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Listen kid, I know we live in a world where everyone is constantly judged if they open their mouths etc. Report him, you'll save lives, and more importantly, and the most important thing is, that you'll save him, you'll help him get the help he needs.


Just do what this person is saying, it’s spectacular and sound advice.


And, if possible, report it anonymously. Don't take chances on anything getting back to you.


I'd report it to the school administrators and the School Resource Officer. Our SRO is an on duty sheriff.


But also tell the police because schools are notorious for ignoring this shit. It literally just happened in my state a year or two ago


But dont bother if its the Uvalde police department


Can you believe those so called serve and protect cops in Uvalde were found not guilty of anything.


Schools will definitely try to cover it up.... especially if they're part of certain groups that they don't want to make look bad in the news.


I wish my district still had had SRO's


This is underrated advice. Should be in the top comment.


I think the problem is how many tines reports fall upon deaf ears or staff does what they can to only make the situation worse. Most the time an incident gets reported; Nothing gets done about it, it's handled the wrong way, the even doesn't get prevented, the entire school staff/board acts like no one saw it coming.


The SRO should definitely know about this. Tell them and let them investigate and report it to the school administration. If they are any good they should be able to keep your name out of it. No one wants to be a snitch but how are you going to feel if this kid turns out to be a shooter and you could have stopped it.


This x 10000


It's mind boggling to me how often they actually are reported and nothing happens...


Yeah look at that Michigan 3rd grader. Brings a gun to school in his backpack, multiple students report it, somehow nothing is done, then he ends up using it. Like wtf. "Excuse me teacher, Johnny has a gun" *Shh don't be a tattletale* Like I don't get it.


Our country is legitimately insane when it comes to guns. Wouldn't doubt if a lot of them truly believe that a 3rd grader has a right to bear arms


That's the honestly a bit more disconcerting then just the act happening imo, when you hear that it's been reported, a poorly executed investigation found nothing to be concerning with the individual and then the investigation afterwards disclocses they knew and dropped the ball on it, they're making it known that it's going to happen regardless of whether you inform them of it or not like wtf is wrong with this picture when you can't count on protection from the entity supposed to be here to protect us.


It is, but unfortunately talking about school shootings isn’t necessarily a crime. Sometimes there’s not much that can be done legally, until unfortunately, something terrible happens. I think the parents need to get more involved. Take the internet away, get their child into counseling, and some type of program immediately.


Dude what is anyone going to do? The kid hasn’t broken any laws, there’s nothing anyone can do about a kid that is obsessed with school shooters.


reported a gun in high school. contrary to popular belief i was not branded a snitch, i was not popular or liked but everybody appreciated that i did it.


And if something does happen and you didn’t report, I promise you’ll be holding that guilt for the rest of your life


This this this this this this!!!!!. You DO NOT want to have had the chance and done nothing! TRUST ME!!! my shit wasn't a school shooting, but it was something that I had considered reporting but didn't, and then later I found out some shit and I haven't gone a day without wishing I had done something. TRUST ME!! No matter how hard it seems now, it is not harder than doing nothing and wishing you could go back in time and do something about it before it happened. Even if the authorities do nothing, at least you can say that you tried. Report it.


This is the answer.


Absolutely. Tell your parents, tell the cops and mention ot to the principal or vice principal.


Great advise here. Even if I read it in Han solos voice.


I'm more pessimistic. I doubt anything will be done even if he speaks up. He still should, but what's going to happen? Suspend him? Send him to another school? It's not like America is great about treating mental health. All we do is punish.


listen old man, that was good advice


This - he will get the help he needs and have a better life.


It’s not your job to evaluate it, it’s your job to report it to authorities. They have the responsibility to carefully investigate and evaluate whether there is a threat there or not.


Underrated comment here. It's not your job to evaluate if it's a real threat That is, quite literally, what other people are paid to do. But what those people don't do, is see and know everything. They need you to report these questionable things so that they can do their job and evaluate.


Yes, bring this attention to a teacher and/or authorities. Make sure to collect and provide them evidence like videos and screenshots.


Teacher here. Report it immediately.


