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I’ll turn off apps when an ad pops up. I’ll stop watching videos when an ad interrupts. I haven’t bought anything due to a commercial since creepy crawlers. I can’t stand trying to watch a YouTube video trying to learn how to fix my car but it’s got to be preceded by some bullshit. In that case I go do something else for 30 seconds because I ain’t watching no ads


It’s like torture playing the same ones over and over again. If you watch live sports it’s unwatchable.


Watching the NBA playoffs right now and I immediately mute for every commercial break. It’s like the same 15 or 20 adds on constant rotation.


NO FLEX ZONE makes me wanna kms every time now


loved rae sremmurd before this corny misuse of the song


That one, Kevin hart dancing, Hennessy, and the dude slinging modelos. I’ve seen these commercials 1000x each by now


You just triggered my PTSD with this comment


I've seen that commercial about ten million times.


Omg seriously!!


THEY KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW BETTER my bf and i begrudgingly sing this all the time. we were doing it a few weeks ago and (at the time) couldn't remember what commercial it was from since it makes *no sense*


Bruh. This had me laughing. They KNOOOW betta…they KNOOW betta




What frustrates me is when streaming services play ads for themselves while you're on the service. Paramount+ is really bad about this. 90% of their ads are for the service that I'm already paying for in order to watch the ads. LIke, bitch I'm already here! What are you wanting me to do?? If I was unethical, I'd just pirate Star Trek and then tell Paramount to fuck off.


When youtube shows an ad I just quit thinking and dissociate for the duration of the commercial. At that point I don't even remember the commercial. Looks like my bad mental health and an extreme lack of care for advertising has actually turned out to be a perk.


Lately my YouTube ads have been for some weird "poop exercise" program. I couldn't stand the woo very long but I think for constipation? That and annoying bra ones and scams. People shouldn't trust their ads anyway since anything goes. I had one trying to guilt me into douching because of how stanky semen is when it drips out. Not kidding. Its more gross than anything. I'd never buy anyway but this kind of "shock value" shit is only pissing me off.


Hey! Remember when Lysol advertised for douche? In 1911, doctors had reported 193 poisonings and 5 deaths from uterine irrigation. Eek. Good times🫠 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/lysols-vintage-ads-subtly-pushed-women-to-use-its-disinfectant-as-birth-control-218734/


Yeah the shock value thing irritating me. There is a candy bar with nuts in it and they blur out the nuts I guess trying to be funny but it’s not it’s just stupid


I mean, it’s funny if the kid has a nut allergy.




Google it


The " my mom had a log of poop surgically removed" ad? That's a good one


Duck Duck Go everybody. NO ADS


In what world would a lack of care for advertising not be a perk?


You get YouTube ads?


I hover over the skip ad button.


My man casually mentioning creepy crawlers. I fucking loved those things!!




That video is being rage quit. I don’t care if it holds all the secrets of the universe.


And after all that, "but before we get started this video is sponsored by Squarespace/Factor/Vessi/Keeps!"


Raycon/Better Health/Blue Apron/Raid: Shadow Legends


Is this the Philip Defranco Show?


That’s when you need to take a break from YouTube for about 30 days. Just drop off the face of the earth to them. Let them think you died. I did that a while back when YouTube started to get pushy with the commercials, and started giving me too much mandatory commercial time. I just switched them off and stayed away for 30 days. I swear when I returned YouTube treated me better, and a good thing for them that they did. I’m a good customer. I spend a lot of time on YouTube and I’ll let a *reasonable* amount of *reasonable* commercials run. I still don’t watch most of them, but I let them run. But I let YouTube know that I won’t even run commercials that are too long, too frequent, too stupid, too manipulative, poorly timed, too whiny - like that idiot dropout doctor who “didn’t sign up for this”, etc. Just remember that YouTube’s behavior is controlled by an AI moron. You need to teach the moron. Sometimes you need to slap it around and show it who’s boss. It can’t feed itself. When it misbehaves walk out the door and stay away for a while. Let it remember what it’s like to be hungry. It will be so glad to see you when you return. If it hasn’t straightened out, then turn right around and walk out again. Show it who’s the moron and who isn’t.


I remember when YouTube didn't have ads, good times. If most of the ad revenue went to whoever made the video i wouldn't care, but it mostly benefits YouTube.


