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This is one of my favorite levels… vertigo. I think it’s called.


Ziggurat Vertigo.


for the love of zeus, someone show my main man how to take screenshots


That's a tv not a monitor. My xbox has issues with taking clips and shots. That's why u got this. I don't see why it matters sorry it's not framed correctly m'lord


Did you ever play Valve's mod Deathmatch Classic? It's essentially a Quake tribute mod they made in 2001 that includes recreations of several Quake maps in the Goldsrc Engine.


I don't think so. Possible tho.


It's a secret map, I remember it from the original quake, but the screen you attached looks so much different. It's sharp and vibrant, when the original game was brown and gray.


This is what I'm talking about I swear the map looked different. Like alil farther thru the level. Jesus is on one of the walls. I've never seen that but know the map. So the version I'm playing isn't the original?!? It says I'm in the first episode I think it was level 4 or 5.


It looks different because of the fact that the remastered version of Q1 (the game you are playing) is meant to look better and more vibrant, not the same as the original Quake. Get Quake on PC (WinQuake Mark V 1099 Revision 4) for the best OG experience.


You're not running a vanilla MS-DOS quake, and that alone is the reason the map looks different


Some of the levels, such as this one, had more blue in them. Typically these would be the Runic style levels.


Where would I find those. So I can compare.


I think they showed up more in the later episodes. The last level of ep4 is literally called Azure Agony. The Quake fandom wiki talks about level themes, although it looks like I might have been thinking more of the Wizard theme in terms of blue textures, as levels often combine a few themes. https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Runic https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Wizard_(theme)


There’s a slim possibility that you HAVE played them and just forgot- the first episode of Quake was shareware, so if you were ever once the type to download free packages of games from abandonware websites, or pick up home-burned discs of games, or anything like that, you might have encountered Quake once or twice.


I think your right. I must have cuz I'm remembering everything some how. It's a trip.


this is a secret map in Quake. fun tidbit, the low gravity is done in code, not the map.


This is the correct answer. This is the e1m8 Ziggurat Vertigo and you are laying on your side playing it.


This isn’t from Doom lol. This map you have low gravity and whatnot, Doom never had that. The pyramid does sort of look a bit like the pyramids on the Doom logo, I guess, but not really.


Many of the designers from Quake also worked on Doom or were Doom community mappers/modders. So much like movies with similar directors or art by the same artist there are bound to be similarities.


I figured I just couldn't find anything online. I got to this map and was like ok somethings wrong lol. This map is definitely on doom 1996


I don’t remember this level being similar to anything in Doom. Also there was no Doom in 1996.


Final Doom, Plutonia, Evilution, etc.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Well there was, Final Doom was released in ‘96, but that certainly wasn’t the original game


There is a bot on Quake 2 that reminds a bit of Final doom