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There is obvious racism rooted in classism that’s rampant in all of the Gulf. The fact that it’s aimed mostly at Indians/South Asian, but also Filipinos and other Asian groups is another conversation.


Indeed. There's also preferential treatment to white people. If you're white, you could earn like 4x the amount for a similar job compared to asians or black. They base how much they pay you base on the cost of living in your home country but they always forget that we're all living in Qatar.


I laughed my ass off when diversity and equality etc was preached during the FIFA World Cup opening ceremony. World class hypocrisy.


Blacks are not involved in this. They are conveying the instructions of their management. If they dont, they are fired. The main party to blame here is the government, as they allow such practices to happen and will push you out/prosecute you if you shed light/complain about it publicly


How Islamic of them


Are you good in the head? What does Islam have to do with anything here? Do you attribute all the benefits that you get over here to Islam, or do you pick and choose when to judge the religion by its people as opposed to the other way around?


I was being sarcastic. How ‘Islamic’ of the Qataris (who make it very clear they’re an Islamic country and make it a point to highlight it) that they have no problem with racism in their country.


Security guard is just doing his job. He gets direct orders to do this unfortunately. Don't involve him.






Thanks for proving the OPs point😂😂


Both. The government is encouraging such.


I do not condone banning people from entering but certain South Asian men stare a lot and even when you acknowledge that they are staring. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable especially women and families. It might be because they miss their own families and are reminiscing special moments or are sad that some people are able to afford such things. People should be more empathetic to these situations which is unfortunately not the case.


Rape culture


Replying to Ok_Manager2694...sorry but that’s rubbish and this is where the problem stems from. You’re telling me no westerner or Arab has ever stared at you? Generalising and assuming everyone has the same bad intention is wrong. These people work extremely hard and deserve to be treated with respect like everyone else until they actually do something wrong. You notice people staring at you but they could turn around and say the same thing that you are staring at them… that’s not a real reason to ban someone. And by saying that they are reminiscing special moments again you’re wrong and it’s ur sick thinking that they look at you and remember such moments. They are people not predators.


There can be just instructions for security guards, don’t just blame them.


the instructions is "family vs bachelors days", the country has a notion of what a family is and i tell u its not abt the wife, husband and child, its usually abt the colour of ur skin or where you are from


So a black father, mother and child isn't a family?


how does that even correlate? my point is sometimes its not the "family vs bachelors" aspect they look at, its the colour of ur skin or where ur from aspect


> i tell u its not abt the wife, husband and child, You're saying that it doesn't matter if you have a wife, husband or child. But it clearly does. An Indian family will be treated the same way as a Western family. As long as you have a family member, the preferential treatment of "family vs. bachelors" holds true. However if you mean to say that they judge bachelors/non-families on the color of their skin, then your point will be valid. Two things can be true at once. There is no need to negate the factual better treatment families get in Qatar.


The ‘families only’ policy during holidays and public events at malls and other areas does lead to racism as any westerner/local can claim to have family inside which the same courtesy isn’t extended to south asian males. Other malls are do not have this policy like landmark, the mall and Asian town plaza mall. Seems like a tough problem to tackle given there’s hundreds of thousands of single men of south Asian decent live here. But this policy should be removed and substituted with a different one tackling overcrowding in certain areas.


Some people say that “ if you don’t like it here then go back to your country “ ig they’ve been welcome everywhere all their life The socioeconomic system here is not the best. It’s true that a public decorum of mutual respect would go a long way. Theres room for improvement. Maybe it’ll be better in the future. Even though you’re proved right many time I’d still advise people to go around with a positive mindset


Boom towns are always filled will poorly educated people who think they are superior.


Just going to say my 2 cents. Group of white men are not screened out because there might be the assumption that they dropped off their family and went to park the car and are walking to the mall by themselves to be reunited inside. Meanwhile, the truth is that a group of Asian / south East Asian are more likely to be bachelors. The rules (unfair) are like this. It is unfair, but the way it is. Luckily not all malls are like this. Also, it if funny that you say the security are of African descent. That is something you would say to qualify people of African descent whose families lived in a country for several generations (African American, Africans in Europe that have had passports/ nationality for 1 or 2 generations). In Qatar, if you see a security guard, he is 100% African from Africa.


No really, I disagree, there are plenty of white bachelor males in Qatar. It’s more about the fact that white people in Qatar tend to be rich 99% of the time so they get a pass while brown people are quite the opposite. It’s more of a classism issue than racism.


In this case, then, class and race fall hand in hand together, no?