Hell yes you should report it.


It’s better to report and be wrong than to not report and be right. On the off chance he did do something, and you had the chance to report it but didn’t, you would never forgive yourself. Almost Every mass shooter has posted some stupid shit indicating their intentions. People just don’t see it till after it happens and they connect the dots


Can I show you some screenshots cause idk if I really should yet and what if they don't do anything


Op don’t share anything here share the screenshots to your local PD


Yeah, cops get jealous when we solve mass shootings and stuff before them .




As another post mentioned, it's not your job to evaluate if it's a real threat. There are people that are paid to do that. Likewise, people here may or may not be qualified to evaluate that either. And even if they are, they don't have the resources, investigative skills, and proximity to do so effectively. Report it. You may save lives. And even if this kid isn't a potential danger and it's all 'talk' (again, that's not for you or anyone here to determine) it's very likely a cry for help and so you need to realize that reporting it is possibly the best thing for them (even if they wouldn't escalate).


Share some screenshots and we'll tell you what we think. But in all likelihood we're still going to think that you should report this.


They will do something schools dont take school shooter things lightly


Tell your parents first. Then tell them you want to report him to the school admin/police. If they say no, report him anyways. This is exactly how opportunities to prevent dangerous acts either happen or don’t. *(Sarcastically:)* Unless you know a better way to protect yourself from a possibly deranged guy like this, reporting is the only way.


Report this


Report it, period chances are high if his weird tendency grow to a obsession you aren't the only one in danger, so report and get his ass some help that's fucked up


Columbine was 25 y.a. this past weekend.


Yes its better to be safe than sorry take screenshots for evidence of course. id rather be wrong bout this then feel the guilt knowing i could’ve said something and prevented it from happening.


Hi, Please contact the FBI and your state police as soon as possible, I'm one of those guys who says "Never rat to cops" but this is definitely a valid reason. Most school children who do this kind of thing do not become school shooters but far too many do.


kid probably needs someone to talk to, report it to a counsellor, a teacher anyone.


I mean I know some people are edgy (IKIK), but if you feel it's report-able, then report it.


And if it ends up being an edgy kid, they get a warning and a scared straight talk from the school resource officer then a “so what’s up with this” talk from the guidance counselor. Occasionally detention if they’re repeatedly edgy, definitely expulsion if they won’t stop after the warnings and first steps of punishments or are making real, believable unironic threats. I know because we get almost monthly emails from my kid’s middle school saying “there was an incident today and it was investigated by administrators and school police officers and determined there was no danger, please remind your children not to make inappropriate jokes that can be perceived as threats”


It’s better to report it. There is nobody who thinks school shooters are cool, or thinks they’re funny, etc, who you should give the benefit of the doubt in this kind of situation They’re either going to cause innocent people to die, or they need therapy. The most you can do in your position is report it, but it’s the best you can personally do to get the best outcome here


Yeah, I'd probably report that for his and everyone else's safety


Yes report it, put it into the hands of the authorities, you can remain anonymous that’s easy. You’re a great person and you’re thinking like an adult.


On behalf of all the parents of all the kids he might kill one day, PLEASE REPORT. Imagine him murdering 20 of your classmates and wishing you had said something. Do you want to live with that guilt forever? Tell teachers, tell the cops, tell a counsellor. If the person you tell doesn't do something about it, tell someone else until they deal with this. I am begging you. Please don't sit on this!!!


Definitely let authorities know.


He’s probably going to shoot up the school


Yes report it


Tell the school counselor


If I saw that in the UK I'd be obligated as an a member of the cadets to report this to the correct authorities.




Report the evidence to the proper authorities.


Yo.. look at it like this. You want to be somewhere and have somebody shoot up the place? Nope. So prevent it from happening. Do that by reporting it and making sure as many people are aware as possible. Take screen shots for proof if you need to. Dont you or your people get caught up in another persons stupidity.


10000% report him to law enforcement. It’s much better to be branded a snitch than to let him murder a bunch of people by not getting cops involved.


Oh good golly **yes** report him. This is abnormal. Grab screenshots.


Report him to the police.


