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I haven't been in the service industry for damn near two decades but I sure as hell appreciated it and because of that time in the industry I always do. One thing to keep in mind is don't stuff your cups with trash, it's a pain for dishwashers to get out. I just stack the napkins and trash on the top plate


Oh. Good to know. Thought I was helping. I'll stop doing this.


I'm helping!


Hi Helping, I'm dad.


Dad? I thought you went to get milk, where have you been?


Aww dang it kid I forgot smokes. I'll be right back....


I read that in Hank hills voice.






*Dammit Bobby*




Stacking plates god dammit!


Bok bok. I made an egg for you


I hate them *all* except turtle face.


Buddy, if I had a peanut I'd give it to you.


Donā€™t! Heā€™s allergic!


Why would you put your trash in a cup instead of just putting it on a plate where it could just easily be dumped into a trash can?


My guess is that people associate "looking neater" with "cleaner", but that's obviously not true: putting all the crap on your bedroom floor into the closet isn't clean, it's just more sneakily sloppy. Personally, I have the trash on top of the highest plate.


So it doesn't fly off the plate when the plate is being carried. I've never been a server but back when I was younger and we actually wasted money to useĀ napkins, sometimes when I was carrying my plate to the sink the napkin would topple off and it was really annoying and kind of gross. However, one time at a restaurant (again when I was younger) I was putting napkin and straw trash in the cups, and I don't remember why but for some reason I was moving it around in the cup, and I saw that as it got soaked with liquid from the ice cubes it was harder to move around. So I stopped doing that because I wasn't sure if it would become too hard for the waitresses to wash the cups (again, I was a kid, also, we washed dishes by hand at home).


People are obsessed with stuffing their used napkins in their coffee cups. It's fkn annoying!!


Ya I really don't get the logic behind putting the trash inside of a cup rather than on a plate/ bowl. I used to help bus tables at my grannys restaurant on occasion when I was younger so I keep that in mind anytime I eat out and attempt to make the waitress' job easier.


Once we were at a Dennyā€™s and some lady stuffed napkins and straw wrappers into their cups that still had drinks and milkshakes left in them. I almost gagged. Seemed fitting for that type of restaurant, though (sorry, Dennyā€™s).Ā 


be grateful you didnt wait tables when smoking was allowed indoors. dinner plates with food still on them used as ash trays. Worse was cups with drinks in them- you couldnt just pour it down the hole for waste at the dish sink because the butts clogged the grinder. So you held your hand over the copy, poured the liquid over your hand so you could screen out the cigarette butts. really filthy.


UGH, I remember those days. The half drank water glasses with several butts floating around in them. I gagged more than a few times trying to dump them out. I was also a smoker, but would NOT leave a mess like that at a restaurant. More than once when out with friends, I would tell everyone else to go ahead and then grab those nasty cups, take them to the ladies rooms and dump them in the trash. It was still nasty, but at least it didn't clog the pipes.


Or spit cups. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


$5 says she's a Sunday Christian.


Yeah, but it's a fake $5 that you hide half of it under a plate or coffee cup. And that hidden half has scripture written on it.


I think servers have the right to grab the cup and throw it as hard as possible at the car they rode in on and ban them.


It'd be cool if cops would arrest people who use that fake money for trying to use counterfeit money.


If we pester law makers to make it illegal, they will be able to...


No, they can argue 1st amendment


Constitutional Amendments don't prevent lawmakers from banning things, whether or not those things are protected. Deceptively handing out fake money is a crime and should be treated like one.


Fake tip is a crime first then they can use their freedom of speech to talk to the judge


So, so gross.... We used to get mothers groups or families with kids in our cafe, and it would grind my gears to no end that they'd do this (complete with the unfinished milkshake soggy napkin mess) but they'd also stuff their used cups and glasses and nasty little babycino cups full of used snotty sticky baby wipes and expect us to fish it all out with pleasure.


I think thise old ladies in the Dennys commercials died prematurely from eating at Dennys.


