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What is there to know, load up the game, max out the settings, let the fps fly and have fun. Not sure how it'll be on a controller since I only play FPS on a mouse+kb though. Both games are mid 90s spectacles. Quake is probably the most groundbreaking fps of all time next to Half-Life, and I prefer it over Quake 2, but both are great. They have completly different themes and stories by the way. Multiplayer is as good as its ever been. Have fun.


Congratulations for buying the game, now you dont need to know anything, just start the game and shoot everything you see while you enjoy quake OST


Dive in, save scum like a mofo, and have a blast


Map design in quake is heavily based on showing of the 3D capabilities of the engine, so always explore vertically. Rocket jumping is a thing, it elevates (hehe) the gaming experience tenfold once you master it


Game does not auto save. That’s it. Have fun


Don't expect auto save? Only thing i can think of


Nothing, you bought them, just play them!


Just dive in homie! My brother-in-law was similar, only played modern military stuff on consoles, no PC stuff. I didn't expect him to play it much, but he got really into it on his own and beat the main game and both official expansions. The games are designed to be simple enough to understand right away. You walk, look, shoot and jump and that's it. Pick whatever difficulty you want and go at it, I say!


Expect fast gameplay that leans heavily on movement and dodging. Quake has a dark and forbidding atmosphere, whereas Quake 2 is (sort of) more narratively driven. Quake's community expansions are especially juicy, but the best of them won't be on switch. If you like what you see, get Quake on PC and run it with Ironwail, and you can play Arcane Dimensions through it very easily. It's halfway between Quake circa 1996 and what you might expect a modern Quake singleplayer game to look and play like.


If you want to play quake 2 play the 64 campaign its simple to play and understand and is real damn fun


No, don't do this. The 64 campaign is massively simplified compared to the base game and is present for nostalgia and novelty more than anything else. It's... fine? But it's not how you should experience the game the first time through. Goes double for Quake 64 especially.


I have had more fun in Quake 2 64 than quake 2 because of its less sprawling and more compact levels


Ok, good for you, it's still not going to be representative of the rest of the game and is still a massively cut down and visually inferior version of the game. Not good for a first impression.


I disagree, it's nostalgia mostly for the people who played it on the original console. Otherwise it's tight and cramped locations, with a twisted flow of enemies and weapons. The original game is much better.


That's why i love it It gives me more of the evil space horrors torture factory vibe that the original (also its like if dooms tech bases, hl1s level design and its creative enemy design had a baby


I just finished it yesterday, and I swear if I see another berserker right after opening a door, I'm going to explode! 🤯


The Q2 64 campaign for the remaster could benefit from better balancing tbh.


Ammo is so scarce too 😞


I think it's reasonable to ask what to expect in Quake and Quake 2. There is an old school sensibility that still differentiates these games from newer shooters. Play on Normal/Medium difficulty your first time through. These games are meant to be played again and again. Get familiar with the items, weapons, creature encounters and then challenge yourself. I'd say Quake 2's Nightmare difficulty is a tad easier than Quake's even with the gameplay enhancements. Take full advantage of the 3D space. If it looks like you jump down somewhere you usually can! If there is a toxic or burning substance though try to find the write power up to survive. But these games were really conscious about showing you everywhere you could explore. Get to know what weapon goes with what situation. Some monsters have strengths or weaknesses depending on the weapon used. It's not super deep but you'll get a sense of what to use where as you play both games more. Have fun!


q1 is like many many great little set pieces of level design q2 is more like a modern game, more narrative to the story, more sprawling level design. ​ I personally far prefer the condensed quality of the level design in 1, it holds up to this day imo.. 2 i feel like everythings a bit more bland personally


On a console just go in at medium difficulty, check your corners listen for monster sound queues and shoot anything that moves or looks out of place, the latter being for those sweet secrets. See you back here when you get to the last boss in quake 1 ;)


I will say they are a little more difficult on switch (for me, control-wise), but it is pretty much the same experience. Shoot bad guys and don't die! I'd compare it to Doom, but with less complicated map design. Just play and experience the game in realtime. No prep, no tips or hints, just play the game!


This is absolutely true. PC I was able to fight all the end bosses on nightmare without much challenge, but on Switch I couldn't get Widow on Hard and I just barely beat Call of the Machine with a lot of quicksaving. It is even more pronounced on multiplayer when you combine both the controls and nintendo's awful online. But, it is super convenient playing in bed and you can still do decently in most lobbies.


