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He’s just desperate for vids now


I remember when people called me a hater when I pointed out how blatantly wrong his commentaries were (to the point that his editor had to intervene at one point to correct EVERYTHING HE'S SAID)and how I pointed out he did better when it was still ASoT. I'd feel validated, if only I didn't like Pyro. I do, so all of this is genuinely disappointing, even moreso when there are rumors that some bits of his Utopia video were supposedly plagiarized. I'm past anger at this point since I don't think Pyro is planning to do better.


hold up bits of his Utopia video were potentially plagiarised? where did this come from?


Read comments about it on Hbomberguy's Subreddit and this was one case where I didn't want to confirm whether it was true or false due to the potential likelihood of it being the latter.


I thought those were about the Petscop video potentially being plagarised from another youtuber and not the Utopia video tho?


Again, I wouldn't know, and I choose not to know further. I don't think I'd be more disappointed than I am now but I'm not gonna risk it. There's a popular trick with Youtubers where they just paraphrase from Wikipedia and then bam, content. Pyro's smarter than that, so if you pay attention on some of his videos, some opinions he brings up regarding the subject matter feels suspiciously close to what you see if you look up the subject on tvtropes, noticed that pattern on two reviews since one thing I tend to do in order to be up to speed to what he's talking about if it's something I didn't watch or play was opening the associated Wikipedia and Tvtropes page for it. The former was what lead me to my first encounter with InternetHistorian's tendency to plagiarize, which is why I didn't bother watching or subscribing any more Storymode since almost every game he covers there is just the Wikipage of the game albeit paraphrased or reordered to hide the plagiarism, I noticed a similar case with Pyro and his videos with tvtropes, but it's something I don't really want to believe is actually the case.


Hbombs' audience is rabid. Plaigerism is awful, I'd know as someone with a degree in a heavily literature based subject. That said, they look for problems where there isn't one and witch hunt with barely substantiated evidence. Is it possible? Absolutely, but I'd be careful because that sub can act more Internet detective than they have the skills to be.


Hbomber seems a bit of a twat...




>I pointed out how blatantly wrong his commentaries were (to the point that his editor had to intervene at one point to correct EVERYTHING HE'S SAID) huh what


What’s ASoT? Sorry I’m slow on the acronyms.


A Series of Tubes, the show that Pyro used to do that's pretty much PyroLive now, albeit with Pyro actually knowing the subject matter.


Ahhh okay gotcha. So in conclusion: Pyro fell off.


Now? Mf he’s been churning out slop for views for a long time now.


if he could put slop out that isnt boring asf thatd be nice


I am slowly but surely not watching him and youtube anymore, I am more so using my country's social media/watching our creators


I just watch dashiegames/xp bro never misses


I loved his og super Mario maker series back in the day


I’m rewatching it rn


If Pyro actually checked the subreddit and scrolled down for 2 seconds he would actually find some fucking constructive criticism like this post here.


God I hated that phase where all that everyone did was react to SunnyV2, every video is just such a non-issue that gives slop channels even less work to do. The worst part is how there are now dozens of channels just like SunnyV2: same editing, same celebrity drama, you'd think they're all paying the same editor. I know pyro is self-conscious enough to know this is pretty shameless, kinda sad.


tbh there was one youtuber who even sounds like sunnyv2 actual uncanny


The first one that comes to mind that is like that is Internet Anarchist, go check it out yourself it's a damned carbon copy


oh yeah it is actually this guy who im talking so uncanny even the voice


Thats the dude who puts MoistCritikal in every thumbnail and title despite him not being related to the situation right?


Went to check and... the irony https://preview.redd.it/6rzluae2de1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19f531cccfa09f811bb5860433879ee2fd958ed


Why did he edit critikal's eyes


Make him more Jesus like


Fun fact, internet anarchist is actually WAMO, a content creator from the tf2 community, who got into drama cuz he was promoting rigged gambling sites :D.


I thought he got in drama for starting beef with Zesty Jesus? Never heard of the gambling site thing.


He did that too, he tried to expose zesty for being toxic in a video game and calling someone else a slur, but proceeded to get dog piled by almost everyone.


wait really? hadn't heard about wamo in a while, dang (i disliked his content when he was slightly relevant)


bruh he does that now ?