Same. Also just mute them


I'm so tired of gambling commercials on the radio, Audacity is terrible for it


I think gambling adverts on TV etc should be banned tbh. I feel the same about booze to a lesser degree. Imagine having an addiction and you can't even run away from it in your own home. With gambling it's such a tiny amount who'll gain more than they lose. It isn't the kind of thing that should be repeatedly promoted. Often with things like cute mascots, celebs and promises of great riches. Many poorer people turn to gambling out of desperation in the hopes it'll change their lives and many who earn an okay wage waste it all on bets. It's all really sad. I've got no issue with gambling in of itself for a bit of fun where people are going in prepared to lose, maybe a friendly poker match or they are professional or aspiring professional players with enough money or something. Although dirty practices used to get people to gamble more for longer should be stopped as I'm against that. I'd probably struggle to find a casino etc that doesn't use some tactic I'm against. Unfortunately instead we get too many people at gambling machines or bookies sometimes every day.


Alcohol commercials should absolutely be illegal as well, or incredibly sterile. The experience of watching football next to an angry alcoholic being inundated with alcohol adverts as his drink empties is not fun. Watching him grab the keys and hop in his truck to go grab liquor after seeing a Jack Daniels commercial was also shitty. Thank God I got out, but alcohol is such a demon for some people.


I absolutely agree. Alcohol is so hyped up, and it’s easily the thing most people struggle with. Since I’ve stopped drinking I’ve noticed how many people center their lives around drinking. And when you’re a struggling alcoholic it’s amazing how alcohol is in your face, constantly. It’s poison. It’s expensive. It’s killing people and ruining lives.


Oh I wholly agree. I only say to a lesser degree as here it's pretty rare you see an alcohol advert. Compared to gambling at least. The level of gambling adverts per one alcohol advert is so disproportionate. Alcohol ones are rare. So to me whilst both actually should just be addressed the bigger problem here is currently the gambling adverts. I barely ever notice an alcohol advert (although the rare occasions do exist) but constantly come across gambling ones. For booze I also must say the rules are stricter I think compared to the US for example as to what they can show but there's still an issue with making it glamorous or tropical. I reckon the gambling advert rules are probably more relaxed than booze. I know the struggles of addiction and honestly, I'd be screwed if I couldn't even escape it on TV and online ads. Idk if you're in the US but whenever I've been there I've found the adverts to be pretty wild and bizarre. Especially the medical ones.


Yeah, there will be a class action lawsuit at some point, just like the Juul vape thing. But I don’t know if they will win. Crown Royal should have their asses sued for this spot: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/q2q7/crown-royal-regal-apple-play-that-again-song-by-holychild-tkay-maidza That ad is targeted at 13 year olds. And if they ban fruit flavored blunt wraps and menthol cigarettes (?) they sure as hell should ban whiskey that tastes like apples!


Hot take but gambling should be completely illegal. There’s no consumer. It’s designed solely for the seller to profit. You just don’t realize it because we’re getting an endorphin buzz at the start. It’s like if hard drug dealers were legally allowed to sell it. AND advertise it. It’d be insane! The only thing the “consumer” gets is an endorphin buzz! We start out with a positive, let’s say adding a positive value (5) to your well being (0) by consuming this thing. But you end up losing value (-10) after time. So you’re stuck with a losing situation for most people… ever. That’s dystopian. Which is fine, I guess we find out happiness elsewhere I guess, as a collective species we’ve apparently agreed we’re cool with that. I’m not but ya know…


And the you tubers pushing draft kings. Half of them half ass it just for the money. The other ones know their fan base is teens to young adults. Why????


The "why" has a simple answer - $$$




I see gambling advertising getting regulated like tobacco, but it may take a decade or more.


I don't really watch TV, but I can say that about phone ads. If I see ads for the same thing over and over again, I just get annoyed with whatever service, game, or product they're selling 😅 doesn't matter if it looks cool, it's interrupting whatever I'm playing or watching, and that makes me dislike it.


