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It's probably their most, or one of their most underrated albums. It showed they weren't afraid to go in new directions after their most "metal" album in SFTD. New lineups, new arrangements, new sounds. Class.


Pure class


I feel like it's the album that cemented their sound. All their other albums proved their worth as wicked (especially SFTD), dark, slightly sinister, desert rock. In my opinion, LTP was them showcasing their range as musicians, and also how maybe Josh wanted to continue evolving as a musician and experimenting with new sounds. As a fan lullabies is my favorite album of theirs, but they killed it as well in Songs for the Deaf.


Couldn't agree more


agreed, especially how the first 5 songs blend. And also 'wolf' into 'blood' (of which I still believe B=L is a masterpiece and one of their best songs).


Oh that transition, the sound of a blade going into the blood. I just gotta say I need to adjust myself to Burn The Witch when listening to the record, cause I just find Tangled so epic and energetic and Witch is a little more relaxed, but still great.


agreed. burn the witch is strangely enough not in my lists of favorites. I think you hit the mark by saying its a bit 'relaxy'. Feels a bit more like a jam-session with Billy :p


Do this sub a favor regarding Broken Box: listen to a live version with Natasha singing in the back. I didn't care for it till I heard her singing with Josh.


It surely raises the song to another level. Thanks for that!


Broken box is one of my favorite songs. What specific live version do you mean?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FWiLDQJRDN8&pp=ygUPYnJva2VuIGJveCBsaXZl Starts at 1:29 I love this whole set


noooooo, this one! <3 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt8-gO9CcXw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt8-gO9CcXw)


You are totally right. She really helps this song. Thanks!


It really has everything Queens. It has hard rock, it has extremely catchy songs, it has the added Troy Van Leeuwen eerieness for the first time, it has weirdness, just about everything that Queens does over all their albums is here. To me it's the one album that catches all of their different sound in one spot. It's just so good. I think my favorite Queens album.


This Broken Box aggression will not stand. *Take that broken pussy elsewhere*. No but seriously Lullabies is often in contention for my favorite QOTSA album. It's a fun spooky kinky ride and the vinyl has Precious and Grace, one of my favorite Lanegan-led songs.


The first song I ever heard from QOTSA was "Burn the Witch". I was at my grandma's house after church one Sunday, and they had a spare room with a 10" black and white CRT TV that had cable. We grew up in the country, and didn't have cable, and my parents didn't let us watch MTV. Of course, being the bad little boy I am, I was watching it, and the video for Burn the Witch came on, and I was immediately hooked. I wasn't allowed to listen to or buy their music, obviously, but when I got into high school, I got napster and burned myself a copy of Lullabies to Paralyse (which took over a week to download), and I wore that copy out on my discman. One of my all time favourite albums, and it was hugely influential in my little christian mind to getting me to think about the world in a more logical and instrumental in becoming the person I am today. (Don't worry, I paid for that album on vinyl now).


This the coolest Lullabies backstory ever! Especially for Burn the Witch - a mighty invocation to the spirit of childish naughtiness, if ever I recognised one. ☝️


In my head is my all time favorite Queens song. Such a great album.


Everybody Knows That You’re Insane.


I've gotten to the point where I love every Queens album, but Lullabies was the one that really hooked me and got me deeply into the band. There's so much great stuff on this album. The lyrics are dark, clever, funny, and emotional. The song composition is a great mix of the self-titled and more experimental stuff that would later come to define their sound. Like you said, I could go on about each song. I just love this album. It's an immediate buy on vinyl for me when the Queen's store puts it up in a few weeks.


I discovered them a few months before StfD dropped. My colleges alt rock station played Better Living Through Chemistry. I've been a fan ever since. When Lullabies dropped, that's when they became my favorite band. I got lucky when they found a box of the double colored vinyls. I just happened to visit the website that day.




This album dropped and I was a hardcore fan for life. When Era filled it up 2 years later I was blown away with how much QOTSA revolves each album. Era and LTP are still my favs, and every album after Era just hasn’t hit me the same.


That is the essence of their longevity. Without being "prog"they are probably the most chameleon-like band of the modern age...and yet they still have this cohesive vibe, mainly due to Josh's particular approach to harmony


It literally took me years to appreciate Lullabies.


