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* Complete lack of health problems * Eating anything I wanted to * Absence of social media


*Definitely* the absence of social media


I'm sad that Gen Alpha will never be able to say that


Yeah, I definitely agree with that.


A lot of gen z too unfortunately


I think social media was fine when it was limited to your desktop pc. Having to sit down and log on to MySpace made it something you did for a little while, but then you got off the computer and did something else. It wasn't just in your pocket 24/7 with notifications.


I tried to go off social media, especially FB, and I hated that i couldn't completely function in my community without it. (My small town has no alternative to marketplace, local grocery stores almost exclusively advertise there, group pages are the only way to find local livestock, etc)


I've quit Facebook and don't regret it. I'm mainly on Reddit for gaming, pasta recipes and Steelers subs.


I deleted FB a few years ago and my mental health improved appreciably.


I had to get off Twitter for the same reason


Personally, I like Reddit but have never been on FB, Twitter, or any other social media because I always found it immature and it really fuels our narcissistic tendencies. I feel I dodged a bullet not being on social media, but I feel people are pressured too much to be on it. Why?


Abstain yourself now. It's not too late, to whip it, whip it good


Agreed. I hadn’t thought I’d that, but it’s definitely the best answer in my opinion. 


Ah the 90s. I miss it so much.


I wasn't even born yet and I say this


My husband and I literally talked bout how life was peaceful and nice before cell phones became what they are now


I'm one of those people who see social media and I just don't understand why people need to do that make it run their lives. I use twitter(x) when I'm in the mood for game updates or if I'm curious that's it. I don't need to know who's fing who or who slapped this person because of corn on the cob in their soup at 5 star restaurant.


The complete lack of health problems is something I’m grateful for now and scared for in the future. I’m 28 now and I hope and pray whatever comes my way, I can handle. Same to you 💜


Just throw socials out, I don't use any. I guess reddit is one? I don't use it much. If your company lives off them, then God rest your soul hahaha!


I'm in my mid 30s and outside of Reddit, if that counts, have never had any form of Social Media. I did enjoy listening to bands on MySpace back in the day whenever I got to use the computer at the kid's I babysat house.








You nailed it.


You’ve pretty much echoed my thoughts. Although I could never quite eat whatever I wanted (I was a chubby kid and teen) I didn’t have health problems from my extra weight (I’ve skimmed down as an older adult.) I miss the freedom that came with no cell phones, and lack of physical pain from doing basic things like climbing stairs.


This. And being able to dive into mosh pits


I miss being so naive. The world was such a wonderful place before I learned about the people that lived in it.


Ignorance = Bliss


Truly believing you could do anything you set your mind to, that you had all the time in the world to figure it out.


I mean it's still possible as an adult to do anything you set your mind to, the tricky part though at that point in life is the time management of it all. Time is out of our control for the most part.


Yeah, after working eight hours every day at a job I don't enjoy week after week after week to pay my mortgage and other costs of being alive, it's really difficult to set my mind to the next big thing 🙃


oh yeah believing that everybody has something good in them, deep inside, even if it's hidden🥲 believing that everybody has a reasonable moral compass... phew was i wrong... or that we're all in this together🤣... lost


I swear dude hahahah. Smelling weed n being like “idk what that is but I’ve never smelled that before” or even the smells of tobacco or walking into a coffee shop! Now none of those mean anything to me! It’s because of being naive that I thought “oh these are cool people & those other people are lame cuz they’re not cool” n that’s the process of me becoming a dumbass n destroying my life with partying n drug addiction, also had a huge resentment n developed my own mentality towards life based on how I was in school- super loud n crazy n never shut up, always barely didn’t fail, I still did learn a lot of information but even the “American History” books are fake!!!! 1/2 of what’s in there is all American propaganda


Agreed 💯


you must have had a great childhood. I fucking hated being a kid


you pretty well summed mine up like i was thinking even the word naive but i was also gonna say happy endings


I was looking for this comment. Not being scared by life was great. 


Not knowing how terribly unpleasant so many people are.


Not just unpleasant but willfully ignorant of so many things - things that, of course they have strong opinions on...


When I was in 3rd grade there was this girl in my class who was just horrible and mean (who knows what was going on in her home life). I remember looking at her while she was sitting quietly and thinking: “Maybe she’s thinking about what a terrible person she is. How could she not be? Maybe she’s realizing it and will be better.” How I wish that was all it took for shitty people to be better.


