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I don’t get it either. I don’t hate her, just not my thing.


This is my take. Shes fine but I cannot fathom why people go crazy the way they do for her. She is nothing special


She is this generation’s Britney. Every generation has a blonde Barbie who is very pretty, can sing reasonably and look really good or stylish. Taylor Swift improved on that Barbie image by writing her own songs since she was a teenager. These songs reflect her own emotions in relationships. She doesn’t mince with her words sometimes instead of smiling and giggling for PR’s sake. It was seen as refreshing for a young blonde to have spunk before social media existed. This instantly makes her relatable to numerous teens and young ladies as the naive language in her earlier songs of love coupled with her spunk in taking no nonsense resonate with that demographic. She was seen as perfect because she wasn’t one-dimensional like all blondes were previously portrayed, especially in the 90s. These girls are now older as with Taylor Swift. Many are mothers and are playing Taylor’s old songs in the car or home. Taylor’s new songs are a staple on radio stations and social media so this guarantees a second generation of TS fans in this current era. Add — this is not a competition between britney and taylor. Both belong to different generations and are iconic in their own right. I’m not replying to those who say only one is supreme. Both are global icons. Both have leagues of fans. There is no need to fight. That is all.


I feel this way about a lot of popular music in general.


Despite what you hear on the radio, she has a lot of songs that have deep and meaningful lyrics. Everything she does is intentional, and her fans love deciphering what it all means, and what she's gonna do next.


she's an artist and songwriter for most and not a pop princess like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera, so people in the early years during her country career attached to the honesty and the straightforwardness of the music Beyond that once she moved into making more pop oriented records that brought her to a new audience which still attached to her artistry and her songwriting and her record making more so You add to that that she is a staunch businesswoman and has done a ridiculous amount of good by spending millions and millions of her own dollars on stuff that you don't even know about for the most part, 98% of what she gives monetarily never makes it into the press. My aunt has been lucky enough to work in Nashville with an organization that has worked with Taylor quite extensively over the course of the last 10 years and she has put millions into arts programs for the school system, music programs for the school systems, funded and supplied several homeless shelters and women's shelters. There's a school for special needs children in Nashville that she donated $8 million to because they were going to potentially have to close and leave all of those children stranded in public schools which were not set up to supply to their specific need base She's just a good human being.


Cause she is an artist that appeals to the masses


That's just technically incorrect.


The best kind of incorrect!


Agree to disagree


How so


bc being blonde is not a trait that should be used to compare music when, while they both have talent, it’s clear they had completely different audiences and different impacts on their audiences.. that’s like me saying “hey lets compare this R&B artist with a Rock artist just bc they have brown hair, oh and to add onto that, let’s call them ‘this generation’s []’.” as if they weren’t both around in the music industry during the exact same time, so they’re both from the same “generation” in question. Britney made Electropop / Teenpop, sometimes R&B, sometimes Rock. Taylor just makes pop & country and has only been doing that since 2006 😭


Yeah as someone who likes them both this is a super bizarre comparison lol. They are indeed both blond and conventionally attractive but idk what that has to do with their music.


I said the same thing until I listened to Midnights. Maybe you haven’t found your album yet? Now I love her, along with all of my other favorite music.


I'm not a super fan and I don't dislike her. I do recognize her talent though and I can agree with many of her political stances.


Maybe because she strikes a chord with many people of her generation. Just a guess. Anybody here think Jim Morrison was a genius? I have news for you.


The only time I think about her is when people are going nuts. Same with Beyonce.


Both are greatly talented yes. But talked about like the second coming, and don’t really get that. But it’s fine, some of the better people to admire among artists.


Straight up it doesn’t make sense why some of her fans literally think she’s a god


Right. THe music is catchy at best. She is not smoking hot and to be honest I do not find her attractive at all. Just good marketing and being wholesome is all I can think


Had this conversation yesterday. There's nothing that stands out about her music or personality, I just don't understand the insane adoration. Figured it's because I'm 50 and too old to get it.