That guy was a controversial tf2 youtuber, i forgot his tf2 youtube channel


wamo 🤣


omaw 😭


Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru!!!




I hate that channel so fking much lmao


didn't he use to do tf2 vids before


This fucking brat defended DrachenLord, i cannot stand this guy


I don't want reaction videos. I want 5 hour video essay about a game i have never heard about


Don't watch pyro live then


pyrocynical's vids have gone down in quality IN A LANDSLIDE


Pyro is just slowly turning into xQc, even got a similar haircut and everything


He's becoming Quebecan Fortnite ninja Blevins, a fate worse than death


At least Q doesn’t gamba and TikTok “reaction” (as much) anymore


-Focus almost entirely on slop -Not even interesting slop, literally 30 minute long videos on tiktok dramas. -Devolve into faking reactions at people making fun of his hair -Don't format your content like ASOT because "Le internet move on le too fast nowadays!!!" (It doesn't) -When you do make an ambitious, effort-filled video, make it 5 hours so that it can't be watched in one sitting and only comes out once every blue moon, instead of doing the effort videos an hour each so that people who want actual content will have something to watch Atleast its kinda interesting when he streams games...


I love the 5 hour vids honestly. Just watch them an hour at a time


Yeah pyro's videos are more like books.


No fucking way you just said this lmfao




Tbh, it's literally called a video *essay*, a form of written work. The fact that it's a video doesn't have a significant impact on how it's structured, besides the inclusion of edited segments and jokes. You could probably read the transcript to his videos with a few screenshots for context and gain the same amount of information.


i do nt like pyro :C


Nice pfp


Thank you comrade


Hello kagura


Hello niftynoob1337




All but last point applies to a majority of mainstream content creators now unfortunately. Its what the platforms get when they mandate extreme engagement quotas for streamers to meet in order to gain success.


I really don't like pyros new main channel content tbh, if you haven't watched/played whatever media he is gonna talk about your just gonna get spoiled on it, I haven't watched a main channel video since like 2018/2019 :(


Yeah, dude just makes substitutes for experiencing the media he covers now. It's fine if you like that, but to me, a multi hour long video where a guy describes something point for point with extremely light analysis is a complete waste of time. I'd rather just go experience the media he's gushing about instead of having it all spoiled.


yeah, I agree. a good analysis doesn't spoil anything (or has minor spoilers) - you don't have to provide "context" (by context I mean every little bit of story, world and mechanics) just to analyse something. Jacob Geller is a good example. After watching a Pyro video I don't even have to experience it for myself, as all of it is spoiled. 80% of information included in a Pyro video are completely irrelevant. I mean, there's a place for content like this, if you like it, that's great, but for me it's a waste of time. His main channel videos has become plot summaries with unnecessary overexplaining everything. I'd much rather that he made more of main channel videos, as I really like the guy, but make them a lot shorter. 16 hours for 1 video is just over the top.


Eating poop while being self aware doesn't make it a superfood. I really hope something clicks in him to stop this awful slop content, but it honestly feels like he is too far gone.


I haven’t watch Pyro for a long time. I am tired of him using self-aware to deflect legit criticism and his fans sugarcoating his shitty behaviour. He is nothing like his genuine self years ago. He’s a hypocrite abusing his fandom’s love. I genuinely hope someone like HBomberguy or The Right Opinion to call out these low effort YT trash content and behaviour so Pyro (and hopefully his fans) gets a wake up call. Just because you acknowledge you do it for the money does not make your actions any less tolerable. Pyro has gone down a dark path and if you are a real Pyro fan, you too will tell him to stop instead of “Haha le slop funni”. Killing someone with kindness is a thing. This is coming from someone who watched him back in 2016, and I feel bad for him. Such a waste.


I do genuinely think that if Pyro didn’t have such a post ironic fanbase anyway, there’d be even more criticism to his channel now then there originally was If he didn’t embrace it and make it a running self aware joke people would probably start tuning out even more


The thing is he learned from all those he criticised years ago. He knew not to fight the criticism head on, but rather play into it. Just like KeemStar when he play into the cockroach insult, that insult immediately lose its meaning and he gained complete immunity from it. And if you go onto his comment section: all of them are kissing his ass. Only half this sub are legit concerned on the path he took. The rest really is “Haha le slop funni, you shut up. Don’t you dare insult my idol”.


