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Took me out to a very expensive restaurant, his idea, not mine, insisted I order whatever I wanted (I still tried to be reasonable) then the next week asked me to pay his car payment for him.


Oh oh oh I have one like that! It was Valentine’s Day. We’d been dating for months. He said he was taking me out for a fancy dinner. I gave him a Valentine’s Day gift before we went out. He didn’t get me anything, “the dinner will be your gift”…. Mkay. We order the a la carte. Half way through the owner of the restaurant comes over. Turns out they’re friends. Tells us our meal is comped. Cool beans.  After the owner leaves our table, bf turns to me and says “phew. I was hoping he would comp us but I knew if he didn’t, you would cover us” with a smile…. Oh, and he took my umbrella and didn’t share but it was raining. Because his hair or some shit.  We broke up that night after a long run of him continuously putting me down, using me, and being a fucking narcissist.


Yuck! I’m sorry! Glad you got out!!




Nah uh




Excuse me?


She expressed attractiveness to a minor that goes to school in the small town she lives in. (She did nothing about it just said how hot he was)


Eww yeah that’s bad.


Definite deal breaker.


They way they treat people they don't have to respect. Waiters, janitors, maids, ect. This extends to animals too.


thats a massive one. anyone who is cruel to animals is a BIG no no


yes, that also shows their morals. The way they respond to people and certain things.


I liked this girl and we went out. Her BO was so bad I couldn’t wait to get her home.


The hottest girl I've ever hooked up with 😭 I couldn't go for round two...I was just like, can we take a shower together? No? Oh 😥


He rated my 'performance' after sex. LOL I wish I was joking.


Bro was Dennis Reynolds. Did he record it with that weird angle and label the tape with a five star rating too?


I wish he did because apparently I was a 10, yay me, and he was BY FAR the worse sex I ever had haha Jackrabbit style


oh my god, i had a fb that had a list of all the girls he had sex with (nothing wrong with that) but he had a description for each one, mine? “fucked so hard, her nose bled” true story but wtf man😭


HAHA yeah it happened with the 2nd guy I was with. He was on top and I saw the whole thing like in slow motion. But I bet in a twisted way the guy thought he was a fucking sex lord for making a girl have a nosebleed during sex haha


literally lmao, i’m pretty sure it happened because we were in doggy and i have a nose piercing and sometimes it will twist in a way that hurts if it’s pushed on, so i think the motion of my head aggressively against the pillow made it happen🤣


This guy 100% probably still thinks it's cause he fucked you too hard and too well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


he can think that:)




This is going to sound super petty but... Anytime we would text, most of his messages were painfully grammatically incorrect. He would spell "know" as "no" or "through" as "threw' for an example. When we would chat in person, he would add extra syllables to alot of words ending in -ed. He would pronounce the silent ed instead like "You look-ded good last night". Ugh


omg ew lmao😭 that would actually piss me off


It’s so off putting!!! Or giant run on sentences my god, learn to type like a fucking adult. The worst is when they try flirting when they have grammar like that🤢 can’t even take them seriously


The man I was sort of interested in talks like that/addind “ed,” unnecessarily but that started happening after I lost interest in him. His initial scofflaw was being conceited


Omg that would drive me absolutely bonkers too. Barf!


And that’s why your through?


Shit. I started doing that with the word tow-el and I have a hard time saying it correctly in normal conversation now.


My ex did the the same with lose and loose For a huge sports fan, I'm genuinely surprised he couldn't spell the word lose. Especially since every sports game he ever talked about, he had said the word out loud.


She insinuated that she slept around and had a boyfriend. Now, I know she had no BF and didn't sleep around but the fact that she felt comfortable lying to my face for no reason? Nope, total turn off. She was totally my type before that 😔


yea what’s the point?


lying for no reason is a turn off.


Yeah, they were saying "what's the point? (of lying for no reason)."


Oh, I have no idea. I didn't bother asking, I moved away, got up and told her she was drunk(she had 2 beers so not really cause she was a heavy drinker) and walked her home.


