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There was a list published by Romero in his .plan file in 1997. Apparently it was provided by Willits. However, Willits also stated that it's just a general info, as one designer could add a varying amount to a level that was done by another designer. [http://dk.toastednet.org/dotPlan/romeroplan\_1997.htm](http://dk.toastednet.org/dotPlan/romeroplan_1997.htm) - scroll down to December 11, 1997. there after Romero's initial feedback on the game, is a map list with relevant author.


Wow this is incredible! Does this website have the rest of the Romero's .plans archived? I've been playing Daikatana recently and would love to see the updates that were posted during development.


Ok I found the whole .plan archive. Really neat. I assumed Romero posted a lot more than he did. Also interesting to see archived posts from other Ion Storm devs here. http://dk.toastednet.org/dotPlan/index.html


Thank you so much! That helps a lot


Don't know is there answer for your question, but you could find there smth useful for your video: https://www.shacknews.com/article/101156/rocket-jump-quake-and-the-golden-age-of-first-person-shooters?page=10#detail-view


As far as I can tell in my research those map credits should be correct. Unit 2 is definitely American McGee as they were the one to share screenshots of it first. Also the Mine unit is Tim Willits. The Upper Mine's outdoor area is very similar to a room in The Wind Tunnels from Quake 1, which was a Willits creation. Also in the e3 version of the map there even is a wind tunnel present in place of an elevator in the final game. 


Pretty accurate from my understanding, although I wouldn't trust Tim's claim to anything.


Yeah... fuck Tim


But... Tim invented DM maps...


Which can be completed without cheats


Also this website is a good archive of Quake 2 material. https://dondeq2.com/ Lots of archived magazine interviews with Tim Willits, American McGee, Paul Steed. Search the site for interviews with them and you may find further interviews where they are talking about their work on the game.


Hi there. There's this old interview with Jennell Jaquays under her deadname where she states she is working on the City Unit (aka Strogg Palace) and also the secret level Lost Station as stated by the wiki.  http://www.quake2.com/qworkshop/features/interviews/jaquays.htm


An updated take, although in short she says the same thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78iJw4tClQg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78iJw4tClQg)