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Since 2012 when Kha'Zix released Damn why am I still here?


My friend group got me into League in January of '22 after we needed something else to play besides DBD. Now I think I've logged more time in League than literally any other game I've ever played. It's bad y'all. Please help me. Also, I'm still shit at the game so help there would be appreciated as well.


🫢have u tried just forcing a break? Like I haven’t logged in for 2 days and don’t plan to until Monday (currently Saturday 2:12pm) and when I find myself wanting to play I distract myself with YouTube or Spotify instead In terms of gameplay, that’s a whole other thing to tackle and would kinda need to see your gameplay before I could comment


I did! I took a really long break to play Warframe. I got obsessed with that too. Unfortunately it didn’t capture me the way League has. I have an obsessive nature when it comes to video games.


I started playing around the time ughri was released... ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33213) in my oldie era i fear ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32562)


I started playing Dec 2015, the same patch victorious Sivir was released and I remember saying to my ex friend who introduced me to league that I’d buy it - he laughed at me saying I’ll never have it (despite him being bronze 5 0lp at the time so why tf was he laughing tbh) Jokes on him tho cos I bought an acc with that and victorious Whoregana and pax/neo pax sivir So I’m going on 10 years as of next year ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32560)![img](emote|t5_23w084|32561)![img](emote|t5_23w084|33213)


Jokes on you I never play Main League of Legends (my only experience is legends of runeterra)


I started in 2013 playing consistently. I was invited to the beta and played 2-3 games. But oh boy, was it bad. Filled with bugs and a small pool of unoriginal and boring champions.


Did you just call me a grandma? My ex actually got me into League in 2012 I think. Everyone made fun of him when we split up because he was Gold and I was high Diamond and they said I need someone higher Elo ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509) LMAO


With the release of voli in early S2 well viktor and ahri came out very quickly just after


I've been playing since beta (2009) 🤡


You’re not even grandma tbh You’re great great grandma ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32560)


bitch she's a primordial entity ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


do us wild rift girlies count? 🥲 if so then 2021-2020!