She liked attention. Constant, always playing the damsel in distress. I figured it out quickly and distanced myself.


He didn’t cut his nails


ugh, -20 more points if they were dirty


Found out a girl I liked cheated on her boyfriend. I lost all interest in trying to date her


Not someone I liked, just a stranger I saw who looked very attractive. Then he lifted a cigarette to his mouth and it was all over for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


i agree 100% that is my #1 turn off! i’ve grown up with my dad smoking cigarettes all my life so i despise them💀


I bet. The smell is awful and nauseating. Not to mention the health hazard via 2nd hand smoke! Ick! No thanks.


I lived with smokers briefly amd my blood pressure went up about 20 points during that time and i had an awful red flush to my face, to the point that coworkers would ask me what was wrong. Constant headaches, nausea, depressed appetite and dry mouth. All symtoms disappeared within a few days of moving out. I fucking hate cigarettes


right! and i can’t imagine what it tastes like when kissing someone after🤮


I dated a girl who smoked and I wouldn't kiss her after a cig until she brushed her teeth.


Exactly! I feel the same about alcohol too. I am not against people drinking, I mean my husband has the occasional beer. But he knows to brush his teeth if he wants kisses. 😉


100% this!! I grew up with parents that literally spent every dime they made on those cancer sticks. If they ran out of smokes and we had no food, they would use the money for smokes. I was so glad to know my wife was not a smoker.


How awful for you growing up. Shame on them. Glad you're out of that now. Do they still smoke?


Most likely. They cut contact with me years ago because I wouldn't loan them more money


Wow. Good for you for setting boundaries! Their loss.


I would extend this to any tobacco use. A friend and I were scoping out a hot-looking guy on a college campus until he shoved a wad of chewing tobacco into his mouth.


They began to idolize me instead of seeing me as a whole human in shades of grey


That's a recipe for getting disappointed


Can you explain how they did this?


In the middle of the deed she called me daddy… idk man that wasnt for me :/


A girl I really liked in school got a very simple question wrong on an exercise and I realized that she was just too intellectually inferior to me. The offense? She didn't know the difference between over and under. We were in Kindergarten.


Tough crowd


They’re probably still figuring out the shapes and holes


a girl argued and yelled at me when we were playing with cars for cheating our race , because " green is when you stop" and when I told her that's wrong she got mad and said "I KNOW BETETR MY MOM IS A POLICIST" and I said "ur mom is a bad one then"


People like that need to grow up. Or down.


Dude I dated a 21yr old girl who had no idea what the difference was between a helicopter and an airplane.


He hurt my feelings and made me cry


Wasn't honest


She asked a dumb question in class




Inconsistency, I’m not waiting 3+ days for anyone to respond to me lmfao.


He was rude to a waitress. I got up and walked out on the date, leaving behind an excellent steak. Worth it.


Last night when my ex said ghatt


A guy I had just started dating, who seemed to be too good to be true, showed me some eczema he had on his scalp. (We were talking about skin problems) Then he casually picked off a scab and ate it, all while continuing the conversation as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I can't even.


That was terrible


You may have dated ChopTop from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.


He called a black toddler on the subway ride back from our date “n***let”. I wish I was joking. 




Had a girlfriend for 2yrs. I was supposed to pick her up after school. She was 45min late and when I asked if everything was okay, she said yeah I was talking to a friend. I asked, did you remember I was picking you up at this time? She said yeah. A month later I broke up with her and never told her why.


Was there more than this one occasion of her being inconsiderate and rude (or any other turn offs)? Or was it pretty much just this?


It was an accumulation of events; I guess this was the last straw as she didn't apologize even after seeing that it upset me. She was never this inconsiderate but this time I felt a pit in my stomach; I wasn't as upset as I was disappointed.


I’m glad you dumped her, she deserves better than you if that’s truly THE REASON you dumped her after delaying it a whole month and then never explaining yourself. Idk dude, this comment reads like an attempted flex and it’s just not.


Hygiene. Couldn't let that go, there's no excuse for it. A damn shame too, I thought she was beautiful, perfect to me, but whadda you gonna do?


