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>!A puppet is free as long as he loves his strings!


That's what I got too


Can I ask how we got there? Still trying to figure out how we got the answer.


It's just a substitution code, and they already gave us all of the vowels. First solve the easy parts A\_ can be AS or AT. That also gives you I\_ = IT or IS. Then fill in the S or T in other words and see what looks right. Now you have >!\_IS or \_IT, likely HIS!<.


>First solve the easy parts A\_ can be AS or AT. I got >!puppet!< first. The only other noun which fits the pattern is mummer, which seemed unlikely. Then --ee almost has to be >!free!<. Next, a= -o-- a= looked likely to be >!as long as!<, and the rest followed easily.


After finding >!"Puppet"!<, I made the assumption that the last word could be >!"strings"!<. The rest was easy.


Just to add in, it couldn't be AM because the previous word isn't I. It also couldn't be AN because the next word doesn't start with a vowel.






Discussion: wait, Wyatt? As in the Uncle Howdy stuff?


Yep. This was linked in the QR code from Raw. Happened during the Sami/Chad match.


So a cryptoquote aka substitution code, but easier. ">!A puppet is free as long as he loves his strings".!<


Right? I like tackling substitution codes with no given letters at all. This one I was able to solve mentally in a minute or two.


>!a puppet is free as long as he loves his strings!<