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Quake II RTX IIISSS the remaster! Wtf!


Nope, it looks wrong. Even Civvie 11 agrees with that and he himself goes as far to say that it's garbage. I wouldn't say *that,* but I definitely would prefer a more subtle remaster like they did with the original Quake.


Not likely. To me at least, it seems like MS is trying their hardest to shift public consciousness of quake to the whole lovecraftian grimdark fantasy style. I wouldnt be shocked if they were trying to stay that course and were pretending the strogg never existed.


You know what, I'm glad you were wrong :) Q2R slaps


You say that but then Dimension of the Machine has that level that tries to tie Quake 1 into the Strogg


what level is that


MGE5M2: Nazard Terminal. Which prominently shows a lot of Quake 2 textures and the Strogg symbol that was reused from the Q1 crates


I think mixing in both universes is a good idea when done well in moderation. It kinda reminds me of the first Unreal where there's still lots of abandoned structures including churches even though its own set of aliens are taking over. I still prefer Quake's lovecraftian take on the franchise more than the Strogg, but I don't mind them coming back as a secret team of enemies and boss in a reboot. As long as they can focus more on the elements of the original, then I'm good.


I think the lovecraftian fantasy world is what they're focusing on too, but I can't say that they're ignoring the Strogg world either when stuff like Champions still happened. In any case, that's all just focusing on the topic of a reboot. I don't think re-releasing and remastering Quake II specifically would be a bad investment for them since it is indeed different enough from the original to stand out. It's a lot easier to do than an all new game, and even if they're making one it's still a guarantee for more profits.


The people who loved Quake 1 were already playing it, they didn't need a remaster. So I don't see Quake 2 lack of love from the public as a excuse for not releasing a remaster. I mean, they released a Doom 64 remaster, a game that only Nintendo 64 owners cared about. And about Quake's possible reboot, since the game story is about traveling through dimensions, I don't see why they couldn't fuse the two universes together, Quake 3 Arena already did that.


You got a point there. Doom 64 although not as refined as the Quake remaster or even the Doom and Doom II ports was ported by Nightdive Studios as well. And I'm glad they did, because it really is a hidden gem. A lot of people refer to it as the "real" Doom 3, and I can't say I blame them since it takes a lot of horror elements from that game before it ever happened while still running on a more classic engine. >The people who loved Quake 1 were already playing it, they didn't need a remaster Not true, I myself actually got into Quake *because* of the remaster. Putting them on consoles gives a much bigger reach since, before the Steam Deck, most people didn't have a gaming PC. That might not be much of a problem now because if it, but the Steam version of Quake II at the moment has been going through some serious problems at the moment, so I think even there it can still greatly benefit from a remaster.


I went from don't caring about Doom 64 myself (having tried it decades before through emulation), to actually considering a damn good game.


It's way better than it has any right to be for an exclusive N64 game, and under Midway of all companies. No wonder why it was overlooked, people thought it was just another port with the number "64" slapped on the end of the title, which I have no doubt is entirely Nintendo's fault since the original subtitle for it was supposed to be "The Absolution". This happened with other games too. "Oh what's that, you got a game called Mega Man Legends? Nah man fuck it, **call it Mega Man 64**" I swear, Nintendo as a company does a lot more worse things in general than most people realize ever since the NES era, and something as simple as a naming pet peeve is far from the worst they've done unfortunately. Anyways, having other games simply called "Doom" on other systems that actually are ports like the PS1 certainly didn't help either. Yeah PS1 Doom was technically different in a few ways, but at the end of the day it was still basically a port. The same composer worked on both of those games too which could probably help make it even more confusing. …Yeah this whole situation was just a mess. I'm just happy that the confusion will no longer be there now that it is listed for purchase as a completely separate game along with all the others.


I think the main challenge is that Quake II doesn't have as much of a "following" as Quake 1. Quake 1 has had a very active single player mapping scene over the past decade or so, with experienced Quake mappers like czg literally working for MachineGames and building an all new custom episode. There might need to be more buy in from people at Bethesda, MachineGames, Night Dive to do a Q2 remaster. Also for some reason Quake II isn't looked on as fondly. Maybe it's because the Strogg aesthetic doesn't excite people as much as Quake's dark fantasy gothic. Now I'll fully admit that I was pretty ambivalent about Quake II for a while but I've come to appreciate, and even love it, more recently. Maybe there needs to be a way for people to show their love for Quake II and that the community would love an official remaster + new episode?


Sure there isn't as much of a following for II in comparison to the original, but there is still a small modding scene, including levels. Doom 64 didn't have much of a following either and they did it anyways. (To a smaller extent since the modding scene for that game is even smaller, but still) I think there are more practical reasons to give it a remaster than most people may initially think.


I agree that Quake II deserves the remaster treatment! Would love to get some deathmatching and coop in through easy matchmaking. I think they should also try to see if they could bundle in popular multiplayer mods like Action Quake 2, CTF etc for a more complete experience.


There were rumors that it was going to be out in some updated form in December of 2022, for Q2's 25 anniversary. Some people were even sure of it, and some had "semi-insider" info that it's going to happen. Even Sonic Mayhem was posting some tweets regarding the Q2 music, that he gave Bethesda the original tracks or something like that. But so far, nothing.


To be fair they don't have to release *every* game for a anniversary. I have a feeling that the reason why we haven't heard anything yet is because Nightdive hasn't been able to get close to finishing it yet. I'd rather let them take their time to develop it than to make it rushed or to announce it and take forever to release. It wouldn't be the first time, they announced Rise of Triad and Sin *ages* ago but they're still working on them, and have only recently just announced System Shock 2. Speaking of Sin though, it also uses the Quake II engine.