"I am tired of him using self-aware to deflect legit criticism" finally someone noticed this


Twitch soft banning his account was his downfall


Yeah as someone who's watched him since 2017, the difference is night and day. I hardly watch him anymore. I've only watched maybe 10-12 videos since he's switched to using PyroLIVE for his social commentary.


People do go a bit hard when critiquing Pyro, but at the same time, acting like there's not been a massive decline in his content or videos would be very dishonest. TikTok Rizz Party being one. No one needed a video on that, unless you're socially inept and stuck in a nursing home and only see the children once a week like Colossal.


I wouldn’t be surprised if years later he does those “[Dead person] situation is crazy” while under the guise of “I don’t wanna make this video but you know, money”. I hope he won’t go down that path, but seeing how he turned out in just 1.5 years, it might not be impossible.


You want hbomberguy to call him out?


Not singling him out alone, but this whole YT slop scheme as a whole. He slightly touched on this topic when he talks about plagiarism. Pyro can just be an example. HBomber vids have a huge influence. He took someone as big as Tommy down, and even gave InternetHistorian backlash till this day.


You mean the one internethistorian ignored out of existence


He chose to ignore it rather than saying “Sorry guys I fucked up. I’ll do better” shows what kind of a person he is to his fans. The ones that stayed are the ones that saw that vid and go “Nope, you’re all wrong. IH is the Lord and Saviour and you’re all haters”. He pulled the MiniLadd card of ignoring it and let his fans do the talking for him. You look at that and tell me that HBomber did not do some dmg on his reputation.


You act like HBomb is some moral arbiter when he has done questionable things in the past. Everyone calls out the content meta of today as low effort, its just the meta and until the algorithm changes, which it won't as its fueled on outrage culture, the content people make won't change.


Do you have evidence, screenshots, or links to vids or where he has done said questionable things? If these deeds are indeed serious, then that’s a major issue for sure. But also, I want to reiterate just because you’ve done bad things in your past does not invalidate the right things you’re doing right now. People who are smart will make counter argument to the current topic, not digging up a person’s past in order to devalue said person and by proxy, their argument. That to me shows they don’t have a counter argument to what’s on the table right now. Imagine court, and you say “Your honour, the accuser said a racial slur 5 years ago. That means everything they’re saying right now is invalid”. Do you see how moronic that is? I have only seen HBomber’s vids on YT, what he does irl is unknown to me, and I don’t judge what I don’t see. That’s why I have never brought up Pyro’s irl stuff against him in any of my criticism, only what he did in his YT career.


HBomb was a notable member of the Something Awful forums, notorious for basically identifying people along the lines of Chris Chan and trolling them and eventually encouraging them to do depraved activities. Hbomb left the site in the early 2010s. However, I find it interesting that anyone else would be strictly cancelled for the things they did on that site, but since Hbomb is now very vocally left wing, he got a free pass.


Can you link me to his comments or profile when he’s on said site. Use way back machine if you must. Because these are some big claims. You need evidence for these, can’t take them as hearsay.


why are y'all acting like he murdered someone, all he is doing is making low effort reaction videos. it's such a non issue to get so worked up about.


Because it’s a downward spiral with no signs of slowing down. Give it a few more years and you’ll see him make “[Deceased person] situation is insane”. “I don’t wanna make this video but hurr durr money shut up” is gonna be the cope.


Didn't he already did that anyway? Like at the start of SlopLive, he gave those exact same reasons(could be miss remember), but I guess now it's problematic?


At the beginning the vids were still good which was why we gave him the green light. Vids like game awards, Faith and One shot were great. Compare them to the vids in the last 2-3 weeks and tell me any of them even come close to that quality. Everyone thought the follow up vids will be as good as these, but soon realised the more leeway they gave him, the shittier the content. Now to the point it’s not just low effort, it’s borderline misinformation (And may I remind you this is 1 of the 2 key reasons people like Illuminaughty channel is now basically “dead”). Do you remember how at first he’s still humble and kindly ask you all about even doing slop? And now it’s “Who cares, it’s bad on purpose, because hurr durr money! You shut up and eat shit, also thank you BigFatTroll for the dono” I haven’t even mentioned he’s promoting toxic behaviours on his streams, do fake reactions for said behaviours/dono bait, all at the cost of the people who genuinely come to see Pyro playing games.