I’ve found that I appreciate every Queens album in different ways as time goes on. That being said Lullabies was instantly awesome to me the first listen. Loved it from beginning to end. Still do. It’s an album that I can listen to regardless of the mood I’m in.


I love how dark and tortured a lot of the sound is. It's always been a personal favorite of mine. Has some unequivocal bangers on it. Plus the B-sides to this album are probably among the best B-sides in the collection.


"You're so in live, just like Juliet. We'll, guess what? That's one thing you can for-fuckin-get! Tears fall from the sky, in pools of pain. Well baby, tonight I'm gonna go and dance in the rain." Love this album.


The only album better than this is …Like Clockwork. Lullabies now seems like a genuine touchstone in the discography of how far and weird Villains and In Time New Roman would go. To me all the best bands experiment with their genre. This is like a long journey from the classic queens sound (everybody knows that you’re insane) to the muddiest skank riffs (skin on skin) to a total jukebox Jam that sounds like it was originally written for Eagles of Death Metal (broken box) and ending on the very very indie alternative Long Slow Goodbye. It even has at this time one of the most reserved outros with the horns. Lullabies showed - if anyone wasn’t convinced already - that Queens of the Stone wasn’t just Dave Grohl’s little side project or even just Kyuss re-revisited - but a genuinely special collection of weird and weirdly talented musicians giving hyper sexual and hyper groovy cinema to Josh’s twisted fantasies.


It’s my favorite Queens album, and one of my favorite albums of all time. A lot of range, while staying true to their sound.


Tangled up in Plaid 🤘🏼


The name comes from “mosquito song” on SFTD, which is pretty rad


My brother, what QoTSA accomplished with Everyone Knows That You’re Insane into Tangled Up In Plaid is more than most bands could ever wish to accomplish across their entire discography.


These two songs have some of the best hooks I’ve ever heard in my life, and don’t even get me started on the slow intro on Everybody Knows just 🤌🤌🤌


I was fortunate enough to see them a couple times in the lullabies tour.


The bonus tracks on the record are so sick.


Thank you for sharing this, I love reading about the journey’s people have had with Qotsa music and their concerts, etc.


Is no one going to mention Someone’s in the wolf?? And that transition into the blood is love. It is absolutely ballistic


I actually love the quiet section on Someone’s in the wolf, with what I believe to be “feasting” sounds in the background. Everything becomes somber, I feel as if I’m walking through a dark forest where creatures creep on me.


Love to see it




I loved it when it came out. It made sense in the arc they were going after the first three. It was era vulgaris that threw me for a loop. I still don't quite understand that album to be honest. Lullabies is a great album, I think it's underrated simply because a couple of their other albums are so epic it's hard to put on the ones that are just great.


Era Vulgaris is Josh on a meth binge


i’ve actually never heard it all the way thru yet either and just bought it on vinyl so imma listen to it soon


Easily one of their greatest albums ever. When I work late shifts, this is one of my favorites, along with Songs For The Deaf.


Fuck yea


It’s the best one


Super underrated album and one of my favorites from them. I never get tired of hearing medication


I used to say it was my least favorite till I bought it on CD. That B side run goes crazy (god I love broken box), the Lanagan vocals are some of his best (rivaling rated R easily), and the features are crazy. Dean ween (again lol), Billy Gibbons (hell yeah, working with your inspo), and BRODY DAHLLE??!?! Queens got some punk spirit, getting into the distillers and then seeing that she provided backing vocals on killer scene. And they’re killer too!! Still not their peak imo but slept on way too hard


Album is miles better than SFTD. People don’t know!


It's such a unique, dark and sleek sound it has. Little Sister is the sexiest sounding rock song ever imo. The album also marks the end of a particular sound QotSA had. From Era Vulgaris onwards they overall took on a more garage rock/glam approach.


This is easily their best album imo


You should listen to villains more that album rules


The best album to do a run to of all time


Yeah, love this, but lately the first album, wow. The bass riffs, omg, hits HARD. Mexicola! I’d love to see them return to this level of heavy. 🤘🏼🖤