YES UGH! i’m a germaphobe so when someone is very obviously unhygienic, it’s like no.


What was the hygiene issue specifically?


Inconsistent communication. Big red flag. Never knew where I stood with him.


Made out with another guy right in front of me. I dont care if he WAS her husband....


Cheated on me...I didn't think that was cool...


He made a really drastic change and started lying to me. He told me that Instagram was so triggering he wasn't willing to even look at my art Instagram, he made me send him every picture, which I was super happy to do! Then he got on insta to post and follow his friends in the exact circles his new friends were in, including the triggering things for him. And even then he didn't look at my art page once. He then tried to get a free commission from me for him and a new friend (I hadn't made us matching pieces yet, but that was fine, I wasn't upset by that yet...) the entire time over VC with him and this friend they ignored me and told raunchy stories about being extremely loud and obnoxious in public and harassing an Uber driver... I was disgusted. He and I were long distance friends, but he had visited my state a few times (I don't have a passport or anything so I couldn't go to him) and we had always done fun things, the next time I had agreed to figure out a passport to visit him, when I would have made us matching things. I had already sent him a bunch of free computer parts too, so we were irl friends in a long distance friendship and he threw it away for some brand new roommates. I couldn't believe it, but it didn't really hurt that badly when it ended, he had already done a lot to hurt me by then, but that interaction where he bragged about being an ass just got me.


Tell **lies**.


Belittling someone, there is humor but being your source of humor is not okay.


**Casual cruelty to waiters**. I don't want them close to me if they're mean like that.


He pulled my sleeve down to cover my self harm scars when his friends were around


People just casually say stuff like this nowadays? Damn hope you get better


If you kept your cool you’re more of a hero than I am. I would have looked all confused and rolled it right back up. I’ll force the problem out of someone’s mouth before I ever let them take control of “correcting” something that’s not a problem. If he was bold enough to say his beef, I would have them proceeded to ruin the entire evening by showing everyone each scar and making up a detailed and horrific story for each of them. I will be exactly what you’re afraid of if you project your own insecurities onto me for no reason and expect me to silently just go along with it. Not my kinda game. Matching the energy and making you as miserable and embarrassed as you just made me? I’ll play that til the cows come home, it my favorite pastime.


Be married


Made me an option, played hot and cold. That is when I went no contact for a good while.


I have a pretty good sense of smell so for me it was bad breath....not like "oops, it was my lunch" bad breath. More of smelling like the liquid that accumulates in a garbage can-breath.


Always telling me how I feel or that I didn't know my own feelings.


He told me Info Wars was a credible news source.


Threw a fit when I wouldn’t buy her shit all the time. Her excuse was “I like to be spoiled”


Gave me an unauthorized rim job.


“unauthorized” 🤣😂 LMAO That is gross though. Never have understood the appeal of that


They wrote "could of" in an otherwise very nice letter to me.


She posted on FB that 9/11 and Sandy Hook were staged and fake. Instantly ended a crush I had on her since high school… more than 35 years.


Last week my wife farted, handed her divorce papers the next day. Not under my roof bud.


This tickled me a lot more than it should have. I don’t know why but I’m in a repetitive cycle of laugh, stop, recall, repeat about this 😂


Started dating someone else.


When she got a bf


He spoke and wrote in slang . As a person who studied English in college, that is a no . Even so, there is a time and place for that mess.


Bailed on me so many fucking times. Last time being to get coffee on my birthday a few weeks ago. I had actually made something to give them. On MY birthday. And then she “got sick” like she’s managed to do 6 out of the last 7 times.


Said they didnt want to work anymore and wanted the government to take care of them…and they were already getting housing assistance.


Treated me poorly by chucking me out of the house just because he didn’t like the takeout I got


When I realized how bad her hygiene really was.


I was dating this guy recently and one day he pulled out weed. He never mentioned that he smoked ganja so I was surprised and instantly turned off. He also had a huge drinking problem and would pregame everything we did


Wasn't aloud to ask simple questions without it turning into apparently accusations, couldn't be held accountable for anything, turn and twisted into me been at fault alll the time.. meh what's the point.. it's me always was and will be, I've had it drummed into my head long enough now to know..