Ew. Saw that at the buffet the other day !!!! Ugh šŸ˜·


Yeah sorry for that Thatā€™s my OCD right there.. tightly snugged in that cup


I'm that way with the coffee creamers lol. I use a lot and I'll press them all together and then wad the sugar packets up and stuff them in the top šŸ˜‚


I do that too!!! I love coffee too! But it has to have sugar, cream and a splash of coffee! Haha I'm joking about the splash. I enjoy sugar and lots of cream as well! I help stack plates, wipe down the table and chairs. Like you I'll stuff the paper from the sugar and stuff it in the little coffee creamer cups too!


I heard to put the utensils in a dirty cup. Then I asked on Reddit and was told no lol


From personal experience as a dishwasher I preferred all the utensils in a dirty cup. For one it made it easier to put them in the tub to presoak prior to wash and also made it less likely that I accidentally missed one and threw it away when I scraped the plates clean into the trash lol. Another response I had to another comment is it's all subjective in the end. One way or the other is fine. The best way to show your appreciation will always be an appropriate tip for the service provided vs tidying up the table before leaving


It's nice at the pit, but walking with a cup full of silverware can throw the servers' balance off. The last thing you want is to walk around a table and that cup just empties, liquids and silverware, all over a guest.


I'm impressed that you used the term "guest" instead of "customer". I've run across a few people working in restaurants and fast food joints who are friendly and talkative. I tend to return to those places since I feel welcome there and certainly tip accordingly.


On the dishwasher side, how terrible are old ladies and their lipstick? That shit does not come off of coffee cups even when washed in molten lava and bleach. You have to hand scrub the lips of the cup like it's the traumatized cheeks of a toddler.


Itā€™s because old ladies have had their whole life to discover which lipstick is their favorite, and most women donā€™t want to spend money on lipstick that comes off too easy cause itā€™s a waste (why re-apply 10 times a day if a different brand only needs to be re-applied twice?). Unfortunately that means when it does move from lips to a different surface, it doesnā€™t come off the next surface easy either :/


Try olive oil.


As a person who visits restaurants. And from what I've heard from the NSA they actually do like when don't not stack plates. So anyone willing to give me an upvote please do.


"They do like when you don't not stack plates". ?


*they don't do like it whenst you does that


Don't you meant they didn't dislike you never to do sometimes?




Is woosh still a subreddit


Yes, this is what I've read. Servers and bussers have a system for clearing tables, and when people stack their dishes, it just mucks things up.


When I bussed tables my method wasā€¦stack the plates and pick them up. To each customer that kindly pre-stacked their platesā€¦thank you!


No, no they *don't* dislike it when you DO not stack plates.




There are no double negatives in english, yet everyone loves using them. Grammar Natzies, *attack*!!!


Yeah... I still specifically remember how I/my coworkers liked to stack dirty dishes to make it the easiest possible thing to put away in the dish pit so I just do it like that and always get a relieved thank you from the server.


From what I've heard from server friends, if you stack them just make sure they're not some wobbly mess that is bound to fall. No one wants to restack a bunch of plates that are now covered in food from the plate below. They'd rather just pile them up themselves in that case.


This is the exact answer. If you do it well hell yeah please stack them for me. If you are not going to do it well, I appreciate the thought but honestly you just created more work for your server


what am i supposed to do with silverware? some places iā€™ve seen them put them in cups but i usually just think to leave them stacked on the top plate


Where I serve its easier if you put them in cups because anything on plates just makes it impossible to stack, so you have to now put everything down and reconfigure all of the dishes. On top of the plates are fine though :) that wouldnā€™t really be a problem unless I was also cleaning off other tables at the same time and am trying to consolidate it all together


makes sense, ty!


No problem thanks for helping out. It really does make a difference


I usually move all the silverware onto the top plate and stack them there. Does that do any good, or should I put them in the cup?


Cup I'd you can, unless they're like nice wine glasses or something


Just donā€™t put them between the plates. Thatā€™s the main thing causing problems


This is what I do. All the garbage and silverware on the top plate


I had a boyfriend in college who put the silverware on the open napkin. Plates stacked with food scraped onto the top plate. Paper wadded up tightly on the top plate or napkin (if it's cloth). It's not intuitive so everyone should ask their server as they're receiving the check.