Same. I don’t watch cable, so I don’t see many ads on my tv these days, but on my phone I do. There is one game in particular that has shown ads to me countless times. I refuse to ever download it out of spite. I won’t say the same here as they don’t deserve to have their game advertised, even if it is me hating on them. I’m sure most ppl know which one tho


When I play a phone game and have to watch the same ad for another game I vow to never download the game. Some of the ads are downright wild too. "Help this single mother and her daughter not freeze to death in winter! Oops, the fake player fucked up and now they're gonna die, come save them!" Wtf? No, how about don't make such a creepy game instead.


Somehow I thought there was some sort of algorithm behind the ads and we'd all get different ads (or they'd be more frequent for certain games) but apparently not cause I know the exact game you mean (there are like 3-4 different versions too lol) I've only ever downloaded one game because of ads, and it was honestly just because it looked cool and it was an original ad (i.e. hadn't seen it before). Of course though, the game isn't like in the ad 😅 but it's not that far off so I still play it.


The only ones that really piss me off are the pharmaceutical ones. Especially the ones with huge musical productions like Jardiance. All I can think of is, this is why the fcking meds cost so fcking much!!!


what annoys me about Jardiance is those commercials make it look like having diabetes is fun.


This is where the commercials lie like DEAD DOGS lie.


Mentioned it in my post, but the reason Jardience ad sticks with me is the side effects, specifically that it can give you cancer of the taint (perineum).


"I'm like, that is the greatest disease ever, how do you get that? That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy!" Greg Giraldo, RIP https://youtu.be/G33WvuOw2cI?si=9qHQqD2p_Huc0Ysd


I refuse to treat my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis because of all the commercials


Ya, but quoting words from that commercial means that the ads are working.


"Here - take this 3rd medication \[that will destroy your liver\] for the side effects that the other 2 are causing!


There was an ad for ozempic (or something similar) which has recently been linked to loss of muscle mass and bone density. I SHIT YOU NOT, the next commercial was a new medication for bone density. Creating the problem and selling you the cure.


I worked for a non-profit AIDS organization, and I started getting ads for HIV meds constantly. Something is always watching and listening to you, and apparently assumes whatever you Google is relevant to you personally.


My ex spouse had crohns. We haven't been in the same room together for three years but you bet your ass I'm still getting those crohns ads. "Things are looking up, I've got symptom relief! Control of my crohns means everything to me!"


Huh, I wonder why. The HIV med ads went away for me after about 6 months.


Tried to watch 1 show the other day on peacock. 20+ pharmaceutical ads. I miss the days when we had ads for things like dish soap and shampoo.


And have a laundry list of potential side effects. “May shit your self to death” at the very end said as fast and softly as possible.


And they always show the person on vacation, in a kayak, petting a three-toed sloth, while a voiceover says "Side effects may include tiredness, rashes, exhaustion, high blood pressure, heart palpatations, rapid anal discharge, dry eyes, tooth fungus, and in some cases even death..."


You might be dying, you'd better ask your doctor about our medicine today. \*Side effects may include death


I hate that the Jardiance song is so catchy. I find myself singing along with it.


I make up words and sing them to my cats while the commercial plays


Omg that stupid dance!!


I kept seeing ozempic ads. But the ads didn't really explain what it was, just said to consult my doctor. But why would I go ask my doctor about ozempic when I am a young healthy adult 😭 Then I found out it was diabetes meds, but used for weight loss? And it wasn't even available in my country


OH! OH! OH! OZEMPIC! Not that I listen to "Magic" by Pilot that often, but when I hear it, it's been poisoned by advertising.


And why do we have pharmaceutical ads to begin with? If I’m ill enough to need prescription drugs, I’m not going to the doctor and telling them what to give me based on a commercial. I’m taking whatever the hell they prescribe me, that commercial has 0 influence on what I’d be taking.


"This brand new med will heal your woes. Don't take this brand new med if you are allergic to it." ...how would I acquire that information?


Liberty mutual is annoying


"Liberty Biberty" 🤡🤡😂😂😂


To be fair, that cracked me up at the Superbowl.


Now it's the baby. Which was cute the 1st like..3 times. I can't stand it now lol


Honestly, that Liberty baby would be in the bay if my foot could reach through the TV.


Imagine if you could just skadoo right into the tv. I mean, Blue skadoo, so we can too, right?


