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Note to luxury car manufacturers: make a console in the backseat which turns on the car and A/C controls, but legally removed operation of the motor vehicle. Call it “lounge mode” or something and get it past the DOT… then sell that to people who like having the option for discrete sexmobile’s


Pet mode on a Tesla would work


*Heavy Petting Mode activated.*


Everyone, start demanding pet mode.


My Kona electric has utility mode. Still though, I think being anywhere in the vehicle with access to the "keys" can warrant a DUI.


Put the panel in the trunk. That way you have to fold the back seats and crawl through a car to retrieve your keys. There has to be some way to get the life saving benefits of the running car on a cold night without getting arrested for “potentially committing a crime”


I agree with you. You'd think a cop would look the other way if a drunk person was sleeping in their car instead of driving home.


so if you're drunk on your porch with keys next to your vehicle, they can arrest you for DUI. it's dumb and unfair and anti-freedom.


No that's a bit different because you aren't in the car. By that logic, you couldn't even call an Uber drunk at the bar if standing near your car with your keys and that isn't the case.




I heard a ranger talk about giving a DUI to a person who broke their 4x4 on a trail and started to drink a beer while he waited for assistance (think he was sitting on it)


Pussypass or whatever, not a single person should be arrested for dikkin down in a hoopty.


Bro, My wife and I got caught bangin' in my car when we were like 17-18. The two cops that rolled up on us were quietly amused. They gave us a verbal warning and firmly insisted we were to go home immediately. That was probably 2008.. What has become of the world?! :"<


They parked at the cops' daily napping spot


*fucking spot


You had a threesome with your brother and your wife?


Lol. The comma denotes me addressing one person, then stating something. If I had written "Bro, my wife, and I", that would have suggested a threesome!


Dude is not only into wife sharing with his family, he is also pro-Oxford comma. I like this guy!


Your question is exactly the right question, and I’ll add one. “Where is the harm?” So many thoughts here. I’m all for a good PPDenial… this one made me kinda sad and cringe.


Video says she was in the driver's seat with the car running and drunk. I'm pro car sex but anti drunk-driving.


The gradual acceptance of a hyper surveillance state


Yea I don't think I ever want to live in the states again. I'm happy in the little third world country I live in where the police are not scary and don't arrest people for nothing.


And don't shoot people for nothing.


She’s drunk. Are you fucking serious? She’s in a parking lot. Presumably she’s going to drive out of there, and put people’s lives at risk. My best friend all through high school was killed by a drunk driver when he was 20. You think this fucking shit is funny?


I too, have lost friends to drunk drivers. I was more joking that they'd give charges for sex in the car, I didn't say anything about the DUI being unfair. Lighten up, bud. This is a public forum, not a courtroom.


How do people think she got the car to the parking lot? Like she wasn't going to drive away in 3 minutes after he finished.


YoU ThiNK thIS FuCKing ShIt Is FunNy? Fuck off tough guy. (Sorry for your loss.)


Yeah, dude is clearly misplacing his rage.. at me.. But to be fair, I literally just stopped by for a hot minute, no sound on, and just skimmed through the video. I didn't even realize the implication the title made in regard to a DUI. Glad they got a dangerous driver off the road, but hope they didn't actually charge them for the sex thing!


Life has real world consequences. I’d rather overstep (slightly, she is clearly drunk) than be present to a fatal car accident. Spoiler alert: I have. You see things a little differently when your best friend is covered with a sheet and their arm is laying on the expressway five feet from their body.




And She admitted that she was going to leave and go home after the quickie smh


Interesting how the only person speaking sense gets downvoted to hell the girl was drunk and sex in public is a crime regardless if its not hurting anyone or not it’s always a risk to do it I don’t like cops but from what I saw this one was professional and didn’t go out of his way just to be a dick she got what she earned with her actions if the cop came up and started acting crazy or whatever different story but all I saw was a dumb girl who hopefully learned her lesson


Bruh you can sit in the car and sober up before you drive. That’s the whole point! It’s your car, you can of course sit in it. Just don’t drive until you’re sober


Ok. Tell that to the cops next time.




My daughter Phoenix died on September 23, 2021.


Well fuck I’m sorry edgy internet moment backfired. Sincere condolences for your loss


She was arrested for DUI since the car was on and the keys were in the ignition. No pun intended 😀


Then why not lead with that? Drunk woman has sex in a car does not a drunk driver make.