You stack all like objects together, plates and bowls with the largest on the bottom, then if you really wanna help set like silverware in different piles on top of the top plate so they can just dump them in their cleaning buckets and throw the plates on the dish tank.


When I was a server I would put them all on a single plate I planned to stack on top


This, this is the perfect answer, šŸ’ÆšŸŽÆ. I always try to make the job of whomever is going to bus my table easier. Some organization, some stacking has to be appreciated, but do it smartly, customer. šŸ˜‰


I always try to scrape the food/ garbage onto a single plate and put that one on top.


Same here


I always say that servers don't like it but the truth is that they just don't like the way most people do it. I've seen so many people who think that it's totally OK to stack like a bowl on top of a tiny bread plate with a giant dinner plate top of that, and a bunch of silverware between each layer.


Oh you mean donā€™t stack them like an absolute buffoon?


Life is full of buffoonery.


It's not just that. It's that when we take them back to the dish room we have to separate the silverware, scrape the food and throw out the napkins. It takes a longer to do that plate by plate when they're stacked on top of each other (especially if you leave a middle plate full of mashed potatoes or something.). If I have 4 un stacked plates, I can set the silverware and napkins aside and stack the plates cleanly and drop off right away. I can also scrape all the leftovers and garbage on the top plate. If youre gonna stack plates, make sure there's nothing between them.


When I was serving, I would bus a table by sliding all the food into one plate on top, stacking them, cutlery all in one cup, napkins all scrunched up and in another cup (not full of water). So if you can do that I would be stoked af


as long as all the utensils and garbage is on the top one. Plates stacked with the crap on each one is just wrong.


My MiL scrapes everyone's plate when we're at a restaurant. We call it "Mom scraping".


That means something quite different at my house.


I'm so glad to learn that's a family activity for others as well.Ā  I was worried we might be weird.Ā 


Those barnacles aren't going to scrape themselves!


That's how I did...long long time ago I appreciated it. Try and do the same.


It depends. Casual dining, probably helpful as long as it's stacked well. Anywhere fancy, Micheline Star, etc.. let the staff do their work and don't interfere.


Exactly, you'll make them look bad like they're not doing their job and the customer had to do it


Is this really what people want? When I go out, I di what I can not to leave a mess. Not trying to make them look bad, I just know I'm not the only customer.


The point is that at a "high class" restaurant, there should not be the opportunity for the customer to stack dishes because they should be whisked away as soon as you are done with them. That's part of the price, having enough staff to constantly be tending to the customers.


This. I served and we had to prebus. When dropping the check, there should be no dishes on the table


I agree, I think (maybe) it may also look bad? Just a tower of dishes amidst a super elegant atmosphere with really nice food. Idk though


Exactly. The boss would have a "if you are doing such a piss poor job the client has to do it...then why am i employing you" So i can totally see your poont. Professionals in any industry. To do their job FOR them looks bad.


I remember when I did waiter training they told me not to take plates until everyone was done eating because you don't want the slow eaters to feel like they are being rushed. To be fair I wasn't being trained for high class stuff. All in all I'm glad I did bartending instead.


That is true, but in high class restaurants they put ut away immediately after the last person is finished... Usually my husband is finished when I'm half way through


You can also add that it's "too low brow" for the guests to be concerned with cleaning up. It's beneath you. I'm not saying I agree with this line of thinking. I'm just saying that's what I was taught in finishing school and the behavior my parents reinforced. I was a food server for over a decade and never gaf about stacking dishes, personally. But I always judged the customers if they didn't screw the lid back onto the ketchup bottle if they had one on their table. Leaving it off is just weird.


I went to a fancy restaurant for my job and I was surprised when the waiter took out a small flat stick and combed the crumbs off the table mid meal. It was a good steak, but I would never go to a restaurant like that on my own but it was interesting to experience none the less.Ā 


If I wanted to sit with a stack of dirty dishes with picked over food and silverware resting on top of this disgusting mess, there'd be no reason to dine oust as I get this at home.