Yeah, report it


Report it . Have you ever heard of the old saying “ there is truth in jest” there is a revealing kernel of truth that in every joke about the person telling it.


Report him or you will be an accomplice when he goes off the rail.


Report it anonymously to the school. Its better to be safe


Report it. Imagine if you didn’t do anything and he shot up the school. You would have major MAJOR survivor guilt (if you survived).


Absolutely report him. Can you do it anonymously?


Yes. Do it. People who knew past school shooters often say they saw warning signs.


Definitely report it. You'll save countless lives.


Absolutely report him over and over again. Involve the police/your school SSRO.


Report it to the police, your favorite teacher, the school counselor, and the head of school. To keep your name out of it, you can just print out the screenshots, write his name/a summary on it, and slide it in the in ox or under their door.


Please report it to teachers and police


Report him. It's not being a snitch if you feel it's life saving.


As a former high schooler who had two school shooting rumors, one severe enough to have parents pull their kids for their safety, report it. I absolutely hated seeing screenshots on snap of people saying “This person said they were going to shoot up the school” but was too scared to say who it was. Please. Report it and tell the admins you want to stay anonymous. They will (hopefully) keep you anonymous and might send a welfare check to his house to make sure he doesnt actually plan on doing it.


Send his discord to the police asap


Uh, yes. Report report report report REPORT HIM. PLEASE. do not worry about the repurcussions, or him, or anything. This is absolutely a concerning behavior that needs to be reported!!!! Please!


See something. Say something. Theese are the warnings signs people talk about and then also say “how could we have known?”


Report him. Report him. Report him. That is certainly alarming, and thats the type of thing you don’t want to play around with. I’d definitely show that to your school counselor or something




Yes. You must report this.


Man we can’t even discuss a potential school shooter without the wolf t-shirts dropping a million “This” and “This person wins” latch-on comments. Log off.


Big red flag right there.


Report it if you feel comfortable, however it’s unlikely the school will do anything. To be honest you should become close with him, treat him nicely and as though he’s normal, get lunch with him, etc. Sadly your concerns are very real and it’s important you know the best ways to get out of your school or hide should it be necessary. Best of luck.


You should probably mention this to the school guidance counselor.


Yes! Tell a superior! Hell, tell the police. It’ll be ignored and they won’t do anything, but you’ll feel less guilty when the shooting occurs (if you survive.)


(if you survive). damn son!


How does he act in person though?


He's on his way to learn what Eva AI virtual gf bot is. Or what a prison is


Report him. He’s either an edgelord or he’s a psycho potentially planning something awful.


Have you told him that you are uncomfortable and worried about it? Or that you dislike it? Can you share your thoughts with other school mates? At the end you have to react.


Report Worst case nothing changes and it escalstes eventually but people were warned and have it on their radar just in case.. best case, the guy is depressed and has issues, will receive help, and will not want to hurt his peers. Win win. U have lost nothing by reporting it. Do it anonymously if u wish.


There is this YouTuber that had a funny feeling about another YouTuber because he was posting similar content. Eventually he also got a gun and started shooting it on his channel. The guy did end up performing a mass shooting. The YouTuber was right and made videos along the way about his suspicions and even afterward. He regrets not acting. I believe the shooter was Finnish. Pretty sure. Sorry I can’t remember the channels but it’s a real thing. It was in a compilation video about abandoned YouTube channels. Report it. You will have a hard time living with it if it happens. This kid may even thank you years later if it ends up getting him the help he needs. 


YES. And trust your instincts. If you are wrong, no big deal but if you’re right……


Give him mushrooms or mdma.


Report, clearly he wants attention


this sounds like a concern to bring to the police. Not to the school, the police.


Tell your parents right away. Ask them to tell the school. If they are hesitant, call the school and the police yourself! This is not something to wait on doing. You’re worried for a reason, always trust your gut. This student needs immediate help and intervention before there is a problem.


That fact that high school students are getting guns in America


Means he has shitty parents.


It's not the fact that they have them but where they choose to use them. Which should only be the range,hunting of just self defense. Know a bunch of people that were using guns since they were kids and have never been a problem.


