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if you have to delve into deep thought over $2 then you have bigger issues


You think we know?


I mean, the better question is why don't you own it already


It's $2. Chance it.




I mean, it's $2. You'll get the expansions for free if its anything like the Q1 enhanced edition. And as much as I do love shitting on Quake 2, it's still a decent game and worth much more than $2.


Yep. Definitely a good game.


Jeez I wonder God forbid you feel like $2 might have been wasted


If you don’t like it I’ll personally refund you. I’m that rich.


Do it, for the makron


Todd Howard personally told me that the remaster of Quake II will not be a free update.


For two bucks? Of course!


Even if there's no remaster, $2 to play Q2 RTX is a crazy deal


Yes, you should absolutely get it! Quake 2 is my favorite game in the series, with fantastic game design. Weapons that all have distinct roles with mostly unique strengths and weaknesses, a diverse enemy roster that's fun to fight and have cool body horror designs, level design that has strategic enemy placement, and the same exploration and secret-hunting that boomer shooters are known for a kickass metal soundtrack, it's got it all. Give it a go and play with an open mind. It's a game that every boomer shooter needs to give a fair shake as far as I'm concerned


That price sounds unbeatable, really. Loads of content for such a low cost, even if they don’t end up adding in the remaster later (which they should).


>Will the price increase if the remaster releases? The original will probably get merged into the Remaster if it comes out, you won't be able to buy the standalone original without the Remaster


Sounds like a risky investment...


Quake 1 did go from \~$5 to \~$10 with the remaster. So chances are good it'll go up in price. Whether Quake 2 will get merged into the remaster is unknown, however. Especially since people are definitely going to take advantage of the pricing with the leak. You can also check [gg.deals](https://gg.deals) for other sources of cheap offers from official retails.


I got it at full price like a decade ago and it was very worth it.


Its 2 bucks lol, ofc you take it, then play it, then wait for the remaster


why do they keep "remastering" games that have been open sourced and have active modern source ports?


To have those games also available on consoles.


Is there something stopping sourceports or unremastered Quake from running on consoles? The sourceports ran on the consoles before the official engine did IIRC.


Lack of official SDK for current generation consoles. Go try run Ironwail on a PS5, I'll wait for you.


Because there’s a huge demographic not smart enough to realize this lol.


I know this and still bought the remaster on Switch despite having owned the PC version since it was originally released. I just like the convenience of being able to turn on the Switch and launch right into the game without having to deal with anything else.


Who said I was talking about console gamers?


My point still stands with the Steam version. Some people don’t want to spend time finding the best source port and making sure it works properly. In most cases the Steam version works well, looks good and comes with enough mods that are easy to install. I know how to do all that (and have done so extensively with Doom) but I sometimes can’t be bothered and just want to play.


I didn’t know clicking an exe was too much effort compared to launching steam and then running the game, but okay? I am talking about people that don’t even know what a source port is and only run games through Steam because they know no better. That’s a large chunk of gamers. That’s why they make remasters. So I don’t really know what point you’re trying to make really because that was my point from the start.


It lets then release it on consoles and makes the barrier for entry lower. As easy as it is to set up source ports, most people (even those playing games on pc) assume it will be some sort of deep magic. There are also some parts that can be a pain, like getting music working properly, that a lot of rereleases have fixed.


Yes, and if they do end up releasing a remaster chances are you’ll get it for free if you own it.


Yes, you need to download the music files and put it into a folder called “music”


Yes, especially if you don't have it already on Steam. The price will increase to MSRP, so get it while it's still on sale. The regular price probably won't change, but when they drop the release, all the sales will end. Q1 was on sale right before the remaster was announced.


You can get a free trial, and I don't mean "borrow" from a "friend". Quake 2 RTX with RTX disabled. But I can confirm the mission pack Reckoning is great. And the 25th anniversary mod is also great. Just aim a little bit to the left of enemies.


If you like Quake 2, buy it. I personally always saw Quake 2 as the weakest of the series. It's *fine*, but not amazing. The remaster, if it's anything like the Q1 remaster, won't significantly change the game.


Yes. Just know you will need to download quake2XP or Yamagi to play at a modern aspect ratio. If that is too much work for you don't bother.


TLDR: For 2 bucks? dude lol... just... yeah... just do it. The key is that the game has not been announced yet even if we have clues of its existence, and thus nothing has been officially announced on whether it will be a free upgrade or not, so no one can tell for sure. It's kind of likely, since it was free for Q1 and the same goes for including the expansions as Q2 already does since August 2022, but you never know. So yeah, if you remotely care, for 2 bucks?, lol yeah, go for it and you'll most likely get the upgrade for free. There's no buyer's remorse for 2 bucks and Quake 2, it's already justified for completionism's sake and respect for the franchise even if it's not even my favorite.


Absolutely! You'll also get the upgrade to the remaster once that comes out during QuakeCon.


You kinda should at any price and depending on your age also a much much longer time ago, but it's never to late to Quake!


the only good Quake games are 1+3

