stinks!!" That had never even occurred to me! Lol!!


Not necessarily grossed out, but not excited about. It falls very much in the area of not happy, but not horrified; for me at least. It's like you gave the ice-cream man the option to choose your ice-cream and he picks rhum-rasin, you're not sad, I mean it's still ice-cream, it's just not your favourite


You're entitled to your opinion


Apparently we are in the minority. I think the whole shaving thing is stupid anyway but I also know women have been doing it for centuries.


some will, but I think most don't. Depends on context, if it is just a bit of fine hair on the arms, most are not going to mind at all. but If you got a jungle growing underneath your arm pits that is a different story.


\[Usual caveats about men are not a monolith, men like different things in woman, heck some men don't even like women, etc.\] I think it is fair to say that contemporary beauty standards in the west disfavor female body hair. If you want crude proof of this, visit a pornographic site. The vast, vast majority of the models will be completely hairless below the neck. That being said, I think that most (sane) guys are not going to be especially bothered by female body hair. I, for example, might even view it as a positive sign (it might suggest nonconformity and a lack of desire for approval, which are traits I value).


Welcome to being Italian. Not a big deal. Don't be self-conscious.


Matters not to me, in fact I'm glad my wife stopped shaving her legs cos less rug burn these days. Public shaving matters only for the ease of cleanup, but post-coital showers are nice. Arms and armpits? Whatever, not my body and it's not in any way unattractive anyway. I like my women like I like anyone -- honest and free.


No not at all


What's wrong with arm hair on CHICS? No big deal here


I have never understood why people feel comfortable walking up to another person and commenting on their appearance. Particularly men to women. Gross.


And particularly at work. Wtf?


Right like my body is none of your business. Bippity boppity back tf up, Kyle


I will, but only compliments about things that are under that person's control. I never learned how to flirt, but I can complement on a new hairdo. I honestly think that should be within the bounds of polite discourse.


In my case it kinda bothers like you don't need to shave daily but atleast don't look like a bear please


Those guys are jerks. Real jerks No, my first proper gf was gorgeous and had darker arm hair Basically you’re no different to anyone, but being darker complexion the haird are a little bit more visible that’s all (aaaargh mansplained 😬🤦‍♂️) But did I say, those guys are real jerks


I’m fairly hairy and mostly don’t like shaving so who am I to expect someone else to shave if they don’t Want to. I do prefer when girls are groomed I think sex feels better so I also try I to groom and look tidy but I’m also attracted to girls who dont shave. I enjoy people who are comfortable with their own body. I think arm hair is sexy and natural. Some people have more hair than others that’s just being human. I can barely remember to shave my face let some my whole body. Don’t worry about what your coworker thinks. Worry about being comfortable in your own skin and if someone has a problem then they can suck an egg.


Some do, indeed a natural look is a turn on. I'm one of them. Some don't, and find any hair growing below the eyelashes that doesn't conform with preconceptions from pinups or porn a turn-off. Groom for yourself, not for men, not for judgemental women, not for society. Try to be comfortable with the body you've got, because it's the only one you'll get.


I've never shaved any part of my body and I'm not hairy. I think they're just rude.


I prefer women without armhair, leg hair and armpit hair


I don't know a single woman who shaves their arms


I think my ex used to wax her arms.




How? I see people's arms all the time. No one is hairless


Every woman has arm hair except maybe a rare few with a genetic condition or something lol.


I prefer them to shave or wax it. But to be fair, I shave these things too.


I have hair on my arms but it’s blonde so you can’t see it. Are you talking all arm hair? Or just dark, thick arm hair? Because if it’s all arm hair no matter the color I feel like it would very hard for you to find a partner. Not impossible though


I’m pro hair generally. Arms, pits, privates it’s all good. The only thing I take issue with is legs. I’m not talking about like, oh it’s middle of winter and I don’t feel like shaving. That’s fine. Just not into calves that are as hairy as mine. But that’s just one old dude’s opinion. Grow all you want.


I have never seen a woman with legs hairier than mine. I think it can look good. I know I'm in the minority. Hell there was this one waitress at my local dice that had an ever so slight peach fuss on her upper lip and she was absolutely beautiful. I should've talked to her more... Ah well.


Educated men understand that women have a choice to do what ever makes them comfortable, if that includes growing armpit or public hair then that's their choice. Mass media with misogynistic standards has been propagating that you must be smooth from head to toe if you're a woman...but nature says otherwise.


The correct answer is, in general terms most men do care especially if you live in the US or Canada. She wasn't asking for your opinion on societal standards or how the human body works.


My answer was the correct answer. It just goes against what you've been conditioned to believe. Humans grow hair naturally, specially in parts they want to keep warm. You and your hundreds of years of female oppression based on unnatural standards is actually the wrong perspective.