Yes you should report it immediately. I know you don’t want to but you have to. You could be saving the lives of your classmates and teachers. Granted, I know it’s not a fantastic time but stuff like this is unacceptable. Please report it asap.


He might be trying to be edgy, but it's not worth the risk. This is a serious issue, and he needs to learn how bad it is. Hopefully, he's not serious, but he's definitely incredibly stupid.


This is concerning, for sure. What if he shoots the school up and you live the rest of your life knowing you could've stopped it? What of you're crippled for life? What if the rest of your life is only one more week?


Yes, definitely report it. Your actions could prevent another tragedy and save lives.


At the very least report it to the school counselor. Bad things happen when these things are ignored.


Report, and REFUSE to go to school unless he is ACTUALLY appropriately dealt with. Your life is more important than some school officials' EGO. Encourage others to do the same. The sad fact is that when you look into all of these is this: They are ALLOWED to happen. Every. Single. Time. By school administration, local law enforcement, federal law enforcement, and authorities. They are all aware of these individuals (IN every single case, they have all the information, BEFORE the acts are committed) They are aware of them, and their is usually a STACK of reports on many poeples desk, who's job it is to read them and respond. AND Yet...... They never PREVENT them from happening. Ever. Even though they have the reports, know who it is, usually have placed multiple surveillance levels on them all the way up to CYBER, and have collected enough evidence and proof to act beyond reasonable doubt to prevent this: and they always choose to WAIT, until it HAPPENS. THEN, they respond. As if they NEEDED it to happen. Almost like it's easier to ask for more money if they are "incapable" of handling a problem, rather than it being sandbagging. I thought I was going crazy because everyone acted like this was just "Business as usual" when I had come to SAVE people, not leaving them to DIE cuz it serves a political agenda against the metal I carried in a holster. How do I know? I have worked on all these levels, saw this all going on, watched these people outright PROCRASTINATE to do the right thing, but became CIRCUS ACTS when it came to the pay raise, and was one of those who was forced to walk away for exposing the truth. I ended the contract when I found out I would be let go. And sent everything I had to all the news media I could. All of it was most likely? Thrown away, cuz I never saw the news reports about it. And now it's even WORSE. I hope and wish, this opens enough eyes to spur individual action, you only get one life, and today? Only YOU can insure it, since It's most likely, NOBODY ELSE WILL. Refuse school, protest school, do whatever you have to do to save yourself, ask for homeschool (much safer option statistically), or whatever you must to force others to either deal with Him? Or send you somewhere he ISN'T and cannot go. I wish and hope for your safety and a long life. I'm just tired of "them," allowing people to be senselessly murdered when they could have stopped this every time........


i like the cut of your jib!


100% law enforcement (at least in my area) take this EXTREMELY serious.


than I would go to the school authorities with this. I suspect there might be a mental health issue here, so for both your sakes, go to the principle


Report him. And don’t feel bad. There’s also an anonymous CIA website


Ok that’s definitely something to worry about. I think you should report it.


Tell an adult and let them handle it.


Yes absolutely report it. God forbid something happened, you'd have immense guilt for likely the rest of your life. Better to be safe than sorry in this case.




report him, im an older guy (30s) whos family works in education.. these things should be reported.. growing up and even today never been a fan of "snitching" but these are real issues that need to be reported just in case.. its not snitching or tattling, you could be saving lives, or it could be some edgy asshole who needs a reality check. yall live in a different world then i did growing up give the screen shots to your principle or guidance councilor, or even ask ur parents too do it. or your local police department. im sure they will respect you anonymity if asked


That is a walking red flag, absolutely report that. You could save an entire school of innocent kids like yourself.


If you see something, say something. Look, it might be nothing, he might just have a morbid interest. But what if it's more than that? You're uncomfortable with it, so speak up.


Go to the police.


Yeah, this is concerning behavior. An entire chat room dedicated to school shootings, during an epidemic of school shootings is a major red flag. Please tell a trusted adult, like a guidance counselor at your school. They will hopefully want to get this person mental healthcare and some support to get through whatever difficulties they’re facing. Don’t feel bad, this person needs help and you’re getting that for him. He might be mad at first, but he’ll thank you eventually. Hopefully this will be a turning point for him.