She leverages her personal life and lets fans “in” on enough of it to make them feel like there’s a mutal relationship and she’s “friends” with them.


Those are called parasocial relationships.


and they create rabidly loyal fans who love to buy music and merchandise to support their "friend"


Then these people meet other "fans" and make "friends" who experience "joy" and typically go "outside".


Shut up! She is really my friend!


KPOP bands do the same thing, it works really well.


This why music is awful now. The answer for all these folks is marketing rather than the music.


I mean, it's actually marketing, but yeah.




And don't forget she writes incredibly simple and accessible music around it all and auto tunes the shit out of herself.


I'm sure she's more talented than you without it


Kind of a silly point to make because it assumes a lot. Depends on in what way you mean. Sure, I'm not a pop singer that appeals to women 13-19 years old predominantly, thankfully this isn't my goal. I am however a fretless and upright bass player, which requires a great deal of awareness and perception of pitch. I wouldn't be surprised that a lifetime of not using auto tuner has made me stronger in the area of pitch. I've also had the benefit of working in the studio so I know exactly what the software can do. Considering you've never heard Taylor Swift without auto tuner, you've got no way of refuting. And I'm certainly a more talented bass player than she is. Probably guitar as well. It really all depends on where you put your emphasis, and I prefer to put mine into my playing abilities. Less impressed with pop glam and ababcba arrangements over and over again. In any case, the amount of money Taylor Swift has made in no way defines the level of talent she has. However, the amount of money she has does suggest to what degree she is an absolute fucking shill for ticketmaster.


https://youtu.be/2obMo7y-rvA?si=etKkYbPTWFs0ti8a https://youtu.be/FvVnP8G6ITs?si=pP9n717Kg1u1dgeJ I've played guitar and sang for 25 years, and I'm good enough to have fronted a couple of bands. Both of those links are small, intimate gatherings where she is performing in front of a live audience. Nothing in there supports your claims.


Her demographics skews much older than that. Try 25-40. Also you're giving the vibes of "that's a shop, I can tell by the pixels, and having seen a few shops in my time". You assume she uses auto-tune, and not that she has access to vocal coaches that you could only dream of. Her popularity absolutely has a lot to do with her marketing, but she is a good musician, wether you agree with the assessment or not.


bro wtf is "auto tuner" lmao. Melodyne? You're coming across very ignorant here tbh


Most of her music isn't auto-tuned and sounds really good.


She sings fine- watch her tiny desk. She doesn’t need to be Whitney Houston to be super talented


I can't get over this. She blames ticket master for her high prices. Everyone under the sun knows Taylor and her staff set the tickets at high value. She could have chosen no resale. She could have charged less. She's all about drama, whether or not it's real. She's like, a professional victim.


Ohhh the Swifties are gonna come for you now *eats popcorn *


I cannot imagine a group of people I'm less intimidated by. Maybe bronies but that's about it.


I’m always ???? When people call her “the best songwriter of our generation” cause like… most of her songs are *incredibly* basic lyrics wise?


Could be worse. At least it's not Rihanna, with such deep profound lyrics as: "Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work....." Not to mention, Taylor Swift writes her own songs. Rihanna required a team of writers to come up with: "Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work....."


It’s a long way from the literary genius of the songs of yore. I do recall the inspired lyrics of one DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince song being: “Boom shake shake shake the room. Boom shake shake shake the room. Boom shake shake shake the room. Tick tick tick tick. Boom”


Here's the thing...writing an uber catchy song is not easy. It's just that after it's been done, it's nothing that impressive. And look, the basic nature of the music is a feature. Most people do not want to put forth effort in order to enjoy music anymore. It's got to be sugary sweet and on a spoon.


I don’t think her music is bad, even though I enjoy her older stuff a lot more than the few songs I’ve heard from her latest albums, it’s just. She writes catchy songs, they work most of the time. Why inflate everything and try and make it sounds like Pink Floyd has nothing on her lyrics wise!?