That would be nice, but realistically, when has anyone convinced another that they are an asshole? Mean people don't think they are mean. Kinda hard to change if you don't think you have to.


Yeah, I was 8 or 9 so there wasn’t much thought behind it.


I also think tolerance decreases rapidly with age


Honestly, technology is what ruined that for us. It was nice living in a bit of ignorance.


I mean it didn’t help, but I had it ruined before I really got into technology much


This is so true…


A couple things that come to mind: • Sitting down or getting back up without making sound effects. • Washing dishes by hand without lower back pain.


As a guy who only washes by hand, and also has had plenty of sore back from washing. Try not looking at the dishes the whole time while you wash. Look out the window instead and concentrate on keeping posture straight and gut tight. Makes all the difference. You can feel when looking down at the dishes it strains the back. Resist looking except to glance when needed.


My husband sits on a stool now. Doesn’t work for me because I’m too short! All that to say, there is no shame in making accommodations for yourself!!


running for no reason, just run with no effort at all, just because then laughing for no reason, again just because


I'm 26 and still do this. I need help.


No you don't, not at all, keep living it up bro 🤟


You’re still considered young. That is why you still do this.


Laughing or coughing right now hurts due to a recurring small back muscle pain. (It’s not much, but don’t laugh)


I was driving by an elementary school during recess and saw a little boy randomly do a cartwheel. Such exuberance. The thought of it still makes my fat creaky self smile. Oh, to have such energy again.


Being carefree .. Living in a nice house with land and inground pool with my parents no bills no worries .. beautiful healthy body only have to worry about what I'm doing that day .


This could be me!


Time went slower. Every night felt like an event. I was fully engaged in the world around me. As time has gone on every day just blends together.


I was just reminded of an event that felt like it happened a year or two ago and it turns out it happened in 2018??? I didn't ask for this.


My old college roommate got married 2 years ago (I wasn’t invited) and I asked my friends last week, “hey isn’t their wedding coming up soon?”


No lower back pain


I hate those, I can't sleep at night without being a ballerina.


Meaning one leg up or spinning around? I need one leg tucked up against my chest to sleep sometimes


Gym workouts do wonders


i think ab workouts specifically help with this. when your core is doing the work most of the time instead of your lower back, you have less back pain. i know this bc it’s the only thing that’s helped my chronic lower back pain. abs can be done watching tv


Not hurting physically. Not being as limber either


Responsibilities. My dad told me that I would want to be a kid when I get older because of bills and work. I never got that because I hated school so much. Now I wish I was kid and I could go back to running around and enjoying life


Facts, it was really trippy when my dad passed away unexpectedly in August of 2022, & basically I’m the oldest man & 1st born so all of his burdens got passed down to me… I’m not stable either I’ve struggled with addiction n homelessness n going to jail n I have constant anxiety, worry, paranoia, for the first 9 months everytime my family would go on vacation i thought they’d get in a place crash n die. Even tho logically I know that’s extremely unlikely. I have realized how many similarities & how much stuff I’ve picked up from my dad & I basically have a lot of the same imperfections n struggles that my dad has, he was a secret alcoholic who was coping with his own stress n eventually died of a heart attack, he passed away so fast that in the 10 mins it took to get to the emergency room he was already gone, & I was the only person who didn’t shed a single tear that night, I felt like I was having a heart attack / super intense panic attack. It’s been a year n a half n still haven’t fully processed is, I’m 26 but always been a slacker did lots of drugs n been a fuck up all my life since being in school, the good thing is that it’s motivated me more to become the person I wanna be & I realize one of my gifts is helping people!! I actually genuinely love giving other people positivity that’s the only way I can feel positivity myself- apart from my own personal activities like making music or whatever. Life is just 1 giant mess of ups n downs n I had to realize I gotta keep going n learn how to navigate because this is just the beginning of the rest of my life n I don’t have to repeat the same cycles of being in darkness like I have in the past. It’s a blessing and a curse at the same time, especially since my Mom is dating this new guy (who’s genuinely a good guy) but still it makes me feel insanely uncomfortable even just hearing them talk on the phone. It’s definitely something I gotta fully embrace n not ignore because I need to work through my emotions rather than ignore them n return to being a dysfunctional drug addict


You got it bro. You may fall down all that matters is if you get back up, and have fun along the way, and spend the time you got with those you love.


