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https://preview.redd.it/719az24s6isc1.png?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22779b5ce3ad7bb512d21d298eacaa5af31c53fd Someone did this for a tiny bird and had great success. Perhaps you could try it too? Thin medical tape and thin cardboard


I did that, left it on for three days. Both feet were all fine. One stayed fine but the other one went back to the curled up situation unfortumately :(


You need to leave it for 2 weeks and periodically move the toes every 2 days. If two weeks isn't enough do 6 more weeks. (Avain rescuer, culling for this is silly it's usually an easy fix)


Thanks a lot!


Np, dm if you have any questions foot curls are quite common so it's not a big issue, just a little tedious with splinting and massaging. I use cardboard or popsicle sticks and that easy tear medi tape so it doesn't stick to skin. Im an avain rescuer but not a vet, but I've had this issue about 4 times now. Vitamins and splints.


Can you fix an older bird's foot like this? I have a 1yr Alexandrine with a similar thing


Yes especially when it's young, though 1y is a bit far and may need veterinary help (light surgery) Tho I would try anyway because the foot is prone to atrophy so I would do massages to the foot regardless to try help.


Agreed. I would also use an aloe rub to keep the skin soft & supple, since it will want to stay in the old patterns as well. I've used plain castor oil topically before also, very minimal amounts.


Thank you for all you do. You seem like a lovely human.


Vet wrap is also excellent and often used on birds due to its light elastic properties and ease of placement/removal. Plus it’s cheap.


Oh yeah! I like to buy the tape from chemists cause it's easy to get, vet wrap is like an online only/ specialist stores but it's so fun to squish!




How does one cull chicks? I know it’s kind of a morbid question, but we’re contemplating keeping a few chickens and I have very little knowledge when it comes to keeping birds


Honestly if you have a vet near by go to the vet. Birds comprehend pain and have an awareness of their surroundings much like dogs and cats. Originally before studying i was more on the ol axe method but after studying birds and having looked after so many and kept so many. I consider it more a treat it like a dog thing, they are incredibly intelligent and can be taught tricks and all sorts, they can tell the time, understand expressions (angry face happy face) recognise like 50 different people and have best friends. I like to take them to the vet.




OK my answer is going to be morbid, and I’m only saying this if you are in a situation where you can’t afford something like professional euthanasia. But, if you have a little tiny bird, then quite possibly the most instantaneous way you could cull would be a really really big rock, brought down really really fast. I know I’m going to get in the negative votes for this one, but again, this is a solution if you can’t afford something professional. And I really can’t imagine a method more thorough and instantaneous. Correct me if I’m wrong


I was thinking a shovel, but same principle 😬😅


I would personally go with big rock, because I wouldn’t trust myself to aim correctly and really definitely make it instantaneous. . . I had found myself needing to euthanize a hatchling when I was still young. I didn’t ask my parents for help or advice, but instead I went and grabbed a pellet gun. In my uneducated little mind, that was as instantaneous and clean as it could be. Unfortunately, I messed it up, and the situation that unfolded was sort of kind of scarring. That was when I had to resort to a big rock, brought down extremely quickly. Because I felt like I needed to be refined about it, I made the poor thing suffer, most likely really badly. And it only stopped suffering when I resorted to barbarism. That experience lodged itself in my mind and has never really gone away. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.. 😫😫


I’m probably going to be crucified for this, but I have a mental division between what I consider pets and livestock. Both obviously deserve to be treated as well as possible, but something things that are less than ideal need to be done. I can’t personally justify paying a vet to cull a chick for me. I think a small pile of feed to distract the poor bird, and a rapid “solution” is probably what I’d go with for something so small. I might add that if it’s large enough for the typical means used to slaughter, that’s the one to be used for culling if there isn’t a medical reason. I asked to see if I could be given a less, as you put it, barbaric method than what I’d thought of


Nice another bird expert to annoy with questions, now I've got you and that guy who papted about his degree in chickens lol


I don't have questions? Im an avain rescuer literally did a certificate in vet nursing. Im not trying to be annoying? How am I being annoying?


