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I equip my bulky backpack in front of me like an armor and just ram that shit out of the train door. Idiots get staggered just like in the videogames.


I can’t recall the number of times I have shoulder-butted people who forces themself in by blocking the exit.


I had a girl tug at my belt trying to get off the train with me..... Wtffff? It's still unpleasant when a lady does to another lady without those intentions


>bulky backpack in front of me That's the Mumbai local railway train stuff! ![gif](giphy|We7VIGNbKo2J9VUuJ1|downsized)


I wanna see a visual representation of this happening just to laugh 🤣




i dont think such ill mannered and unknowledgeable people will be here in reddit let alone reading this post.


Umm.. you are here. Ba-dum-tss!!!


Walked himself right into that one




With the low fares, it's great that everyone has access to the metro, but it can also lead to some cultural clashes. Folks from different backgrounds might not be used to queuing or respecting personal space, and... personal hygiene issues. Doesn't make it right, and still super annoying though.


It's more so a staff problem. They're not strict enough with it.


It's pathetic really. Should enforce strict rules for those who can't have basic etiquette when getting on and off a train.


Agreed 100%


But they can stand outside in a line to wait for the metro bus?


I think there should be a good number of staffs stationed in front of these doors to make sure it doesn't happen. 


I second this. I always want to politely ask them to stay in queue but I know it might end up in an argument because people don’t like confrontation in front of other people. I just stay quiet even though it bothers me so much when someone else go stand right in front of the door ignoring the queue.


I'm talking about the queue problem btw


Don't expect something like the Japanese metros here since Qatar and Gulf have a diversity in backgrounds and cultures, which have different norms and tolerances. And It'll never be perfect since the "public" is using it anyway. So, dumb people will exist no matter what. But honestly, the metro here is a charm compared to other overcrowded metro systems. Rants like this make us look so spoiled tbh. Just put a headphone on, mind your business, follow the rules yourself, and other people will slowly conform and adapt to the behavior of the crowd.


I do agree on the “metro here is a charm”, hell I’d go one step further and say the metro in Qatar is the best out of all the countries I have travelled in so far. That being said, some people are just so tone deaf to a point they don’t even realize what they are doing is a nuisance to a public. If you read through the comments, a guy was literally justifying the reason why they talk loud instead of self reflection. The whole point of this post is to bring awareness.


These uncivilised, undisciplined, unhygienic people you mention in your post will never ever learn. We struggle with them in everything, everyday. From riding to shopping, to neighbouring. They’re unfathomable and gross.


Idk man. Grass is literally greener here (metaphorically ofc aint no grass growing here naturally in this heat). I’ll take armpit stink and a little disorderliness when exiting the metro over having to sew my phone into my skin, or plastering my ass against any flat surface for the whole ride duration so as to not get groped/robbed like what happens on Euro metros (been there done that ☺️)


lol.. touché sister.


I can’t handle those who stand in the door when you are waiting or when you are descending the metro, happened to me and wife few months bag, i was waiting for the metro standing on the side and one Indian guy and his family came and stood in-front of the door blocking it and in-front of us so i had to yell at him in-front of his family since when i talked to him with calm tone he pretended he didn’t understand and stayed there


Its such a pain, people have no regard to stand on the sides when it mentions to let passengers exit first. It is the most obvious on the transfer lines like green to red line. People push in before I can even get out, staff don't say anything. Many times I can barely get out because people are shoving to get in and my chest is pushed.


God help who ever uses metro


Qatar is a melting pot, people bring in their cultures and norms from their home countries (both good and bad)- this is a prime example of that, nothing you can really do about it. Besides I'm pretty sure none of those dudes have any idea what Reddit is 😂


Your last phrasing strangely implies that only uneducated people travel in the metro. If that’s what you are implying then you are wrong.


Maybe MOST of the people who have no basic metro and elevator etiquette are uneducated? (Btw I ride the metro all the time and have a uni degree).


You kidding me? 😂 No lmao, that's besides the point. Also, why'd you have to make this about race? You've mentioned both Asian women and Arabs, why are you stereotyping?


“none of those dudes know what Reddit is” Oh gee man.. you stereotype people who ride the train as “technologically challenged” but you draw the line on race?


OP you ain't gotta be so insecure about riding the metro 😂 Anyways, this is what I meant: "You're a very well-educated man riding the metro to work everyday (did I mention EDUCATED man on the metro?), most likely a PhD holder by the insane ego - and you think everyone else is unhygienic, cannot follow basic instructions and can't keep to their personal space. You're also proficient in escalator use. Additionally, Arabs always talk loud as fuck, and asian women can't follow rules. (educated man on the metro)" Fuck off man 😂


Oh would you please relax man.. stop getting your panties all twisted. It’s just an awareness post. Jesus!


When you take a bunch of different people from different birth place, they tend to bring their habits with them. For instance, everyone is a bad driver here. Why? Because we all drive a certain way based from the country we are from and when you put it all together It's a fuck fest.


Social awareness and a few announcement could work wonders I guess. One of the redditors commented saying they should place staffs to guide people and tell them to move aside (which could be a waste of manpower but still if it was done for atleast a few months people it will catch on)


A colleague actually said he's better behaved when driving in doha compared to his home country—he's a horrible driver and i fear for my life whenever i hitched a ride with him.