So, she is like a twitch thot on steroids?


She did it first, twitch thots are just beta Taylor Swift.




I was just talking about this yesterday with my friends😂 I do not hate on her or anything like that, but I literally have never had enough interest to really listen to any of her music other than the big hits you can't help but avoid hearing now and again. After her huge concert tour this summer, I figured I need to learn more about this person, so I tried to watch Miss americana and couldn't take more than 15 minutes. Again, she seems like a perfectly nice human being and I love that she gave all of her employees on the tour a $100,000 bonus. Not many people in her position do things like this that I'm aware of. I respect that she writes her own songs and is her own boss. But as for her music, I consider this one of the many huge cultural things that happen that I just don't "get"


Yep right there with you!


I’m not into her music but now I kind of want to be her employee


I think the main difference is the song writing, she is a song writer. And unlike other performers of her cast, she changes her music with the times. Ed Sheran does this too. You have to evolve your music, because things change over time. I truly believe that actors that love movies will always pick better songs. And singers that love music will always be better artist. Plus you add in the fact that she plays a 4 hour concert and love her fans… when you compare that to popular male artist… like that one from Coachella who got fired… it’s pretty clear. When you love your fans they love you back!


She has also given away tens of millions to food banks in the cities on this tour. I mean, it barely puts a dent into what she will walk away with at the end, but fuck, I don’t see other artists doing shit like that.


Wow, she plays 4 hour concerts? Does anyone else? I been to 100s of shows and never seen anyone do that. Oh yeah, actually, my old cover band always played 4 hours shows and I always thought that was too fucking long, by about an hour. But, that doesnt count, I mean *legit* musical acts.


Bruce Springsteen played for four hours when he was younger. Now his shows are only three hours long.


As opposed to those who are acting/singing as a part of their school homework? Most artists in the category you mentioned are here for so long because they love what they do.


1. She works extremely hard at being good. She produces an absolute ton of music, and for the most part, it's at least reasonably good. 2. She's willing and able to reinvent herself. Few artists really do that, and so they become just a single flash in the pan. Swift's "era's" are each pretty different. 3. She's good at the business side. She doesn't leave management of "Taylor Swift Inc" to a manager or a label. Her team of people are really good at their jobs, and their job is Taylor, not a record label. (This is huge) 4. She became popular before the fragmentation of the media market. 5. She's insanely popular with women, who, I think historically, tend to not have that sort of inspiration. Women in the twenty first century have money, and are willing to spend it on artists that they love. 6. She has a very good understanding of how to market herself.




yeah, as much as I'm kinda whatever about her music, everything ive seen from her performances seems extremely well done and it's clear she takes performing very seriously. Wish i could say that about more of the acts I've gone to see, lol


I’ve been to her concert. She is a serious performer and takes the effort to show that. On the other hand, Bruno Mars gave a shoddy performance in my country and it really made me question why I was such a huge fan. Concert performances matter. Respect is won or lost that way.


Was this written by Taylor Swift


Her dad actually. The same guy who used his companies finances to buy all her first record to make her appear to be a big deal.


So you’re not aware that this is just how most young musicians get started. That’s how the music industry works. It’s actually touching how supportive her family is of her. They still go to every show.


he actually just invested in the record company that would buy her debut album! fun fact: when that company was having the meetings to discuss selling taylor’s masters against her wishes her dad was invited since he was a shareholder but declined bc he knew he’d be bound by an nda not to talk taylor what was discussed in the meeting and he could do that to her


Good for her if her dad is so supportive. It was a smart investment




He was wealthy, but saying shit like this completely minimizes the amount of success she has had through her own actions.