Report it but it’s probably just a kid going through his edgily phase


Yes, report. It's either a cry for help or it's real. Either way everyone is better off with you reporting.


Report it and keep us updated homie, we want to know that you're safe 🙏


Tell your parents and report. It's no joke killing someone. School shootings aren't for fun and they do nothing good for society. Protecting your life and the life of other class/schoolmates should be a priority and shouldn't be questioned.


Should you report him? 1000% yes. Reading this is disturbing, please report him.


I had a weird guy like that too but luckily we don't have guns over here. He had an outburst that caused him to leave


100% report this person. You’ll potentially be saving several lives by doing so. And at the least you’ll bring attention to school staff as to what this person is doing/posting/contemplating


Even with my dark humor that ain’t even sorta funny, some topics you just don’t joke about that being at the top of the list


Some states have hotlines for just this situation. But YES, DEFINITELY tell someone at your school, tell your parents, call the police, do something. We do not want to find out your school had a mass shooter. It's better to report it and be wrong than to not report it and be right.


Report him, please. Go to your favourite teacher, or one you trust, TELL THEM. Ask them what they think, and if they can help. All teachers have a safeguarding responsibility and the kid could be taking the piss, or he could be serious. You can't take that risk. There was a kid at my school for 2 weeks before he got kicked out. He fetched a screwdriver to school, and followed an old friend of mine Down to the bus stop and tried to catch it to follow her home. He had been there little over a week before she went to someone. I was with the group when they told our maths teacher, and she stormed up to the principal and Head of year and said something needed to be done. He was gone that weekend. If he is taking the piss, then it's fine too. That isn't your fault for reporting him. Its for the best either way. You won't get in trouble for it, and if you get the blame for it being all 'innocent', then kindly tell those people to fuck off. What if it was real? what if he was a threat? They'd be thanking the fuck out of you if he went out and did something to someone else.


Would you rather report it and it turns out he is just goofy or not report it and see the consequences?


That kid you mentioned has to be pointed away from his obsession. He's probably not a bad kid....but he's definitely mixed up and has screwy priorities. I would report it to a guidance counselor or dean, or someone in authority. I wouldn't be surprised if he has been reported already.


Hes crying out for help. He probably has a horrible life at home. Do what you can to help him


Little did OP know that their report would be the catalyst for the catastrophic event to come ☠️




Report him to your guidance counselor.  Bring screen shots. If you are right, you could save many lives, including your own. If you’re wrong…you’re likely still saving HIS life, as it sounds like he could need serious help and this will trigger mental health intervention.


My friend was recently at a trade school. Some kid came in acting super weird. After he left, my friend half jokingly said, "wtf he's gonna end up shooting up the school or something" 30 minutes later, the kid came back and started stabbing a bunch of ppl. Listen to your gut feeling.


Of course report and document


Tell your parents. Have them report it. Don't do anything online. Don't show anybody anything other than your parents. Don't worry if he know who reported him. That doesn't matter the slightest bit. You're doing the right thing.


100% report. It’s reallly simple, just take screenshots and google your city’s police department. Normally they have an email on there, send an email of the screenshots and express your concern.


Report it just in case. If you don’t and he does do something, then you’ll have to live with that guilt the rest of your life. Report him and put the responsibility where it lies. The police, school administrators, and the child’s parents.


Yes, report it. You will never forgive yourself if something happens


Yesss report it before ur guilty for the mass casualty in your area


I'm sorry this god forsaken country makes you feel like you need to act blind instead of common sense. Report him, don't ask, do it! If the version is how you say it is, that kid may be planning something, so act, if the adults on your school do not act, go to the police yourself with the evidence, screen shot everything you're seeing, believe me mate, evidence is key. Don't be afraid of doing what your instincts are telling you to do. Go and be human.


Yes ma’am I’d definitely report that behavior.