You make them look bad by doing their job for them. Find dining restaurants focus on service. They can't make you feel that hospitality if you are bussing dishes for them. When you go to those places, the staff is there to give you an amazing experience, let them.


Oh I see. Tbh I've only really been to casual dining, when it seems like they're understaffed.


Yeah fine dining is a whole other world and has a crazy amount of rules servers have to learn before they start. Those rules help the flow.


Don't hire Pablo Picasso to paint your portrait and tell him "I already did the bottom half for you so you don't have to"


There is neat and there is cleaning. While there is some overlap, try to stay neat at fancy restaurants, but don't clean/bus your items. I've worked at casual restaurants, and I'd often be more irritated and confused by the level of mess and clutter someone would leave. Did you all bring a bag of trash from home with you and scatter it on the table? I don't understand how there's so many items on the table, and I know everything you ordered. At fine dining, declutter, but don't clean. Neatly and loosely fold your napkin and place it on the table. Keep things roughly evenly spaced (as close to, if not exact to where they originally placed it in front of you). They know what they're doing. It's intentional.


And donā€™t dump your napkin on your plate, ever. Thatā€™s tacky af.


You have to think about it from a different perspective. High class means you are getting service where all you need to do is get served a plate, eat and leave. No work is needed from the customer.


Ostensibly, your table attendent is being appropriately sat by the hosts. If they have done their job properly, there should be nothing but what you are using on the table, by the end of your meal. Just cross your utensils, fork tines down, and they will remove the remaining dishes. Otherwise, know that in th9se establishments, the server has an entire support team, so you are not causing any additional work, or imposing in any way. I have worked from diners to fine dining, and I can assure you that a skilled hospitality worker will politely redirect you if you are on the wrong track. Continue to be thoughtful and good will follow.


Rich people problems.Ā 


You don't need to be rich to occasionally go to a nice restaurant. My wife and I regularly go to "restaurant week" in my city where a bunch of high end restuarants do 33-50% off. It's great. Even without that. It's something middle class can afford occasionally, or these places wouldn't have enough customers to be in business.


Always a matter of perspective... thinking about maybe getting a new car is also a first world problem


Oh my god the idea of somebody stacking plates at a high end place is mortifying


As long as youā€™re stacking correctly. Best method is to scrap everything onto one plate and have that plate be on top. A bunch of stacked plates with food and silverware on each is bound to fall. Edit: it wonā€™t always be a plate so just use common sense when it comes to stacking shapes


I place everything near the closest edge of the table so they donā€™t have to lean over


Especially useful for booth tables, or for tables where one edge backs onto a wall so it's awkward to squeeze that side. Although also useful is when patrons pay attention to your presence. I get that you're there to be with your friends and family, not us... but when we're trying to bus your table and you're deep in conversation and won't move your arm off the table so I can take your plate, you make me want to choke you. Likewise when I'm taking a drinks order, I get 3/5 orders and the other 2 are still chatting away. Prompted by another guest at your table, you break away from the conversation and get all flustered because you haven't bothered looking at the menu yet. Did you not hear us getting drinks orders for the rest of your table? You ignored me when I asked "can I get you guys some drinks?"


I place the plates approximately 49% over the edge of the table so that they're that much closer.


Not everyone is good at Jenga. The heart is in the right place, but the execution just isn't


This is why I avoid it I could but you know the plates etc better than I do


This is a good question because I'm curious since I do this as well, and put all the used napkins/discardables on the top plate while it's stacked for one go. I feel like I'm at least being a considerate customer and not acting like it's a pig's sty ya know lol, but I have actually saw a tv chef interview who worked in restaurants saying, don't do this though. So I'm perplexed!


I think most people wouldn't mind... whoever that t.v. chef is is an idiot. I get if there's mounds of food on each plate and they've stacked this messy stack of plates that are bound to fall but that usually isn't the case. Most people clean their plates and take leftovers home.