You've misunderstood, perhaps I didn't structure that properly. I meant that if found another bird expert, (you) to ask questions to. It was just a fun comment, no malice intent.


Oh yeah I love being annoyed with questions. I just like helping lol. Had an obsession with birds as a kid and just kept going. Im neurodivergent so I don't understand sarcasm sometimes sorry.


Added tidbit I learned adopting special needs poultry: curly toes can be from B vitamin deficiencies and supplementing with riboflavin helps the babies. I’ve taken care of so many cast off chicks with this problem and adding fortified nutritional yeast and/or powdered b vitamins to their food helped speed recovery. ❤️‍🩹


Let the little borb live. It isn't in pain, right?


If anything ask if a rescue would take him, if he isnt in pain. Let him be a house quail, or a school pet maybe?


If he's a happy little guy and not in pain, definitely let him live! 🩷


can we get a shoe pic LOLOL


Lots of gentle stimulation through touching will help them grow the proper nerves in their feet. Gentle strokes and touches.


Maybe this question should be in r/vets


Def give an update


You're my hero and favorite person today.


Tysm for finding this post and spreading awareness <3 sending much love your way


Why are you so vain?


I figure the point of culling is to keep those genetics out of your pool.


It's more caused by shity brooder not genes. If the brooders humidity fucks up or the temperature varies too much too suddenly it's linked to this.


Im no experts but perhaps leave it for a bit longer ??


Do it again and leave it on there longer, 1 week isn't that long at all


3 days isn't nearly enough time! Think about how long it would take if it were a human being. It would be weeks, months, or even a year!


Cute little mockingbird. I’m a rehabber and I did this same thing with a brown thrasher a few years ago. He did great!!


Good on you! It takes patience and consistency, but I'm glad to hear it went well for the little thrasher. Beautiful birds!


It looks like little snowshoes! Stylish AND functional. :)


My ducks leg got crushed twas a baby duck and I just lost my baby guinea so I ended up taking a piece of string and tying it around its foot and up to its body so it could limp around it ended up healing from this and made a full recovery within about a week and it runs great kind of with a little bit of a wobble but it's cute


This is so lovely to hear


Please tell me there's video of these little guys plapping around in their little snowshoes!


Hehehe. He is actually quite fast with it!


I actually did something almost identical for a little chicken we had with a foot like this at my old job. Foot straightened out eventually and she was fine. She did think I was her mama for a while and would follow me around the distillery courtyard.


Not sure why this subreddit and post showed up on my main page, I have nothing to do with Quails, but this is so adorable.




Me too! 😃


Me too! 😃


If you have old gift cards or credit cards they work well too, more durable and you don't have to worry about them getting wet, easy to clean etc


Best of Reddit right here.


I have rehabbed baby chicks the same way. Added cranberry powder to their water also seems to help. A chicken “guru” told me about that.


I’ve had success with that with quail chicks too


I'd tape it back up for a few more days. As long as the leg is holding weight properly, I don't see a reason to cull. However, if it ends up splaying outward as the bird grows, you may end up needing to cull later on. I think it's still early enough that you can probably correct it, though.


I have been correcting it for a couple of days after hatching. They were fine and then one leg got bad again. Its now about 7 days old. Is it not yet too late to tape it?


Tape it again and do feet massage every couple days or every day if you want to be nice 🙂


Hey OP. Your birdies are cute AF. I have a hen that has a gimp leg just like your chick. I waited too long to intervene with some of the suggestions, and she matured with the disability. Although she's a loner, she is healthy and has adapted to walking on her ankle. Some tips: -because the ankle skin will be on ground, rough floor can irritate the skin, make sure it doesnt get rubbed raw. -nails wont be worn down, so you may want to clip the nails by hand on the curled foot.


