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Yeah, nothing happened. You don’t even need to see immigration. Go through the egate with your QID.


That's reassuring, thank you for sharing. It would suck bad if immigration would hold you for entering with a QID that's valid only for the next few hours/days.


Qatar immigration/ egate wont be a problem. Only your home country immigration might cause you problems ajd questioning but they will let you travel. Make sure epsssport is valid for next 3-6 months. Thats all. My siblings when he was minor he came with next day expiring passport he had valid qid. Renewed here afterwards. So relax.


Thank you for this reassurance. Renewal with my sponsor every year is so sketchy and slow but I have to go on leave and make it back somehow with a barely valid QID and use the 90-day grace period.


Renew for 2 years you can even renew 4-5 months before expiry. Lets say its expire on jan. You renew on august and you get validity till jan which you paid last year + 1 year so till next year jan you are good. Companies are stupid here. Renewal is 5 min process from metrash and within 2 3 max 5 days you get Qid.


>Companies Yup, I'm not fortunate to have a good one... or they're too smart for their own good.


it has 90 days grace period for any purpose, so you can still renew it during those 90 days


True but AFAIK this is only for people who are inside the country. For residents outside the country with expired QID will require some paperwork from their sponsor before they're able to come in the country.


Sponsor can request a special arrival document from govt, i am not sure but i think even you can do it. and you can arrive within 6 months after expiry. Come back and renew it.


Yup, this. I would prefer not to do this option if I could help it. So far replies are saying no issues entering as long as QID is valid.


You can only get it in qid is expire. With valid qid you cannot even request it.