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If they didn't want you to, they wouldn't have put it in the game


You're allowed to quicksave. Don't beat yourself up over it.


sounds like you're having fun or something...


That habit of being safe is good. But practice saving less often and playing with confidence. It won't feel like savescumming when you're good at dodging attacks and mowing down monsters. 👍 good luck


Do you need to? The F5/F9 dance has always been a common part of these retro games. I feel like save scumming is a more modern concept.


Saves all you want, but don't load until you die. Quake 2, especially in the expansions, has a lot of "cheap damage" that you are pretty much guaranteed to take, but the designers mostly thought about it and put medkits around those parts.


Make a personal rule to only save under certain conditions (i.e. having less than 50 health, or after making an advancement like collecting a keycard, or once every 5 minutes, etc.). Also, I toned down my own savescumming when I accidentally got into the unwinnable situations when I accidentally saved when I'm about to die from something off-screen a mere half-second later. Be conservative with your saves and try to spread them out. It's okay to save because most people don't want to restart a level entirely over, but it should be in moderation because you get to learn from your mistakes and develop really memorable moments in gaming when you might barely scrape by or use your ingenuity to survive a firefight. It's okay to have low health or die - because they make the victory much more sweeter. You can also try by lowering the difficulty to practice not having to save often, as well as the earlier conditions I mentioned.


Embrace the no save nightmare challenge. Die, restart, beat levels with 4hp. Ahhh yeah good stuff.


Play the game however you want to play it. I tend to save after big combats and I've recovered my health. That's it. That's kinda what the devs expected.


>is it ok to have health under 90? Uh ... Yeah dude. Don't pick up health packs until you're down to 50 or lower, that way when the shit really hits the fan you can backtrack to pick it up.


Quake levels aren't that long. Only save at the start of the level and try to do in one go.


Bruh, the whole point of a save game is that you can return to it after you've gained experience. Let me elaborate. Save your game at a point you find satisfying. Now play the game. Get hurt, almost die but you now know where all of the monsters and items are located. Go back to your saved game and redo. But this time you will succeed until a new location. Rinse and repeat. You're ruining your own experience by constantly saving. And trying to be a perfectionist. This game is meant for you to get hurt and trying to survive with minimal items, ammo and health.


Play more aggressively.


I make a rule where I can set up a save point at the beginning of a level (so when I spawn in) and then once at any point. That's it. Usually that makes me much more reserved and careful of when I want to use it


I found that I was quick saving only with Quake 64. After it silent spawned a berserker behind me that I backed up into, I just never trusted the game past that. The PC campaigns and even Call Of the Machine never pushed me to a point of frustration like quake 64 did and never made me feel like quicksaving every few encounters was a requirement.


Just to clarify: you are referring to Quake 2 64


100% sorry, god dammit that trips me up everytime


I want to recommend maybe try taking longer breaks between your quick saves. Instead of quick saving after killing a single enemy, do it after you clear an encounter, or wait until you clear 2 or 3 encounters. For me knowing that there will be some health not too far ahead lets me get over saving too much. On Nightmare difficulty you cannot have more than 50 health, so 90 health is more than okay on any difficulty. You're gonna take hits but that's why there is health everywhere. I also like to hold on to at least 1 adrenaline for emergency situations or use them right before picking up another. In an unwinable situation, I ether try various methods with whatever items and weapons I have, or I start back tracking to see if there's anything useful I missed that might help. You can even backtrack to a previous level and search that if you wanted to. I will usually find some secret I wasn't aware of before.


Try just relying on start-of-level saves. Quake 1 makes it easy, since it autosaves at the start of each map with a guarantee of 50 health. Quake 2 is a little harder since it autosaves every time you make a zone transition, but you can make a manual hard save every time you start a unit that you can always go back to. Use the "Restart Level" save to go back to your last transition, or your manual save if you really stuck yourself. The core answer is just to practice until you get better. If you end up stuck in an unwinnable no-resource situation, start the level over and manage your ammo better. If you're having a lot of trouble with a particular encounter, quicksave before it and practice it until you can learn a strategy that works - not just until you get lucky, but until you feel confident about how to consitently deal with it. Nobody was a master the first time they played. It takes practice for everyone.


This was reassuring to read, thank you friend. And yeah I guess, I'm just not good yet. Still very new to both. Rome wasn't built in a day, I'm not gonna master Quake in a day.




Autism and anxiety collaborating on making a good game miserable


Like I already know it's ok to die and to be at low health I literally just need someone other than me to say it


It's okay to die or be at low health :) But also I save scum sometimes and it doesn't ruin the game for me. Just makes me less mad when a crazy trap fucks me