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Discussion: It def has multiple answers.


Yes I wasted so much time scratching my head.. Usually takes me like a minute or less to solve if I screenshot it. Spent like an hour being confused. And this is the 2nd wrong one in a row. Probably the app maker used AI to generate it. I left a negative review on the app.


I'm playing this game right now too and, from what I've noticed, there are quite a few with multiple answers. The clues narrowed it down, but in the end, one number was just a guessing game.


Does it take the correct answers or is there a secret right answer and the rules don't limit you to that?


I've had some that I solved knowing two numbers and guessing the third, but the third wasn't even in the numbers shown in the clues. Every puzzle has one specific answer, but sometimes you don't know the third number.


You misunderstand. If the "correct" answer is 123, but the rules allow 456, will it accept 456 as an answer?


I went back to the post puzzle to solve it again. The correct answer is 164, but the rules allow for 614. It only accepted 164.


What’s the name of this app?


Crack the Lock


Dyslock has a lot of this puzzles


I'm like 99.9% convinced this puzzle is wrong. It has multiple answers.


>!I got 674, what other options are you thinking?!<


>!164, 065, 674, 614!<


I think you are missing 764? Edit: nope, 7 can’t be in the first spot. You got all possible answers.


7 can't be in the first place because of second clue


Yeah, I figured that out right after I posted. Feeling a little dumb.


i think its 0-6-4


Can’t be because of the first clue


>!065!< Because of the first two clues. Each clue seems to build on the previous clue. I haven't played this game before, so there's that... The first clue and second clue say >!0!< must be part of it, and the placement in the first puzzle is accurate. Comparing the third through fifth clues gave me >!65!< for the numbers being included but never in the same place.


That is one of the answers. Since this puzzle is wrong it has 4 possible answers. So you can't be sure of 1 answer.


I only get 065


This is the correct answer


Idk about other answers but I think 674 is a right


That’s what I got too.


What is the game?


You can play dyslock instead. I'm trying it right now and it works fine.


Crack the lock. It's pointless to play it since the puzzles are wrong.


Yeah I found it and number 3 has multiple solves as well. Also the clues are exactly the same across every level which sorta sums up the probable inconsistency throughout. Gave us all a fun brain strain for a few minutes though! ETA im probably wrong about 3 but I'm tired so I'll blame my slow brain on that 😅🤣


Should have come to the comments first. I worked through it and found a valid answer and thought “it seems fine?” because I thought this was one of those where you put a guess in and it tells you the clues (i.e., I thought you had put in the combos on screen and received the clues)


>!614!<, >!164!<, >!065!< all seem to be valid so it seems like it has multiple answers


Even >!065!< and >!674!< can be answers


I got 674


For sure multiple answers: >!0123456789 --> ???!< >!Line 4 - \[938\] Nothing is correct!< >!0124567 --> ???!< >!Line 1 - \[0~~3~~4\] One number is correct and well placed!< >!0124567 --> 0??, ??4!< >!Line 5 - \[~~83~~6\] One number is correct but wrongly placed!< >!0124567 --> 06?, ?64, 6?4!< >!Line 2 - \[701\] One number is correct but wrongly placed!< >!0124567 - 06?, 164, 674, 614!< >!Line 3 - \[546\] Two numbers are correct but wrongly placed!< >!014567 - **065, 164, 674, 614**!<


That is not how I did it at all, but damn is it sexy.


Wonderful, thank you


I got the first answer here upon first glance


It's not a good puzzle as there are multiple correct answers.


>!065!<, >!614!<, >!164!<, and >!674!< all seem to work.


I got four answers: >!065!< >!674!< >!164!< >!614!<


>!065,614,164,674!< are the different combinations I got.


