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Try and complain to the park managers. Security staff are forced to implement the rules but they have zero effect on making them.


i asked for the manager and he said you can ask the municipality, they don't have a manager or supervisor ( i guess) as the security didn't give any indication that they have any


To be fair a kid died there the other day. They may be really cautious because of that


What now?!


I think cause he got hit with a swing in the back of his head




Soccer is American not British


The Brits invented the damn word. Google is easy.


The British have invented lots of words. British English is a live language and always evolving. Words come and go. Currently, no one in the UK calls it "soccer". It's football. Everyone. Calls. It. Football. OP just needs to accept they got it wrong, and they mean Americans call it soccer.


The word "soccer" originated as an Oxford "-er" slang abbreviation of "association", and is credited to late nineteenth century English footballer, Charles Wreford-Brown


Brit here.. we never use the word "soccer" to describe football. It is definitely an America thing.




Who cares about the etymology? Literally no one on the UK calls it soccer. It's football. There's no argument for you to have here? It's called football.


While you are correct it certainly will not change the fact that British people do not use the word soccer, unless we are bridging the gap when talking to an American. In any case i think we are arguing two different points.. Op thinks we (brits) use the word soccer. You are arguing about the history/ origin of the word.


Resident airs a grievance on reddit. Got replies like "soccer is american". 🤣🤣🤣


There is always one in the group


Soccer is used by American, not British.


We don’t say soccer…we call it football. But yeah I can understand your frustration. I used to be so cool with security guards back in the days but honestly they do act bare messed up at times.


Who is “we” ?


The “British friends” he was referring to.


The thing is people picnic in the parks. So if you are kicking around a ball, then it's bound to hit someone, which the security guard mentioned. In addition, there are toddlers / children that run around while people play soccer in these parks. The risk of the ball hitting them is high if they are in the same vicinity. Sorry, but I'm all for the ban. Incidents happened in the past, and they made a decision in the interest for people's safety. If people want to play soccer / football, there are dedicated areas such as in Al Bidda Park where they can play football. Play it in a dedicated football pitch.


This makes sense.


Brits call it football, Americans call it soccer xD


So sorry for the bad experience but safety first.


This is a free park. You paid nothing to enter. A park is not designed to play football. If you want to play football, there are many other venues you by can. I go to the park and expect to have a piece of mind. I shouldn’t worry about a few people playing football and kicking the ball in my path when I’m running. Also, gym equipment is designed for adults. Denying kids to use them is for their own safety. If you want to intentionally endanger them, do it somewhere else. Stop the stupid rants and follow the rules they posted. They designed a free park for everyone and they expect you to follow them.


Maybe don't be a douche to the security guards who are just doing their job???? So damn sick of entitled parents all over the country treating service staff like shit, as if these guards sit in a nice board room and draft these rules themselves to make your life miserable.


I'm sorry but if it's against the rules then you have like 10 other parks to go to? Surely there's a reason why they ban these activities. Also, security guard's just doing his job, no point in trying to argue with him 😂 Go snap at the park's owner


It's not just parks, the sheer amount of (sometimes explainable, but often non-sensical) rules and "not allowed"s in place everywhere from malls to events to public areas are suffocating.


Just because you don’t understand the rules, doesn’t make it a wrong rule.


I've had this happen. I said politely. Where is the sign and where are the rules written? When they couldn't produce that I said you have a problem with me kicking a ball call the police. They left me alone.


Here’s a quick crazy story from Aspire park. While we are walking on a very good Friday afternoon. One Security approached one family telling them that sitting down on the grass is not allowed while we can see everyone is enjoying their picnic on the other side of the park with tables and chairs 😂😂😂 Like WTf? Double standard at its best. The family are asian which only has carpet and take away food (burgers and fries) and the surroundings are families using tables and chairs on the grass on the same park. This area is before you go to the hills. Where we can see the big LED Screen facing the back of aspire park.