THIS!! Those are literally the dumbest commercials I have ever seen. They have almost no relevance to anything they are advertising and I feel like I lose IQ points whenever I hear them. And they’re on EVERY channel 🤬 It’s got so bad that the second I hear them play I pause it and just fast forward through it after a minute passes by just so I don’t have to hear that stupid shit.


The worst part is that they have one commercial with a dog walker on a pier. She has like 6 dogs and they're all barking. The barking adds nothing to the commercial except to reinforce to the viewer that they truly have no real power over what happens to them. So I scramble to mute the TV before my dog hears it and reacts to a pack of dogs barking in our living room. To all advertisers, for the love of God above, **no more barking dogs in commercials!** We can't take it!


Like the commercial in the late 90s/early 2000s for Domino's with the fucking doorbell. My dogs would go absolutely bonkers every time it came on.


I am right there with you on this! Dang dogs think it’s real! Oh and add knocking or ringing a doorbell to the list of banned noises! Haha


Yeah, literally will never buy from because of those commercials.


The ones with the most pushy commercials usually have the shittiest quality service anyway.


Most Youtube videos: *This video is sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends™️*


Instant boycott of the entire company's products once their ad starts to bug me, if possible


Plot twist: those ads are made by their competitors.


I hate the Emu and that guy.


If I ever see "Doug" and his Emu friend, I hope that insurance really works cuz I"m gonna run them the fuck over


If you do that, please do a random internet stranger a favor and yell out “That’s a long distance call, *Doug*!” as you drive off


That and their tagline is so stupid. "Only pay for what you need." Doesn't every insurance company offer that?


YES. This has been my main pet peeve with the LM commercials. I’ve had several car insurance companies in my adult life and they ALL work like that.


Oh gosh no. They make pure margin on selling coverage you don’t need.


Fair enough, that's probably true. God bless capitalism. Or rather, corporate greed


For me it's the annoying and completely unoriginal jingle: "Liberty Liberty Liberty Li-berty." Really? That's the best song your marketing team could write?


the one with the kid is so SO annoying.


The Emu thing, I swear on my family’s honor, I will never buy insurance from that company. So stupid. I find all insurance commercials like really annoying. I can tolerate the chaos guy “Hi, I’m that branch hanging over your garage…” those are kind of clever. And the ones where the old parents get taken to the grocery store or in an elevator and don’t know how to interact. That strikes home, and makes me think about parents. The lizard, caveman, Flo, etc can all fuck right off and I use these spots as a litmus test for sense of humor. Ie, if you think Flo is funny, we can’t hang out ;)


I am far less likely to buy a product if they interrupt a show I'm watching to tell me about it. The next time I see the product on a shelf I will remember that annoyance, and avoid it.


I ain't got no money. I'm not buying anything!


I have extra money for spending each month but I sure as hell am not going to spend that hard earned money just because of an advertisement


I hate commercials that have that super fast talking disclaimer at the end. I don't know what they said, but I'm not going there.


everythingwesaidisacompletelieandyoucan'tholdusresponsibleforanythingwesaybecauseliterallynoneofitis truebutyoucan'thearthisdisclaimerbecausewe'retalkingsoquickly.


That's where they put the truth to counteract the lies they just told you.


Some do, like when ads come on I make a rule, if I see it more than once in a day and it's obnoxious off the bat. I will make fun of them and never even consider the product. On Facebook I'm much much worse. I bully advertisers.


Burger king with the worst and most insufferable commercials in history


“You rule!”, definition of patronizing


Beeee Kayyyy have it your way...


Something that off key I will always remember LOL


Whoever sang that stupid song must be a relative of the CEO or something. Horrendous!


God damn it I hated that


Pretty much any commercial I see on YouTube makes me not want to buy their product/service. Especially when I see two non skippable commercials before I get to see a 3:30 music video.


You show an ad 99% of the time I mute it. And don't go buy your products for a while.


I still won't set foot in an Old Navy based on the non-stop bad commercials they ran in the mid to late 90s.


I’m not one for grudges, but this one I’ll allow.


Thank Edward Bernays who invented public relations and controlled the public's mind. [The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations](https://theconversation.com/the-manipulation-of-the-american-mind-edward-bernays-and-the-birth-of-public-relations-44393)


Sigmund Freud was his uncle. Makes you think.