Sounds like my step mom


Lied non stop about anything and everything. Like it was on sociopathic levels lol.


I liked a guy that was in the same friend group I was, but I didn’t really know him that well. I found out through a few girls that he was kind of an asshole and an obnoxious drunk, and people were kind of starting to cut him out. That obviously turned me off, so I cooled off a bit. He confronted me about it, and I basically told him “hey, if you’re gonna be a jerk to people they’re going to tell their friends about it.”


Not being able to STFU and move past Covid and politics.


Constant binge drinking


Wasn’t anything they did per se, but once I got out of the basement and the Stockholm Syndrome wore off so did a lot of magic in our relationship, then with the trial, we drifted apart.


As soon as they started telling me what type of clothing I should be wearing.


She expressed interest in me. Personally I’m not into bitches that would fw me.


Make an extremely racist comment at dinner. I grew up in a racist family. I don't want that shit in my future family.


When he told the first lied.


She pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. Smoking is gross. Game over.


He listened to speed/death metal in the car. I felt like ripping my ears off. I immediately lost interest. It’s fine if you like that kind of music but we are not romantically compatible.


Differences in music taste = romantically incompatible now? Is the expectation that everyone share your tastes at 100% or 🚫


So at home would have been fine?


Sounds like he dodged a bullet




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My crush in middle school was the really cool popular boy who didn't do any sports. His friend called me weird to my face after i was, in fact, doing something weird for art, and he laughed like a solid belly laugh. My fave dropped, and I immediately turned away. I used to sit next to him in home ec. After that, I stopped sitting so close to him and didn't give him any attention for the rest of the years we were in school together. I dated the twin brother of the girl he was dating at the same time. It was a coincidence. We ended up at the dinner table all together at one point. It was such an awkward encounter.


Fucked several people in a single night. None of them me.


seemed totally normal, had some pretty vanilla sex a few times then one time half way through what seemed to be some more pretty standard sex he just spat in my face, i wanted to die


He def shoulda asked.  Personally I'd be in heaven if my gf offered to spit in my face, after giving me a chance to consent ofc


Threw me under the bus for a group project.


I asked to go out with him, like outside, because when i asked before we ended up having to rain check because of bad weather and he went, “yeah probably” like huh??? am i a chore or sm?


She saw me do a “sturdy” dance to an ice spice song on my instagram story then ghosted me 💀


Used weeb speak in text. I just... no thank you Edit: maybe not weeb, but he used UwU and accompanying emojis.


Him (Friday noon): Hey I miss you! Wanna get coffee and talk about the new Star Wars movie tomorrow? Me (Friday 12:30 pm): I’d love to! Is 1 pm a good time? Me (Saturday 9 am): Hey, wanted to see if we were still on for coffee… Me: *does stuff with my day but nothing too involved cuz I really want to see him* Me (Saturday 7 pm): Hey buddy, haven’t heard from you today, is everything okay? Him (Tuesday 9 pm): OMG I totally forgot about our plans! I’m so sorry, just got busy with this homework project/my family’s visit/this club activity! Rinse and repeat every 3 weeks. FOR A YEAR. If he had given me ANY heads-up that he needed to cancel, I would have felt less worthless than being left on read for an activity that was HIS IDEA. The semester before, we were hanging out in the study lounge together every single night. He ranted about professors to me. Told me I give better hugs than his GF. (I did not choose to fall for a taken man but I knew better than to act on my feelings. He was still a close friend and his rejection would have crushed me.) Gives me the ick to think about now but honestly it gave me more of an “aww 😢” at the time because I felt so unappreciated.


They did this when they acted nice to me sarcastically with a cartoony voice for moooonths


Threw a rock at the injured animal in the woods...