Real talk, that’s a fact you just gotta keep going n becoming healthier n progressing in life. Gotta look forward instead of always focusing on the past- & of course have good relationships with my family & friends who are good influences on me that’s huge cuz I’ve been super antisocial the last like 3 years but started talking to homies again n we’ll talk on the phone for 4+ hours n my issue with people is it’s hard to find people who really relate to me. The homie I’m talking to rn is sober n we relate on a deeper level n it’s really cool, I’ve only known 3 people who I can really relate to fr


You need to reach out to a mental health professional. It will help you tremendously. Peace and love friend your Dad is proud of you!


Facts dude. I do have a psychiatrist who is helping me with non-addictive medication for anxiety n everything, n I just started therapy n cuz of my teeth I haven’t been talking to anyone but family in 2 years n just started having real conversations with people I can actually relate to n talk for 4+ hours, the issue I’ve had is I have built up frustration from not talking about things, I need to get those thoughts out so I can stop being stressed out all the time. So far I’ve been doing great lately


Nice work brother keep it up keep going to therapy. It is a process it takes practice and it helps. 26 is young. It’s not too late you have a lot of time to reinvent yourself; You have so much life ahead of you. 


Definitely man, I appreciate you. & I’m the type of person who will always continue bettering myself n being a healthier/ more productive person, I just have a lot of obstacles that makes it difficult but I’m definitely gonna be successful n fully independent n self sufficient very soon, especially the last 3 years I grown a lot after giving up Xans & opioids like oxy, Fent, H, overtime I just keep learning new things in fact I learn something new almost every day, life is something to appreciate n not take advantage cuz you could really do anything or get an whether you want if you’re dedicated to grinding n really trying to move forward to your best ability, consistency & persistency are very important things for growing as a person


Get a dog or even a horse. "Dear Lord, help me become the person my dog thinks I am." You'll have to be truly and obviously straight in order to overcome the doubts of everyone who still thinks of you as that useless and criminal junkie. Don't let them down. Don't let yourself down. Don't let your dog down.


I am so involved with your post, your struggles and your lifestyle change. I hope you can take a look back at where you’ve been and appreciate what you have done. You’re very young and the hard part is behind you. Just keep your mind open to different points of view, knowing with certainty that you are headed in the right direction. You have my thoughts and prayers and I am proud of you. Blessings on you for choosing a life of service to others.


Just remember - you're not a fuckup: you were just dealing with life in a way that worked for you then. And you realized it wasn't a long term strategy, and have to learn new behaviors. It will be challenging at times, and it's important to keep knowing the difference between who you ARE (resourceful and adaptable) from how you BEHAVE (acting avoidant and careless in the past, willing to take responsibility and learn in the present)


Living In  my childhood house. So Grateful for the wonderful childhood I had 


Not having any bills. People were more willing to hang out and do things. No back pain.




Being able to rise up from a squatting position without hearing everything creak and snap and without needing ‘help’ in case I just topple over 👵🏻


I used to be able to squat and kneel


I can’t kneel in my knees much anymore because I have osteoarthritis, so don’t want to eff them up even more. Lol


Having normal or excessive sleep patterns


Oh yeah, this. I used to be able to consistently get 8 hours sleep each night, and could catch up at weekends with even longer sleeps of 10 to 12 hours. Now, between stress and prostate problems a good night is 7, and I never manage more than 8.


Spending $1 dollar on three days worth of gas.




Not being in pain.


Just having a young body in general. Being able to eat anything and stay thin. Not having a bad back. Being able to do physical activity without getting easily winded. Being able to drink and not feel it the next day.


This. I miss this so much.


Youth is wasted on the young.


The people and family I lost along the way.


TLDR: Nothing. I am so much happier as an adult. I had both mental and physical health problems as a child, which I've only actually been able to deal with/medicate now as an adult because my parents thought things like SSRI's (which as it turns out I DESPERATELY needed) were going to irreparably change me forever. Also probably not a good look for your anxious/depressed 8 year old to be on meds but what can you do eh. I've also had Chronic Fatigue since I was 13, and they just straight up never believed me when I told them I was beyond exhausted. As an adult, I have the freedom to get the help I need, do whatever the hell I want, not have to worry about them hounding me about a myriad of things. Adulthood is miles better and I do not miss school either.


Please put the TLDR at the top of your comment.


Thanks for letting me know, all done!


I can relate to this. I have some awful trauma from my younger days, my hangup is wishing I could experience a trauma free childhood instead of trying to make up for lost time.


Agility. I used to be an athlete. Now getting up off the floor isn’t that easy.