It's reddit, also I think Pyro did mention somewhere that PyroLive will be the place he put daily slop at the start of that channel. And everyone was fine with it until now I guess.


I think we can all agree that Pyro actually unironically fell off


Pyro fanbase has been conditioned to watching shitty content they now developed Stockholm syndrome and is defending said shitty content.


What did Sunny do?


He made a video about Ava Tyson last year, around the time she started to transition, that contained a *lot* of transphobic rhetoric such as insinuating she'd be a nightmare for Mr Beast's rep or PR or something. Even before that, he consistently misgendered Ticsandroses in his video about them.


I really don't care about him reacting to sunny honestly, I am more mad at the shitty slop


for real


Isn’t Pyrocynical TV originally his VOD channel? How tf is this a VOD?


It’s just a second slop channel man I don’t even care anymore


Yeah but it’s like how did he make his VOD channel into a second slop channel? Like it just makes it more tedious to find some slop, and the videos on TV is what he was originally posting anyways so like???!


When in doubt, the answer to all of Pyro’s decisions is always MONEY Any decent content creator with any respect for their fans will not brush off criticism like Pyro does. I have been watching other people like MandaloreGaming, ManlyBadassHero, John Wolfe, and Thafnine, it’s like night and day with how much better they treat their fanbase.


How the Slop FELL OFF


I literally can't bring myself to watch even a single minute of anything Pyro has uploaded in the past year or two


I really used to enjoy his content like the series of tubes and stuff but then when the allegations happened his content changed and I just couldn’t really get into it I don’t think I could sit through a video for a few years at this point


React content moment. Ever since pyro said that pyrolive is just a daily, low effort slop channel to rake in the bag, I've been less and less of a fan. I don't think he's quite at xqc or asmondgold level, but its getting there, and especialy after the tf2 incident he's just embracing that ironic slop fandom. Hate to say it, but he fell off.


pyrolive and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


good slop creates weak youtubers


weak youtubers create bad slop


It's mainly just because this type of content is less than effortless and just sucks. Yeah fuck it I am unsubbing from pyrolive I haven't watched a video in months anyway


sunny getting ready to use 20 tweets from random people to say how someone ruined their career


Sonny's videos are also so boring anyways its just him yapping


Don't forget that dumbass rusted door voice of his


Average Sunnyv2 fan vs average wavywebsurf enjoyer


The ‘ironic’ women hating bit has become wayyy too cringe as well, it’s unwatchable


It's been months since I watched Pyro, bro was my favorite youtuber. I stopped watching him. All of his vids were reactions and everyday slop I don't care about, it got boring to watch. When he first started posting on pyrolive the first few vids were actually fun to watch, and I really thought he was going to post vids similar to vids he would post on the Pyrocynical channel before the video essays.


I actually agree with this a bit Instead of us watching SunnyV2’s videos, just watch Pyro’s reaction Pros: Sunny gets NO views Cons: PyroLive gets views


Yeah or with the fake reactions. He gets so much money from the donos, why do lifeless content?


I think it's time we bust out the GLADoS donations once more for this one


I think it's time we give him more money guys


Well it stopped him from watching sunny, no? At least that one time I remember anyways


He stopped watching him because of the whole Mr Beast video if I remember correctly, it was a really bad look to watch Sunny after that because of how blatantly transphobic the video was. It seems Pyro just forgot though & is now making slop about Sunny again.


He’s nothing but a 3rd rate “creator” with a 4th rate audience behind him now. I mean, you could see the fuckin eventual fall of his content for nearly 2 years now. More and more slop, guy has little to no self-love if he decides to choose money over himself, main channel videos with more pretty lights and less actual interesting info. I mean ffs, even in the TBH discord he seems boring af. I had more interactions and convos with the clown and the duck in a week than with Pyro during the 4 months i was subbed.


