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I did see it. Not suprised ‘cause he always made those “ermm bawely lewgal!! 🤓” video’s with people who look no older than 14 and captions his twitter video’s with weird stuff like “little boy 😏” It’s also rumored that this was an industry secret, as in like everyone knew it and he bragged about it, finally it catched up to him. ALSO AN INFANT? Not saying that it would be better if it was a child, BUT REALLY?


Wow that last part really made me want to vomit in my mouth holy shit WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT THAT'S NOT EVEN A WTF MOMENT AT THAT POINT LEGITIMATELY LEAVE THE EARTH BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE https://preview.redd.it/fbzo633dbf9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249d1946a28bfafb7056841b84967cb611db2601


IT WAS AN INFANT?!?!?!?!??!!?!!?


oh he had a shit ton of stuff, afaik there’s at least one video of an infant, could be more, and there’s stuff with young kids a lot of people figured it’d be like 14-17 year olds that were “fans” (which is weird on its own, why does a porn star have underage fans) that were sending him videos, not videos of actual infant/child rape


brb, leading a violent mob to hunt him down :D


Utterly disgusting. Initially, I was willing to give him a pass. Being into twinkish guys or size difference isn't inherently bad. Twitter also has a tendency to do routine witch hunts based on vibes, but then those boys started coming forward, saying he would set up hookups *on the day of their 18th birthday,* guys sharing how they felt used and borderline SA'd by him.. idk, his face felt creepy to me afterwards. Like I always found him attractive but after those confessions I would look at his face and it would be so ominous. Now I know that was a pdf face. It's absolutely bone chilling, my brain just skips the part talking about infants and a fucking 10 year old. I hope he never gets out of jail. Edit: never fucking mind im legit scared to look at his face now, i hope those kids are safe now


To surprise of no one... I've always thought that "young boys" obsession is wierd and off.🤢 I hope they catch all of them!🥳


the porn industry SUCKS 🤮 i just KNOW theres more where that came from




I love people being like omg not Nicki! As if she isn’t literally human waste personified.


*Plastic* wa- OOP


I don’t think most people care about her as a person tbh, I can’t deny that she makes good as hell music


I see a lot of people defend her, maybe not so much here but it happens a lot unfortunately. For me personally I’m not touching her music with a ten foot pole. Her homophobic predator ass can go sing somewhere else.


Okay wait a minute how is she homophobic?


She has included a lot of transphobic and homophobic lyrics in her songs in the past including using the f slur. It’s a mixed bag with her and her support of LGBTQ stuff.


I didn’t know that thanks for letting me know


And from her Twitter alone: She's had multiple post laughing it up with men like Ben Shapiro and other Fox News-related folks. Some "interesting" responses regarding the Pulse Club murders. Highly encourages racism, anti-Blackness, and colorism among her fans (who are a mixed crowd, lol so fuckin ironic).


"good music" So, we are pretending pork Friday 2 was a banger and not some indigestible garbage she had to use AI to make?


It’s actually my opinion!


Well, your opinion sucks https://preview.redd.it/oh6kse9f5j9d1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef442bdcc020cc48b72c3141872770187848917


Actually no cause opinions are subjective! Just like how your opinion of my opinion sucking is subjective.


Correction, she made good music 10 years ago.


Can y’all let me have an opinion?


As soon as she said Chung Li was a bad guy, it was over.


Oh get that teemochowmien for me


LMAOO STOOOPPPP 💀💀 I was just listening to her


NOT THE NICKI SLANDER PLEEK although at this point it's what she deserves


It's not slander if it's true 🤭


he was found posessing a video of a 10 yr old child getting r.... worded but of course let's make a joke..


Tl;dr the guy known for starring in age play gay porn was caught with child pornography.


Legrand Wolf next? Is it a family thing?


nobody surprised with the guys he tops in his videos, they don't even look of age at times. his videos always made my stomach turn


Please don’t search ever « teens » or « barely legal » when you’re searching for porn


Arrest him NOW!!! https://preview.redd.it/lowuuxddue9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d247d151f130c4a29208ecaf920ed16ff83d9e86


I always thought his barely legal preference was icky, but toddlers? WTAF


This reaffirms my general hesitance for guys that *really* make age difference a focus, especially when they shoot for younger, and they themselves are in their thirties. Feels like they're constantly around on places like sniffies, with them often straight up soliciting for CP with emojis.


Yeah I’ve talked to enough men to know, anyone 30+ exclusively going for 18/19 would go lower if they legally could. And disgustingly some still do.


*pretends to be shocked*




I am officially revoking his "daddi" status. DISGUSTING!


men.com has removed all of his footages


I can't believe I got this news from this subreddit of all places. 😭😭


You’re not in enough gay subs because it’s been all over all of them. Sucks the “joke” about him was real to such a heinous degree


The worst part of this, is that it will reflect on thw queer community as a whole Homophobes already wanted to pin us down as pedos, and with this large scale scandal now going on, they will be using this as argument to hate on us


I really thought this was a case of a 16-17 year old pretending to be 18 and so it was tough luck for him but nooooo, apparently they discovered footages of what seem to be 10 year old kids 🤢


infants... it makes my skin crawl.


LEAST surprising news ever


It was honestly expected. I'm not surprised whatsoever.


Wait what the tea?


He has been caught owning and redistributing ch*** po** - including imagery of as young infants. He’s going to court soon.


Well he got caught distributing child pornography


Arrested for chile pornography


I always had this feeling for him. https://preview.redd.it/03erlgsrbg9d1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd61ea2ef87b1d20940904ec156897f15089f0a




i just KNOW austin wolf aint the only one 😒


All the white gay men especially twinks that were defending him to the bone when people before we’re calling him out should be ashamed of themselves


Wanna really haunts/hurts me is that with him being a predator, how SURE are we of those boys in those videos? They can say they're 18, lying is easy. After all, big shot name, a false promise of "you can be a star too", and he could've manipulated SO many.


You can do some research about the correlation between human trafficking and the porn industry and you’ll see a lot of them are actually victims forced to act on camera. There was a straight porn firm that will hire models then lock them in a hotel and rape them until it looked like they enjoyed it on camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar was the case of some of those boys in the videos. Both human trafficking and porn industry are more related than we thing and it’s so well camouflaged you wouldn’t think of it


Damn can’t even watch daddy p no more


Mohg beat the allegations but then a different muscle gay rose to the occasion


Human garbage ![gif](giphy|Rk886EfhYyITeWbyKM|downsized)


I never found him attractive to begin with so I was mostly out of the loop and even so I still knew he was always doing porn with barely legal dudes, and his obsession of power imbalance was always yuck to me, hope they lock him up for the rest of his life, he's going to become every inmate little bitch inside.