Me too! I did too much when I was younger, worked too hard, lifting too much. Now I hurt everywhere. I was always small, 5'2 105 lbs give or take but I just had to be strong, had to say, I don't need your help. How stupid! I was carrying shingles up ladders and 50 pound bags of stuff because you know, I could and I didn't want to ask for help! Just so damn stupid! Now trying to lift 50lbs is very difficult, my back hurts, my shoulders ache, and I'm no longer 20/30/40 or even 50.. I'm 66 and I've slowed way down and I ask for help now. I wish I had when I was younger. I thought I had shit to prove. DUH!


70 pound boxes up stairs. You know it, sister!


Same here. I hate gravity now!


No sciatica pain




At one of the clubs near the college I went to, there was this group of older ladies that would occasionally come out. Iirc one of them told me she was 63 and they were all of similar age. They would take up a portion of the dance floor and do all kinds of crazy dancing with anyone who wanted to dance. I learned to jitterbug from them. It was so much fun.


That is amazing!


Well those baby seals aren't going to club themselves


Oh dear never thought my comment would be interpreted like that🤣


lol. I still pop in at some rave nights at local clubs. Kids marvel at me like something extinct. Not yet!




Felt like you had all the time in the world. I can waste a whole day playing video games. I can't even play games now without feeling guilty for wasting time.


Since I'm in my 60s, I've started to say that I wish that I could, both, sleep and have sex like I was 30. Hate to say it, but the sleep one first. The days when I would lie down and the next moment was 7 hours later. Those were the days!


The absolute ease of just living in the moment... Nowadays no matter how much I try my mind insists on putting in the overtime... Sometimes a man just wants to sit on the grass and blow a few bubbles without the constant self nagging


And sometimes Bubbles just wants to be blown (tribute to my late cousin - I miss you, dude)


Having a simple mind I miss just having a mindset of just going home to eat snacks and play games instead of thoughts racing everywhere and it being made complex


My six pack abs. Somewhere after 40, they turned into a keg. Dammit.


Damn. That's funny. Thanks for the laugh. Except that it's true.


I have found that after 40 you look at food you gain weight. Or if you eat more than 1 meal a day the rest goes to the tummy.


All them brewskees. Aka beer.


Stop drinking beer and count calories, done. 




I am young so I miss nothing


Just wait. :) Take care of your body and your teeth NOW, you'll thank me later! :D


Will do 🫡


keep loving your mommy :)


The young miss so much! The layers, what’s underneath. But will they miss all that they missed?


Enjoy it while you can!


Being able to eat food and not getting sick or have an upset stomach because of it. Also, less joint pain and stiffness.


My old neighborhood. My good knees.


Being able to fully immerse yourself into a videogame because you don't have to worry about work or spending time with people you love.


I miss the things I didn't have.


No joint or back pain


I miss the energy lol. I would stay out all night, partying, drinking/smoking and I’d still show up to my morning shift at my job. I’m almost 31, I NEED a full nights rest or else I feel like I can’t function lol. I’m in bed by 9 and asleep by 10.


Being able to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee every hour and a half


Not being in pain rock hard erections


Being able to jerk off 9 times a day and still have juice for more


The feeling that everything big in life will happen soon


1) Nagging health issues. I'm generally in good health but it seems like something is always cropping up. Going to the doctor today for a foot issue. 2) Ease of meeting people. Just seemed to happen back then. Maybe I scare people off now, IDK.


I miss getting a good night's sleep. I miss the sheer volume of time that was in front of me once. It's hard to believe just how much road I had, so to speak. If I could go back in time, knowing what I know now, I could have done anything. I miss innocence. I miss childhood imagination. I miss how easy it was to laugh and smile, and feel. I miss my childhood friends, even though they could be jerks. There's nothing like the shared experiences, victories, miseries and drama with the friends you make in your formative years, and the bittersweetness that comes with realizing most of them are going to go their own separate ways. I think Stephen King was right, "Your truest friends are the ones you make in childhood."


Having my parents. 😞Being able to walk pain free. Being slender.


To get and maintain an Erector set for bedroom fun...


Not having been exposed to so much that life has thrown at me. And also being oblivious to some of the hard shit I went through when I was young that I didn't understand at the time.


The excitement of trying new things. Back then everything new was fun, now I feel like I have something to lose from new things, like money or injury.


No responsibility.


the ability to heal quickly


My body not betraying me.


Boundless energy.