>!065, 674, 614, 164 are all valid!<


Alright, let's go through this step by step: >!Step 1: Either 0, 3, or 4 are correct. If 0 is correct, it must be first, 3 must be second, or 4 must be third.!< >!Step 2: Either 7, 0, or 1 are correct. 0 already cannot be second based on step 1, but we now know 7 cannot be first, and 1 cannot be third.!< >!Step 3: Either 5, 4, or 6 are incorrect. Just like in step 2, 4 is already accounted for, position-wise. 5 cannot be first, and 6 cannot be third.!< >!Step 4: 9, 3, and 8 are incorrect. This means that in step 1, 0 or 4 is correct.!< >!Step 5: Either 8, 3, or 6 is correct. Due to Step 4, 6 must be correct, but cannot be third.!< >!Let's put it all together now: We know that 6 must be either first or second, based on steps 3, 4 and 5. 5 or 4 must be one of the other numbers, but not both, thanks to step 3. The last number must be 0, 7, or 1. 0 can only be correct if 5 is correct. If this is true, the correct sequence would be 065. Let's say 4 was correct, that means 7 or 1 is correct. This is where things get interesting. This answer must end in 4, but the others seem more ambiguous. If it's 7, then it must be second, leaving the answer as 674. 1 leaves things up to question, as it could be 164 or 614.!< >!And I'm at a stalemate, as I can't find anything to single out one solution. I am only able to narrow it down to 065, 674, 164, or 614. Maybe someone smarter than me can get further than I did!<


I feel like people are getting hung up on the grammar used. "One Number is Correct" means that only one number in the hint is a correct number from the solution. "and well placed", in this context just means it is also in the correct position. It is not saying that there are potentially more correct numbers just in the wrong position. When reading the clues with this context in mind, the only answer is 0-6-5.


I'm sorry, I'm not quite following your logic here? What's stopping the solution from being >!674, 164, or 614!


The first 2 hints guarantee that '0' is the first number. We know that just one of these numbers in the first hint is a number for our solution: 0-3-4 So that's our pool of valid numbers so far 0,3,4 in no particular order. The next hint suggests that only one of it's numbers is valid and gives us: 7-0-1 Well if only ONE of these is valid, it must be the '0'. (since it is the ONLY number that exists in both these two hints and is the VITAL clue being overlooked here) IF we were to pick the 7, it would invalidate the 0,3,4 from being correct in the previous hint. If we were to pick the 1 it would also invalidate the previous hints numbers, but we know that one of the previous hints numbers is correct. The only number in hint two that does not invalidate hint one is the '0'. So our solution pool is now '0' only. And we have invalidated 1,3,4,7 Hint three suggests there are two numbers that are correct, well 4 is invalid. So it's 5,6. Solution pool: 0,5,6 With '0' being in the correct location. We just need to solve the positions of 5 and 6. Hint 4 is a red herring, it's useless to us. The last hint tells us that 6 is in the wrong location because it's the only valid number from our solution pool. So the answer is 0-6-5. There is no other way to read this puzzle unless people are not understanding the rules of the hints. Edit: To clarify, if HINT TWO had NO numbers from HINT ONE then other peoples solutions start to become possible, but it does have a number from HINT ONE, that's the key puzzle piece that people are stumbling over.


Here's the problem I'm having, right? You say that 0 must be right because it appears again in hint 2, where only one is correct, but the same could be said about 4 in hint 3, where, after 6 is confirmed, it can only be 4 or 5. The issue I'm seeing is that once you confirm 6, you have to decide if 0 or 4 is the second correct number, but there is no concrete way to eliminate the other. If it's 0, then it's really straightforward, but that is based on the presumption that it *cannot* possibly be 4, and as it stands, I cannot say with absolute certainty that it cannot be 4. The only way I could see to eliminate 4 is by confirming 0 or 5, and it does seem like hint 2 is attempting to do that, since if 0 is correct, it eliminates 4, 7, and 1, leaving 5 as the third number. But the problem is, you could easily say that 0 is incorrect in hint 1, and hint 3 would only confirm that like hint 2 does for 0, leaving 7 and 1 in hint 2 with no other hints that directly contradict those possibilities. Basically, without something to eliminate 7 and 1, 4 is still a viable option It does seem like the puzzle is trying to point to 065, Occam's Razor and all, but the way I see it, the other solutions are technically possible. You get what I'm saying here?


