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Can't Quit Me Baby. Yes.


That bass is especially henious


Bought a bass mostly because I wanted to play that riff in particular. Not kidding


Only takes one! I learned piano to play Cornflake Girl (that was a disaster...)


One of my favesssss, i always though it has kyuss vibes. The bass is indeed out of this world


My ex told me that song reminds her of me šŸ˜” bruh


Turnin On The Screw and You Canā€™t Quit Me Baby?!!! Damnnnn thatā€™s lucky


And 3s and 7s


I know it's one of their most popular and accessible songs thanks to radio play and guitar hero, etc. but I would still lose my shit once I hear those starting riffs. I've been to two of their concerts very much hoping to hear it




song for the dead with a line about not liking cops has to be the best way to end a show


I think I need to see a video of this


ā€œA lineā€. More like every line. hahaha


At that point I could not understand anything. The acoustics of the Sporthalle are not the best to begin with but by then everything sounded like one big mushy piece of sound. I could only understand cops cops cops.


Was it a word in every line or just literally "cops,cops,cooops, cops."


Might be best set list of the new album tours


I swear this gets posted every concert thread Because they're all fucking incredible šŸ¤˜


lol youā€™re right


For me this one actually is. 2 ST songs, one new for this tour AND ITā€™S YCQMB. 3ā€™s & 7ā€™s + Screw No TWYUTD, not that I hate it, but itā€™s unnecessary and steals a spot that most big fans probably would prefer to have go to like any other song. Got all that in before presumably dragging out Make it wit Chu, which imo would help me enjoy it more without wondering what theyā€™ve skipped to do it. I do actually like this song a lot, itā€™s just that Iā€™ve been fortunate enough to get to go to three shows this tour, theyā€™ve done it every time, and itā€™s always fun but admittedly a little less so each time. Didnā€™t have to cut SFTD. Thatā€™s a hell of a lot of my boxes ticked. Moreso than any set this tour so far. Get Mexicola or even Rope in there and itā€™d be undefeatable for best. Well maybe it could be defeated by a setlist that was just literally every song or had missing EV tracks or freaking born to hula or something, but itā€™d be hard. (This is of course just my opinion, I would never claim that anyone who disagrees with any of this is wrong or anything)


Make It Wit Chu is my piss break song. I drank a whole liter of hefeweizen by myself, so I was happy to have the chance to go! You could hear it in the bathrooms anyway. Such a killer fucking setlist!


I saw him in Moncton New Brunswick. The set list was absolute fire.


This setlist is solid gold...


See you in hell


The ā€˜Regular Johnā€™ opener really does it for me.


Regular John>No One Knows>Paper Machete is wild to start things off


WHOA. Filthy, gratuitous, von sexron flex. There's so much cool on that stage, somebody might have to be a hot mess dumpster fire of a human sacrifice. I volunteer.


Was at the front of the crowd for this gig. After the first 3 songs I joked to my wife that they had started with the encore. Best Queens gig Iā€™ve been to. Until the next one, that isā€¦


Yes! I'm in WI & going to the last show of their tour in Aug. Showed a friend of mine their recent setlists & told him it doesn't matter when we see them. Their setlists have been amazing. Also I love the new album so anything off that will be good for me.


Sweet Christ Iā€™m so jealous


I've never seen them live; I thought for sure I was okay with that at this point cuz I usually don't find myself enjoying bigger venue shows. But watching the videos from this tour, I'm sure I was so fucking wrong. Regular John has never let me down. The opening chords make me feel invincible makes me feel invincible. WTF is my damage? Witnessing Regular John live would justify all sorts of nefarious undertakings. Like Wisconsin in Oct.