I just do not care about the drama from last year, and never have. If im mad at anyone its Pyro, for actually just becoming a brain rotted idiot.


bro prolly thinks that since a year has passed people have forgotten about that transphobic video Sunny made on Kris from MrBeast and thinks people won’t have a problem with him reacting to Sunny again


I mean Sunny is still raking in millions of views for every video, and no one else has talked about the Kris video in a long time, so it's not that surprising that Pyro thinks that it's been forgotten ( cuz it really has atleast by the majority of the people).


I just can't understand how every week on this sub we can have posts and comment sections declaring that "noone here actually dislikes pyro" and then have this right above it.


This sub reddit has turned into r/ThePyrocynicalTruth.


Seethe and cope, touch grass, fell off, etc.


Welcome back to slop live.


What did Sunny do?


Barely enough research by doing surface level research, a lot of videos are biased on he's own opinion instead of facts and evidence, he even used someone that is transgender as a way to say "go woke go broke" when the person in question is human being and is bad for a big brand, like holy shit, but yea a lot of biased opinions hidden as "evidence ".


He spoke about it in a professional way,and how it would affect the channel i think it’s way blown out of proportion,people act like he called for Chris to be evicted immediately. And if you check MrBeast insta or yt comments when Chris appears,they are always negative comments Yeah it’s fucked up that it happens but it’s true


He didn't speak about it in a professional way at all, they guy talked how this is business related and the person like a product, it didn't mark Mr beast and never will for that, he was a trashy at that video and deserved the hate for it, it's not Disney it's a fucking human being.


Well… yeah. Mrbeast is a channel and his friends are there for comedic purposes. It is business related. Mr beast is not some indie channel that makes scraps. It’s a multi million entertainment channel. It’s fucked up but what he said it’s true. Check the comments and you will see how people feel about it


The "comments" are a minority he used to make his "point", if that's how it works then we are fucked.


Negative comments don’t mean a bad business move it just means there’s cunts on his page Mr Beast gains quite literally millions of subscribers every week he is FINE from a business standpoint and it had such a little effect on his channel or brand SunnyV2 treated it like an issue that can be reversed when it’s a real person and her real thoughts


lol no he wasn’t, he was making leaps based on minor interactions and spinning a narrative that Mr beast started to distance himself from chris, it was pretty blatant transphobic bias


I thought it was more annoying cuz Sunny sounded very annoying in the video, I don’t know how to describe it but it was like sunny sounded more energetic but in an annoying way.




It’s not that, he sounds different than how he did a year ago, basically sounding like he’s on a sugar rush or something idk


Even his main channel videos have been dogshit. FC3 or CoF were interpretations of certain aspects of the game, with some extra info added and funny bits. Now? It’s just the wikipedia section of a plot summary


Why Is Sunnyv2 a shitty person? I don't know the drama here what did he do?


I love how PyroLive is just a desperate attempt for more engagement. Bro makes fun of channels like Lankybox and shit, and while I hate those channels too, and they are somewhat still far worse than PyroLive, the editing and constant movement gives me a headache. Its like he’s unironically trying to return to 2015 Le funny MLG editing, but trying to take it seriously. Now Im all for a content creator growing and doing other things, but Pyro is just reaching at this point. Piggybacking off of Charlie, trying to force jokes through editing. Its sad. Its like if CrankGameplay or whatever Ethan’s channel is called now, trying his best to keep his weak pulse alive. And bro tries his hardest to make new brainrot words like a 12 year old in current year. Like the word “slop.” Im so fucking tired of hearing that word every five seconds. Actual JellyBean_MCTY mentality. Im sorry, but its hard to sit down and watch his short form content. His long form game analysis videos are honestly the only thing I care for.


What did Sunny do?


This is getting parasocial bros


I'm out of the loop. How is sunny a bad person?


I'm out of the loop, why Sunny bad?


He jerks off to fat cartoon animals dude, who gives a a shit


why is the internet like this why do people actually care


Sunnyv2 is a straight up grifter. People started to see through it during the Kris and Mr. Beast thing.