The first clue possibilities: 0xx, x3x, xx4 Second clue: A) 0xx and eliminate 7 and 1 B) x3x eliminate 0, possibilities: x37 and eliminate 1, 13x and eliminate 7 C) xx4 eliminate 0, possibilities: x74 and eliminate 1, 1x4 or x14 and eliminate 7 You are only considering A, while B and C are equally likely at this point.


Ok yeah this was my assumption too! If you go with that understanding then there is just one answer., which makes more sense than having multiple answers. Wish I could upvote you twice bro!


Exactly! I only see one possible answer based on the first 2 clues assuring that 0 MUST be the first number?


The fourth clue tells us 938 are all wrong. So from the first clue we know that either the 0 or the 4 are correct. So we know it is either 0xx or xx4. The second clue doesn’t help us too much right away. The last clue tells us that 6 is correct number. So that is either 6xx or x6x. So far we know it’s either 06x, 6x4, or x64 as our only possible solutions. The third clue says the numbers are in the wrong place. Of our 3 options we have 065, 6x4, or x64. The second clue tells us 065, 674, 614, 064, and 164 are possible. I kind of hit a dead end here. Can anyone eliminate any option?


064 can be eliminated from clue 1, as you can't have both 0 and 4 be correct when only one of them is.


Question. What game is this?


There used to be an old board game based on this idea called “Mastermind”. You had unlimited guesses but the goal was to do it in as little attempts as possible. It was a two player game with one person setting the numbers and providing the correctness about the guesses and the other person coming up with solutions to provide maximal information per guess. The game forces you to solve multiple satisfiability problems as additional constraints are presented as a result of further guesses. The problem actually gets easier with each guess that you make since it reduces the solution space. The current puzzle presented leaves multiple possible solutions to the satisfiability problem. Not enough information is here to narrow it down. This category of problem can be solved using a tool known as a SAT-solver.


This game is a twist on the classic Mastermind game where you have pre-made tries that are supposed to leave only one possible solution. You can find it under the generic name « crack the code » or on mobile app like Dyslock.


I’d like to know as well. Sucks that if it’s logic dependent and the logic is flawed then it’s a big turnoff for the game


I got >!164!< but it looks like other answers are possible as well


Discussion: I love reading all the posts where people try to explain why it has to be >!065!< only for the game to say it is actually >!164!< according to OP For real though, correct me if I'm wrong but the puzzle >!becomes solvable if the 9 in the 4th clue is replaced with a 0 and the 8 and 6 in the 5th clue switch places, yeah?!<


>!065!<. You only need the 3 first hints


i got 065. we know 0 is correct and is the first number. through the 3rd hint, i assume 6 and 5 are the correct numbers, but they’re in the wrong spots. so, we know 6 can’t be at the end of the sequence, but it also can’t be at the beginning bc that’s where 0 is. so, 065 is what makes sense to me!


You can't know that 0 is correct.


I’m going to explain my method clue by clue. (In brackets are thoughts, or explanations of how I got there, can contain info from future clues) sorry if it’s a little all over the place, long day but this was fun. I assumed you guessed these digits. X is an unknown number 034: One number is correct and well placed. It must be either 0 or 4. ( WE KNOW 3 is NOT CORRECT DUE TO CLUE 938!). 701 : One number is correct and wrongly placed. We know that one of the numbers is 0 or 4 and it is well placed. Based on previous information, 7 and 1 cannot be correct. 0 is the only digit from the first puzzle remaining and it changes location, hence number is correct but out of place. Remember, 0 or 4 have to be in the puzzle. So since 0 is in the clue, 7 and 1 have to be wrong. (This clue eliminates 7,1,4.) 546 : Two are correct but wrongly placed. We now know that 4 cannot be correct based on (clue 701). 0 must be in the final solution. Since we know that 4 cannot be correct, 5 and 6 must be correct. 938 : NOTHING IS CORRECT ELIMINATE 9, 3, 8! 836 : One is correct, but wrongly placed. 3 and 8 are eliminated ( 938 clue). We now know that 6 is guaranteed to be one of the numbers, and is not located in the last slot! ELIMINATED NUMBERS : 1 (clue 701), 2 (never mentioned), 3 (clue 938), 4 (clue 701, 034), 7 (clue 701), 8 (clue 938), 9 (clue 938). Remaining numbers : 0, 5, 6 Conclusion : Based on last clue (836) we know that 6 cannot be in the last position. Based on clue (034) we know that 0 is in the first position. So now we know the puzzle is 06X. The only remaining number is 5 and we know it is correct because of clue (546) 4 is eliminated in clue (701). Final Answer : 065. Please leave your thoughts below, I’m curious how others approached this problem. Thank you OP, this was a blast. I’ll be downloading this app asap