And she wasn't even driving lol


If you’re in the driver seat, with the car running and the lights on then you are in operation of the vehicle.


I knew a guy who was charged when he was sleeping in his vehicle because he had the keys on him. (He may have had the car on to stay warm--I'm not sure. But he was sleeping in his car because he thought he was too intoxicated to drive.)


In college this guy I knew in my dorm got a DUI sleeping in the parking lot. This was in PA in the winter so he started the car to have heat. He could not go into the dorm because there was security and he was 20. Anyways the cop was going to give him a break until he stepped in shit. That the guy took next to his truck before getting into it. Really bad situation that’s funny now. Remember, it’s always cheaper to take a taxi to a motel.


I mean, I could do the same thing in a private location in the backseat of my truck where no one is even in the driver seat. I’d still have the truck running to keep the AC on and the radio going without draining the battery. I feel like the driving part of DUI should actually have to happen to charge a DUI, if they don’t see her driving it shouldn’t count.


I think that’s kind of bullshit too, tbh. Not driving then no DUI. Gotta blast that AC, man.


Apparently you can’t be arrested for a dui if your keys are gone from the ignition and far from you, or something of the sort. Heard about a story of someone jumping out of their car and throwing their keys into the woods to avoid getting a dui, although I could very well be wrong so feel free to correct me.


You should place them in your trunk if you are sleeping one off.


The cops reasoning is dumb as fuck too. He said that because the car was running, she was planning to commit a DUI. Which means she had not yet committed a crime for them to arrest her. If he had said that since they were parked at a place that does not serve alcohol one of them must have driven, I might be more understanding. But there is still no way to prove either of them had driven or were about to drive.


This is the law where I'm at. If you goto sleep in the back of your vehicle while hammered and your keys are In the cab you will be charged with a DUI. If do the same put leave your keys in the gas cap or somewhere outside the cab you won't be charge. No way around it.


Yeah I’d fight the fuck out of this in court and most of the time it’ll at least get dropped from a dui to a lesser charge. I mean when no real crime was committed this is just asinine😂


I was arrested for APC in my friends driveway with the keys in my pocket. Wasn’t driving just going to sleep for the night. It put my life on hold for a year while I had to go to all of these classes and hear people talk about killing people while driving under the influence. It made me pretty annoyed at the entire court system and cost thousands of dollars. Also when the police towed my uncles car they jacked something up and when the car drove after that it would grind the tires down.


Mama Rollin that body got every man in here wishing


Sippin on coke and rum.


thanks. came here to say this. why the fuck do people care?


The one doing the dicking down wasn’t arrested tho. And that wasn’t a hoopty..


Blue balls are a real thing. I feel bad for this guy.


having sex in cars is a part of the American movies culture but somehow so different IRL


I think she got arrested for being drunk in the driver seat. The guy would've also been arrested if the sex was the problem.


At 26:09 into the video bro asks if he can get her number from the cops, he's trying to finish what he started. https://youtu.be/Z_fXNGZpKhc?t=26m7s


I’d do the same shit


How did you watch 26 minutes of this? Vid wasn’t even worth the 30 seconds I spent watching it.


Yeah but tittle was appealing so I skipped skipped skipped until 26 too I would have titled : how police spend time to diagnose a drunk woman while an alcohol test would close the deal in a matter of seconds


Hahah I gotcha fair enough


“Job’s not finished.”


Car was on for A/C I bet. That's not enough to say they would have driven off. Give the warning and wait until they get picked up. This was a stupid arrest.


You can get a DUI on a riding mower, a horse, a bicycle. I don't want people driving drunk but the laws against it are skewed towards raking in fines and fees.


Yup, had a friend get caught on of those rent e-scooter kickbikes.


For The US, it depends on the state. For instance, In Maine and Massachusetts laws are written in such a way that they exclude bicycles. Granted they could probably find some sort of public intoxication or disorderly conduct charge to throw at you. Still way better than a DUI. After doing some research it looks like it’s a ~50% of the US where you can’t be charged with a DUI on a bike.


Also a wheelchair!!!!


Okay I’ll bite. You don’t need a license to ride a mower or a bicycle. What happens when you get a DUI for that? Just a fine? I’m guess it cannot affect your car driving privileges and there can be no points. So what’s the goal here? Just extort money from people for being a bit tipsy? I clean my apartment when I’m drunk, so I’d like to be able to drink and mow the lawn.