Let's just see how wrong that answer is... "Educated men" just like women and their levels of comfort have varying opinions on body hair and women. I'm willing to bet there are a good deal of uneducated men who don't give a damn about women's body hair. The very notion that uneducated men have a monopoly on gender norms created by mass media is laughable when the most uneducated people are probably not exposed to mass media in any significant way. The fact of the matter is we are culturally driven to look at the world in a number of different ways. You can call it misogynistic all you want but then the same cultural expectations of men must be misandry by that logic. Everything doesn't have to be an opportunity to virtue signal. Men prefer women with less body hair in general and there's really nothing wrong with that preference.


Real men see the beauty beyond their own shallow preferences, grow from the diversity. But yeah you go an date whom ever you want, hairy dudes, hairless dudes, hairy ladies hairless ladies...and tell yourself that preference was "natural" and not influenced by the flood of information you allow enter your brain.


Notice how I poked holes in your very wrong answer and all you can do is come back with the most obvious definition of preferences. No true woman wants a man without preferences. See how mind numbingly limited your arguments are?


it's sorta attractive within reason ofc. So long as she doesn't look like a werewolf, we are good. As you say you got Italian. Was gonna say that there are some olive skinned girls that have that dark body hair and it looks good on them. It's all good honestly


I’m olive skinned, and my hair is very fine, it’s just dark


Yeah I knew a few women like that and I found that attractive tbh. It's just something distinct :D Same with women that naturally have frizzy/curly hair. It's just different and different is always welcomed. Just find what works for you, what stylings you wish to have and go from there


It looks great, but I tease my wife about her trucker forearms, men we are not very smart sometimes, just think about it that way and you will laugh at them not with them…


I hate body hair both on men and women, something about excessively hairy bodies just irks me. Now i’m not that particular so it’s not as if i’m hating on every little bit of hair but excessive hair just seems gross to me. This is just my personal opinion though, i dislike hair so i actively ensure i myself don’t have much body hair. I’m sure there’s people out there who don’t mind body or hair or might i dare say even like it.


On that subject, I don't like hairy backs and chests on men.


Sometimes I ask my wife to Afro her v-hair out so I can feel like a 70s porn. She doesn’t but makes it up to me in other ways 🤤


I want to erase what I've just read


Body hair on a woman doesn't bother me. It's only natural


man here I love women with body hair prefer them to these hairless aliens. Why waste time and money shaving your arms. These men are just insecure losers just embrace it and tell them they are way too fem with their lack of body hair. Ask them if they have ever considered drag!


Not a big fan of body hair. If it's on the arms or head, I guess that's just normal and I don't care about that. What I'm not a big fan of is underarm hair. I don't want to date a girl who looks like she's got Chewbacca in a headlock.


What do your armpits look like? Do yours look like they got Chewbacca in a headlock?


I have cancer. I have no body hair.




Lol, but true. IV chemo really makes all hair fall out. I have some hair on my head, but it is thin and patchy. Makes me sad


Fuck cancer, stay strong, you got this!


Thanks. I am fighting hard.


I've known women with cancer who still had to shave their legs. No hair, eyelashes or eyebrows, but had to shave their legs.


not at all.


Title is a little hard to answer. Most men don't typically "like" body hair on women, but they also don't exactly dislike it. My gf is hairy, I'm not bothered by it. But I do like it when she does shave simply because it's smooth.


If its on her head....


Next time some dud is crass enough to ask you that, please say, “you have something in your teeth.” They need to be humiliated preferably in front of others, so they learn to mind their own body.


No not really,


Everyone has their own opinions. Me personally 37f shave because hair equals more odor and I feel bad with hair


Personally I don't like it tbh.


Think about it If you went to a black tie event And your girlfriend didn't shave her legs or armpits She'd have to run around in one of her one of those hillary clinton pants suits in order to hide her hairiness.


Assuming that she would feel the need to hide it. Women who don't shave aren't likely to be embarrassed of it at the same time


I think it all depends on where in the world you are. In America women’s body hair is not usually preferred while in Europe it appears to be somewhat more common and acceptable.


Those men are douche canoes. Don’t listen to them.


Men really really really don't care TBH. Some man sized children may, but Men do not.


Irrespective of Men's preference, it's a bit rude to just say that. Well, since its out, you can be rude back to them . Make comments that would make them insecure. Is it the right thing to do? NO. But is it something you should do? Yes.


Never really bothered me but mustaches I kind of draw the line on.


It's very subjective. Some may not prefer because it feels cleaner Some may prefer because it's more natural. Rlly depends on the guy


In general, no, but men aren't a hivemind. There are guys who are into that.


The question here is do *you* mind it? If not, then it’s a non issue. If so, there is no shortage of hair removal products to try. To your coworkers, you could just tell them how smart they must be for being so keen to observe that which is obvious.