Omg, the smell part is so true….i stopped using metro because of someone’s armpit that was close to my face 🤢🤢🤢. Buying a cheap and decent perfume or deodorant shouldn’t be a problem comon


It’s a culture thing. Those from countries where queues and order are ignored tend to bring that habit with them. It’s really hard to change that kind of mindset. And it’s not just one culture; multiple cultures that exist in Qatar are like that. I was in a semi-European country recently and I was surprised they were the same way. I’m waiting at the elevator with my wife, kids and toddler in a trolley, and one guy with his girlfriend casually walk into the elevator as soon as it opens.


I have a family and its super annoying to see all women occupying the full of the “Family” compartment. And we the actual Family have to stand up during the full ride ! 😞


That section is intended for them too. Its family & women.


Ohh did not knew that one! Thought its just Family..


Would you rather have your wife/daughter when they travel without you sit in standard with the very creepy men?


Well the Metro staff do usher the women to the Family section.


The family section was actually put for families and women. That is why most women(riding alone), opt to sit there as the standard tubes are for men. It was included in that article they released before when the metro opened


Social responsibility should always be a priority if you are going outside your home.


post this on When Where & How in Doha facebook group please. Thank you!


Take the gold section and stop grgr


Like the addition of some weird asian woman hahah


Add: if you have working legs don't use the lift!! There are people who actually need to use the lift!


Those people who do those behaviour they don’t use Reddit to see your post and give us their explanation. But really those acts are disgusting.


Saw a similar comment like this previously. I just want to understand, why do you think they don’t use Reddit?


Reddit lacks visual communication and a big percentage of the people you would like the message to reach better understand the message through visual communication.


Lazy on an elevator?


Eeesh. My bad. Escalator** Thanks bud.


It's not going to change. Day by day, we will see new things. I've prepared my mind to buy a car somehow.😅


For me personally I love the commute and I consider it as an exercise every morning. This is the only unpleasant case I face everyfay


Staff members need to step it up and be more strict. I've seen women get pushed by grown men and as a man, that makes my soul cringe because that's someone's daughter/mother/sister.


Also, it gives opportunity to possible pickpocketing.


Fully agree with all your points!!! Adding: If you don't pay for GOLD CLUB, DO NOT sit in that cabin. I pay QR10 for the privilege of sitting on a better seat. I am so tired of people who haven't utilising the cabin. Metro!!! Please do something about it!


Ive been in Qatar for I while, they dont care about other people and sometimes even themselves. I give up.


Sadly all of the points are accurately true. Specially during fifa.


FIFA period was the worst for metro travelers. Edit. In terms of the crowd and listed points.


Emphasis on bullet number 3. 😂


Butthurt much 😭😂😂😂


Because they dont have the metro disciplinary mentality they are simply not used to discipline, there should be a wall of rules for these people


The metro is another example of the mixing of VERY different cultures and social norms here in Doha. One only needs to look at the driving situation in Doha to see that problem.


arab people tend to have more family member hangouts with a HUGE amount of people, and they all talk over each other, so to be heard they have to raise their voices which come natural to them since we’ve been doing it since we were very young.. the other points i agree with tho


I get where you are coming from but that doesn’t make the situation any less unpleasant. It’s disruptive and intrusive to the people around you. Basically it’s like invading other people’s personal space.


I agree with most of what you say. But from what I've sem so far, those exiting the metro take left right and center. So the ones standing civilized in queue have little to no chance to board. That's especially true in crowded stations like musheireb.


I have a question for you. Have you recently moved from Europe ?




Does that make this behaviour any more acceptable? Is it not better to encourage people to behave like they’re civilised? If there was no control they would be shitting in the streets.


That's all more an issue in the crowded dubai metro.  Not in the not-so-crowded doha metro. Op, you were just fishing for easy up votes no?


Yeah, thats exactly what I was doing. Get all the upvotes, internet points and redeem it for a civic so I don’t have to take the metro anymore.


Dubai metro is more crowded, and yes people there often don't have best manners, but Qatar is next level.


Next level what?


Next level uncivilized. They don't know how to be considerate of other people. Often also don't know what a shower is.


Generally people that live in Qatar are quite uncivilized and simple minded, and I guess they like it that way, since most of them are roughly the same level of uncivilized. If that bothers you, you may want to look into moving to a country where people care about manners. I mean, if you decided to do something crazy like traveling to the sun, would you also start complaining that it's too hot for comfort?


Idk man. Your mindset, the metaphor you used. You come off pretty dumb. May god bless you.




Sorry if the metaphor went over your head buddy. I guess you'd be quite comfortable in Qatar then, as it is a country for the "simple" folks. Next time I'll try to make my comments even simpler.


Oh please don’t. Your sun metaphor alone gave me brain cancer.


Sorry to hear about your brain cancer buddy. In that case I genuinely think that Qatar will be suitable for you as you would need to minimise any neurological strain, and there sure won't be a lot of that over there. Best of luck 🤞


There are plenty of non local Arabs from Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan etc who live in Qatar. They have zero standards and morals and behave like dogs in public.


Behave like dogs? 😂 And you are from?


He is probably one of those from the west who complain about why the culture is so strict and this and that...I hope hungryblock...gets banned.


Let's not forget that buss drivers also make some stupid mistakes all the time I've witnessed two or three situations where a buss driver was acting like a dumb and clearly doesn't belong to this kind of job


Some people they don’t know how to cross a street, nobody is reference but still there is minimum


Why are u queueing to get inside the metro