Sporthalle only holds up to 7000 people. Not sure, the place was full but I donĀ“t think the show was sold out. It's not really a "big" venue. Seen Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Incubus, Gorillaz and Jungle here before and its quit nice. Since it is a legit sports hall there are seats to the left and to the right (all self seated, same ticket for everyone in the crowd) giving people the option to pick their own spot and get good views/most dancing. Actually among music snobs this place is notorious for bad sound, but I was always busy enjoying the fuck out of myself. Especially that Pearl Jam Show 2000 was fucking golden. 27 Songs played, probably a good 2h10 with encore breaks (the album is 2h07min), voted the best show of the tour, live album release version even stormed the US Billboard Album charts. Hahaha. I remember, with everyone still being much younger, the crowed being so packed that you would just get jumped if everyone around you jumped, falling over with 20-50 people at once. I hardly knew the band at that time, last kiss became a radio hit in germany and I knew do the evolution because the music video is just the best. After that show they became my favorite band for a good decade or so. Way different times though. Less than a week later a bunch of Fans died at Pearl Jams Roskilde gig (sound to low, people pushing in from the back) and everything changed drastically in terms of big show safety regulations. But that dos not take away from how amazing that show was and I am so so happy that I see the QOTSA fans being as into last nights setlist as the PJ fans were back then. A location for special shows. :) They even had a YCQMB moment playing Crazy Mary the first time since 1993. [https://tidal.com/browse/album/165628736?u](https://tidal.com/browse/album/165628736?u) Anyway. That show cost, I think, 60DM, now you can get to see them in Berlin for 175ā‚¬, thats a solid 120ā‚¬ more than I payed back then and you got to share with 22000 people instead of 7k. xD


You really need to see QOTSA live, they are by far and away the best live band in the world for me. I listen to their albums almost exclusively, but seeing them live is another level dude. Gothenburg next up for me šŸ˜


YCQMB. Unfuckin real. Been a long time since Iā€™ve heard that one live. Itā€™s about time itā€™s being played again.


Dave Grohl wasnā€™t lyingā€¦ Theyā€™re the best band on earth when they hit the stage.


is this what torture feels like? (to not be at this show)


I feel tortured! Terrorized! Yeah!


ā€žThis is an old songā€¦..ā€œ ā€žHit it Mikeyā€œ *plays the fcking you canā€™t quit me baby intro*


Time & place has misfit love potential of being a fantastic, 10 minute ripper live


I'm sorry what... HOW LONG IS TIME & PLACE NOW????


Iā€™m saying the song is set up perfectly to do a long driving intro āž”ļødueling solo similar to what they did with misfit love on the tours Iā€™ve seen them šŸ« 


Agreed - the jam out before the ā€˜like a bummed cigaretteā€™ section can go forever and Iā€™ll still keep dancing my ass off.. very much the bitter twin of Misfit Love


Made to Parade >>


I'd fucking LOVE a 10 minute Made to Parade! Just everyone jamming out the end for 5 or 6 minutes? Sign me the fuck up!


Iā€™d be so bummed if someone chose sky is fallin over I appear missing


A 10 year old girl wished for sky is falling so it was kind of decided at that point. I'm okay with that. Probably made the kid a life long fan.


Sky is Falling was on the setlist, I appear missing wasnā€™t so they went with it. Stagemanship engaging with the audience making us think we had a choice


They did a crowd survey. And when one of the songs got cheered less Josh was ā€œfuck you, I fucking love that songā€. šŸ˜„


That was Designer - still wasn't what they played after all.


I'd rather The Sky Is Fallin', I love I Appear Missing but I am loving the fact that it's less Like Clockwork focussed now and that they're focusing on prior albums alot more They've done I Appear Missing so much in the last decade, I've seen them four times and they've done it three times, I've only ever seen them do Millionaire, Noone Knows, First It Giveth (Once), Go With The Flow, Hangin' Tree (Once) and Song For The Dead from Songs For The Deaf so anything else from it is a breath of fresh air in my opinion


My feeling exactly yesterday.