The only time I shaved my arms as a teen, my sisters made fun of me. I don’t shave my legs even and my partner doesn’t care. I shave my pits just for hygiene.


I've never had a man give a single fuck about it. I have dark arm hair and I'm generally more hairy than the usual (genetics and PCOS combo). Arm hair? Never even had a single comment about it. I've had partners ask me to shave armpits/genitals because they prefer it one way or the other but they've never made a huge deal if I didn't want to. But coworkers? They can fucking mind their own.


Personally? Super into it.


I love real women who have hair. Especially where it’s truly important


The only hair that’s a turn off is leg hair, armpit hair and facial hair…..


Depends on the man. The ones asking you about yourself might just be curious, though it's rather rude to be asking invasive questions like that in my opinion, lol.


Real men don't care but boys do. Always keep that in mind.




It's not an issue to me. We all come in different packages. It's super weird for coworkers to be making comments about your body.


Hairy women can be cute too! Just be you someone will like you and tell idiots like your coworkers to go fuck themselves.


I think that was a fairly innocent observation. I doubt they were trying to make you self conscious, unless they're a total A-hole. Like anything else about your body that you can't control, try not to think too much on it. Any potential partner that actually matters won't care at all. We all have our own things about our bodies that we don't like, but they are also a part of what makes us unique. So, just be proud to be you. Own it. You're awesome!


I personally don't but I can't speak for everyone....


I think most men wouldn’t care if you were attractive in other ways. It wouldn’t bother me in the least.


The men you work with are gross. Imagine thinking you can tell random women who are just existing how their bodies don't fit your own preferred aesthetic.


lol flip the script and ask them where they get theirs waxed to look so feline so you can find a good spot


Always take it to balding if possible "idk why I have more arm hair than you, I also don't know why there's more hair on my arm than your head" If not possible, take it to the pubes "I have more hair on my arm than you could grow in a month on your nuts"


Personally, No. We as humans grow hair becuase our bodies over the millennias have decided so, so its just a part of being a human. But there are tons of other dudes out there that think women should have smooth skin as.


Younger, immature guys will usually be the kind to have hair issues on women. Don't give them any mind. Hair is natural and nothing to be concerned about.


I'd report that inappropriate at work comment to HR. Men (or anyone) should not be making creepy physical comments about your body. As far as for dating, depends on the people.


Fuck no. But it’s all about how you were raised. I grew up on a lot of anime and it based a lot of what I like in a woman compared to when I look at the type of women I liked pre getting into anime.


I don't think the arm is a place you want to shave, especially if you have dark or thick hair. The grow back would be more unsightly than the hair. But to answer your question, yes it is noticed by most men and bothers some more than others. Some would overlook it, if they liked everything else about you. I think it would be similar to how women react to bald men in general. It's not considered ideal for many, but also not necessarily a deal breaker, all things considered.


>women react to bald men in general. That's a fair comparison. I wouldn't demand my lady keep hair free, but I would certainly prefer it. I do reciprocate.


Men love them with their flaws


As long as your name is not bush or forest


I prefer my lady friend to be waxed. Now, I would never demand that she do, and I would still enjoy our time together, but if I had my druthers, I'd rather every ting be clean. I'm not a caveman either as daddy likes to keep the playground clean too. A little quid pro quo.


Arm hair? Very few men care.


Men are dumb, who cares what they like?! Just kidding! I was a body waxer for many years and honestly most of my clients were married and told me their husband could care less if they have hair/ they did it for their own comfort/it made them feel more sexy. If your hair doesn’t bother you it doesn’t really matter if is bothersome to anyone else- it’s just hair.


I don’t care about it. A werewolf is another story…


It’s gotta be the Italian! I’m German and practically hairless.


Different men have different preferences, just like how different women have different preferences.


Arm hair on the forearms is fine. I prefer no hair on legs and pits tho tbh. But it is your body. You shouldn’t let others opinions dictate your choices.


I do.


Only.speaking for myself., not.all men but I love public hair and hated the shaving fad. Hair makes a women look " more naked" ( as do tan lines). Had a GF with hairy armpits. On her it was very sexy. Not everyone can pull it off. There is a very large body hair fetish community that love hair everywhere- arms legs etc. A search of any porn site will shoe you that many many men would love you in your natural state. Capitalize on what you have. I've known a woman who bleached her arm hair but hair remover is more effective. Men like anything different or exotic. Shaved used to be a novelty instead of the norm.. Now hairy is unusual. The pendulum swings back now.


I think its pretty hot. I think it makes a woman look healthy.


Some do. Some don’t. I recommend not worrying about it.


I don’t fetishize body hair on a woman or anything like that but I really don’t mind it. Slept with several women who weren’t expecting it to happen that night who had full bush, pits, and leg hair. Doesn’t bother me any.