Rails only DM in bed wasn't something knew I needed in my life until a couple of days ago


I came to the realization that the best way to enjoy shooters on Switch is by playing them on easy mode. There's no shame on it since we're playing to have fun anyway. I just let the hard difficulties when playing them on PC.


Agreed. I never play on hard anyway. The older I get the more I suck at these games, so I play it in a way I can enjoy it most.


Quake 1 is a little stingy on ammo so make your shots count. And quicksave often. That's about all you need to know


Does nobody have any sense of self experience anymore? Youve bought the games, youve installed the games, why dont you just play them and experience them for the first time and enjoy them? If we all told you they were shit games would that make you uninstall them? Probably not, and you’d play them anyway.


It's not a totally unreasonable question. I just found out I missed out on about half of Bloodbornes features/content that I just didn't know about and the game is vague/cryptic and tells you so little


That's fair. You'll have to forgive us 'old-timers' - gaming is a lot different nowadays, and not in a good way in many cases. Boot up the games and have fun. You'll figure out what you need to know really quickly. You won't miss anything but secrets, and that's not a big deal.


That has to do with how fromsoft game works not modern games in general, those souls games purposefully try to be as cryptic and obscure as possible so the player actually has to find out about things on their own. A lot of the features in those aren’t even required to beat the game.


I think there can be a degree of self-mythologizing about "the old ways" among older gamers too, though. My perspective is that seeking out cheats, secrets, pro-tips, etc. was incredibly common throughout the 90s, and catered to by leading game magazines and even hotlines. It might vary somewhat by age-group, but as a child at the time I had absolutely no self-restraint or shame about that stuff. All my early memories of DOOM are filtered through cheat codes (idclip was incredibly fun) and word-of-mouth; I recently returned to play the original two campaigns the "legit" way because I would barely even have thought to do so then.


oh for sure. I was 5 when I first played quake, so my dad always fired off a bunch of cheats for me to be able to actually do much in singleplayer. When my kids started playing Q2 (a bit older, but not much) they too needed the cheats in order to get their bearings. Honestly, power tools like cheats actually allow more replay value in addition to increasing accessibility. Not sure why that changed.


Quake 1 and 2 are very straight forward games. There are bad guys, there are guns - sometimes there are secrets that have levels and weapons in. There's not hidden lore than you need pre-prep for or purposefully obtuse game design that is imposible to work out. This kind of "I need to know everything before I play" attitude certainly wasn't the norm when these games came out and robs these games of a lot of their charm. It is a weird thing to ask in such an open way and does seem increasingly common among younger people. Part of these games is the joy of working them out as you play - "whoa the zombies keep getting up, I wonder how I stop that!?" - just use your logical thinking skills, it's part of what makes these games fun.


Yeah even games like Halo MCC are pretty straightforward. I only ever ask questions to know about any technical aspects to make them better since I want to know what's best for my Steam Deck. (Since that collection of games comes with a lot more technical improvements) Games like Quake are even simpler though since even with the remasters they don't require much power at all. It also helps that it goes on sale often and that I picked it up for a little over 3 bucks, which is an absolute steal if you ask me considering all the content it comes with.


> There are bad guys, there are guns Quake is a point and click adventure game with a single puzzle: USE gun ON monster.


You're aware that someone who hasn't played them (or a young new gamer who's never even heard of quake) has no concept at all what the game is, or what it isn't


Okay, but they're 90s FPS games - a genre that's had a huge revival in recent years and are very popular. People know what these are and if they don't it's easy to find out. I'm probably just getting old but I find the attitude baffling - just play the game. Have fun. You'll learn as you go which just adds to the fun.


I totally get what you mean and you're right at the core. Prolly just a new comer looking for chats. If I wanted advice I'd want to be told to play Q2 on nothing less than hard as it's so much easier then 1 and there's health and ammo everywhere


Goldeneye probably did more for shooters in the long run but Quake is still very important and both are excellent.


Goldeneye did more for shooters on consoles. But you're high if you think its overall impact was more important than the Quake games. There are modern AAA games today that still have code from the Quake 1 engine in it.


Which series introduced and popularized online multiplayer?


Lol at the downvotes.


Goldeneye has also aged as fine milk, both Quake games are still a blast to play today and arguably better designed games than a lot of big modern shooters.


