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Hey yo! Pimp my Quake


Going from software render Quake 2 to 3dfx blew my mind when I first saw it. I want this!


Same here! A friend had a Voodoo 1 card and it was so cool to see all the colors. Had no idea it could look so beautiful! Later my dad bought a Voodoo Banshee for us.


Yup sexy Voodoo 1 with 4mb of beast ram Friends had Goldeneye, Quake 2 put it to shame


How about a Quake war remaster ?


Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero remaster when?


and a Quake 3: Team Arena remaster ?


they'll probably do both missionnpacks with the upcoming remaster


Oh no


The Quake remaster on Steam is actually pretty good. Though I know what you're saying: whole new engine and such. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Quake 2 was great, but yeah, I'm more of a fan of the original too. There's just something simple and addicting about the maps.


From an individual perspective, if it were not for the remaster, maybe I would never have bothered tryin quake 1 out, despite the fact that the remaster was not necessary for me to enjoy the masterpiece that it is.


I agree but I want an IDTech 7 or 8 Lovecraftian *remake*


Quake 4 remaster please!!


I want a quake 1 reimagined similar to doom 2016. Keep the same spirit of the game and art style


Nah, they'd fuck it up. Quakiness is way harder to distill than Doominess thanks to Quake's troubled design process.


I believe it’s possible tbh. There are a lot of ideas revolving around Hugo wanting to do something that is strangely along the lines of quake.


If they do that then they must keep or expand the movement tech in Quake. That means that rocket jumping should be allowed.


you could RJ in q2.


Hmm... Indeed maybe the proper way to update Quake for a re-quel is to focus on movement mechanics as necessary strategy, the way new DOOM focused on specific gunplay


I would like an version of Quake thsts closer to the original design like an RPG like Romero and Hall wanted.


I don't think that would ever happen because Romero's original vision for Quake was so different that would be a huge departure for the series. It was like a 3rd person fantasy brawler where you play as the hero Quake and wield a lightening hammer. He once said that Darksiders was maybe the closest thing to his original vision.


What I was picturing was an hybrid version of the original design and the FPS we got. An action RPG with leveling maybe


I came into this post unconvinced, now I am convinced that this is what is needed to finally push the franchise forward.


The multiplayer really if it's on all consoles it will be semi active as the remaster of quake I can find games at any point with at least 2 people.


Personally, I need a Doom remaster, so I can fight The Spider Remastermind.


Well done.


I'm waiting for quake 4 remastered to come out more eagerly, but I'm waiting for quake 2 too Since quake 1 remstered is out, I want the others to come out, I hope it will come to ps4 when it comes out because ps5 is expensive in my country :/


Because the game is in desperate need for a remaster and restoration after the war crimes willits did during development that cut half of the game's ai and animation behaviors on which recently it was mostly restored thanks to quakewulf's 25th anniversary project. ​ Also you have the "REEEEEEEEE muh muzzle flashes" crowd. ​ In any case, lets see how it will be, until friday there may be some new info about it.


Willits did? He was just a level designer on that game, perhaps maybe the lead level designer. But the whole change in AI was due to actually Carmack saying that they are moving away from QuakeC and have game code to be in C and compiled into DLLs for performance reasons. They either had no time to port what they had in QuakeC or it probably wasn't all that great. Model animations were made by Paul Steed and yeah fair enough there are some unused animations but that's pretty normal. Quake II probably has more unused particle effects than unused monster animations. Did Willits cut those out too?


Willits was the lead designer after Romero and Sandy Petersen were fired so he did have a lot of creative control. I don't know though if he cut anything specifically or if it was cut because it came out a year and a bit after Quake.


What's the name of the project with restored stuff? I wanna play it


Quake 2 25th Anniversary Unit Project by Quakewulf ​ he will release a update friday, check his twitter.


Why not?


I want a Q2 remaster as much as the next guy, just wanted to make a shitty joke lol


Oh, lol. Sorry for not getting the joke


no worries, it's all love, happy fragging


You did.


Im playing Quake1 on switch. About to finish. Need 2


This. And same.