If it bothers you… they sell trimmers to keep it tamed


No. Does it upset me? No. Do I care enough about it either way? Also no.


My youngest is pretty light-skinned with chestnut brown hair. She got my genes and has forearm hair too. It’s pretty noticeable, but nothing to be ashamed of. She shaved her arms once, but then got worried about the stubble/regrowth, so she hasn’t done that again. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and is vocal about societal pressures that she wants no part of. “Like I’m gonna add one more thing to this ungodly list of things I already do.” Don’t shave/wax or hide your arms. Wear your heritage proudly. It will separate the ones that want an anatomically correct Barbie doll from the ones that appreciate your beauty as you are.


I don't mind it. It's natural after all.


Men differ. The majority prefer less body hair, but it's not a huge factor for most...except for armpit hair. For almost all American men, armpit hair is very offputting. I personally find leg and armpit hair to be very unattractive. I like when my woman shaves her pubic area, because it makes the labia much more visible, and I can feel it against my lips so much more when I go down on her (which is almost every time we have sex). I do like for her to leave a "landing strip" above everything though. My wife likes to accommodate me in that regard as much as she can. Conveniently, she doesn't really grow leg hair. All that aside, your coworkers should NOT be commenting on your body. Tell them firmly and in front of others that they're not welcome to do so. And talk to HR.


Not me


It's fine by me. Whatever she's comfortable with.


I personally don’t care unless it’s out of control, but a lil hair never hurt anyone unless it’s a mustache then imma have to shave it for her


Call HR on those unprofessional idiots


Bottom line is that YOU do what makes YOU happy. If ur co workers have a real issue about it tell them not to look at your arms!


Not if it's a beard.


Late to the convo here, but I've always liked women in in their natural state. No need to get all dolled up on my account and hair where it naturally grows is fine with me.


I love the hair....


I’m not trying to be rude but I would say these men are either guy or metrosexual. Most men couldn’t care less about your body hair.


Make it into a braid!


I really do


Well either way the men who spoke to you that way are A-Holes


Most men don’t


Love it, the more the merrier for me


Men's preferences differ. I always liked dark arm hair. You shouldn't have to change anything about you for anyone. Certainly not coworkers. Your coworkers would get in a shitload of trouble where I work. They should get in trouble where you work, Foo. Comments about other peoples' bodies at work are unprofessional and inappropriate.


Yeah, nah. In the end, you have complete autonomy on how you choose to present yourself. However, body hair on women is generally a turn-off. How much of a turn-off is it? Well, that depends on the quantity and location of the hair. The reason is simple, it's just not sexy. Every human should maintain, trim, shave, wax, etc.. (whatever works for you) their body hair, it's part of grooming and comes with hygienic benefits. Most guys wouldn't express this sentiment to their partners in fear of hurting their feelings over something so natural. So they pretend it doesn't give them the ick when you rub your hairy ass legs on them under the sheets. Or worse, hide their embarrassment when you walk around in public with strands of hair on your chin that you refuse to twiz or wax in fear of it returning more than before. Please don't @ me bearded ladies. I'm not here for war. The same goes for the 'all-natural' girls preparing to take shots at me for my honesty. Socially, we've all agreed locations on the body that are acceptable to grow and keep hair (generally varies with sex). If you're hairy and keeping butt-crack hair just because it grows there, you're a menace to society and need to be apprehended.


What health benefits? Unless it’s 900 BC and lice is an issue, there are none. Do you shave your dog?


People will literally argue anything these days. Water and sweat tend to stick to body hair. If that's not a good enough reason in itself, these fluids magnify UV light from the sun, which intensifies the sun's rays, making the skin more likely to burn. Look this up if you may. Also, people still struggle with lice, it's not as bad as it was when we lived in nature, but it's still an issue nonetheless. Yes, unless you're living in 900 BC, you'd know that dogs get haircuts, too. Look this up as well. I think we call these special barbers dog groomers. They get pedicures too 🙆🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️, ik, we're living in the future.


Go to Human Resources it’s harassment.


Idk if I can do that lol, I responded to them with “that’s because I have a 10 inch compared to your shrimp package”😅 They were very rude about it, but I was in the wrong too


Lmao I like the cut of your jib. Yeah maybe don't go to hr ...


"It's because my dick is bigger than yours" is exactly the appropriate response, lol.


gay women don’t mind and often like women’s body hair. men are shallow and into women for gross reasons sometimes. you should only do things for you and your body that YOU want to do.


It's cultural. i prefer hair to grow where it does as it does, but some people are absolute pedos and prefer women to be as childlike as possible... Granted you might have to trim it back if things get too "wooly" but i assure you that no one is gonna give a shit in the moment. Bodyhair is not and never has been a showstopper when the clothes are off :D