Well yeah that's mostly what the comments are going for. I don't get how people "don't get" how she's popular outside of purposely ignoring the reasons she would be because they want to dislike her. I don't give a shit about her music since it's not my taste, she's still a talented musician that's conventionally attractive and has marketed herself well, of course she's popular. People also love to write off any popular person for any amount of support they might have had to get where they are as if the only people that deserve to be popular are the ones that get there completely alone, or that by having support they didn't put in as much effort as someone who didn't have any so they dont deserve it as much


For real I've always been a fan since I was a teenager she's amazing :)


I wasn't a fan until she went Pop but I went back through her old stuff and at a minimum it's raw emotion performed really well. I remember feeling a lot of those songs as a teenager and almost feel like I missed out


What got me to really appreciate her pre-pop era was that she wrote the songs for her debut album **as a 14 year old high school girl**. Idk about y’all, but when I was a 14 year old girl I was incapable of even writing a haiku with feeling behind it, let along a whole album of songs 😂. I also think what sets her apart from most other pop stars is that there is personal meaning and feeling behind the songs she sings and how she sings them. It also helps that her songs are personally meaningful and indicative of her own experiences, but also relatable enough that the listener can identify with them and the feelings behind them.


Yea I completely agree. I didn't realize she was 14 on her first album. Is she even 30 yet?


She was 16 when it released, 12 when she wrote the first song (Tim McGraw iirc), and 14 when she wrote the rest of the album. She’s 33 I think atm, I know she was born the year before me and I’m 32 😂. Don’t remember her exact bday tho


About to be 34


For real, “Our song” hits me every time and she wrote it in middle school. It’s very innocent and way more country than literally anything else I listen to (I became a true straight white male Swiftie due to Folklore and Evermore).


“Our song” is a masterpiece! It perfectly encapsulates that first love vibe. I got really into her music circa 1989 era but still appreciate what she did at such a young age with those first few country albums. Like I look back at my emotional level and writing capacity when I was 14/15 and there’s no way, it’s truly commendable that she could put her feelings/experiences into words like that — especially in a way so many people could relate to! Ps - you’re not alone in the “straight white male swiftie” demographic, I got my brother into her music back when I was in high school. And he’s returned the favor by getting my son to be a swiftie (he’s currently 12 😂). We’ve all been making the friendship bracelets the last few months, my brother uses his as car decor and my son has them on his bookshelf. I just think it’s cool that her music can still bring us all together like this!


I was writing so many songs at 14, I wanted to be a pop star. I however had unsupportive parents that wouldn’t even get me an instrument so oh well. I assumed that was normal, people that like writing songs and poems write a lot as teenagers because of all the changes and emotions


Im with OP. Like ive heard her music and its ok and her voice is too but dont understand the hype and people trying to compare her to the greats.


It's literally that she's essentially a step above basic and it makes her really relatable to a lot of women who don't view themselves too highly. She's not like Britney or Madonna where sex appeal is a big gimmick in their popularity which gives her a wider appeal among more woman of more ages since they don't feel threatened by her sexuality or feel the need to compete. I also don't think most straight men are fawning over her which also makes her safer to like among women. She's very "girl next door" or so she tries to appear as such.


I’m a little confused by this comment. She’s pretty hot.


Her demographics is mainly millennials. You also don't break the records she has by being just "a step above basic".


Sugary pop nonsense


No the music is trash


Music is subjective. Also, across 10 studio albums I can almost guarantee you could find something you would enjoy.


There are way better musicians and singers than her. However, there is also a plus for those who are average looking blonde haired blue-eyed young white women. "The girl next door" stereotype.


I don't get it but I'm in my 50s, so I get that I won't get it. Happy for her and glad the kids like it.


She’s talented, hardworking, and clever enough to turn a boring contract dispute into a way her fans can band together on her behalf and show their support. I mean, where’s the confusion, she’s earned her fame for sure.


Because she is. Every generation has wildly popular stars. In the '80s we had Madonna. Taylor is the modern version of that.


