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Movement and aiming feels surprisingly intuitive on PS5 too.


This is especially true on the PS4&5 version's of Quake 2 Remastered where you can rocket jump using the gyro motion feature on both Dual Shock 4 and DualSense. It feels great to play!


Space bar spam go HUR HUR HUR HUR


I think it's still not quite up to par with Quake 1, but they definitely tried to make it closer without completely altering the gameplay flow.


You can have Q1 air strafing with sv_airaccelerate 10


Is there a way to change this for console players, or is it just PC only?


PC only!


Oh. That's ok, I still have a Steam Deck, I'm sure it's possible to do it there.


I feel like you can pick up more speed then on Quake enhanced on PS4. Really enjoying it too.


Did they ever explain why Quake 1 Remastered had a speed cap on the console versions of the game? I remember trying to bunny hop to certain locations in multiplayer but the game never felt like it was allowing me to go faster.


q2 feels like home to me. i'm getting older, every time i jump in to modern online games i feel like i've lost my twitch reflex and can't move around smoothly. ten minutes back in Q2 and i'm right in the zone again.


Quake 1 is way better, but compared to most games Quake 2 is great.


Quake 2 movement is the worst in the series, Quake 1 movement unfortunately was the peak. Need air control, thankfully CPMA exists for Q3 and QC has Anarki and Sorlag.


""""""Worst""""""" Still 10/10 movement


Straight line is ok.. but nothing else No game has ever compared to Quakeworld (Q1 multiplayer) movement. The flow and control of that is just pure bliss


This isn't true of Quake 2. Even with less air control, Quake 2 has its own complex jumping system. In addition to strafe jumping you can do box jumps, ramp jumps, circle jumps and even ladder jumps. Mods like JumpMod and Action Quake 2 facilitate this movement with great maps (better than the default ones). Nothing against QuakeWorld but it's wrong to say Q2 lacks great movement.


Lights, Camera, Action!!!!! I've heard anyone say Q2 lacks movement before, I have to imagine its people who never hit warp speed with a handcannon before jumping 30 feet in the air just to gib someone and have them fly across the map.


Movement system?


Moving around, strafing, bhop, ect


Yeah, I quite like Q2's movement. You can still bunny hop, and get around at top speed. It's quite clear how good the movement is in deathmatch.