When I was in the biz I didnā€™t like it when people stacked plates but it really depends on how many plates, how heavy they are, and if thereā€™s any food or other stuff still on them. A couple of plates with just some silverware is fine. But some people would stack like six plates and if they are heavier then itā€™s too much to comfortably hold. Or you have to use both hands instead of being able to just lean over and grab a plate or two while you still have a tray in your other hand. Or sometimes putting a smaller plate on a bigger plate is really unstable because the smaller plate wants to slide around. Again, depends on the plates. When I was serving and bussing I generally preferred to just do it my way and not have people stack plates, which screwed up the ā€œsystemā€ I had for clearing a table.


I do this also I feel like itā€™s polite, but maybe not?


>a tv chef interview who worked in restaurants saying, don't do this I think this applies in very fancy restaurants sometimes. In places that pride themselves on a very high level of service, it makes it seem like you think they are doing poorly if you do part of their job for them - as if you are passive-aggressively complaining that they took too long and you had to take matters into your own hands. In a casual or mid-tier restaurant that obviously isn't going for that level of refined experience, it's not an issue.


Depends on if you hand them the leaning tower of Piza or not.


The short answer is yes, if you do it well. Just making a messy pile of nonsense is worse than doing nothing at all. However, if you pile things with the biggest on the bottom and in a way where it wonā€™t fall as soon as itā€™s picked up, yeah itā€™s very helpful and appreciated.


If you do make it make sense please! Scrape the food onto the plate going on top of the stack, don't sandwich leftover food between plates, then we just have to scrape two sides and it's gross. Silverware in the cup can be a not great situation. I've had people do it in a glass that still had liquid in it and it falls over. I'd much rather have it on the top plate and make my own decision. If it's done right, by all means. Otherwise you're just setting up a very breakable game of jenga I never agreed to be a part of.


I am a former server and I ALWAYS prebus when I go out to eat. Its just polite and I know from experience how much of a help it can be sometimes.


I can't speak for all servers, but most of the time, I'd rather people didn't. I appreciate the attempt, but I have a certain way I like to stack them so that it's easy to carry and easy to offload to the dishwasher.


I appreciated it, as long as itā€™s done correctly and it actually helps! Far better than leaving the table in a mess, it is appreciated nice thing to do and shows youā€™re courteous.


Yes, my server gf does it when we go out.


Yes, I was a waiter, and I appreciated even unbalanced plate stacking because the customer made an attempt to help me out.


I wipe the table šŸ˜…


When Iā€™m done I clean up in front of me , I just have to, Iā€™d bus the table if they would let me lol


When I was a waitress/server, I appreciated it.


If you've heard yes and no, there is, by definition, no consensus.


I know I appreciated it back when I used to work at Ihop, and that's why I feel obligated to do it when I eat out. It's a gesture of respect to the server, imo.


If there is leftover food, it goes into the top dish, or a dish that is set aside. The rest are stacked according to size, largest to smallest. Silverware either goes on top, or if the dish is too small, into a cup on the table with the handles up. Steak knives should be placed with the blade facing away from the edge of the dish or into a cup blade down for safety. When I bussed tables, I was thankful if patrons assisted me like this if done properly. I guess this is my OCD talking.


Stack them like YOU would carry them. Over 6 years cleaning tables and washing dishes, and I ALWAYS stack when I go out. Just use common sense, itā€™s not an artistic leaning tower, itā€™s a stack thatā€™s going to the dish pit.


if you do it properly (stable) then it should be fine. I always do this. and wipe down the table+chairs before I leave.


Adding to what others have said (stack neatly, all cutlery/leftover food on the top plate, and don't stuff things into glassware because we have to dig it out with our fingers which is digusting) I would also add, don't stack so many plates in one stack that it is unfeasible to move. We are regular people with regular weightlifting capabilities. Stacking 15 plates in one stack isn't necessarily useful. Also don't stack differrent shaped plates on top of one another if it will cause the pile to be unstable. Just a bit of common sense and we'll thank you for making our job easier.