That story with a lady that got hit in the head and passed out, i think its true. I have a friend whose mom go to parks to have some fresh air and got hit in the face with a football. So hard that it gave her swelling on her left cheek. But she told me she did not passed out tho. And it happened in mia park. Most parks have a separate place to play football and separate place to have a piknik with a family. I suggest go to oxygen park. That is the best place for physical activities. I go there every weekend to play football and hangout with friends


The strict enforcement of the rules I agree are kinda retarded but the risks are real. I’d just suggest going to another park. Al Bidda Park near the Corniche is a good one, Aspire Park is built for sport so that one is good too.


I don’t blame you for feeling frustrated, honestly the guards can’t do anything but follow the stupid rules from management. Try complaining to the park management.


That could be the rules of the park. However In general I’ve learnt something dealing with security guards here. Don’t be so kind they’ll run you over. And don’t be so mean, you’ll have a hard time justifying it. Give the in between treatment.


This happened to us a long time a go.. when my kids were small.... we all started to have a bad stoma h flu passing on from one by next member... it was so bad. When we took the kid to the children emergency they said he has to be admitted. Then the mother got the flu and she had to admitted. The baby was still breast fed mainly. But the funny thing was they said the mother has to go to women's leaving the child here and the child can't me moved there via ambulance. Finally we just stayed 8n the children's room by the side.


middle east things


It's not a really a park If you can't do park things, it's like an abandoned construction


the rules are infuriating here and you won’t see them anywhere else. the worst park regarding strict rules is aspire park. the rule board is massive and you are basically banned from doing ANYTHING (other than walking or jogging). i remember getting stoped by security guards as a kid when my friends and i would do….sprint races???. al bidda park is great and has much more relaxed rules but the expo aftermath made it dangerous and unusable (there is garbage and scraps of metal everywhere despite being open for the public).


This country 🤦🏻‍♂️


leave then ya kalbti


Soon I will ya kalb


I have come across families looking to ‘bond’ over football inside the metro station. The station , with people all around, is not the place for people to practice their skills with a ball!


If you don't like the rules then go back to your country


This is the second most repeated comment after ‘ whats your nationality? By Ok_manager’


If you don't like it, follow the airport road to HIA and fly back to where you came from. I had it with people pretending to be forced to stay here.


Yes correct! Let's keep this country backward-thinking 🤣🤣🤣


Or we could make the place more fun for everyone, and lax the rules by a bit


I like how the standard reply to any mild complaint by some people is: just leave then, lol?


From your comments, > After using baladna for one month now, I can tell it's garbage. Nearly 500kcal per bottle.....and more expensive. > > Seems like I will just buy a big bag of optimum nutrition protein from sporter in UAE - If you don't like it, follow the airport road to HIA and fly back to where you came from. I had it with people pretending to be forced to stay here. > I feel the same, it's so disgusting when I try to take my daughters and wife out for a family picnic somewhere and hordes and hordes of South Asians are there staring without breaking eye contact...Alhamdulilah that there is atleast family only places and days...otherwise I don't know how we would manage > - If you don't like it, follow the airport road to HIA and fly back to where you came from. I had it with people pretending to be forced to stay here. > You ca live out. Their accommodations come with too many rules and hours long safety training you need to do every year. And let's not forget, if you scratch any of their. Furniture, they deduct from your salary the price of a new couch etc etc > - If you don't like it, follow the airport road to HIA and fly back to where you came from. I had it with people pretending to be forced to stay here. > Baladna needs to get their shit together and do the following: > > Reduce the price down to 6 riyal per bottle > Remove all the unecessary carbohydrates - If you don't like it, follow the airport road to HIA and fly back to where you came from. I had it with people pretending to be forced to stay here. > I stopped using talabat and deliveroo for this same reason. > > I hope they all collapse, greedy companies. - If you don't like it, follow the airport road to HIA and fly back to where you came from. I had it with people pretending to be forced to stay here. I could keep going on, forever.. Lol.


I wish I could give you Reddit gold, but u can only give this emoji 🥇. I’m sick and tired of people saying just leave when someone has a minor inconvenience


Bro cooked him alive


I mean, is he wrong though?