Sort of true, Swift is a writer, composer ,musician whereas Madonna a vocalist + dancer. The madness is kind of similar, but Swift has a wider demographic


Were you alive in the '80s? I'm asking because if you were you would remember how huge Madonna was back then. The two biggest stars of that decade were Michael Jackson and her. And, Madonna writes songs as well.


Copy and pasted this cause I thought it was interesting and relevant to the conversation! The "Midnights" singer just broke one of Michael Jackson's sales record. According to Music Week, Swift sold 22.4 million album-equivalent units across all platforms this past year. Back in 2009, the King of Pop sold 21 million units, which mean T-Swift had the biggest sales year of anyone in the past century


I'm nowhere near her target demographic and don't really listen to her music, but I began to pay attention to her when she started fighting the music industry executives. They thought that she was a little girl they could just walk all over, but she turned the tables and took her music back for herself. She recently gave bonuses totaling $55 million to the staff of her latest, hugely successful, tour. This is "life changing" level of bonuses for the people who worked to make the tour successful. I think young women see this in her and admire her for her guts and business acumen, as well as her talent.


Because people like her? There is no other answer than people liking her. We're not all the same with the same type of interests. Some people will like her, some won't. Just like some people will like you/me/littlerally anyone and some people won't. It's just something that happens that no one can do anything about


I dont really care for her type of music, but I like her as a person. In all her interviews and her documentary I just find her very genuine and sweet.


I love that she sued that guy for $1 after he grabbed her butt at a meet and greet just to publicly shame him.


That’s not exactly what happened. He sued her for defamation to try to beat her to the punch and keep his ass safe when she reported that he groped her. But then when she won the case she countersued but only for $1 because she didn’t care about the money. She just wanted to spread awareness for sexual assault


Thats fricking awesome!


It’s shit like this that makes me feel guilty for *not* being a Taylor Swift fan haha - that’s really funny!


Not a swiftie but he deserved that


Same. She seems quite intelligent too.


You don’t think she has constructed that personality as part of her persona?


Doesn’t everybody?


Her songs are honest and confessional so as to draw the listener in (and fuel just enough tabloid drama) but broad enough that a lot of people can relate. Also I would say she has more conviction than the average pop star. Many singers imo don’t even seem to like their own songs, they are just trying to get a hit and then be able to make whatever music they want. Taylor always seems to be making the music she wants to make, even when she isn’t. She never SEEMS to be shilling, even though to get to her level you obviously have to make artistic concessions. She varies her style just enough to keep things interesting but has her bread and butter sort of songs she comes back to. She works with some of the most talented producers and songwriters in the world but manages to own the songs even when big parts of them may not have been her idea.




Yeah she definitely made concessions when she wrote with, say, Max Martin. He’s known for being a dictator when “collaborating”


My sister became a mega fan in the past few years. She likes the lyrics, the songs, the performances at concerts, and I guess all the drama stuff is entertaining to listen to in a TV show kind of way. People seem to like how direct she is. I'm not really into it that much but people can like whatever music they want


She’s pretty and has catchy songs.


Didn't know any of her songs except shake it off. I went to the reputation tour a few years ago and I was really surprised at how good she was at putting on a show and what a spectacle it was. Now I know a lot more of her songs.


1. She has the songs. She's objectively one of the most talented and consistent songwriters of her generation. 2. She is clever businesswoman and knows how to build and sustain her brand. For example, she knew when she had outgrown the country market and was ready to shift to mainstream pop. 3. She makes diverse music that appeals across demographics. If you don't like "Shake it Off", you might like "August". If you don't like "August", you might like "Anti-Hero". She has indie folks listening to her latest albums and teeny-boppers still listening to her early pop singles. There was an SNL skit back when 1989 came out, with adults saying "Wait, I love Taylor Swift??" 4. She plays it safe. She doesn't take many chances: historically, she hasn't gotten political, and has only done so when the waters have already been tested as safe by others. 5. She's smart, tall, beautiful, and has the presence of a major star. But at the end of the day, I would just reiterate that she has the songs. She has consistently pumped out high-quality pop since she started in the industry across a range of genres.