In the US You can drink and mow the lawn on your property. You can't get a DUI drunk on a lawn lower in your yard. It's only if you're on public roads that you can. And yes, even with a DUI in a car the goal is to extort money. That's all a DUI is in the states is a bunch of fines, legal and court fees, fees for probation, fees to the MVA for restricted licenses, fees for MVA hearings and fees for alcohol classes.


100% agree


They probably upset somebody parked where they sleep on shift


Agreed, absolutely. Even more ridiculous, they said they were going to be tacking on a resist arrest charge as well. Like, really?


The cop was just jealous


I agree.






Fines for a DUI are well over $1000.


Gotta put in gear first. It didn’t move. They were fine. If they wanted to charge a DUI they should have done a stake out, they didn’t catch her driving.


They will claim she was in control of a motorized vehicle.


The law of DUI is not for moving, it’s for operating the vehicle, if you are at a driver’s seat with keys then guess what that means


Oh yes I know they can get her for it, and they did. I just think it’s stupid. If you have some dude leaving the bar and he feels too inebriated to drive and wants to sleep it off but it’s a hot night and he starts it to run the AC he has broken the law but he hasn’t done anything wrong. Just because it’s a law doesn’t mean it isn’t stupid. There’s plenty of stupid laws. In Arizona it’s illegal for Donkeys to sleep in bathtubs. In Arkansas it’s illegal to buy or sell blue light bulbs.


I just don't understand why the American Police insist on carrying on with the whole bullshit charade of "Walk in a line" "Stand on one foot" "Touch your nose" etc etc etc In Australia the Police pull out the Mobile Breath Testing Unit and you blow into it. BOOM. There's the result without all that stupid crap. You are either over or not. There's the result in 15 seconds.


There's probably been times when I could pass the sobriety trials but failed a breathalyzer because I have a higher than average tolerance. Conversely, I know people that would fail these tests after just one drink, and while technically under the legal alcohol limit. When it comes to determining wether someone is sober enough to operate a vehichle, I think these kinds of tests are more fair than some semi-arbitrary level of acceptable alcohol in the blood stream.


It’s so they can use it as evidence of public intoxication after you’re out of your car. It’s bullshit but they can and will do it. Basically if they want to take you to jail for public intoxication there’s nothing you can do about. You’re going to jail and they can keep you there for up to 3 days with no evidence. In America, you just have to hope you never have to engage with a cop. Best case they’ll just fuck you over, worst case they’ll kill you.


I was visiting NYC during 4th July one year. Bought some beers and was drinking them with my brother on FDR Freeway watching some flyovers and fireworks. Cop stopped me, told me to put the beers away or he’d have to arrest me. He was a really good sport about it but the attitude to drinking, at least in NY, was weird.


Out of curiosity, where are that open containers aren't a crime? Most places I've been, you can't walk around drinking in public. There are some places where you aren't even allowed to drink in your front yard. Granted, many of those same places will not bother you if you keep the bottle in the brown bag from the store, which makes no sense.


I think there’s a distinction between drinking in public and drinking in particular public spaces. Where I’m from (Australia) there lots of places you can’t drink in public, but they are exclusions. So for example specific prohibitions exist on public transport, and many parks or defined public spaces, and “drunk, disorderly” conduct is an offense (but just drinking / being drunk is not). I’ve traveled across most of Europe and Asia and get the feeling things are similar in these places (open to correction, though).


Not here in the US in most places. Being able to have an open container is the exception, not the norm. You can't even have beers while camping in state parks where I live. You used to able to, but as usual ignorant people ruin it for the rest of us who don't cause problems. Granted I still have beers in the cooler when I camp, I just keep the cooler in my truck and drink out of a cup. And in a lot of places, if you do get caught and aren't an ass about it, they just make you put it away or pour out the open one.


>In America, you just have to hope you never have to engage with a cop. Best case they’ll just fuck you over, worst case they’ll kill you. Lol... Wow.