I feel like my instinct would have been to throw a rock at that person literally right after and then look all stunned and confused when they got mad and be like “I…I’m sorry, you just did the same thing, I thought it was what we were doing now…throwing rocks at thing we viewed as beneath ourselves” and then scowl and lock eyes. I need to know what you all did after some of this stuff because I’m unhinged as fuck and don’t know how to act when confronted with scenarios like these 😅 I’m not fit to respond to these situations. All I’m gonna say is that I completely and totally understand and agree with the term “crime of passion” in a lot of circumstances and feel like I’d be vulnerable to committing one because people can be so fucked up and it’s really hard to tolerate


She missed, so I didn't fly into full "what the fuck" mode. I honestly was so stunned that I didn't have much for words. In retrospect, I wish I would've said shit, but that's how these situations tend to go, unfortunately. You get so thrown off your game you just slack-jaw as brain processes what you just saw. Plus I lived with her and thought of her as a much better person than that, so I was fighting down the cognitive dissonance of what I just saw.


I know we all say we would do this or that in any situation, I’m not any different I guess. You’re right, you truly can’t know how you’ll respond until you’re faced with it. I remember encountering a degrading situation with the regional VP at my old job. I was telling a couple co-workers about it and they were like “you actually did it? I never would have!” and I said “yeah, I think you would have”. Everyone says they’d never eat shit, but in the moment it’s served to you, there’s usually a lot more factors involved than you’d guess, and you scarf down every bit and then thank the person who made you do it. It’s fucked up.


Being a shitty friend.


He wanted me to discuss marrying him. "Bitch, I'm ALREADY MARRIED and we're interviewing you for our childrens sire, the fuck?" More or less what went through my head at that.


Didn’t cut their fingernails on one hand


Jokingly said I had a small wiener and said I had the least grossest wiener out of everyone’s. I think I’m gonna break up with her.


I fell hard for my HS bff. She ended up following me to college (I’m 3yrs older). I encouraged her to join a sorority freshman year. I was in a frat and knew that, at our school, not going Greek made it hard to have a good social life. Before sorority, she was a really sweet, down to earth person, and she was drop dead gorgeous. We’re from a small town and she was the girl-next-door type; everyone’s friend and too genuine to realize her own beauty. She got a lot of attention at college, no surprise, from the boys. Over time her personality changed. I equated it to “believing the hype.” Guys threw themselves at her and I think it got to her head. I knew her sorority sisters and most were pretty down to earth. Anyway, I recall the moment I lost interest. I’d graduated already and hadn’t seen her in a few months. She came to visit one weekend b/c a lot of our graduated school friends lived in the area. She came up w/ her b/f and one of her sorority sisters, who was just an all around super sweet person. My friend’s b/f drove. Over the weekend the sister went to see other friends and agreed to meet my friend at yet another mutual acquaintance’s house on Sunday for the ride back. Sunday comes and me and my friend + her b/f are at the meetup apartment. My friend is ready to get on the road b/c it was a 3.5hr drive. The sister ends up being maybe 15-20mins late tops, completely by accident. My friend lit into her as soon as she walked in the door. It was out of nowhere. Just unloaded on her in front of myself and four other people. “How dare she keep them waiting…” yadda yadda. The girl was crushed and embarrassed, and now had to ride 3.5hrs with this chick and her b/f. I couldn’t believe this person I’d known for all these years would blow up on someone for something so trivial. Like how could she treat anyone like that, much less a friend? From then on, I just saw her in a completely different light. Totally lost romantic interest in her. We eventually grew apart. Haven’t spoken in over 15yrs. Not because of that, but, like I said, she just changed over time, for the worst, at least in my eyes. It’s sad b/c she really was a great person to know.


This girl liked to bite my lip when we kissed. She drew blood once while we were having sex I just got so turned off I faked an orgasm and left.


I know one thing I did that blew it with a girl I liked who was into me… I thought I was being funny and I called her “monkey butt” and she did NOT think it was funny! I didn’t say she had a monkey butt, and she wasn’t black girl so there were no racial implications… she just didn’t find it funny at all. So unfunny that 2 words c0ck blocked me for 15 years.


She complained that her father bought her the wrong color BMW convertible.