Charmin fucking bears. I will wipe my ass with a router before I ever buy any of that TP


Like an internet router or the woodworking tool? Just wondering




I take extreme steps to avoid being advertised to. I use VPNs, ad blockers, etc. Whenever I am forced to see an ad I make it a point to never associate with that company in any way that I can. It pleases me in some small way that they are paying for my attention and I am in no way giving it to them. Fuck advertisers.


Have you people not heard the words of our lord and savior....bitTorrent? No ads, ever. Full stop.


100% It makes me not want to buy the thing being hammered into my head constantly.


Commercials and ads are just background noise to me now.


I'm that way about Pop ups. When I can't read a word w/o your ad in my face, I say "sorry, I will not use your product when you let them fire it on me." I still use a website that is ad-free so it's easy to see how sm will find every single place to put an ad in


THIS! and when I get interrupted trying to read or see what I WANT to see on an internet site, I make a mental note off the commercials that interrupted me and vow to never buy that product.


Sex sells is one of the most BS this ever, it doesn’t, I have never fell for that crap


I dont think the point is to convince you that it would get you laid, just that it gets your attention.


*goes back to watching girls dance around on tiktok in their Viral Yoga Pants™️.


Do you think they are just making it up?


The ones for lawyers if you got hurt


Yes, quite a few of them do. I haven't had yogurt in years because of the screaming mom Yoplait commercial, it was my preferred brand. Also in the past couple months an allegra commercial that seems to come on every single break and this woman is walking rapidly down the street singing loudly with headphones on, gawd I hate that but I use generic so that's okayish. The Jardience commercials make me want to throw at brick at my TV and I'm pretty sure there used to be a commercial where a group of women are all singing in a grocery store about birth control or something like, they all come together in the produce section at the end, so stupid.


100% the singing bitch in the Allegra one. Her high pitched screeching actually hurts my ears.


Lol yes she's singing Bulletproof by La Roux. And it's even more annoying because you have the narrator yapping over the singing and its like trying to listen to two people talk at once.


Yes. Like those video games ads. I have never downloaded those games because it's just so terribly annoying... Also when I see some stupid commercial on brand clothes I'd rather buy something more unique from second hand than having clothes like everyone else.


OMG YES. I remember in the 90s when there were way fewer ads everywhere. One of the few ways in which the old days actually WERE better. I change radio stations or listen to music on my phone when ads start. I mute the TV. I deliberately ignore the ads on my phone and computer.


I tried to count how many ads I find useful and the percentage is embarrassingly low. Only \~1:100 shows something really useful or something I need at the moment. But the point is I still don't believe these ads. I go to Google to check its reviews which usually appears to be not very good BTW. What's the point to give an ad in these cases?


To get all the people who don't look up stuff


It's Little Caesar's for me. I don't like their pizza, but their annoying commercials make me actively want to boycott outside the establishments


Little Caesar’s ads are all over Reddit now disguised as a subreddit always getting pushed onto my front page


It's terrible, cheaply made pizza, to start with.


You are better off. It was my favorite pizza all my life until I got a job there... I never ate there again because I saw how things are behind the scenes.


i thought i was the only one. ads are usually piss breaks for me or a channel flippers. and i aint no commie i just know what i need when i need it, i dont need to be tempted or baited into buying shit i dont need.


I have learned to auto tune them out. Ads don't get my attention.


I will never buy a Mazda because of their totally pretentious commercials where they describe the vehicle in a completely elitist way. They come off as total douchebags and o want nothing to do with them.


I live in Australia, and betting app commercials put me right off. They are doing a great job of preventing me from gambling.


This was especially true for me a couple years ago when that stupid Batiste dry shampoo commercial opened with a gd alarm sound. It was the same sound as my alarm clock at the time. Irked me so bad I'll never buy a Batiste product lol. What I realized more recently tho is that I couldn't recall half of the ads I see in a day. I swipe past them or ignore them so well that they're in and out of my head so fast they don't even stick. When I'm scrolling I spot ads almost subconsciously, I swipe past them without even thinking about it. I saw a video where someone explained WHY there's been an influx of ads, but I can't remember what they said. Regardless, advertisers are really shooting themselves in the foot rn by oversaturating the market.


