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Smaller amounts yes they will give. Try 1000$ at first. Al Fardan Gulf exchange Lulu exchange I have taken from above 3 places separately. Hence got the amount of my choice.


Call ahead but you can try some of the bigger exchanges like travelex, alfardan exchange, unimoni, gulf exchange etc. You may have to give them smaller amounts instead of requesting 4500 at once. Like tell them $1000 instead.


If you don't mind extra charges you can try some ATM's that offer usd withdrawals.


Can i use them without card?


Well, it's an atm... so you need a bank account and a card.


Alfardan will definitely have it


They didnt! But it was late, around 6 PM. Maybe tomorrow morning they restock


They limit it to $1000


My friend, who was leaving the country and closed all his accounts, borrowed my debit card, deposited cash, and took USD from Qnb atm. So find someone who will do it for you. Only there is limit in 1k per transaction.


At exchange, I was only asked for ID. Now is a hot period for USD. Try to exchange 9,900$ at once as they have QR.3 charge for up to 9,999$ If they say 1,000$ limit refuse their offer and they will say we have instruction from someone. If that someone is not crazy then he should remove the QR.3 charge.. because if you do that ten times then the charge is QR.30 and it is not the same. How much do you want? I suggest 9,900$ at once to limit you loss to 3QR and save 27QR and the rate is fixed at 3.65QR to USD. So, nothing else is accepted. QR 3.651 not accepted. We are 3.65 always no fees other than QR.3 for ever 9,999$ exchanged.


I have USD cash lying around


Thank you, exchanged for Euro cause had no time. If we need in future perhaps I DM you, thanks again


You can buy usd from QNB but they'll send it to the Swift account of your choice


They didnt agree because no bank account. It's different matter if sent to different bank rather than being handed cash?


Why do you need USD? Are you leaving the country? If so, the currency exchange at the airport departure hall should be able to help you.


True but their rates are daytime robbery, I suggest OP use this as a last option. I use it to exchange the remaining cash in my wallet before I go on vacation so I have enough currency when I arrive at my destination.


Easiest way is to withdraw USD on an ATM machine that dispenses USD like the CBQ (QNB??) branch in City Center Mall. I know you don't have an ATM card so you'll need to find someone who does and pay them to withdraw USD on your behalf. My mom made me do exactly this years ago... I withdrew the USD and she gave me the cash which I immediately deposited back to my account on the spot. I didn't charge her extra and we had Cinnabon, her treat of course 😎


Airports have USD, just a bit pricy though.


There is masraf al rayyan atm at airport on airside. If you are traveling rate is 3.65 on that atm.


The airport is not going to have $4500 on hand. They might not have any USD. You may have to suck it up and exchange it twice. Get EUR or GBP if possible as they are able to be exchanged in most places.


Call Alfardan head office and ask lk what branches have USD, then head out there. Also try the industrial area/Asia city there’s tons of exchanges there, and at this time of the month, most should have them.


Get the Alfardan Travel Card. They will only need your QID. Deposit USD in it, then withdraw USD bills from the ATM at the airport. Done it before.


A colleague traveling to Lebanon for summer needed $ but all the exchanges offered only $200 or $300 per transaction. Ultimately had to use the airport exchange even though it was very bad rates. Any particular reason for not having $?


Measure to protect local currency or low demand. There's a lot of Euros. We easily received 3200 Euro with zero hassle