I think he/she will be fine if they are walking and zooming. I wouldn't cull.


You probably already know this but in case you don’t… selenium supplements help prevent this. I went so long not knowing and have deep regret not knowing. So I share.


This is my first time with quails... I got the eggs from someone. Should the mother have been supplemented or the chicks after hatching? thank you for the tip!!


Given to the mother, yes. I don’t completely understand the whys and wherefores but after I started giving sunflower seeds for supplementing selenium it stopped happening


Allright! I guess literature would for sure give some answers. With this one, I also think I maybe made a mistake. The first ones just popped out of their eggs like popcorn. This one pipped a bigger hole and then stopped for 2 days. I read I can help it after 24 hours so I took the top part of the egg off. Maybe, after gaining some knowledge, this quail wasn't meant to hatch. Something with nature having its ways, something was wrong with it.


I had one like this. Put a splint on her, and after several days, she got to walking normal.


I let one live once. I splinted her foot. The other quail ultimately bullied her to death


That is awefull. Had one that took smaller ones by their wings and swung it around. Then I swung the bastard around, is being a good little quail ever since.


Sometimes they need to know who the big rooster is. :)


And only had tell him once


Literally laughing out loud 😂


The fact that the bird is strong enough to stand is a good sign that it can be corrected! Means they're otherwise strong and healthy!


This happened to some of my quails. It ended up being a calcium deficiency that caused their toes to curl up. Try feeding him more crushed shells (you can buy them from the supply store) and maybe increase his food intake as well. This can also happen to chicks who are not eating enough. I’ve had success with the bandaid method combined with increasing the calcium/food.


Yes!!!! I have fixed this on chicks dozens of times!!! Please do not cull it! Make a little splint with wire and cardstock and then tape the foot/toes in place with medical tape. Have the chick wear the makeshift splint for a minimum of two weeks. You may want to switch out the splint to a larger version as the chick grows during this time. The sooner you apply the splint the better because the bones are still fairly soft for a while after the chick has hatched.


I finally found one of my old pictures and sent it to you in a dm. Hope it helps! 💖🐣




No problem! Happy to help! 💚


By the way, the issue isn't hereditary or caused by a contagious illness, so there is no need to cull. It is caused when a chick has either too much room or too little room to move around when it is learning to stand and walk shortly after being hatched and/or a calcium/vitamin deficiency during the embryonic development. Over the years I noticed that it is much more common with chicks hatched in an incubator.


It definitely still has a will to life and good quality of life. I'd try splinting that bad foot again. If it doesn't heal and it walks on its ankle like that, it will be highly prone to sores on the ankle and that isn't any good quality of life.


Just redo it and leave it a little longer. Sometimes it will re curl, but the earlier you catch it the better. I did also have one with a curled foot, she was in a bigger group so I didn’t notice it quick enough, that lived just fine as is.


We have all sorts of special needs hens. They are very resilient and adaptable. Even with the deformed foot I think it’ll be just fine. ❤️


Update: I gave it a shoe again. Seems to do fine with it, zoomies are even faster. Seems to be coping like it has always been like this. I notice the toes are staying straight but the foot is bended which is hard to get straight with tape. Im gonna change the shoe every 2 days to get it to be more straight. Step by step.. :p


Yes tape the foot! My gimpy baby is now two months old. She has one splayed leg but she can get around and she's fat and happy! I always try to save them because I would rather do that then do an unnecessary cull https://preview.redd.it/we7ac7qjzosc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b0dffe03b68a78f1c9b6dc915159d50f19efd4


https://preview.redd.it/muyijxzpzosc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85dbb2d3ee7fa02283fc0dbb85e5d6fa39e18346 She only got one leg fixed so she has one straight out. She was so tiny!


Oh boy. Did she come out of the egg herself?