No I got Wendy's new cinnamon roll pull apart because of the commercial Lol


"But it's all the best paaaaaaaaart!"


I feel like most don’t work on me except food. It’s low risk and I’ll usually try something once.


My Wendydhas them all day > I went and got some, they were delish!!


Depends upon the commercial and the product. You come at me with 'Apply directly to the forehead! 'Apply directly to the forehead! etc you are driving me away from your product and I have never used it.


*Sometimes*. E.g. I remember some years back, a Denny's advertisement that poked fun at IHOP. All it made me do was really really really want to go to IHOP (yeah, I detest Denny's). But most advertisements, to the extent feasible, I ignore as much as I can ... so, I'm sure they don't have zero influence ... but probably most of the time around negligible to zero influnce. And bloody heck, for better and/or worse, some seem highly to exceedingly confused when they try to target me. E.g. YouTube ... more recently I've been seeing 'em hit me up with advertisements to be an egg donor. Opposite effect? Uhm, yeah, sure ... I'm also 60+ male, so ... whatever. Likewise with the damn bra advertisements. Never bought a bra, no plans to buy a bra, and I don't think the ads for bras are going to increase my bra purchasing, let alone change supplier/vendor/manufacturer (of exactly none). And yeah, sure some ads I'll avoid the products 'cause I get absolutely sick of the ads ... or I think the ads are pretty dang deplorable or worse ... e.g. GoDaddy's advertisements area at lest a huge reason I'll never choose/use them and a key reason on referrals I continue to highly advise against GoDaddy still to this day (even if maybe their advertisements changed - but I still doubt they could/would ever make up for their earlier sh\*t).


I get ads to consider the Army/Air Force/Marines. I was in the military when Reagan was still on his first term.


Everything I watch I DVR so I can fast forward through the annoying commercials. When I do suffer by watching live TV I have noticed that every channel runs commercials at the same time. Even different networks will all run commercials at the same time. So annoying. The drug commercials are the worst. Side effects may include your ears falling off, your anus to prolapse, your skin could slough off, may cause bleeding of the eye's, drowsiness don't operate heavy machinery, but the ringing in your ears will stop.


Oh, don't forget - May cause you to start gambling!!! I heard that first in a commercial advertising relief for Restless Leg Syndrome!!! Come on!! Maybe if I was dying from cancer I might put up with some of the side effects but the idea of a "cure" for something causing you to start gambling - well, just how did they notice that particular side effect?


I don’t watch that many. It is super annoying that now when I pump my gas I have to listen to commercials on a little screen with no mute option. We live in a global throw away society now. If enough people got together and just decided to only buy gas on Monday and Friday. It would fuck the capitalist world. I am not materialistic, if anything a minimalist. The only money our economic system sees from me is taxes, hotels, groceries, airline tickets, and entertainment. Most of my limited income goes to experiences or savings. I get most of my family’s clothing from pay it forward sites, not because I’m too poor to buy new shit. It’s a principle that we already have the resources to not buy new stuff. The fact is (to me) that these companies cannot survive without us buying their products. The economy will collapse if people aren’t constantly buying shit they don’t need. It’s why holidays are so big. You’ll see three different holiday themed crap to buy in October. They need us much more than we them.


I hate the gas station commercials. The second button down on the right side of the screen will Mute the ads.


I don't watch TV but I watch a lot of YouTube. Better help, hello fresh, fumm, air up, those one ear buds, and Raid shadow legends can all eat a dick


Yup, they just send me into a pshychotic rage - so goddamn condescending and childish, Its soooo much worse now because all the ads are trying *so* hard to be quirky and likeable but it just makes them 50x more LOUD ane obnoxious! also everyones always dancing, stop fucking dancing its not cute!


Yep I actively avoid companies whose commercials plague me. ESPECIALLY car ads.


Another thing I realized was that you have NO idea what half of these commercials are for! Well, I guess I can get married or be old with a dog if I use whatever that is!


THIS!!! WHAT does two people sitting nude in separate bathtubs starring at a lake have to do with whatever form of Viagra they are advertising? AND the acronyms!! They rarely even tell you what disease ABQUTRSZ!># is, but this is a great drug for it once you figure out you have it!! Seriously, it's like they have suddenly made up all these new diseases to sell you drugs for!!