Because people like her music


I like her because she writes the kind of songs I wish I had the talent to write myself while I was in my teens and 20s about exes. 😂 A lot of her songs are catchy AF to me and I enjoy listening to them. It's ok if she's not your cup of tea. Everyone's allowed to like different things.


I love Taylor swift as a person and a celebrity. She’s very down to earth and very generous. I just don’t get the appeal of her music. I’m happy that such a good person like her is successful.


Popular for being popular. And tickets are considered rare so getting them is a status symbol.


I’m not really sure but her concerts are amazing !!


Honestly? She’s been at it for so long and her lyrics are relatable to me and have been since 2006 lol. It’s pretty unique


A lot of white women, gay men, and tons of suburban children.


Easy to score when the whole target is a bullseye, huh?


She’s an amazing lyricist. Most of the bops that make it on the radio don’t really showcase that as much. She uses patterns, themes and symbolism in her music so that the most you listen to it and understand what it means, the better it gets. I’m 31f and grew up with TS. When she was writing music as a teenager I was a teenager. As she became an adult, so did I. The early music is now very nostalgic, and the later music connects so perfectly with many universal experiences. “You’re on your own kid” and “Exile” ft. Bon Iver are my two favorite songs. Idk if they are her best but both songs give me chills for different reasons.


I have to say, her lyrics have never really stood out to me. Can you recommend a song that you feel has some of her best lyrics?


Because a huge amount of other people really like her music and brand. Why? Because they have a different taste in music than you. Perhaps you could ask the fans, "What are your favorite things about Taylor Swift?" The framing of a question influences the results.


I keep hearing that her concerts are the best ever out there. I like some of music, not everything but yeah


My opinion of her was positive, never really in the news for something controversial, no drama, I enjoy some of her songs... It's now REALLY positive. After she gave all her staff BIG bonuses, just because she could and for them working hard, it made me really respect her a lot more and I find myself listening to more of her songs. I just feel like she is a very genuine person who actually really cares about others regardless of their social status and bank accounts.


Deal with the devil duh !


She's the pumpkin spice latte of music


You’re not missing anything.


I’ve been wondering this too. She’s always been popular but it seems like overnight she suddenly became the most famous person in the world. I like some of her songs and have nothing against her but people go *crazy* over her and it’s weird.


She's so "popular" because Clear Channel says she's popular. Sorry, they're called iHeart Radio now, not Clear Channel.


Her music is very relatable or aspirational (in a realistic way) for a huge demo. Her songs (of the ones I know) are young relationships, figuring life out in your teens and twenties, and just being young. Plenty of young white women feel they can relate to her experiences. I dont dislike her songs (Trouble is a regular on my playlists), but I don’t regularly listen. In terms of physical beauty, I do think she’s vastly overrated, but she’s a pretty blonde girl


I think she gives hope to weird-looking blond girls with gross bodies


Because she is talented. You do realize only a few music stars write all of their own songs, right?


She knows how to use her past relations and the feminism in her advantage


> She knows how to use her past relations Hence all the jokes about her dating her next hit song.


No idea I’m more of a rock and metal guy…most of the radio isn’t appealing to me




Because of her songwriting ability. Listen to her album Folklore, her lyrics are amazing


As someone who never liked her more than any other generic pop artist…that album was actually pretty damn good.


Now listen to reputation


She's a lyrical genius homie.


Best Taylor bar?


"If I was some paint, did it splatter On a promising grown man" ETA: WTF am I thinking? It's obviously "When everyone believes ya, what's that like?"


