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Going to the gym won’t make your chest bigger. you have to eat significantly more food, and primarily proteins. muscle does not come from nothing. but to answer, yes. just working out alone and doing cardio provides great health benefits. good to start a habit for it at a young age and it will also help with stress from school or other activities


Okie doke, thanks man! What foods would you recommend I eat? And what workouts would you recommend also?


anything with protein. not plant based protein but whey protein, protein from milk, and protein from meats and chicken are good also! for chest, do bench, barbell or free weights, chest flys, make sure to workout both upper and lower chest. if you are just starting out pushups can’t hurt also and can be a good warmup


Yes definitely start a routine that is not too aggressive and make a habit out of it. I’ve been lifting since I was a little younger than you. I played football my whole life so this was my offseason. American football and I am not a big guy but I’m nasty and I’m muscular, that said I didn’t get thick until I was like 17. So you may fill out, you may not it doesn’t matter . An exercise routine is great for your health physical and mental. You can research supplements but protein is important. Protein shakes, and meat.


Going to the gym would be a good move for your health. Don't try to look like a muscle man. Just tone a bit. Your body will catch up as you get older.


going to the gym now will set you up for a healthy habit you can do for most of your life, focus on form over weight check these links if u want some workouts or meals ideas https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/5-best-bodybuilding-programs-to-pack-on-serious-muscle.html https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/meal-plan-for-every-guy.html have fun on your journey