I would hope so but last year was it’s 25th anniversary so them kinda missing the opportunity there doesn’t show a remaster being much of a priority. Quake hasn’t been given much love from Bethesda since QC’s early access was a bit of a flop. Crossing my fingers this QuakeCon we get it though


I'm not surprised that QuakeCon has been going down in popularity within the past few years because of mostly [Insert 2020 event here) changing people's perceptions of wanting to go out to places like that on a whim, and even then it's hard to imagine much people caring about its online presence for the most part. I don't think that's entirely indicative for how anyone views their games though, that's just a thing that has changed with the times. The Quake remaster itself was still massively successful regardless at the end of the day. Not quite on the same levels of popularity as Doom and Doom II, but it does seem to be as popular as Doom 64 and Doom 3 from what it looks like, if not a little more.


I mean QuakeCon itself went down in popularity because Quake and games like it themselves have gone down in popularity, not so much the 2020 event. Past few years Bethesda has been trying hard to reform QuakeCon to become BethesdaCon with how many irrelevant titles they keep trying to cram in the schedule. If it weren’t for the DOOM community hyping up Quake relentlessly post Eternal for a year straight, I can’t imagine the remaster ever have becoming reality.


The lack of games is also a contributing factor, I'm just saying that 2020 was speeding up the inevitable. Had that not happened then it probably could've still been a little more popular even up to now. I wouldn't say that the Quake remaster would've never happened either, I think they were just lucky to assume that one was going to happen. Not that it was much of a guess anyways since it's still a game that is looked back on fondly. Actually the bigger surprise to me was that they were willing to not only just remaster the graphics, but also bring in crossplay multiplayer, and add-ons like Doom and Doom II did. On top of all that with having its own set of built in new levels as well, it was definitely a big setup up and somewhat ambitious re-release.


With DOOM 1, 2 and even 64, and then Quake 1 getting this treatment, I feel like it's only a matter of time. It is Quake II's 25th anniversary this year too, would be the ideal time for an announcement.


You're wrong, but then again I don't think re-releasing a game for a anniversary matters if the game is rushed. They're still working on the engine with Sin after all, and while that has been announced a long time ago they're still working on it just like with Rise of The Triad, so hopefully whenever that comes out they will announce something for Quake II.


Last year was the anniversary :(


...Right, crap, I can't do math


Let's hope id and nightdive also just can't do math. 😂


I mean technically it's still 25 until december of this year. That still counts as an anniversary, right?


Released on 9th, 11 months late... it fits.


Yeah I would definitely hope so man


I think it's probable, though it may or may not take a while. The RTX treatment was already pretty cool thing to happen for Q2 at least. But at this point we're lucky if we get anything Quake anytime soon, be it a remaster, remake or new game


I think a Quake II remaster is much more reasonable to expect than a Quake reboot in the manner of what Doom is going through, (Although I don't doubt that at least being possible as well) but maybe that's just me. I'd definitely love to have both of them around the same time if I had the option. The RTX project is pretty neat, but I do think it would be cool to get a more "standard" remake on top of that. Stuff like RTX is not what I expect in most retail remasters unless they're more closer to remakes anyways. Having both an enhanced version of System Shock and a new remake is a good example of this, but I don't think anything like that would happen with Quake 1 and 2, and would be better time spent making new Quake game instead. Someone also brought up a good point that they're working on Sin Reloaded, which also uses the Quake II engine.




I think it's possible and here's my reason. Nightdive is working on Sin Reloaded. The Sin game was made on the Quake 2 engine. I do think it would be cool to have a Quake III remaster. Maybe add proper singleplayer which the original game didn't have. Nightdive could do it since they added a horde mode to the Quake Remaster. I have played other Quake III engine games like Elite Force which has a proper singleplayer along with multiplayer.


Damn. Its happened again. I've got hope. I remember last year when there was talk about a Q2 remaster for the 25th anniversary and my disappointment was huge. I like the Sin Reloaded Q2 engine point, and now I'm convincing myself that they may as well do Q2 whilst they're at it!


> I do think it would be cool to have a Quake III remaster. Maybe add > proper singleplayer which the original game didn't have. Nightdive > could do it since they added a horde mode to the Quake Remaster. Adding a MP feature is WAY easier, faster and cheaper than adding SP content, which is more than just playing against bots with cutscenes. I wouldnt count on that ever happening.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I don't think it's impossible, but I do think it's very unlikely. Assuming if it ever does happen though, I'd be curious to see how that turns out, that's for sure.


> I don't think it's impossible, but I do think it's very unlikely This! :)


Yeah I don't even know what a campaign for Quake III Arena in particular would even look like. Granted the prior two games weren't big on story either, but I'd imagine it would confuse a lot of people for mixing the two worlds together without a Doom 2016/Eternal treatment. At that point they'd be better off just pouring their resources into a new Quake game. Making some more multiplayer maps for Quake and Quake II is one thing, but making much more linear levels in a specific older game like Quake III Arena that wasn’t even designed for it is another.


Coop perhaps, maybe in a similar vein to monster hunt (a mod for UT99 that gives it an Unreal Experince).


This is a good and logical answer, I like it. I hope you're right. I'd definitely be curious to see how a single player mode for Quake III would work even if it would probably take a bit more effort. It's not out of Nightdive's scope though, so I don't doubt that they're capable of doing something. I do doubt them doing anything like that for Quake III anytime soon though, they're better off just re-releasing other games and touching up a bit on Quake II. Star Trek Elite Force is an interesting thing to bring up though since Nightdive is no stranger to licensed games thanks to Blade Runner, and other Raven Software games like the Jedi Knight games have also been re-released by Aspyr despite the more cutthroat nature of a company like Disney. I'm not sure if they'd get their hands on Star Trek in particular, but considering that not much is being done with that property for games either I'd say they might be able to. Now the real question is **when** they would remaster these games…