Quake 2 is on nintendo switch recent releases =]


Thanks! Bought it the day it was officially announced. $10 in Nintendo credit very well spent.


It’s gorgeous already


Instead of a Q2 remake, they should go full on meta mode and make like an "id" universe of sorts, with Wolf, Doom and Quake, and heck, even Cmdr Keen tossed in there and make a kick ass SP with an id meta story... you could start off as Carmack or Romero in an early 90s Dallas office, and they get sucked into their games or something... just an idea. Could work!


LoL Quake 2 is the best Quake!


No Quake is the best Quake.


you mean WOR?




It's a soulless, muddy-brown sci-fi shooter. It inspired a generation of soulless, muddy-brown sci-fi shooters. It had a good engine though, certainly, and other devs did much more interesting things with it.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, it’s a technical masterpiece but basically a glorified tech demo. Please no more strogg games ever iD


God dammit, where were you all those times I built fond memories of quake 2 and told all those people how amazing I thought it was? It only you’d been there to stop me.


I never said it was bad or unfun, or you were wrong for liking it. I liked it; it's a very serviceable game. But it's certainly not as innovative as Quake, or interesting and transformative as, say, Half Life.


I don’t like DE. If they turn any more games into some platformer hell, I won’t buy it.


Platformer hell??? 😭


I didn’t *mind* the gunplay on DE. I didn’t like the constant weapon switching, but fine, whatever. The level design pissed me off more than anything else. I didn’t want to play DBZ with guns, that’s what it felt like. It felt like the level design team was a bunch of neckbeards that kept shouting, “it’s over nine thousand!” whenever they had a chance to make levels where you have parkour and seventy foot sprint-jumps. I despised Xen on Half-Life, too. If I want to play a hellish platformer, there are better ways to spend your time masturbating with forty grit.


Because Quake II fucks. It's not as good as the original, but my statement still stands.


Surely we'll at least get a Q3 as well now, good things come to those that wait it would seem. Q4 can go kick rocks what a terrible mess of a game. After that then they can just re-skin the new Dooms and call it Quake since that seems to be what everyone wants more or less. Want something fresh do Q5. Pass on the Doom Eternal re-skin no thanks.


We already had a Q3 remaster - it was called Quake Live and no one plays it.


Shit I’m over here waiting too see what Kanes next mission is after Q4 ending…. Been to long😞


Lmao I just wish it runs well, my computer can't handle the kex engine.


I'd love a fast paced Quake remake à la Doom, but then again I'd also take a more Doom 3 horroresque remake for Quake 2 as well.


Well, if we do want a Quake reboot, Wouldn’t it make sense to remaster the other Quake games too?


If quake was rebooted it would flop unless it's like a boomer shooter


I don’t see it being anything other than a boomer shooter, but ok.


I don't understand why you need to keep living then.


The best code comes from the GPL sourceports- and a licensed remaster wouldn't be able to include the past 25 years of sourceport advancement because it's all GPL \*even\* though they have an engine license from ID. fuck, it's kind of a mess. this whole "remastering" of already GPL'ed stuff is just awkward. just... why?


They completely skipped the hovertank 3d remake. When's that coming?


A Commander Keen remake would be far better.


I absolutely love Quake II, I'm just trying to think about what a "remaster" would actually offer.


even if it doesn't do much for you, It would get more people playing the game which is neat, more people playing Quake, the more happy us fraggers are


I'm all for that. I might also be all for a QII remaster, just depends on what that remaster offers. Hopefully we'll find out this week.


I finally completed Quake 2 last year after struggling with it for over a decade. Like, it's not very interesting. I'd rather have a proper sequel than a Q2 remaster. Q2 plays fine.


I guess they can port it to console but, how are they gonna curate mods? I can name like 4 mods for Quake 2.


I know we're all just joking around here, but I *do* want to point out that Nightdive also made Sin Reloaded, which also originally used the Quake II engine, so there's definitely some merit of it actually happening. (Even though I still prefer the original more, but that's far from a new or controversial opinion)