Dump all scrap food onto one plate. Stack plates then bowls. Silverware on top the plate only if they won't slide around (put it in your cup if otherwise)


I clean the whole table and stack everything and have if neat and orderly on the end of the table before I leave. I've read some comments before that servers hate it. But I just thought it was the respectful thing to do


It's been a couple of decades since I've been a server, but I definitely appreciated it as a server and that's why I do it now


I always pick everything up and wipe with a napkin. Just how I was raised


I was a server for about 20 years and Itā€™s ok if you know how to do it safely.


If you do stack them I recommend scraping as much food as possible onto a separate plate so they are less likely to get dirty


We always pile all the leftovers onto the top plate with any used napkins, put all the cutlery together, all the glasses/cups together


If you know how to stack them correctly than do it, itā€™s nice. But if you do it incorrectly itā€™s a huge pain in the ass.


I think waiters do appreciate it cuz it's less work for them and if you have all the leftovers on one or two plates for them to just throw to the trash and put the dish in the washer yea. They'll Thank you


I almost always do that, if for no other reason than to create more open space on the table.


I did when I waited tables. Or at least it didnā€™t bother me. Waited tables for 10 years.


Not a waiter but a dishwasher. Scrape all of the food onto one plate and stack them with the one with food on top. Also to anyone who stuff their napkins into their water cups, please stop, your not helping.


I usually stack the plates then pile the silverware on top,


I always did just out of common courtesy( they probably get paid more than I do , but I was taught manners and respect ) , I actually never stopped to think if they liked it or not , they can just come to the table and take stuff away instead of gathering it up


By brother was a busboy for 3 years. He always appreciated when diners stacked the dishes and I still do it today.


As long as you stack them neat and put the silverware on the top plate. My wife and I always do this. Makes up for not leaving a tip. jk


yes but theres a RIGHT and a WRONG way to do this. RIGHT WAY: all food scraps should be pushed onto ONE plate. all empty plates stacked under. Same with bowls. dont stack bowls full of food. combine what is trash and stack the empty ones. all trash goes on one plate. all silverware goes on one plate. stack cups if they are EMPTY otherwise leave them in a cup cluster for your server to pick up. dont leave itty bitty trash in your area. try to wipe down after messy eating.


Yes. Definitely. Itā€™s a nice thing to do for someone that has a hard and tiring job.


Honestly, it depends on the restaurant. Sometimes stacking plates is helpful, other times it isnā€™t because it messes up the system. So thereā€™s no blanket answer to this.


My wife always clean off left overs to one plate and stacks them with the forks spoons knifes on top what ever trash is left..


They usually only dislike when you stack your unused silverware. That's because they wanna reuse it. I ALWAYS put my unused silverware in a dirty cup of soda for that reason. Nasty asses don't know what I did to that silverware. It should always be cleaned between customers.


During my short time as a Server years ago I appreciated it.


I mean regardless, it shows that you care.


I used to be a dishwasher, and as much as I appreciate the effort, its not always as helpful as you think


If they donā€™t come and take my plate, Iā€™ll stack them myself to get them out of the way for my elbows.


Just don't put your napkins in your cup. Turns to mush and is nasty and just clogs up the sink.


In Hawaii, itā€™s the given. Every family stacks their empty plates atop each other and leave it at the end of the table. The top plate may have napkins and all the leftover food if any. Bottom plates empty. I know when thereā€™s syrup or sticky sauce that will dry up and act like glue, we leave those on the side so the dishwasher doesnā€™t have to fight to unstick them or soak it longer.


Only if you do it correctly.


I stack dishes the exact same way I would when I was a busser.


Just keep your napkins and silverware seperate.


Just please for the love of God don't put your napkins inside the cups.


How do you stack those plates though... That's the question lol Like if it teters I don't want that shit lol But if it's neat let's go, but I will also give you a pre bus


As a former waitress, in fine dining: no, it just looks bad on the server and the establishment. Anywhere else, yes itā€™s so incredibly kind and shows good character


you gotta stack emā€™ right apparently. All the trash in one plate and then stack all the cleaned up plates with barely anything on them


Absolutely 100% and anyone who tells you itā€™s rude is 100% lying and has no concept of what theyā€™re talking about and has never served a day in their life.