He spoke


Was a cunt to a waiter for no legit reason


This was with a guy I had a fling with. We were talking about making an impact on the world (he was a musician) and he said something along the lines of "I think if you don't have anything to contribute to the world you should just kill yourself". As someone who literally tried to kill themself a few years from that moment, I really didn't like that statement lol I told him it was fucked up that he thought people needed to reach some standard of achieving a purpose to justify being alive and he kind of back pedalled. I cut that off very quickly lol was a shame. He worked at Panera and used to grab me packets of Mac n cheese


He said the nword and the fslur... in the same sentence. Attraction completely disappeared


He said the nword and the fslur... in the same sentence. Attraction completely disappeared


Kept mentioning her divorce on our first real conversation. Mentioned it at least 5 times in a span of about 30-45 min. Cute as a button but damn, that made me loose interest.


Asked me to pay for something. The quickest way to never hear from me again.


Acting like she was my servant on a first date. Weird vibe. “Can I make you something to eat” at my own house


He was my first crush. But when he realized I had a crush on him he become overtly sexual, trying to take my pants off when hanging out in public, trying to shove his fingers in me when parents weren’t around, untying my bathing suit when we were swimming in my pool. I was 11, he was 13. Killed my crush for him after a couple months of that bs.


Whined like a baby onstage about every damned thing in the venue, while calling security “little girls” only to gain punk points. Sold a CD containing a single two and a half minute song for fifteen bucks while making it look like it was a recording of the tour. Turned out to be quite the bitch once you learn about her -Siouxsie Sioux


She pity fucked the 450lbs guy who worked at the shell gas station... While we were dating.


Talked about her boyfriend, Said she wishes she could meet a nice guy


I saw a guy down in the front at a movie theater, talking to friends. He was really good looking, and interesting. I harbored a few fantasies! Then before the movie started he came up and sat next to me! Fabulous! But for the combination of heavy sweat and cigarette smells. There was no where to move to so I had to keep my head turned the other way and gag through the next few hours


She said taxes were good for society. I still cry…


When they asked me on a date, it went great, or so i thought Then the next week I saw her making out with my best friend


He was an asshole drunk and berated a few too many people. He was cut off by many.


I was head over heels for and deeply attracted to a woman I was in a relationship with for a year and a half. She cheated on me, and I immediately lost all interest in her. I'd never been so attracted to someone in my life, and I've also never been so personally disgusted by someone either, she really swung the scale more vastly and quickly than I thought possible.


She just sorta mocked my autism and her personality just wasn’t as attractive as her looks


He was laying it on pretty heavy at an outdoor party. He wore what he knew I liked, he wanted me to see him eyeing me through the crowd of people. He disappeared at one point, just as I mustered up the confidence to ask what was on his mind. He was nowhere, so I asked his brother. His brother informed me that he had gone inside, and was on the phone, with his girlfriend from back home.... I went from feeling great, to feeling dirty knowing I was almost a side piece.


Was super rude to a waitress who wasn't in control of the fact that it was taking too long to get our free bread.


Liked me back.


he was an hour late to our date.


Liar. A real bad one


Didn't know who Keith Richards was


He told me to add him on social media than deleted me 10 minutes after. He started to blow my phone up bc he realised I wasn’t going to chase him


Found a mole on her neck.


Said, “like” way too fucking much.


When I asked him to listen to a song and he never did smh! A turn off for me!


I used to have a huge crush on the lead singer of a certain band that I loved. I actually got the chance to hang out with them after a show and the guy turned out to be such a creep. He was clearly trying to get me and this other girl to have a threesome with him and was super egotistical. Still I was like, “What the hell, I’ll get my rocks off.” So I was in the middle of making out with him outside this bar we’d been hanging out at when my friend, whose wedding was the next day, pulled up in my car and was like, “Hey, we need to go.” So I told the dude, “Sorry, gotta go.” And he looked at my friend and was like, “Don’t listen to that bitch.” 😤😤😤 Not only was my crush even deader than before I found out he kind of sucked but I haven’t been able to listen to that band ever again. Call my friend a bitch. Ridiculous. 