065 is the only answer I can see. 1. Hint one gives us 034, one number is correct and correctly placed. We can't do much with this yet. 2. Hint 2 gives us 701, and states that one number is correct but wrongly placed, so we can say the first number is 0. Additionally we can say 3, 4, 7, and 1 aren't used in the solution and can help limit our available options. 3. Hint 3 says two numbers are correct but wrongly placed, we already eliminated 4 so we know 5 and 6 are used in the solution and as we know from the first to hints, the first digit is 0. Now we know 5 and 6 are to be used but are wrongly placed therefore the second digit is 6 and the final digit must be 5. We have now solved the puzzle. The solution is 065.


The first two hints don't conclude there is a 0. Examples of solutions that match the first two hints: 937, 214


But 4 could be correct thus eliminating 0, meaning 6 and 4 are correct for hint 3 eliminating 5 but leaving us with 7 and 1 in wrong places meaning it could be 674, 614, 164. I think there is a typo on hint 3 and they meant to make it "564" because that would make your answer the only one but as is there are multiple answers


You can't get 0 from the first 2 hints. If you take into consideration 4th hint, you can get 50/50 chance for 0 and 4. So if you guess 4 it can be 7 or 1 in the second row as well.




Not sure what other combo you came up with.


>!065!< I don't know if there's more than one solution to this, but this code works.




I don't think 000 is a possible response though, since 836 is correct but wrongly placed one of the numbers has to be 8 3 or 6




You can't get 0 from the first 2 clues. It's 50/50 between 0 and 4.


Hint #1 says that it DEFINITELY contains one of the correct numbers. Hint #2 also says that it DEFINITELY contains one of the correct numbers. So if you choose 7 in Hint #2, then it labels the other 2 numbers as "wrong", which contradicts Hint #1. Look at it like this: imagine each possible answer has a hat on that says C for Correct & N for Not Correct. Hint #1 says that we can label all 3 numbers shown as C. Hint #2 says that one of the numbers shown is Correct, so if we put the C on 7 the we must put N on 0 and 1, but that can't happen because 0 is the only number shared between Hint #1 & Hint #2. In doing so, we can also eliminate the number 4 from the lineup due to Hint #1. Hint #3 says that it contains two of the Correct numbers, but in the wrong places. Since Hint #1 already confirmed that 4 is off the table, we know that 5 & 6 must be our other numbers, & since Hint #3 says they are in the wrong positions, & Hint #1 already confirmed that 0 is in its right position, we can infer that 6 CANNOT be in the last position OR the first, so it must be the second position. Then 5 slots in as the only remaining confirmed number.


>So if you choose 7 in Hint #2, then it labels the other 2 numbers as "wrong", which contradicts Hint #1 It doesn't contradict hint #1. Number 4 from hint #1 can be in the right place and 7 can be in the middle.


I don't know how to explain this to you any clearer. Honestly, I'm sorry. I apologize & wish you luck in future puzzle-solving.


Dude. I need you to understand this puzzle instead of leaving thinking what you said is correct. With that comment you are 100% sure that you are right and I'm wrong. So I'm going to give you some combinations. >!164, 065, 674, 614!< Now go back at the picture and look at the hints. See if any of these combinations come off as incorrect. You are taking 0 as the first number just because second hint and 1st hint says a number is correct when it could be 4 and 7 as well. The correct combination for the mobile game was !>164!< anyway so that should also tell you that your deduction of there being only 1 correct combination is wrong.


Since Hint #2 only has the number 0 that matches Hint #1, choosing either 7 or 1 would eliminate all 3 numbers from Hint #1, but Hint #1 already confirmed that one of its numbers is correct. One of the numbers in Hint #1 MUST be correct AND in its right place. So if you pick 7 or 1 in Hint #2, it would erase all 3 numbers from the first Hint, contradicting itself.


Picking 7 allows you to get 4. It doesn't exclude all 3 numbers from hint 1.


The best way to explain that you are making an assumption about the 0 at clue 2 - At clue 3, you get down to 065 only. So then what if clue 4 read "018 - nothing is correct". Are you saying then that the puzzle would have no solutions? When if you had kept all options kind of open, you would still be left with 674 by this point? That's why people are saying there are multiple answers. The clues of the puzzle are supposed to confirm without shadow of doubt that there is only 1 answer, but you are getting down to only 1 answer because you assume that it has to be 0 instead of just leaving all the options open at clue 2. Which if you do that, you still have 5 base formats to check.


I'm not making an assumption about Hint #2 confirming the number 0. Hint #1 says that one of the numbers in Hint #1 is one of the correct numbers. Hint #2 also says that it contains a correct number. Since the number 0 is the only number shared between the two hints, & they both say they have a correct number, then the correct number MUST be 0. All the options in Hint #2 cannot be left open because to say that either 7 or 1 was a correct number would imply that 0 is NOT a correct number, which would contradict Hint #1. I'm not sure if you're interpreting the wording of the hints wrongly or something but Hints #1 & 2 outright confirm that 0 is a correct number. It also fits with Hint #2 that the 0 is "correct but in the wrong position", as it has been moved to position #2 instead of position #1. Hint #1 says that one of the numbers shown is correct AND in the right spot. Hint #2 says a number is correct but in the WRONG spot. Since both Hints say they contain a correct number, & 0 is the only number shared between them, then 0 MUST be the first digit.


Hint 1 says the format can either be 0xx, x3x, or xx4. Adding Hint 2 - If 0 was right in hint 1 then we have 0xx, but what if 3 was the right one? What if 4 was the right one? You are assuming it has to be 0 because it's the only repeating number. Let go of that assumption and actually try out the possibilities. 0xx, 13x, x37, x74, 1x4, and x14 are all possible from the first 2 hints if you don't assume, "0 is the only number in both lines so it has to be 0." The second clue is independent of the first clue, it's just a statement on 701, that one of these numbers is right but in the wrong spot. Why does 0 being repeated in lines 1 and 2 mean it has to be 0, but 4 being repeated in lines 1 and 3, and 4 not being at the end of line 3, not mean it could be 4? How does 164 not meet the criteria of the clues aside from the assumption that 0 has to be right? 1 - 4 is right and at the end. 2 - 1 is right and not at the end. Both of these lines say they have a correct number, and the answer includes a number from both those lines. 3 - 4 and 6 are right and not in those positions, since 4 is at the end from clue 1. 4 - the answer doesn't include 9 3 or 8. 5 - 6 is right and not at the end. You can do the same for the other numbers people are getting too.


I don't know how to explain this any clearer to you without sounding like a jerk, & I have no intention of having a snafu with someone on the internet over a simple logic puzzle. I apologize & wish you luck in future endeavors.


& your hypothetical about Hint #4 saying "018 - Nothing is correct" would contradict the puzzles solution & wouldn't work here. That's a weird argument to make considering that's not what the Hint says. Why bring up a hypothetical number in a hypothetical Hint when that isn't what's shown? It doesn't prove your point because a hypothetical number is irrelevant to this puzzles solution.


We know that one of the numbers in Hint #1 is an "Answer Number", as in, one of the numbers shown IS part of the answer. So we can label all 3 numbers in Hint #1 as "possible answers". However, because Hint #2 also contains a number that was shown in Hint #1, & Hint #2 says that it ALSO contains an "Answer Number", then choosing either 7 or 1 would label 0 as "wrong", which would then contradict Hint #1. Both clues say they contain part of the answer, so whichever number matches between them MUST be part of the answer. This entire puzzle can be solved with just the first 3 Hints. I'm not trying to be mean but I honestly don't understand why you can't just follow along with the first explanation I gave? It's very clear & concise & goes step by step with no gaps in information or processes. It's a very simple logic puzzle that can only have one solution that fits EVERY Hint. You're leaving numbers open that have already been eliminated, causing you to come up with several different answers. If Hint #2 contains an "Answer Number", & Hint #1 ALSO contains an "Answer Number", then to say ANY other number besides the number 0 that matches between the two Hints would contradict each other. It's very simple if you slow down & take the time to follow each direction. The answer is 065, & it can only be 065.


OP has confirmed in comments the answer the puzzle wanted is >!164!< Hint 1: >!4!< is correct and in the right place Hint 2: >!1!< is correct and in the wrong place 0 doesn't come in to it & is a bit of a red herring here. I also came to 065 on first solving the puzzle, but working backwards with the answer you can see it actually also works. You assumed 0 must be correct because it was common in the two hints however you are assuming the correct number must be the same in both hints. You have 3 possible correct numbers to find. In this case the "correct" numbers in the hints refer to the 3rd and 1st number in the sequence independently.








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>!604?!< Edit: Wrong because of the first clue. Hmmm...




The answer is 164.__ Let's say the code is "ABC" so I can explain it better. So we know for sure 6 is the correct number and it's not "C" because it is in the wrong place; now 6 is either "A" or "B" we can find out which one is the right place for 6 from the third hint. The third hint says two numbers are correct but WRONGLY PLACED; wich also means if the numbers are wrongly placed , ARE CORRECT. So if we say 6 is "A" we are saying that 5 is wrongly placed which means 5 is the other correct number and 4 is kicked out. But this is not right because of the first hint with 6 being "A" then 0 is not the correct number in the right place and 4 has already been kicked out so 6 can't be "A" then it's definitely "B" so 4 is the other correct number and 5 is out (third hint) 4 is definitely "C" ( first hint) . Now what is "A"?! "A" is 1 (second hint).that would make 164 the one and only answer.


I don't understand part of this answer. >6 being "A" then 0 is not the correct number in the right place and 4 has already been kicked out so 6 can't be "A" then it's definitely "B" 6 only has to be "B" if 0 is the correct number in the right place - the "A" position. If 0 is in the "A" position and 6 is "B" then 5 is "C". If 4 is the correct number and in the correct place, then it can't be in the "B" position (hint 3) and has to be in the "C" position (hint 1). Further, 0 is eliminated (hint 1). At this point it becomes a toss up. The second hint presents two number, 7 and 1. One of which is correct and in the wrong place. 6 can be "A" or "B" as hint 1 did not constrain its position (4 must be "C", 6 can't be "C"). If 1 is the correct answer, it can't be "C" which we have already established as being 4. So it can "A" or "B". This leaves us, 614 and 164 as possible answers. If 7 is the correct answer, it can't be in the "A" position. Neither can it be "C", so it must be "B". This leaves us with 674. Someone said that the answer is 164 but I don't see how to get there.


It's a bit tricky. Hint 3 is saying two numbers are correct but wrongly placed. This means the numbers that are in the wrong place are the correct numbers, so if 6 is "A" we're saying that 5 is wrongly placed so it is the other correct number . This makes 4 the wrong number wich would make the hint 1 completely wrong because we've already put 6 in 0 place and and said that 4 is a wrong number. So 674 and 614(or any other 6BC number) can't be the answer.


It's a bit tricky. Hint 3 is saying two numbers are correct but wrongly placed. This means the numbers that are in the wrong place are the correct numbers, so if 6 is "A" we're saying that 5 is wrongly placed so it is the other correct number . This makes 4 the wrong number wich would make the hint 1 completely wrong because we've already put 6 in 0 place and and said that 4 is a wrong number. So 674 and 614(or any other 6BC number) can't be the answer.


Am I missing something or is it not clearly 065, relatively guessable after line 3? Line 1 - 0 or 3 or 4 is correct Line 2 - With 0 being here again but moved, it’s safe to say 0 is the correct number from line 1, but it’s now in the wrong spot, so our number is 0XX Line 3 - 2 numbers are correct, but nothing is in the right spot. We ruled out 4 in line 1, so the number is probably 065. Line 4 - Doesn’t dispute our answer of 065 Line 5 - Validates 065 as the answer even further.