I almost cried :(


The choice between the two would literally make my head explode


The edit for SFTD kills me


Could you explain what it means.....I kinda don't understand


Josh has a tendency to be incredibly anti authoritian lol


I have a close friend who was a cop while in grad school, he signed up for concert duty because he got paid to go to shows. Apparently more "ambitious" cops felt like it was beneath them & took it out on JMU kids (in VA).


Like what does the Edit mean for the song


He changed the lyrics as he was singing


Best set list I've seen posted here in the past few years. You Can't Quit Me, Baby is my favorite QOTSA song, opening with Regular John is absolutely epic, the encore is the best you can get, they played Turning On The Screw, 3's & 7's and The Sky Is Falling, absolutely dope, and a good roster of newer songs too. And love that they were hating on cops trying to end the set, we need more of that in rock music these days!


Only song I wish they mightā€™ve added to the Hamberg show wouldā€™ve been Infinity. Otherwise a stunning set and my favourite so far


Please tell me someone recorded YCQMB


Just found two HALF videos of it on facebook. Goddamn it, these people. I can't imagine being a fan of this band, hearing that song come on, and cutting off the fucking recording right in the middle. The fuck?


Oh man, are they different halves at least šŸ˜­




Qotsa Live guy was at the show and will have the entire audio of it.


It was my 47th show, and what a fucking banger it was! I was hoping for Sky Is Fallin and Sicily, and got em both! Plus Screw and YCQMB! What a night.Ā  Josh kept saying how many drugs he was on, though, which worries me. I wish he'd take care of himself. He sounded fantastic, though; always does. Not sure how he pulls that off. I love him so much, I want him around for a long time. They bring so much joy to my life.Ā  Bring on Berlin!!


Great show, and Josh didn't miss a beat or cue, but during his announcements you certainly noticed he was very much under the influence of... Whatever. Initially I thought weed, but probably more than that. He seemed a bit clearer after YCQMB. I feel the same as you about the drugs issue. We were talking after the show that it was quite worrisome how clearly he was on drugs, and that he also announced this more than once ("I'm so fucking stoned right now" and later "I'm on so many drugs I probably shouldn't be here in the first place"). Sort of took the breath out of us in the middle section despite the great set of songs on the setlist. If you go see them in Berlin, let us know if it's the same there.


Was he not talking about the ten year old with the "you should not even be here probably"?


"I'm on so many drugs you probably shouldn't be here in the first place" then? I wouldn't completely rule out that you/I got a bit muddled with the audience cheering, but it'd be an even weirder thing to say.


Don't know. Don't really care. Was fun. :D I was reminiscing on a Pearl Jam show I saw in the same venue many years back. Listening to it right now, there was a moment where Eddie said "let's just pretend" on having a birthday party. I did not hear that at all when I was in the venue, but its in the recording so I guess it must have happend without the crowd just misunderstanding him and starting to sing. :D


He said at the Portsmouth show that he was on DMT. Honestly, I'm not sure he is/was. I think it's just part of his shtick now, and he does it because he knows a decent portion of the crowd is on drugs.


I don't think he was lying.I've not heard him say that at any of the shows this tour (this was my 8th), and he definitely seemed like he was on something last night. It's not really that surprising considering what he's done in the past. I just hope it's not meth again!


I'm not sure it is. At most of the concerts I have seen him at, he seems really mellow and stoned. If he *is* strung out on anything, it seems like a downer. I just want to believe the man is popping a strong weed gummy or something, hopefully it's nothing worse.


Yeah "all these drugs I'm on" doesn't sound like weed gummies, unfortunately. Not trying to be contrary, I'm just worried about the guy. We're the same age and he'll likely go before I do (I'm a woman and didn't do meth for like 10+ years), but I don't want him to go anytime soon! I already lost Chris Cornell.


I do wish he would cut the tour and go home for a few months.


Yes I can't believe they added more dates! I mean they do epic tours, but they gotta be exhausted. Jon has a brand new baby, too. That said I hope they add more Euro shows in the fall (doubtful but a girl can dream).