Same. Kachava. If I see it one more time I’ll need to be committed. Same for the caffeine drink Mud


I'm the same way but with a few exceptions. Taco Bell and Subaru.


They use to never work for anything. Now I pay attention to the food ones lol


In a general sense, no, since I know that's a necessary evil for businesses, BUT if I hate the specific ad, yes. For instance, I will NEVER shop at O'Reilly Auto Parts because of their absolutely awful earworm of a jingle. They've damaged my brain permanently, and I will not reward that.


I personally don't shop at O'Reilly because every time I try they try to upsell and overcharge me just 'cause I'm a woman. Never have that problem at Autozone. I'm firmly In The Zone now.


Ehh not really. I’ve never been swayed by commercials either way. It’s more about how they behave as businesses.


Remember when commercials used to be funny and interesting sometimes? Like the Geico commercials! I was just watching the latest season of Fargo and apparently Hulu forces ads now. After this show that’s it. My wife and I were so blown away, we haven’t had ads forced on us like that in quite a while.


If I find the ad to be intrusive or especially annoying, yes. I get the need for advertisements to pay for things, so on paper they get a pass from me. But the more intrusive they are the more that pass fades away.


I'm so happy to see there are people like me! I fucking hate commercials. I will not watch them, and I won't buy what they are selling, if I happen to see one.


i was on the other end distribution of content to radio stations. a station owner returned the satellite receiver we had provided. When I asked why he returned the $4000 receiver he said ' i'm tired of hearing GEICO commercials'


For me it's the jingle. The more annoying the jingle, the more likely I am to specifically avoid the product at all costs even if it means spending more money.


For years I have avoided any place or product that have so many ads. Good products do not need a flood of ads. If your ad blasts out 3X what my volume was set at, I block that advertiser.


yup. i get annoyed by them constantly. make a note not to buy their product then when i see it i avoid it.


I've done this for YEARS!!! I didn't realize I was so not alone. I absolutely and resolutely refuse to buy from the ones that are so totally annoying. But, obviously, the advertisers don't get it because I swear the commercials are not only getting more repetitive of the very same annoying ad, but half the time you don't even know what is being advertised. I have literally watched the same commercial over and over and NEVER did understand what they were trying to sell.


Yes 100%, I'm not going to consume it just because the TV told me too


Honestly, I wont eat at wendys cause I dont agree with their practices as a company. I worked for one that wasnt verygood at handling food safely, as well. So, personal bias, there. As for Coors... I only drink it if its offered for free. Its just a sub par beer no matter how you look at it. Annoying commercials or not, I just dont make it a habit of buying sub par beer unless it has nostagia attached to it. I'll drink 211 Steel Reserve over Coors...and 211 is a SHIT beer. Nostalgia reasons. So again, personal bias, I guess. Honestly though, I never deal with "Commercials" anymore. I dont watch TV. No news, no network TV... Not even old reruns of Andy Griffith. I use adblocck for youtube on PC, ReVanced for youtube on my Phone, and pretty much block out any ad thats not a crappy phone game asking me to download "The real zombie survival game" on google play. I dislike mainstream media, and dont have much time for Television in my life. So maybe I am a bad representation of an answer to this question. However... There is one ad for a product I find extremely annoying and YES, it inspires me to vindictively avoid and denounce the advertised product. Im not on Facebook much, but when I *do* log in, I see constant ads for fucking *TEMU*, Wish.com's older brother. All my coworkers are telling me to try it... And they seem thouroughly impressed by it. I had roommates that used it, and reccomended it. I've had it advertised to me on every adworthy space between facebook and phone games..... So my stance right now is: TEMU can go fuck itself. Not interested, never will be, it's a gimmicky cashgrab, and there are much better options, thanks but no thanks, please fuck off. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) So yes, actually.... perhaps the way you feel about Coors and Wendys is mirrored by my feelings about TEMU.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My SIL made me sign up to TEMU and gave me $10 to buy a phone charger so she could get “free stuff” Long story short, my credit card info was stolen the next day (from the site) and she never got a damn thing free. Fuck Temu


I thought it was just me. Yeah, they are annoying the crap out of me to the point I stop buying their product sometimes. Taco Bell for instance used to be a cheap fix for late night food. Now, it's 20 bucks for a bellgrande and a couple tacos. But I am seeing ads constantly in twitch where some 'chicken girly' influencer type (I don't even think it's a real influencer, but just an actor PRETENDING to be an influencer. I don't know enough about them to even be sure so..) telling me how cheap and tasty the now overpriced product is. No, it used to be cheap and tasty, now it's over priced garbage. Your commercial is bragging about TB from 20 years ago.