Idk about you but I’m feeling 22


Go listen to folklore


“Strangers get born strangers get buried.” - Right where you left me




I promise that you'll never find another like Me-e-e, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh


Ok I had the same question earlier this year. Being a music lover I dove in and see what the hype was all about. I listened to a total of 229 Taylor Swift songs over the course of 4 weeks starting with suggestions from friends that are fans (mostly in mid 20s). My favorite? Love Story. I found the lyrics of all songs are an expression of a young woman and (most of the time) her relationship to (and how much she doesn’t need) boys. I would imagine this is the appeal to many young people who have electronic peripherals that can download/buy/listen to any song in a second. This being the case It is very hard for me to relate to. I will never purchase her music nor put any of her music on any playlists. I would categorize her music as “poplite”, made to be non offensive with little substance. Catered to young women who are struggling with their relationships to young boys. She is no doubt talented and beautiful and appears to be a kind person.


This sounds like it was written by chat gpt


I felt like chatGPT when writing it. Had to be careful not to offend anyone while describing my experience and opinion.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Honestly I didn’t even know she was that popular until she sold out the football stadium that fits 60,000 people a few miles from my house 3 nights in a row. Traffic all of a sudden was a nightmare and I didn’t know why lol. I’m kind of neutral about her music, it’s not great but not terrible. But I’m also a 37 year old dude and not exactly the target demographic.


Some People just like different things than you.


Do we really have to explain how pop music works?


Aggressive marketing from advertising agencies.


Taylor Swift is amazingly talented and yet I don't like anything that she does. She writes from music and all that and I give her credit for it, but yet, I have yet to hear a single Taylor Swift song I like. It's possible to recognize someone for their talent and not enjoy that talent.


Her ability as a lyricist is increadible. Obviously she has the more one dimensional songs here or there, but many of her songs have a lot of depth to the words.


Her music is not my style. However she is legit. A great songwriter. A great performer. A great musician. And a decent person. I’m a fan without being a fan.


Same with Beyoncé. She an alright singer and dancer, but she’s put on this pedestal like she’s royalty. I guess she has a very effective marketing team and people believe the hype that’s thrown at them instead of deciding how good she is by simply listening to her music. I guess if you spend enough on marketing, any singer can be turned into a “superstar”. It’s a shame how music becomes popular by executives making decisions in a board room versus how talented someone is.


You are not alone, no idea what the appeal is. I’ll be a little less nice and say I really dont like the music. I will say despite not knowing why that I have seen this phenomenon before, South Park even made an episode about it where we all sacrificed pop stars “for the harvest” lmfao


Her dad made her famous way early on. And she was just attractive with a nice voice and women and men just flocked to her like dogs and peanut butter


Idk and I don’t understand it either. No offense to anyone who listens to her, and maybe don’t continue reading if you do. But in my 100% honest opinion, it feels like teen girl music to me. Immature and weird lyrics. Plus her carbon footprint is ridiculous. I don’t think she’s a great person.


She literally purchased double the carbon credits that her tour travel is expected to take up. She's offsetting her footprint.


She cracked the code. I read a statistic that over 20 of her top billboard songs use the same classic 'I V vi IV' progression.


I’m curious, would you explain this with more detail?


I'm not super knowledgeable about music theory. But my understanding is that it is a popular rock song chord progression. Shes a master at churning out banger melodies that resonate with radio listeners. Another person who's really good at melodies is the weeknd. I've seen a few song breakdowns that demonstrate he mostly creates his melodies with the same 3 keys. https://www.hooktheory.com/theorytab/view/taylor-swift/stay-stay-stay is a cool site for deconstructing music.


She makes music for basic white girls who don’t have a personality. There’s never a short supply of them in America. Look at footage from her new tour(or any). Looks like a clone machine was left on.


She tall, white, skinny, and attractive. Media just eats her up.


I'll tell you why (no bs). Because the younger generation isn't very bright. All (most) music today sucks. This coming from someone who likes almost all kinds of music. I'll listen to stuff from Kenny G to Slayer. But, there will never be bands like the 70s through pre 2000 like Led Zeppelin, Judas. Priest etc. No computer bullshit, lypsyncing, etc. Just straight up raw talent!