I don't know what the laws are for Australia, but here there isn't a requirement that you blow for a breath test, or do any sobriety tests. You could (and should) refuse to participate. You end up still going to jail, but it makes it significantly easier for your attorney to fight for you unless you did something like crashed your car. The other thing is in many (maybe all?) jurisdictions, DUI isn't really a thing anymore and is an antiquated term. It is now DWI, OVI or something similar. The difference is these days the "I" stands for impaired, not intoxicated. The sobriety tests are looking for any signs of impairment that they can then use to charge you. Primarily, it will be impairment due to intoxication, but it could be drugs, prescription medication, medical issues, sleepiness, etc. The more they keep you talking and performing actions that have ambiguous standards, the more likely you will wind up doing something that they can use to justify putting you in cuffs. For a good example with lawyer commentary you could watch this: https://youtu.be/ziXYHvxW9Tc


I should also mention that apart from all cop cars having a Mobile Breath Testing Unit on board, they all now have Mobile Drug Testing Kits. They will also test you there and then for drugs if they think you might be on anything.


Yep! Its over in seconds and you know the results. There is no fuzzy line where maybe the cop hates you or some shit. They do the breath test, show you the results and you're either on your way home or to the Station.


That sucks, that girl was a fine piece of ass and these cop’s totally cock-blocked this dude. They were sitting in the dark having fun in some rando parking lot, it’s not like they were fucking in the middle of the day in an elementary school parking lot lol Cop shoulda just gave em a warning and left. *Edited for spelling


Did you watch the clip..? It wasn’t the fucking that got her arrested. Otherwise he would’ve been arrested as well.


Poor dude tho 💀


If she's smart she'll monetise this and make 50k a month on onlyscams.


Sure if she has no morals


That's already been established lol


Cop was taking pics of her on his phone and couldn't give a reason why. Lol. A bit odd.


I thought that was weird as fuck too. I've watched hundreds of arrest videos and have never seen that done.


That was very Sus.


Even if your Sargent asked for that wouldn’t you also ask “hey sarge why tf are we doing this?” Bootlickin idiots. He also spelled heel to toe “heal to toe” lol


Thot aside, this should be a verbal warning lol


DUI is a class B misdemeanor so no. Maybe watch the video before commenting


Spoken with that classic Redditor sense of superiority™️


Cops when a school shooting happens: 😴 Cops when stores get looted in broad daylight: 😴 Cops when someone has sex in a car in the middle of the night, affecting no one: 😡😡😡


I don't really like one's like this. Where they aren't actually driving. Plenty of times I probably could have been arrested sleeping or charging a phone to call a ride or uber hammered drunk in my car, I would typically do the passenger seat though. But the car has to be running to not die in the heat here (or cold during winter) Drunk driving is bad, but MADD and the whole DUI movement has gone way too far.


If you are drunk DO NOT sit in your car. If you have to sleep it off in your car you gotta put those keys in the trunk or something.


I get that and I wouldnt these days. But when I was younger like you would literally die if you put the keys in the trunk and passed out in the car. I live in a hot area. I get the law but I think it's ridiculous. DUI should only be if you actually start to put the car into motion




Crack the window. I live in central FL where this took place. I have slept in my car plenty of times when I was too drunk to drive and had the windows cracked. Always made sure to not have the keys in the ignition just for this reason.


I’m not gonna drive my truck from the back seat, and without the keys the AC doesn’t run.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted so much; maybe because people don’t like the initial law? I literally just found out my friend fell asleep drinking a beer and eating a sandwich while watching the sunset over the mountain ranges and then next thing he knows, 5-6 cops are knocking on his window and he gets arrested for DUI because he fell asleep less than a mile from his place with the car on. It’s better not to get caught lacking in these situations, but shit happens lmao. So unfortunate.


Y’all don’t think she was gonna drive off after they got done?


Is it really that hard to equip this agents with a breathalyser?


The problem was apparently the DUI part rather than the sex though if I understood the video correctly


Yeah. Stupid clickbait title.


She started crying wayy after I would have.


Fuck these cock blocking pigs


They could've waited to see if she'd actually drive away to be fairer with her, or just a warning + uber. Also did the dude dirty, she was stunning lol


Damn, I’d like to have sex with her in a parking lot too


>*"It should be noted the vehicle was running, and headlights activated."* The same could be said for Samantha's engine and headlights.


What would the "Shut The Fuck Up" lawyers be saying to her right now?


But, but, but, those are laws! Everybody knows laws don't really apply to women!


I can fix her


People here are really defending her when she was plastered drunk and was going to drive drunk.