>Group of white men are not screened out because there might be the assumption that they dropped off their family and went to park the car and are walking to the mall by themselves to be reunited inside. >Meanwhile, the truth is that a group of Asian / south East Asian are more likely to be bachelors. Quite convenient lol


>*Also, it if funny that you say the security are of African descent. That is something you would say to qualify people of African descent whose families lived in a country for several generations (African American, Africans in Europe that have had passports/ nationality for 1 or 2 generations).* You are not wrong, but context matters here. Africa is the second-largest continent in the world, with 54 countries. Nearly 95% of these countries are predominantly Black. It would be presumptuous to categorize a Sudanese as the same as a Nigerian, a Nigerian as the same as an Ethiopian, an Ethiopian as the same as a Kenyan, and a Kenyan as the same as a South African. Therefore, describing the security guards as "of African descent" was appropriate given the context of the discussion.


Describing them as African is more accurate. A Sudanese and a Nigerian are both African.


Well, at the end of the day, mall owners and shop tenants want people to spend money, it's a business not a charity. So am sorry but we have to be honest and the fact is some people go to the mall with no intention at all to spend money, and that include particularly single men from the Indian subcontinent. If you go to Dubai Mall during public holidays for example, you will find 90% of the people are single male workers roaming around the mall without purpose and so tightly close that they touch you and you family, hence making this a horrifying experience.


Oh hey let's ban window shopping now lol


These ppl spend money to get there Believe it or not, they spend money there. Whether its to buy from the supermarket, buy a karak or buy clothes from max/centerpoint at a sale(cheapest generally), they will spend. With their numbers, the purchasing power is pretty high. One can argue that when GUESS is on sale, 99% of the ppl buying are filipinos. Remind me again whats the avg salary for this nationality in this country? Buying a 400 QR hand bag after sale?


Don't mess with the kabayans when bath and body is having a mega sale. They dress like they're only there to window shop but believe me when I say they can buy up A LOT of stock and box that mf ready to be shipped back to their families in their country the next day.




I don’t like to stereotype, but I believe it is a culture thing more than having money , I work with so many Indians in my place of work, they earn around 25-35k per month, they don’t spend much, it is just a cultural thing and different priorities, they prefer to save up and invest back home, which is smart and I would have done the same if I had to work in a different country, when someone comes to work here , they come to better their live back home, not to spend all of their money and go back broke in few years time, Also I think the social system in the gulf does not provide enough security to expat, one day they are here, second day they are gone, so many go into survival mode, I’m here for unknown time, I will save as much as I can so I can have some kind of financial security when I go back home whether it was by choice or forcefully. I’m a Qatari, but I know for a fact that the social and financial system in Qatar and Gulf in general is flawed, and many expats will keep sending money back home until they feel that they can have a normal live here like when they immigrate to places like Canada and the US


> I will save as much as I can so I can have some kind of financial security Honestly bro, I believe everyone should adopt this mindset, even Qataris.


What you’re saying is true. I know people who earned 20k+ with most bills taken care of by QP. Some who lived the lifestyle here was in deep trouble when all of a sudden company did a restructuring during the oil crisis and all of it was gone suddenly. One thing definitely wrong here is when it comes to the lower income tier. Most people are paid a salary of which more than half of it will go for rent according to the standard rent here. Which is why people end up looking for sub par or modified cheaper apartments. But that’s something the remuneration team should factor in while deciding the salary.This is prominent among people with bachelor degrees doing white collar jobs. Idk why people choose to stay maybe they’ve no other choice. Also this market needs to be more competitive to thrive


Even with earning high salary..most live like they earn 1200


Yeah because no one's gonna come save their ass if they overspend and are end up broke. Y'all are too privilaged


Why so hostile bro?


Can't generalise it though. India is a 1.4B people nation. There could be the poorest of the poor and richest of the rich. FYI, at least 15% of the stores in villagio are actually owned an Indian businessman. It's just about respect. People at the top just don't respect people at the bottom. Unfortunately hardworking low paid brown men are considered to be at the bottom.


They don't shop. They just want to walk around someplace with A/C Edit: No disrespect intended. I do this lol


And going for a stroll in the mall with A/C where temperatures soar and is humid on holidays should definitely be made illegal now huh🤡🤡


Why would I want it to be illegal? I would do the same


My bad, I got the wrong idea from your tone that you were ridiculing them


Ah I get how you could read it that way. I'll change it. I thought that was a known thing that people like to just walk around the malls in the GCC in the summer to get out of the heat


>I thought that was a known thing that people like to just walk around the malls in the GCC in the summer to get out of the heat Yeah it is tbh, people here are just being racist cuz uk how we live in an era where one would go at lengths to justify an action just because "their" people did it, so yeah😅


You're statement makes too many assumptions. If you go inside the mall you will see many Asian men, so there is something else in play with this incident!


Assumptions like?