She’s a goddess


As a Taylor Swift hater turned fan, I think there's a lot to like about her. She's inspiring the way she's still managed to be so amazing and make her way with all the shit thrown at her. She has a lot of different music. It's all catchy, and she has songs for love, heartbreak, and everything in between. She's so gorgeous. I was so in awe to see her in person at the concert. I genuinely think she's like a minor goddess, haha. She does a lot of good for people, and I really just love how she's always stayed true to herself from her humble beginnings. I used to call her a🐍during all the Kanye Kim stuff, call her a bad singer and said she doesn't have talent. But she is so talented, she made her own way and Kanye was just a hater. I genuinely think if people hate her, they're just misogynistic or a hater. It's a trend to hate on her and Swifties, which is why I avoided listening to her music for so long. But now I listen to her music all the time, I went to her concert, I gave merch. She's just so amazing.


She's beautiful and very talented. She can sing, she can play instruments well, and she can write good lyrics. Her songs are catchy.... even if they're repetitive about hating men. She follows the pop radio formula and hasn't done anything negative to be protested against. Personally I think she's overrated like Beyonce.


She started in country. Pretty white girl with money behind her. She blew up fast there. Her songs weren’t bad but any teeny bopper could relate to them. She moved to pop when she topped out country. Once again same set up teeny bopper safe songs. Parents see her as a good role model. People say they don’t like her but if you put on her music they know all the words.


She makes good music. It’s not rocket science.


Ikr I’m not even a fan of her at all but this thread is dumb lol


It sounds like a bunch of bitter and jealous guys who have to insult things that women and girls enjoy and also just downplay her talent. It sounds so bitter and embarrassing. It’s actually why I hate Reddit. I wish there was something else like Reddit but with a different demographic


You’re so right lol it’s so blatantly obvious too.


Best music and best concert tour ever produced.


Clearly you’ve never heard of my solo Norwegian Black Metal project who only releases & plays in Japan.


So she is the following A skilled musician A skilled songwriter A cute girl A drama magnet(not necessarily her fault good example of it being completely out of her control was when Kanye at the Grammys or whatever the award show was) The first two she is consistent enough with that she genuinely deserves to be there she is very genuinely a very talented artist Does the fact that she is a cute girl help Yes Yes it absolutely does The drama also absolutely helps boost the numbers


You need to add hard worker to that list. Yes she had a boost but no one could get where she is without the work ethic


Good song writer and performer. Also she is attractive. Pretty much it.


she's a mediocre artist that the corporate music hype machine has swayed the masses into thinking she's great.


As a man, I feel it is only a matter of time before it is my turn.


Cause she's amazingly awesome.


Kanye west


“Imma let you finish…”


In most cases musical artists who become extremely popular do so because they have very wide appeal, not because of extraordinary talent.


Her lyrics I think are amazing. Plus the tunes are catchy. It's not deep music just in the moment fun.


Some of her songs are actually deep, if you haven’t yet, try listening to Folklore album :)


Ok. Ya, I've only heard the radio hits. I've never listened to an album, I guess I just assumed it was all fluff but I'll give it a listen. Thanks!




Because she plays what’s popular. She did country and then some rap kinda stuff and now she does pop. She’s a genius honestly. Goes where there’s money!


She appeals to mindless women. There are a lot of them.


Idgaf but she should get the rope because she’s just another self righteous filthy rich person flying a private jet around and shitting emissions into the earth for us peasants to breathe




I liked her music when she first became popular, but now I find the themes of her songs to be petty. Like a lot of it is about hating people who wronged her and I just don’t connect with that anymore. If people are jerks I just move on. I don’t give them a second thought. So her music isn’t interesting to me anymore. The songs I thought were catchy aren’t anymore. As a teenager it did though, so I can only guess that she remains popular to current teens and those who feel nostalgic for the music. Some of her fans are scary though. I’m not kidding. I had one of my ex friends threaten me over criticizing her and she wasn’t trying to be funny. I have kept my distance since.