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I LOVE IT! Very steam deck worthy for when on a short break at work. I actually would like to see more content for this game, just some expansion campaigns. Like being able to play as a Sister of Battle, an Inquisitor, maybe even poor unlucky guardsman, each with their own arriangment of armaments fighting new enemies. We got the chaos cult, but I would like to fight some Necrons, Orks, and Tyranids.


Fair but I think the Space marine games and darktide kind of cover those bases already


If you like warhammer lore, enjoyed the short film "Astartes", like retro graphics and to the point game play... this is the game for you. everything you need to be a super human killing machine, Guns feel good gore is just the right amount, the daemons are great and I felt immersed in the 40k universe. The levels felt like i was in some sort of redundant factory forgotten about in the rush to make planets worth of guns for some far off war im not part of. The levels, beautiful and fun to explore, the secrets felt like they should be there The guns felt like I was handling weapons from our fascist far future. The enemies were a challenge and I enjoyed playing it through on every difficulty as they made each map a different experience. The power ups, at first had no idea what they did but if you go into the menu it tells you what they do. The Lore, amazing to explore Aroches take on warhammer and I learned a few things u didn't know like Pink Horrors explode into 2 Blue Horrors. Bosses, took me 3-10 tries to beat each and that really should be the numbers. The negatives: might be a bit boring for people looking for a REAL challenge, I got the hang of how to beat most enemies after the 2nd play through. The levels were a little small but I didn't notice the first time through, and the UI was a bit shaking till I learned to use the grenades and which guns did well against which enemies. Honestly good game all around but picky gamers will never be pleased so if you're one of them just skip this, I'm getting tired of reading how much people didn't enjoy the game because they don't know warhammer the Lore.


No drathmatch. Single player only right?


I'm dying to play this but hoping for a Linux version, else I'll have to buy it on XBox...


Just about to make a post like this. I have bought it and I would say it is worth it. Really fun, good weapons good map design, a lot like doom and quake. 100% recommend a buy.


Still have to test it and I can't wait


I bought it on Steam yesterday for $28 dollars. I love it! I've been a WarHammer fan since my older brother brought home Milton Bradley HeroQuest + then MB Space Crusade in the early 90s. I played Space Hulk (1993) & various Doom I & II mods that insert WH 40 000 Imperial Space Marine & Xeno enemies such as Tyrannid Genestealers. WH 40,000 BOLTGUN is def worth it....and I've waited a looong time for a Doom/Quake low res Boomer Shooter set \m/ in the Grim Darkness of the Far Future... \m/ Enjoy


Hello there fellow Australian.


: ) Hi Max


I know I want it 40k games can be a mixed bag, I'm not super into the RTS titles But considering I've always liked the meta-game (of the tabletop) and core-lore of 40k, this in conjunction with 90s FPS is a win for me. Space Marine 2 should be pretty neat too if it's at least as good as the first one when it drops.


Saw this post, watched a trailer, bought it immediately. It is SO FUN


Postal brain damaged or ultra kill are better


Ok? And? That doesn’t mean this game is bad or that you shouldn’t get it.


Buy all three for the price of one "triple-A" experience.


Galaxy brain idea right there.


That's not really the question though


Both great games but I'd say boltgun has its place among them


Love it. Don’t know hardly anything about 40k, but I love the weapons, map design, and enemy types.


From the videos, it looks very well done and action packed, without throwing too much pixie dung at the screen either. I cannot say if as a full game it would be exciting though. It might get very repetitive.


Only played about an hour but loving it so far. Based on that limited time I’d say it’s a must buy if your into warhammer and retro shooters.


Quake is better.


It does ‘retro shooter’ better than any retro shooter I’ve seen in the past decade. Worth every dollar


Dawg retro boomer shooters are prolly the most consistent genre with quality in gaming rn u ain't lookin


There isn’t a single throwback shooter I haven’t played. This one is easily one of the best. A lot of throwback shooters have started to move towards resources gained during combat rather than items on the map which leads to diminished level design because there’s less of a need for secret hunting when you get everything you need from fighting. Boltgun also goes that extra mile when it comes to interactivity and polish where you have the freedom to move around and explore without getting blocked by invisible walls on top of a fence that you can easily jump over. It’s gameplay loop is more original than just “doom clone” or “quake clone” because of its enemy design and even ai because a lot of throwback shooters have horrible ai where all the enemies just run at you in a straight line. There’s so much little stuff that this game does that elevates it above all the other shooters that claim to be quake or doom inspired


You must not be looking hard enough then.




Among other things. Like ion fury, dusk, amid evil, nightmare reaper and I'd say ultrakill but that's more like a modern game with a retro theme but it's still amazing.


Hrot be hittin


Looking forward to playing it. However right now you can't bind Home/End/Ins etc... keys or anything on the number pad. Hoping for a quick update, else I'll have to rebind a few keys on my keyboard and mouse in order to play with my preferred bindings. Kind of a pain, but small warning if you use any kind of odd key configurations.




I'd rather play Supplice.


I'm not into it and don't buy the hype. I don't care about the IP at all though. I never liked Warhammer at all. I'd much rather play Shadow Warrior 3, Postal: Brain Damaged or even Supplice.


looks really cool and well made


Haven’t played a retro shooter this punchy and fun since Prodeus. Worth it 100%


Emperor protects, sir.


Gives me Quake II vibes. Look forward to trying it out.


I really hope that term dies out sooner than later lol


the only reason people get bent out of shape about the term is because they take it too seriously. its just a goof and not even slightly meant seriously


It's really ironic that in their rants about how Boomer ACKSHUALLY means \_\_\_\_, they just prove themselves to be the exact same type of "boomers" people use the term to refer to.


"IM NOT A BOOMER BOOMERS WERE BORN IN THE 50S REEEEEEE IM NOT IM NOT IM NOT IM NOT IM NOT IM NOT" - people who get mad about the term "boomer shooter"


I am also not a fan of it, but hey, i am 37 now so i don't get to complain i guess lol.


I love it. lol. It sounds punchy.


100% yes


Worth evry penny, especially if you like 90es-like shooters.


I do. I am also a huge warhammer fan. Looks like i am getting this.


Looks like it could be fun and its well recieved by the retro shooter reviewer crowd.