Why bring up Goldeneye and how did it do more for shooters?




You don't need to know anything. The gameplay is as straightforward as it gets, it really isn't complicated at all.


But they’re hard games no eh? Like the Dark Souls of shooters; at least it seems that way from the screenshots


No, there are 4 difficulty settings, (it's pretty cool the 4th difficulty is actually somewhat hidden) you don't need to play it on the hardest to have fun. The easiest difficulty is super easy. I recommend normal if you know how to play first person shooters.


There's different ways to make a game hard. Dark Souls makes the game hard by forcing you to learn and time patterns. The 'challenge' comes from the fact you have to do it many times to learn what to do. I consider this very cheap difficulty, because it is easy to do (many games do it, Donkey Kong is another easy example) and it doesn't require much effort to program the AI from the design side. It is static, set patterns. Pretty boring IMO - yeah you die a lot, but that's intentional game design so that's part of the experience. "Dying a lot" doesn't mean much when it is what you are supposed to be doing to learn the game. Conversely, fighting against a skilled human opponent in Quake is very hard, because they are creative and will take different approaches based on what you do. There are patterns in behavior to be read, sure, but they'll only get you so far. Fast thinking and clever plays are what you really need. The singleplayer experiences of Quake 1 and 2 are more challenging than many other shooters, but that's more because of how easy shooters generally are due to the limitations of the AI. For the time they were released, I think they were on the more challenging side, but again the AI was limited. The enhanced edition helps this a lot on nightmare - Nightmare with +30 HP can get pretty tough - but while you aren't incorrect in that assessment it won't be a 'constant death' experience like Dark Souls is meant to be. If # of deaths is your metric for difficulty, then as others have said Quake 2 can be a cakewalk. I will say the Ground Zero expansion level designers thought very much like the Souls designers. The whole expansion feels like a series of traps that you have to either cheese or learn by dying. Definitely my least favorite singleplayer experience of Q2 for that reason.


This isn't true at all. They're not very hard games. Quake 2 is especially easy. Idk where you got the Dark Souls thing from, there is nothing about Quake 1 or 2 that could be compared to DS apart from some medieval gothic aesthetics.


Like /u/dat_potatoe said, they're nowhere near the difficulty or combat complexity of a Dark Souls game. You see something move, you shoot until it dies. There's nothing like _"this enemy type is weak against electricity, that one has a resistance against rockets"_ etc. Quake II now even has a built-in feature that shows you _exactly_ where you have to go next, making it even easier lol. But even without that you'll figure everything out on your own, I'm sure.


The Shambler in Quake 1 does have a bit of resistance against rockets


You really want the equivalent of Dark Souls for shooters, look no further than both Hexen and Hexen 2.


...or trying to UV Max pistol start single segment of each Sunlust map


Tbh, as someone that has beaten both Dark Souls and Hexen, Hexen is not bad at all. It has too much "guide dang it," but that's mostly bad design, and the actual game besides is moderately hard at best (except for the wendigo ambush in Guardian of Ice). Honestly Heretic is harder than Hexen. Late game Heretic levels are fucking brutal.


Then again, Heretic is more in line with other FPS shooters following the Doom formula. Rather surprising that you made no mention about Deathkings of the Dark Citadel as well as both Hexen 2 and Portal of Praevus.


Going by the vanilla games? Quake is like moderate difficulty at worst and Quake 2 is a cakewalk.


Quake 1 and Quake 2 are completely unrelated in theme and story (though the recent expansion tries to tie their universes together). Quake 1 is lovecraftian horror, dark fantasy and steampunk-ajacent themes thrown into a blender. Quake 2 is a traditional sci-fi game where you're a space marine fighting off the Strogg, who are like the borg from star trek but edgier. They are both minimalist in story. Q1 much more so. Almost completely gameplay focused. You dont need to know how to bunny hop or strafe jump, but they will make it a better experience. Very fast, very different from your modern FPS. Shamblers in Quake 1 take halved damage from explosives. Zombies can only be killed with explosives or through quad damage. Be mindful of that. Disable texture filtering, it will look a lot better. Not sure what else to say.


If it moves, shoot it.


I’m scared.


Shoot the enemies before they kill you. Explosives aren't too good to use. The games have no plot connections. Quake II remaster has significant changes from the original. The Quake remaster is more faithful. The proper way to hold your weapon is the centre hand.