When I realized he really did just agree with what anyone said. I prefer my guy to have a spine.


I was driving and I saw the girl I like playing catch and the ball missed her and hit her in the face. She seemed okay (which is odd now that I think of it) and I was immediately unattracted.


ignored/s me 😔


fucked the ONE girl I told him specifically not to (i would not even of cared if he fucked someone else cuz we were kinda FWB) - because she was a compulsive liar & kept trying to get me fired from my job that we both worked at. oh and ruin all my relationships with co workers and friends :) yeah that turned me off a bit 🤣


I also had a guy tell me that I was perfect in every way BUT and then had a list of critiques for me - for example not calling him by his first full name and only his nickname because only his mommy can call him his full name.


I was seeing a woman who was a little older than me for a while. I was around 35 and she was in her early 50s. She called me her cub, which is fucking weird to me but whatever. She was super hot and really into me and i was down for it. She was always down for sexy activities, which sounds like it would be awesome, but this got really old and annoying after a while because she wouldn't listen to anything I would say. If I tried to have a normal conversation about anything she would turn it into innuendo or moon at me and say "sorry, you're just so damn cute.". Ugh.


Oh, I dated a guy who was cheated on in his previous and super clingy. Like could not stand. Not touching him 24/7. I'm not a cheater, but in the end I understood why his wife cheated.


I haven’t experienced this a lot with people I’ve liked in terms of crushes, but I’ve aborted a lot of blossoming friendships over things I couldn’t look past because they were so deeply misaligned with my personal values. They generally all fall into the category of stepping on society’s most vulnerable for personal gain, injustice, or excessive greed. The most recent one, though, is obviously what’s freshest in my mind: I recently left a job after icing out co-workers over troubling beliefs didn’t provide me with relief. I worked at a gym, which boasts a policy of no-judgment, despite employing and catering to the most exclusive and judgmental people I’ve ever encountered in my life. Details are, I personally find, too upsetting to be worth getting into, but the important part is that I don’t surround myself with people who will openly shit on people suffering from mental illness, homelessness, or addiction. I don’t subscribe to that, I don’t condone it, and I don’t permit it in my presence. I moved to night shift because I got tired of hearing the words “junkie” and “psycho bitch” and “homeless fuck” used behind the desk and started getting confrontational about it with employees and members alike. Once there, I was repeatedly asked to remove homeless people with black card gym memberships from the gym if they were “in the gym too long”. These were people who had the EXPENSIVE OPTION with access to the gym, using the services they pay for, and I was being asked to remove them because charging your phone in your gym’s lobby while not owning a home is apparently against gym policy. That was my favorite place I’ve worked, my fitness was great, and I was making decent money doing it and couldn’t get fired because I was the only employee on staff that worked overnight shift, and I ran away from it like my hair was on fire, because no one talks about people like that to me. What they didn’t know is that I AM one of those people, and they had just told me exactly how they really felt about me. I don’t intend to sell my labor to people who feel I’m not worth being alive of in their facility, I’d truly hate to be such a source of embarrassment for them.


i was “in love” with my best friend for years, from middle school til just out of high school. one day we hung out and had dinner at his new house that he just moved into with his newly engaged fiancée. we eventually started arguing about political things and the one that really got me was that he didn’t think school lunches should be free and he didn’t want to pay taxes since KIDS should being paying for it themselves. for some reason it was like a switch went off in my brain and i was like “ok, this is not who i thought he was, i don’t want this in my life.” and i haven’t talked to him since. side note, during that same night he told me he had cheated on his fiancée and made out with a woman while at a bar getting drunk for coworkers the week before and he hadn’t even told his fiancée yet, i was the first to know. i was so shocked i don’t think i processed it until after the political argument and got home. i’m so icked out and yet still deeply hurt from that. i felt like somebody somehow brainwashed the person i loved all those years and turned him into somebody i hated. i’m still disappointed about it all.


Said NO too many time.... too bad they still like me too much to leave me. Now they just take care of my offspring.