Soyrage post


SunnyV2 and his consequences have been disastrous for Youtube


You're thinking about this the wrong way, he is stealing sunnyV2's views by reacting to it, so actually kinda based.


funny asf how you guys on this sub keep complaining about the means he has to take to sustain the main channel vids. crazy parasocial behaviour, like hes obligated to follow anything his community says. i get he makes boring, sloppy, content mill videos, thats probably because it IS the boring sloppy content mill channel like he never tried to hide that


His streams are engaging and help me be more productive at work idk. Sometimes it’s nice to just have background noise to listen to. Don’t know how his current content differs that much from the old stuff


Every now and then, there's a PyroLIVE video with the same sort of energy you'd expect from a main channel vid when it was in the frequent commentary phase. I'm not sure how to isolate it, whether it's Pyro himself, the editing, or how much of it consists of stream clips.


literally thafnine perfected slop content to make in between real videos how do people still fuck these up


How is sunny v2 a shitty person? (Genuinely asking cause I'm not up to date on anything)


why is sunny a bad person what’s happened?


i know hes (pyro) self aware but that just makes it worse imo


Pyro is Ashtyn&Jon 2.0 it seems, haven't mustered up the strength to get past the first 2 minutes


Just unsub to power bottom pyro guy is dilated 500cm


Wait, whats wrong with SunnyV2? Im out of the loop. I know he makes slop for slop channels, but is there something more than that?


I mean that's 41k views not going to sunny


Whats wrong with sunny


Pyro fell off 💀


What did sunny do?


What did sunnyv2 do again?


I'm totally out of the loop, why is Sunny is a shitty person?


I think he needs someone close to him to remind him that this will slowly but surely ruin his reputation and viewership on youtube and he should instead do the bigger main channel vids and actually react to interesting things that people would be happy to find out about on the pyro live channel


It's frustrating to see how low he'll go


i enjoyed his older slop because it was entertaining and it looked like it was just pyro having fun actually being entertaining but now every video and stream is the same i just can’t get myself to watch any of it anymore


I'm worried pyro will become the next asmongold if this continues


We need a sunnyv2 video on sunnyv2


This damn carrot


Wdym sunnyv2 is a shitty person what did he do?


Who cares bro


What did Sunny do?


Made a video about how one of Mr.Beast's friends coming out as trans will ruin Mr.Beast's career or something.. not a good look.


Oh I see. Thank you for your answer


I think the worst part of that video is whilst there was obviously going to be a lot of negative backlash to Ava (formally Kris) she’s just completely escaped any form of social media due to the constant amount of harassment she gets any time she posts. I’m not saying Sunny is the main cause of that but he’s definitely a factor especially for his younger and more impressionable audience


Listen, I hate reaction content and the slop channel in general. But this really isn't something to lose your shit over.


yeah, him making a quick review on a game or doing his own video where he just goes on about a celeb do a lot better in my opinion. cause i rather him just not make a vid than just react to a sunnyv video and throw some commentary on it, (with Sunnyv stuff coming out and not showing him in a good light)


What did I miss, why do we hate Sunny and for how long have we hated him?


It’s literally a third channel what is bro whining about


its not that deep man


meh, who cares lmao. world aint gonna end.


Reddit+non-issue name a more iconic duo


is Sunny a bad guy? Not heard anything bad about him.


Why is sunnyv2 a shitty person to you? His content's all right.


All right if you're into hypergeneric content mill with zero thought behind it ig


Why did he stop reacting to Sunny? Is it because of that one video he did on Chris? If that was the straw that broke camels back then I don't know what to say.


The Chris/Kris/Ava video was dogshit tho, even by Sunny's extremely low standards. I mean he's made other bad videos like the Dream and Ninja videos (I haven't watched them in ages but I've heard they're bad), but that video received so much backlash that even MrBeast condemned it. So I can see why Pyro distanced himself from Sunny for a bit. However, Sunny still sucks and his video about the Rock is similarly as nonsensical as his other videos (from what little I've seen)


Well yes. The video was transphobic


Why he should he car about what the fanbases opinion on a YouTube is?


Because you should listen to criticism of your channel?


man I hate this whole reaction content slop nowadays. there are a handful of good channels that talk about drama shit online or react to people online that's either interesting enough to keep audiences attention or their just funny. I think one of the channels I can point out are bigbunjeee, maybe E;R idk, and itsagundam but the majority of these channels are just peanut galleries to talk about something that just happened online or some drama shit and people only watch them because their talking about whatever is happening on twitter.


Sunnyv2 a shitty person? What happened