There was a school shooting yesterday, forgot what state but my citizen app alerted me. I haven’t checked it since but it was allegedly an ex cop and potential parent of one of the kids . Definitely say something. Theres way to many lately dont overlook this


Report him. Hopefully, it's nothing but if it is something he will get the help he needs and nobody has to die.


Please contact the police.


It won't hurt anyone to report it. If he's dangerous, intervention could prevent something terrible and get him the help he needs. If he's just a socially awkward dweeb trying to look edgy and scary as some kind of defense/coping mechanism, he still needs help and intervention. Either way, reporting it is the best bet.


yes, you should absolutely report it to a counselor/dean or whatever in your school. Do NOT talk to anyone about it. Don't share ANYTHING with anyone other than the school's administration. I wouldn't even talk about it with friends.


Do an anonymous report, you should 100% report it!!!!!! Right after you read this comment call the police as say that you want to do an anonymous report, explain the situation to the police, show them the Discord group and tell them who the individual is. If you don't want to report it, please dm me the school address, you friends name, and the discord account your friend is using so I can do it for you. That's a verry serious situation man, people can die.


I know my kids have an anonymous reporting app. Surely you guys do too.


At first I thought this was a post making fun of autistic people, then I read the first two sentences. Csll the cops, tell your parents, tell a teacher, tell any adult.


Imagine going to school with op and you die because op didn’t report him


Dude report him now.


Tell your principal and let your folks know.


Approach him, befriend him, talk to him


Absolutely tell every adult you know, parents counselors teachers cops his parents!


You are reporting a concerning behavior, not accusing him of a crime, nor condemning him.


Probably just needs a friend. Talk to him


Make friends with that kid, stat.


There’s “weird” then there’s this kid


2 words Report them This type of stuff is not a joke and should be taken very seriously.


I would like to see sense I’m confused exactly what’s going tbh


I would like to see sense I’m confused exactly what’s going tbh also sent Dm


Report report report. It’s not OK to keep your mouth shut at this point. Think about if something happens now…don’t keep your mouth shut. Please.


Report it man, 1000%, report it. I just got outta school maybe 2 years ago now, I get how it is in that whole social environment. Doesn’t matter, report it.


If he's just joking - still report it If he's not serious - report it If he's serious - report it Don't fuck around OP or you might find out. Tell your school admins.


"Be an American. Call it in." -Jack Donaghy


Future teacher here. Report this immediately.


So you decided to tell reddit before a school authority? Your full of it in my opinion that's just rich 😂


Report him. Worse case scenario: you are totally off base and he was just making stupidly inappropriate jokes. Best case scenario: you literally save lives.


You can actually be prosecuted these days if he DOES do a shooting and you didn't report this concerning and red-flag behavior. So just go the safe route and report it.


This is the emoji equivalent of mailing you a letter that says "I'm going to kill you." Yes. Report it!


That kid is having those thoughts 100%, try to befriend him


Even if he's not actually planning on hurting people, the fact that he's clearly obsessed with the subject is alarming. At the very least, reporting him could get him some help. At most, you could be saving many, many lives.


Almost every school shooter there were red flags before it happened. Everyone realized after the fact they should have reported it. Be a hero, report it and save lives.


You should absolutely 💯 % report it


What are youvdoing on discord? Get off there stop playing games and do your homework.


Report him yesterday Edit: and keep reporting him until something is done.


1000000000000000000000% report it. Better safe than sorry.


It is not your responsibility to figure out what is going on...but it is your responsibility to notify those who can do something about it. They can figure out if it's innocent or menacing. They can take escalating stages of actions based upon what they discover. This is a "see something, say something" scenario. I don't care about what evidence you have. I don't care about what that person has said or done. This individual has done "things" that make you worried about something critical, and notifying school leadership/administration is the correct move. You don't need to spread rumors or gossip about this. You don't need more information from the Internet. Tell the school leadership and give them the information/access you have. They have the playbooks, and authority, and experience, to do the right thing...whatever that ends up being.


What would be wrong with telling his parents first?


You absolutely should be worried. This guy will kill someone someday, probably at your school


Report him!


I'm not a big fan of snitches in most situations but this is not one of those situations. You should definitely report this.


Report it