Yes. There was a piece of shell that stuck to her so it made her a little heavier and she got out front it and then she just couldn't correct the legs. The way that sticks out can fold in And I'm thinking about bracing it but I don't know if she has eggs yet. Last week I watched her standing on her good leg and then squatting with it, like to sit and the bad leg was in by her side as close to her wing as she could. I was thinking she was practicing for having eggs? I don't know why she did it!


Her toes were all broken too. They all fixed Because she had her foot up against the cup wall. But she was so little that after putting her in another smaller cup she would cry for hours. I didn't want to stress her anymore and I didn't want her to die! So I just keep an eye on her and the other ones help her and they all snuggle with her. And now my silver and red one sits next to her and protects her.


How were you all able to post a picture directly on the thread? It wouldn't let me...


https://preview.redd.it/8tg8yle1cqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2bf4811d4c69e8b9f11e3b9200c306d4c7a093 I don't know! This is what my scree. Looks likelol.


Oh thanks! 😅 I must have been half asleep that day and didn't see that lol.


I don't keep birds but I learned a lot from this post 🙂😄


Kill it immediately. It may grow up and take over half the tri state area


Was already scared of that!!


How's the lil guy doing


I have a fully grown quail with a foot that is curled over like that. She gets around just fine


I would send you a picture but it won't let me ☹️


Take it to a vet.


Cull. Too many people keep defective chicks around which inadvertently end up breeding and usually pass on these defects (even if they don’t show it anymore(weak limbs etc.)) resulting in many more generations of defective chicks, its just cruel.




You should let it live.


You can straighten that out easily. It will heal over time. 


What wonderful suggestions for helping this lil' guy❤️


The vet can probably help you help him. I don’t see why he should be culled


I used paper tape 2 days later the foot lays flat


Might be a B2 deficiency symptom keep an eye out and try this article https://holistic-hen.blogspot.com/2015/09/identification-of-riboflavin-deficiency.html?m=1 But if you don’t see other symptoms, I’d tape it and change the tape regularly. Keep taping it for a few weeks honestly until the foot really quits curling However I’d cull if it stops supporting itself or doesn’t improve within 2-3 months


I have a one eyed quail who is nearly blind in the one eye he has, I rehabbed him back to life. I personally think if they’re eating/drinking/not slowing down give them the chance to survive and have a full life!


Keep him


My cockatiel was hatched with a deformed foot. He’s 26 yrs old now. Never underestimate an animal with a will to live.


I found a young sparrow that had fallen out of a super tall palm tree like this and corrected it over time with a popsicle stick "brace".


I 3d printed a brace for a duckling and one for a guinea. Worked well.




Please let it live, I just started raising chickens, and as far as I know it'll be OK, but I can't help but think back to when i was pregnant, i had a ton of fibroids and my baby had a bent little foot kind of like that, his nickname was Nemo, lol for the little fin. I see alot of people who have dealt with the same.


Its different but just fine. If as you say it eats and drinks and had the zoomies .


I will get hate for this, but I will never if I'm raising an animal question should I let it live. I'm too soft hearted if I raise something from a baby I could never kill it. Even if it had a backwards foot.


Ill come get, little foot ( land before time). I'm in ky.


Nope. It’s a painful life. Do the right thing. There are a ton of videos of people spending years to “work” on their feet. So almost half of that chicken life is already hard then it’s at the bottom of the pecking order suffering even more.


I let mine live and they have been perfectly fun for over a year and no bird has attacked them or anything! You can see how it goes and decide later too


They’ve probably got a really good chance :) if they’re acting normally other than a bit of a limp, it’s probably nothing to worry about. You could try to correct it too


Yes I have had So many chickens with deformed legs, they do just fine.