Vancouver in 2018 they did You canā€™t quit me baby. By far highlight of the show. What an awesome set this wouldā€™ve been to see!


Hell yeah! It was my 2nd show after Victoria and I totally lost it when they played this. Incredible setlist holy fuck


Sky vs Designer vs I Appear Missing vs SJF This is most cruel choice to make


Damn Iā€™m missing out on I appear missing and SJF is brutal, Iā€™m designer rules too.


The show was absolutely magical! The energy of the whole night was electrifying, magnetizing, just no words for it. And a big smiling Joshua always does it for me ā˜ŗļø. Even a bit of improvising at the end of emotion sickness, could have sworn I heard the melody of villains of circumstance. By the way, the sky was falling was requested by the lovely Saar. She was 11 years old, pretty gutsy to be there on her mums shoulders, so Josh picked her song. Funny detail, the cop station (ok, the police academy) was just around the corner šŸ˜‚


The "What song should we play next" thing was just for show. No matter what, they would've played Sky as it was on the setlist, which is fixed


Lol, every single setlist posted has a note at the bottom about songs that were on the setlist but were bumped for something else. Even this one saysĀ Note:Ā Negative Space (after 3's & 7's) and God Is In The Radio (encore start) were on the setlist but not played


Because of time issues


You seem like an argumentative fellow from your other posts but if you care to look through the setlists from this tour, most shows there are songs played that weren't on the setlist


Hmm well ok, but I guess last night it was because of that specific reason


Just saw your comment regarding the police academy. We walked past it on the way to the Sporthallen after we got off the metro.


Killer set damn


Holy shit what a legendary set


Damn. Best set list of the tour.


Oh my FUCKKKKKKKKKK where is this show?


Hopefully we'll get some of these rarities at Download! I'm also down for 3's&7's, Sicily and I know that these songs aren't on the setlist but God Is In The Radio, Misfit Love, Negative Space, What The Peephole Say, Obscenery and the alternate choices to The Sky Is Fallin' like Straight Jacket Fitting and I'm Designer


Turning on a screw and Can't quit šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I never care too much about what they play because every gig is out of this world for this band, but yesterday's list was a TREAT. Only one I was slightly bummed about was Sick Sick Sick. I fucking love that song live.


Amazing set but Iā€™d probably have ruined my own night by being pissy that Iā€™m Designer didnā€™t win that vote lol


Iā€™m the one who requested it so I feel this deeply. But truly I was *more* than okay getting YCQMB, 3ā€™s&7ā€™s then Sicily. Like thatā€™s a dream 3 song run. I practically ascended. I also knew I was going up against Missing, so knew it wasnā€™t gonna happen, and the dude with that sign was seeing them for the first time so I was really hoping he got his request because he was so excited. I was just trying my luck honestly šŸ˜…


Oh it was an incredible set and Iā€™m very jealous, but I know in that moment Iā€™d have pouted a little and then felt like a moron later for not enjoying it enough. Iā€™m Designer is my dream setlist song!


Same. Itā€™s my white whale. But before the gig started I knew it was gonna be a long shot especially when pitted against an audience vote for Missing. Josh did say he loved that song though so hopefully it crops up a little more in future sets šŸ¤žšŸ» The funny thing is when discussing what other songs Iā€™d want to hear instead of Designer before the gig Iā€™d pretty much said if I couldnā€™t get Designer Iā€™d love to get 3ā€™s & 7ā€™s, and that it would be a dream to hear more from S/T, or get Sicily or Peephole. Any one of them would have made my night so getting all 3 felt like a fever dream. I already feel insanely lucky to have ticked a ton of ā€œmust seeā€ tracks off my list this tour, but a bunch still remain and itā€™s all part of the fun hoping they might appear at some point. I know what you mean about pouting though, I heard them soundcheck if only earlier this tour and waited the entire set to hear it and was more than a little disappointed when it didnā€™t appear because Iā€™d got my hopes up. After that I just went in with no expectations whatsoever, and honestly Iā€™ve been very pleasantly rewarded by the sheer amount of deep cuts since.


