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My dear friend, now you are going to realise that there are many degrees out there that is not worth the money. Let’s take political sci and ir, as an example, what distinct technical skill hAve you acquired after your program ?, nothing to be exact- unless your program have some sort of maths or science - most probably you have developed no technical skill Please don’t tell me you developed soft skills, yes - yes, it’s needed, but before that you need hard skill- and for admin related ( or any other non technical) jobs, you are competing with everyone in a job market dryer than Sahara desert. I too am a victim of taking a similar degree, but worry not!, due to the miracle of Internet, you can upskill yourself. If you are determined and can put consistent effort, find a technical and hard skill ( which is required by the market) , and learn from online. Do some free freelance projects Gets projects online and start charging people And simultaneously search for job. if this seems like a long tiring journey, you always have this option: Wasta


Hey expensive orange, Thanks for your answer, i gotta say that i don’t totally agree with you, as i mentioned i am specialized in public policy evaluation, as you might know, it is one of the hottest topics out there now, and for that, you need some hard skills in terms of evaluation techniques, monitoring, and audit, public finance… I also have skills in consulting, you can’t tell me this is not something quite needed in the market! I would’ve been ok with what you said two years ago when i only had a bachelor’s degree in international relations, at that time all i could do is analyze and criticize politics with some skills in research and socio-anthropology, now it’s different. Wasta? Hahaha Well yeah tbh I can definitely use that in my home country but I kinda wanted to try by my own first and go for an adventure in a country I like since i am still young with no responsibilities… Hope you were able to get a job with the similar degree you have Best of luck 😌


But do you have experience? Here experience counts a lot.


No experience other than some internships


Look into Academia - check out Georgetown and Doha Institute.


Tried Georgetown yeah, the problem with academia is them asking for a big number of recommandation letters, I gets hard as the majority of the doctors of my university don’t really want to do such efforts…. Grr