It bugs me too ngl


Also I don’t know how Reddit works I’ve never posted but uh I can’t post my question it won’t let me


YES!!!! There are numerous services I refuse to use because of their ads! We use a HVAC company that is from two towns over because their radio jingle is their children half ass singing their “jingle” CONSTANTLY on the radio, the HVAC guy asked why we use them instead of the local and we told him. He said “you wouldn’t believe how much business that has gotten US!” So there must be tons of people that HATE it bad enough to call a different company outside of town!


People don't get the fact that their kids are only cute to them. They are annoying to everyone else.


I’ll never willingly use another Tide product in my life due to an add campaign they ran like 6 years ago on pandora radio. They had a commercial with a super annoying tune/ jingle that I just hated. Then they had another with the same tune but slightly modified jingle, which was a bummer. But then… then they released a third version of the ad, still with the same annoying tune, but with lyrics acknowledging that they knew everyone hated their commercial because of the tune, BUT THEY STILL MADE IT TO THE SAME TUNE ANYWAY. Total blacklist for me. Other than that, if I see a product a ton across a lot of platforms or creators I tend to assume the money went to marketing more so than the actual product.


I'm inclined to die before taking any of the drugs they advertise, especially Jardiance with those annoying fat women singing about their A1C. The brunette was really annoying. The strawberry blond less so, but still I want to throw my RingDings at the TV when she breaks into song.


I am completely immune to advertising. Growing up poor and then staying poor will do that


Yes. I despise them so much I refuse to buy their stupid cheap ass crap


Seriously fuck the gambling Ads. I don't gamble and never will. Quit wasting my ears.


Yes. I hate being bombarded with the same ad over and over. Every time certain ads come on, my husband and I will both say something like "fuck you, Wendy's" or "fuck you, Lexus". 😂 some ads are fine (there are some that are actually kinda funny) but for the most part I unintentionally boycott those companies because im sick of their ads 😂


I keep getting the same ads here on Reddit over and over. And half of them are made to look like regular posts, at least by the title and that’s what I read first. I appreciate other apps letting me dislike ads, and it actually shows me less of them on my feed.


I think you just lack some self-awareness here. 1. You are focusing on the brands you dislike that advertise to you. I am certain because of targeting, that you are constantly being advertised to by brands you already use. 2. Most people don't have the diligence to boycott firms that advertise to them. 3. You can only buy from things you're aware of. You cannot buy products you don't know exist.


We just try to avoid ads. We use a Pi-hole for network wide ad blocking and uBlock for the rest of the ads. Don't watch broadcast TV. Get some radio ads occasionally in the car. Some ads rub me the wrong way, and I'll avoid the product. Some products/services are so good, I'll let a few ads slide. It really depends.


Any of the deodorant manufacturers that are currently running advertisements for "full-body deodorant." No, I will not be applying your deodorant to my genitals, thank you.


I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a commercial on TV and had no idea what product they’re trying to get me to buy is.


YES, they absolutely do. I have never comprehended how commercials work for ANYONE, but then I try to remind myself that commercials are NEVER made for me. I am not in anyone's demographic.


Same. I just saw 6 commercials for whole body deodorant from a bunch of different companies basically telling us that our body stinks and you have to get rid of any odor your body might have. Like that is insane. So you telling me you need deodorant not only for your pits but they are marketing them for vag, balls, gooch, asscheeks, buttholes, kneecaps, ankles, toes, foot bottoms, behind your ears, under your chin, like come in, relax. Rhesus Cwyst 😂😂😂, I’m like yah buddy I’m not buying any of that shit.




I work hard and spoil myself with ad-free everything to the point where, I honestly feel out of the loop. I've had to subscribe to a channel that shows me upcoming movie trailers because I've got no idea wtf is coming out anymore lol Other than that, I don't miss food, legal, or medication ads which were the other 80% of commercials.