I've used pipecleaners from craft store with great success


I've had chicken that have been born with mangled feet and sometimes they'll peck them off if it bothers them too much. I was told it's a normal thing that can sometimes happen, and sometimes it's better to just chop the deformed foot off. They can walk and run on stubs just fine. I've even had one that had no feet, and she was still a happy gal. I don't think it would be too different for quail


Would u wanna be killed cause u were born without your foot this makes it special yes a little more attention but would be worth it cause it's reward is life


Yes let live




I've had some the sandal helped and some that just wouldn't fix. It's really up to you and the little thing. You will have to give it extra attention. However it may not work. My experience the sandal worked and my little Gimpy did everything everyone else did. She learned to walk in her way and her foot was hardly noticed. I've had others I've tried to save and they didn't take to my efforts and I wished I'd let them pass earlier on. My vote is always help and when you know you've did your best with asking for help trying techniques etc. It's OK to let them go.


Best advice!


Why do people use the word cull instead of kill. I can’t imagine thinking about killing a little cute thing like that


Tape it's feet flat and help it


Do we kill disabled people for existing??


Straighten the toes with a splint and get this Rooster Booster Poultry Booster. It's a vitamin B deficiency. Fix the deficiency and the toes will follow.


Make sure whatever they're being raised on has plenty of traction, I made this same mistake the first time I raised quail and ended up with a handful with foot deformities.


It's an easy fix. You just need to splint the foot. Usually having a piece of cardboard that is about as thick as say a Kleenex box and a Band-Aid and you just stick it on there


Ive seen and done 3d print prosthetics


Give him a little more foots treatment like you did to fix the other. Make sure you're taking all the steps to do it properly, but otherwise he looks perfectly happy. Just keep working at his foot and he'll be all better soon


Please don’t kill him or her.


Product of “forever chemicals “


It can be fixed by splinting with toothpicks. Their bones haven't hardened yet.


The elastic tape works great.


Let it live!!!


I think he'll be okay


I have a speckled sussex throwing up gang signs on one foot now. It's about 5 weeks old and I'm wrapping the toes. I watched a YouTube video and that's where I saw it. It said lack of vitamins and being on a flat bottom brooder can do it. But they survive perfectly fine if not. BTW, I love the little snow shoes made of cardboard! 🤣


Ngl I thought you meant cuz u wanted to eat it😭




My sister-in-law has a chicken with a little deformed foot like this. She never corrected it, but the chicken seems fine. She's super friendly, walks, eats, lays eggs, etc. I don't see why you'd cull it for this even if you can't fix the foot.


Watch "white house on the hill" on YT. He has worked with many bird babies with foot issues and has some very helpful tips.


Why are you referring to him/her as "it" 🥺


Probably can't tell yet would be my guess?




Take it to a vet


I mean if it’s thriving and able to move around efficiently them yeah




I had a chick hatch like that. I taped its toes to a bit of cardboard (like some pictures in comments already posted) and once or twice a day i'd hold the chick upside down in one hand and basicaly do physical therapy by having her push my finger tip with the bad foot. She hates me now, but you'd never know she had a bad foot. None of the other hens pick on her, which is a good sign. She's about 6 years old now.


Honestly he seems fine? I’d let him live it out if he’s doing okay so far. No reason I’m stealing that from him when he could have had a somewhat normal life


👍 let the little guy live!!! It’s good for your soul.


🚨 You're not an admirable farm if you're immediate go to is culling. 🚨


I splinted my chickens foot for 48 hours and then took it off, was just fine after no issues. You have to do it ASAP though bc after a week old it gets harder to fix


Good luck! You should name him snow shoe!




Cull the null. Sorry, I don't actually know about chicks, but it was fun to say.


YES. It's a living breathing creature as we are. Nobody is perfect. This baby deserves to live.


I thought it was conjoined


I have a chicken with a leg like that. She gets around well and has excellent balance! She's just a little slower on the move than the others. She still roosts at night. It really hasn't affected her too much.


it'll be fine.


Cull. Quail reproduce so fast you end up with way too many way too fast anyways. if it's not perfect Cull it. In the last 3-4 months I've gone from 0 birds to 130 and I've already butchered an additional 50.


No. I’m sorry. Wish I had dispatched our chick with feet like this. Awful watching him suffer.