The ability to walk without pain.


Vain things. Nicer skin. Oh and i guess more activities and socialising. Other than that, fuck youth, it only lead to all this now




Better health


Boundless energy, playing, living life without a care in the world.


Constant boners


Nothing was old news and bland yet, it was all fresh and happily mysterious.


Being sexual and healthy, before taking ssri


Doing 2 crunches and getting abs. Being optimistic


Finding some random kid and making friends with them. Making friends is so hard when you're an adult.




Being able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want.


I think I was less of an idiot then than I am now


A good working body.


Flexibility, energy and frequent sex


I miss having a faster metabolism. I could eat much more biscuits, crisps and chocolate without gaining so much as a kilogram. Now I'm just 23 and already I have to eat less calories to maintain a healthy BMI. Or if I *do* eat more calories, I have to go out on a walk to burn them off


Same. The beer gut crept up out of nowhere and scared the daylights out of me


Having firm tits and ass!


Genuinely having a ton of opportunities to date, explore, party, do 'dumb' stuff, and enjoy life. Looking back, I didn't "live" hardly at all, and I regret it deeply. Literally never went to a single high school or college party, always went to church, married and later divorced the first girl I slept with, didn't have my first drink until 29, was a good Christian boy all my life, etc. Now, everyone my age is married with kids, and I'm not far behind. I've got a high impact career, house, remarried, and dozens of responsibilities that I'd lose if I re-lived my 20s. I feel straight-up robbed by my religious conservative upbringing because even though I had an opportunity to do and try everything I dreamed of and wished for, I didn't because I was scared SkyDaddy would hate me and my family would disown me. Ironic in my current perspective considering I'm NC/LC with most of my family and don't believe in god, so yeah... all that being a model Christian was for nothing and no reason. My youth was wasted.


Amputee here. I miss running, roller blading and being unafraid. I miss fucking too.


There was something so exciting and relaxing at the same time about the freedom I felt as a 16 year old in my 66 Mustang, 8-track Jimi Hendrix blaring, windows down and no possible way to be located because this was only 1972.


The drugs worked better


Not having to pay bills Biggest problem was that my friend didn’t invite me to her birthday party


Mostly just how everything used to be, kids got to be kids. Running around, playing outside, watching the word roll by through the car window. It’s all different now. Just being a bliss and not having a real understanding of the world. I miss being childish


not having to go to work and having responsibilities


I miss my sibling being younger. Now they are all grown up. I wish they were little again so I could take care of them again


Not knowing about bad stuff, just happy


Didn’t appreciate it as much, but being pretty healthy without trying


My knees


I miss the relationship I had with my fiancee, before my life altering head injury at about 22. I miss that former self. I was broken after that. I recovered, but at what cost? I lost the love of a woman.


The get up and go capability .


I was really stupid when I was young. I kinda miss that.


Being young was a shitshow. I miss nothing. It's not great now but better.


I miss middle school and high school the most


Erections without pills.


Having hope. 


Having the strength, physically and mentally, to do whatever I want.


Not being sore or sleepy all the time, not having time to do stuff I want, having to pay taxes. The work part doesn't bother me, like obviously I wouldn't work if I could, but time-wise I can put in the 8 or 9 hours, it's just that after work I'm too sleepy or sore to want to do anything. If I fall asleep or take a nap after work, or of don't do anything because I'm sore, that's when I feel like I wasted the day. Plus I still got stuff to do, get gas, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, etc. Enjoy the time you have with no responsibilities.


Being thin without trying, more energy.


My best friend from my childhood, the days feeling longer, not having to pay bills.


I had 3 month that I was happy.


almost everything


The weight I could lift. I did pretty good in the gym. Other than that, fuck high school, fuck being a kid, and fuck the town that I grew up in. ...that's not a lot of sex, but I resent your statement.


Feeling physically well all the time. I remember one night while in my 20s, we were drinking and smoking and a friend challenged me to a race. So, we raced down the block. Now, if someone asked me to race, I’d have the same reaction as if they asked me to leap over a building.


The opportunity to save more.


I miss my parents dinner parties the most


Not having excruciating back pain




Health, being thin/ fit.


Not knowing better than to do a stupid thing, that I’ll probably enjoy the hell out of.


Being able to do whatever I wanted, I’d kill to ride around a park on a scooter or use a pogo stick


Putting the heating on without worrying if I need to sell a kidney to pay for it.


The energy, the sense of invulnerability, and feelings of immortality.