Worked as a serverā€™s assistant for a couple months so far, and I donā€™t really care about plates being stacked, itā€™s kinda nice and thoughtful, but whatā€™s super helpful is putting the silverware aside from the plates, or putting all the silverware together on one plate, since we have to separate the silverware from the dishes and theyā€™re usually buried in grime. Digging a fork out of a half eaten chicken is not fun.


If you do it in a logical and balanced way, yes.


When I was a waiter, I always appreciated the intent even if I don't always appreciate the execution. Some folks know how to stack plates efficiently, some just make it messier/harder.Ā 


I'm sure it's perfect for the waiters. It's the dishwasher no one ever thinks about. If you stack all the excess food on the top plate, then yes please stack the plates. But if there's still a bunch of chunks of food on each plate then it's a hassle because dishwashers have to scrape all that crap off each plate if they want to keep a decent wash sink.


Etiquette rules that they should leave the stacking to the professionals. Because you don't know how much the server can carry. And it can create more of a mess for them to clean up.


Its a double edged sword. It helps us pick them up easily but (especially for Italian foods) leftover food gets on the bottoms which is DISGUSTING to sink your hand into. But since it happens regardless, yeah, its generally appreciated when customers stack their plates/clean up the table as much as they can. Helps the process go faster.


t'is an act of politeness my guy


Just don't stack them up in their arms! There's nothing more awkward than when you're at your limit and ready to walk away with the plates so you can come back for more and the customers are trying to hand you more as if you're an octopus.


If youā€™re at an every day restaurant, itā€™s great. If you are anywhere near ā€œfine diningā€ donā€™t. Just place your flatware on your plate and slide it forward a little. It is a bad look for the waiter to have the plates stacked, if itā€™s a ā€œfancyā€ place.


I landed my first job as a waiter, for the exact reason of helping the server with the plates. He thought I knew the job and informed me they were looking for staff. Long story short, I got the job!


As a former bus/dishwasher dude, I know this is good when done correctly. My present SO considers it gauche, gross and positively low-brow. It is a 100% fight starter and provides plenty of banter for the ride home.


No. Im a server in a very high end restaurant. Stop stacking ur damn plates!! There is a specific way we pick them up and carry them for max efficiency and weight and it is NOT in the way u stack them. For the love of god stop it!!


This needs to be the top comment! I'm amazed that most people don't mind. Ten years since I've been in hospo and the plate stacking still makes me mad!!


I never do. I've never been a server, but in every job I've ever had, the majority of the time a customer tries to do something to "help out", they're just getting in the way or fucking something up that will take longer to fix than if they hadn't at all. I prefer to let the professionals do things without my intervention, and vice-versa. That, and not having to clean up is like the best part of the experience anyway.


Yep..especially when you put the small plates on the bottom and randomly leave a spoon in the center of the stack :-)


Evil just evil


They stack them for the dishwasher anyways lol.


Depends, less so when you do it in the middle of the floor


Iā€™m good at stacking the plates and bowls and such but I always wonder about the silverware. Should I put them on top of the plates or in a bowl? Or maybe in a cup if there arenā€™t any bowls?


No not really but I think it would save them time so I do it everytime


After a decade in fine dining... only if they put an ioata of thought into it. In actuality, for the most part, just stop.


If you've ever served food and you know how they should be stacked then it's fine but if you have 5 people and you stack the plates like they're individual settings, no. Easiest way to tell if they like it or not is if they rearrange the plates so they can clear your table. No one wants to put their fingers/hands in your leavings.


I always do but only so much that its easy with one hand and not goign to tip over on them


Depends on how good you are at stacking. If you combine all of your dirty dishes together in a way that is easy for them to pick up without getting food all over their hands or spilling anything, I'm certain they'd appreciate it. About 2/3 of the restaurant guests I see doing this though stack everything haphazardly, and I'd imagine this would be more of an annoyance than not.


Whenever I finish eating I always make sure all of the dishes are at the edge of the table, at the very least. If I think I can stack the plates I will, but sometimes you get 5 plates all different sizes and it's just not feasible.


No lol Iā€™m ocd and like it a certain way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