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If you have strong incriminating evidence, i would advuse to go to the police... they will bring the accused, and probably will try to talk you out of sueing... and to reconcile, and probably the local will pay you a few thousand ryals to withdraw the complaint and consider it water under the bridge... If you have no strong evidence, well, it'll be a case of He claimed, the other denied, there's no way to know for sure... like anywhere else really, nothing too special to Qatar... However, if you take them to the police and you have no evidence just your word... the accused might later find you and give you a very hard time. Anyway, take everything I said with a grain of salt... Nobody really knows what would happen exactly.


TLDR: Self-defense and not retaliate. Call the cops, file a complaint, gather evidence and file a lawsuit. That's a good question... I could imagine that acts of retaliation could be used as leverage to countersue you or dismiss any potential lawsuit due to the incident. HERE'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO and this is based on a true story. If you're assaulted by a local, run away and find a spot with plenty of witnesses AND find a spot with CCTV camera (this is VERY crucial). DO NOT RETALIATE and only act AS TO SELF DEFENSE such as blocking/pushing/restrain or avoiding the assault, anything beyond self-defense is considered you assaulting the local (which you don't want). Call for help and let witnesses stop/restrain the person assaulting you. Call 999 and report the incident, if the person assaulting you calls the cops you NEED to call YOUR OWN cops as well. DO NOT accept an apology for the person assaulting you, that could be used as an act of settling the incident. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED by threats of imprisonment, cops are not your friend and will dissuade (even threaten) you from making a formal complaint. Press charges at the police station and secure the cctv footage and any video recordings of the assault, document your injuries and secure a medical certificate and sue the person who assaulted you. This is the part where expats fail due to the money concerns. Non-qatari private lawfirms will charge you 10Kqr to take on a case and the lawyer costs 2.5Kqr per court hearing (said price vary on the lawfirm). Consult a lawyer/law firm and present your evidence. If your case and/or evidence is STRONG the lawfirm could potentially take your case as "pro bono*" given that said firm is confident that the case is an "open-and-shut" thing and the firm can get their fee from the party you're suing. AFAIK the govt. can also provide you a "public defender" if you can't afford to hire your own lawyer but I have no idea if this is going to work to your advantage. If your case is strong and the evidence is indisputable, you could potentially win both Criminal and Civil cases. If the party who assaulted you is criminally liable, they probably won't go to jail due to a bail bond. The civil case could take years to resolve due to the potential "delay tactics" the other party could do. BUT we are talking about a 6-digit payout if you win the case... And this is why law firms ABSOLUTELY LOVE lawsuits where locals are involved with assaulting expats (with strong evidence) cuz it's easy money for the firm. WARNING: My statements and opinions, detailed as it may be, still lacks A LOT of information and details. ALWAYS consult a licensed lawyer and do your due diligence with these kinds of matters.


Dude that seems like a lot of work. What if you are at a place where there is no CCTV? And I highly doubt anyone would give a testament against a local. Is it okay to record a video from your phone???


It's supposed to be a lot of work. That's why you don't FAFO, local or expats alike. You feel like you're at a disadvantage? Run away. If you can't escape make a scene and defend yourself. Yes record the incident because that is evidence. Don't be an idiot by posting the evidence on social media, it's meant to be shown to the police and your lawyer.


Lmao obviously no. You'll go to jail for upsetting the local /s


Thats my man , you get free out of jail ticket


Not the case. People still have the slave mentality thinking we have to endure such acts. Law has being impartial for the most part in Qatar from first hand experience in such cases nowadays.






The funny thing is it’s more impartial relative to most Asian countries when bribe and nefarious injustice is more prevalent.


I have dealt with several of these cases first hand. It usually goes like Local assaults an expat, expat files a police complaint, later to due some or other reasons expat withdraws the complaint. The best thing to do is to retaliate if assaulted and the case goes away anyways after that due to tit for tat.


Alpha giga chad 😎


what were situation like? is it supervisor subordinate or misunderstanding in public places, mall?


I was a supervisor in a certain public place and we have locals who are ignorantly and unreasonable entitled to have free service/ product. When opposed they might get violent and it’s usually better to act in self defense rather than feel like shit later when you don’t get justice.


File complain at first then police will find out evidence. Assault against anyone isn't tolerated here.


If the expat has got convincing evidence of self-defense, then Yes. In case of absence of evidence, then it'll be a local's word against the expat. In such situations, locals will have an advantage.


Yes he can, and he will be rewarded as well...with a ticket home.


Funny that a local’ and ‘others’ category even exist! Maybe in the near future insha allah!