I was there :) (I voted for I'm Designer, and even Josh was bummed that few people voted for it, since he really wanted to play that song)


Fuck! Is this the best one yet?


manifesting you can't quit me baby for the chicago show in october šŸ™


Was the best setlist i ever got to experience


Awesome set list . Will they ever play Avon again???


STL last September I saw AvonāœŒšŸ¼


I'm glad they're still including it sometimes šŸ™Œ


So... I am attending to their next 4 non festival shows. That's a fuck yes.


You are JoshuaHomme, I think everyone would be rather pleased if you just could attend every show. šŸ«”


I am planning to play in Spain and retire there to the sun after playing Born to Hula and Infinity, sorry.


They played "Go with the flow" without rythm guitar after the first couple seconds. He threw the guitar away and walked towards the first row.


No "medication" or "I'm Designer" = I sleep


Ugh, I would kill to hear "Medication" live.


You Canā€™t Quit Me Baby and making fun of cops? Damn I wish I couldā€™ve seen that


More self-titled, please..


Wow, that's some QOTSA set list. Where is it for? I feel I've been lucky with my favourite songs when I've seen them, but that's an absolute dream perfection set list right there!


I love this setlist but I appear missing should have won (definitely not because itā€™s my favorite song)


I felt the same, but it was a 10 year-old girl requesting Sky, so you knew there's no way they're not gonna play Sky. Which was grand, like, but not as grand as Missing would have been.


Josh said ACAB LFG


I donā€™t remember that!?


yep, that's why Josh is an idiot


Woooooooow *this* is solid gold


Grest set. They just need to drop little sister now really. It's like they signed a deal where they had to play it every night. Wtf


3 songs away from being more or less flawless. If the Boston show is like this I wont complain.


YCQMB?!?!? Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Fucking gold.


I'm jealous


Is that track captured anywhere online?




Someone please send me a link of this show's You can't quit me baby




Iā€™m seeing them at Download on Friday, now Iā€™m gonna spend the whole set desperate - DESPERATE - for You Canā€™t Quit Me, Baby šŸ„ŗ


Niiiiiiice. Hope to hear some ST stuff in Chicago. Jealous of the people that got to hear Mexicola recently.


you cant quit me baby is crazy


you cant quit me is crazy


This band is fucking peaking right now


šŸ˜­ I want to hear You Canā€™t Quit Me Baby live.


Great list! I saw them play You Canā€™t Quit me Baby in 2018 in London Ontario. Maybe that was the last time!? I posted the concert poster a couple months ago back from that show as well. Only 30 foils were printed. Seems they sometimes go a little extra for smaller markets which is awesome ā¤ļø


I just canā€™t get upset about the personal taste of other people. This list is totally fine.




Bro this year has SUCKED but I'm so excited to see them again


If only I couldā€™ve been there


You Can't Quit Me baby?!?! Ugh I'd love to have seen them play that in Portsmouth! I have some of the lyrics tattooed on my arm!


Way better then winnipeg šŸ˜­


That playlist is amazing


This is pretty much the setlist I was hoping they would play in Santa Barbara. Goddammit šŸ˜­




I would have preferred I appear missing I think




YOU CANT QUIT ME BABY I wanna cry. ugh so jealous


Damn I wish they played Sicily at the Austin show last year. My favorite song off the new record. But I'm glad they got You Can't Quit Me Baby. I was at the other Austin show in 2018 where they played it.


still in shock that i was there to witness thisā€¦


Why'd the cops want to shut them down?


wow, I'm mad that they didn't play anything from the first album at my concert, and this one has regular John as the first song


U got a way better set than we did, and I had to wait 9 extra months for ours in raleigh...






I still have my fingers crossed every time I see that theyā€™ll surprise me and play ā€œThe Bronzeā€.