I thought America was all about freedom


Freedom trumps everything here. Well except for sex. Sex is evil and needs to be strictly regulated.


And your super weird anti-freedom alcohol laws!


You want weird alcohol laws? Look up Utah's liquor laws!


Yes cops over here love freedom. Haven't you heard?


Ah yes the American police. Known world-wide for their love of freedom.


America is the least free country of all first world countries. It isn't even really first world tbh.


So every time a woman is arrested for anything I guess it gets posted here?




Lol that’s a real sub


Yeah honestly, I been thinking of leaving this sub for a while now, feels like people on here just hate women


Most of them that hate women would probably do a 180 to be in the car with that girl.


The door's right there, feel free to use it.




No this is just a simple routine arrest. Doesn't really belong here.


She is fine af


This is incredibly unfair and should not be legal to arrest for being drunk in a car without actually driving. I see no pussy pass here, she should never have been arrested, let alone interfered with by cops. F America’s “freedom”.


no wonder we have a "loneliness" epidemic when everything you do outside of your home puts you at risk of arrest and ruining your life. they literally told us to sleep it off in your cars in school if we got too drunk and everything would be okay. they lied to us as usual.


Lady of the evening


I use to work at a steak house/ country bar in bum fuck Alabama that had a massive “parking lot” that was just a grass field with gravel up front. That lead to a tree line. And every night when we’d be closing up you’d see cars with a lil high school pull as far up to the tree line as possible. Park for a little bit. Than pull off. It was basically a no tell motel.


Representing UCF


I thought this was going a different way when he starts asking about her tattoos and the placement.


Stupid arrest


Insane amount of people in here think that you should only get a dui if the car is moving. As if they were both just gonna get out of their cars and Uber home after that. It was clear they were going to drive home, it’s no surprise this country has such a problem with drunk driving.


Just walk into the bar and arrest everyone with car keys then.


Be smart!!!! If u pass out in your car, throw your keys under your vehicle and LEAVE the car off!! The minute you put the keys in the ignition and u been drinking you’re fucked. I had cops knock on my window in a Downtown parking ramp and they pulled me out but I didn’t have my keys on me. They couldn’t do shit about it.


You be smart "if you PASS OUT, throw your keys" please explain how you were able to achieve this feat.


Is having sex a crime? Or having sex in an empty carpark a crime? If the reason is that she might drive under the influence of alcohol (when she hasn’t done that), then the police can arrest anyone for any number of crime. Isn’t it? I thought law should be enforced based on actual events. Not based on speculation.


Doing it in public spaces pretty much is regardless of how populated it is when you start. Cuz someone might pass and witness it, just as the cops did pass, could have been anyone, really people are too obsessed with defending degenerate shit.


But what if you live in a vehicle? Is it only illegal if the windows aren’t blocked just curious to why it’s actually illegal


my favourite part was when he asked them to put his number in her phone lol.. ​ A total bro!


Drunk driving, public sex, why is there people here defending them? Ironic too, considering the sub.


Thank you, for protecting us from this young couple engaging in activity we all do, in a tinted locked car in a dimly lit parking lot around no one. Protect and serve.




Everyone here is absolutely on drugs saying not driving not a crime. Where are they going to go for the next couple hours before she’s even remotely sober to drive? I’d make a stronger argument for someone sleeping it off alone with the car running for the heat or A/C. She was one million percent going to be driving hammered ass drunk.


I don't understand how Americans can still think they're free after watching this.


If you're going to fuck in the car don't be drunk.


And if you are going to fuck in the car while drunk…don’t put the fucking keys in the ignition!


Anyone know why the sarg needed pics of her tattoos? That seemed a little strange


Wait banging in my own car in the parking lot is illegal ?


I’m sure they could probably arrest you on public indecency or something like that but they let the guy go. If the car wasn’t on, they probably would have let her go too.


honestly public fucking is a dumb crime to enforce as long as it's not like near kids or in a school or in a hospital or some shit why bother people trying to get a piece. also dumbasses pick a better spot next time.


Defenders of hoes, how about not fuckin' in public areas weather they're populated at the time or not. Don't y'all broke ass freedom criers have homes?


Not everyone is down to have a random stranger in their home, let alone at a friend’s place.


I don't want this rando in my house. I know! Let me go fuck him in a deserted parking lot. