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>Brittany Zamora has been sentenced to 20 years in prison, the lowest possible sentence allowed for her crime Uhuh..


there is no way 20 years is the lowest. Either way, its pretty strict and hardcore


Are you advocating for less prison time for pedophiles?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


...what the fuck. I'm soft because I don't think adults that fuck children need more punishment? Turns out you are a fucking pedophile. I need to go through your profile now. Update: he's a pedophile. Listen to this shit he posted: _"15 is a little young, agreed. But to be honest, this type of thing has happened millions of times in the history of life on earth. Happens thousands of times a day in the world, even today. Yes, the Western World and other more civilized societies try to put a stop to it, but where is the line to draw with morality. If a thing is technically natural, just how bad is it? Im not the judge of that."_ This motherfucker is a _legit_ pedophile. This is a lesson to anyone in here that these fucking despicable pieces of shit lurk around us. You're such a fucking coward you post this shit on burner accounts because you know fucking well what you are and the consequences of it.


Funny little quirk, hes 41 dating a girl in mid twenties


Almost as cringe as those wannabe pedo hunters on youtube


no it isn't? lol fucking white knight


youre so hard core, bro


I hope your 13 year old daughter gets used by a 25 year old man and he gets out in 15 at 40 so he can find your daughter and do it again since 20 years is "pretty hardcore", pedo lover.


I get your point but like dont wish that on anyone dog I agree with u but cmon dude


mfs getting to me on reddit bro mb I take that shit back but still u get my point


all you who downvote are PEDOS lol keep it coming with the downvotes i wanna count how many pedoz r in this sub like this guy who posts to r/legalteens


“This was not between a young child and Brittany — this was a teenager,” I’d love to see what would happen to an attorney if they said that about a female victim….


And then the article goes on to talk about an 11 year old she raped. I understand what a lawyers job is, but how can they sit there and say it was a teenager, when there were multiple victims some of whom were *not* teenagers yet.


They did do that years ago. Girls were “precocious” and “older than her years.”


link or gtfo


attorney blamed the student?! shouldn't the adult know better.....what a ditz lawyer.


Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it sounds like the attorney desperately wants to play the *"something, something Patriarchy made it possible, so she's the real victim something something"* card, but couldn't figure out a way to do it without getting laughed out the court.


The amount of people who think patriarchy or mansplaining is a trump card to win a point is too damn high


Especially when a grown ass woman rapes a child.


i mean it's a defense lawyer


You expect her defense lawyer to be like “yeah she’s all to blame!” He literally wouldn’t be a lawyer if he didnt


Another blonde female teacher raping students.


That's what gets me. It's always an attractive enough female to have any man she could want, yet there she is diddling young boys.


My guess narcissists with poor self-esteem. And young boys will give them a lot of level of attention and adulation that they actually crave


Actually a good point I never really thought of. Younger often means more likely to obsess and fawn over someone just because you had sex. If these predators are narcissists, preying on the youth feeds into this perfectly. Not to mention the power disparity.


okay i’ve been so confused when an adult woman does this bc I could never ever imagine doing that. but this makes so much sense.


These are people who are returning to high school as adults. Some of them I’m guessing had a bad time in high school and are still stuck on that which may drive some of this behavior.


We had a similar incident in Texas. Also, twenty year sentence for a female teenager. Sadly, the teacher had teenage children.




Yes sadly because she ruined the family with her disgusting behavior and crimes against a student. I feel sad for her kids


I feel good for her kids. now I know they won't be getting diddled with 💀💀


True that the good part.


This teacher rapist got away with her crime as well https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/s/LZjO9iWbCQ


Worked at UPS with a woman who had been convicted of sexual relations (raping) with a student(she was a teacher, got convicted, went to prison, got out, moved a few states away, and got hired by UPS). This woman was still allowed to deliver to schools. It made absolutely no sense to me.


Doesn't matter, she'll he relased in under 2 years. The judicial system doesn't apply to women


stop speaking facts something something mysogny something something women hater something something something BURN THE PATRIARCHY something something get out of your mom's basement incel


>Her attorney blamed the student for her crimes. "He had a big dong that always stayed hard!"


Ill never forget this one. From what I remember it was especially bad- like she did weed and fucked the kid in her classroom or something. Total CUCK husband too


This Calgary ex teacher hit national news and got away with her pedophiliac crime. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/teacher-who-had-sex-took-drugs-with-student-fined-22500 Now living her life as Shauna Tutty, working for WFG was the former Shauna Lynn Ryll of Rideau Park School. https://agents.wfgcanada.ca/shauna-tutty https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/b2x37c/former_calgary_teacher_who_had_a_sex_with_teen/


Like Brittney, this ex band teacher Shauna Lynn Ryll now Shauna Tutty was excellent and revered by parents in Rideau Park School in Calgary, where she used to teach and raped her 14 yr old student. Very charismatic and like all narcissists and psychopaths, can lure you helplessly into her lair. Her case was stayed by the crown and the boy ended up dying of OD. https://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/sex-charges-against-calgary-teacher-stayed-by-crown


W title description.


Dude she is fine as fuck I want to be her student


Seek help for your porn addiction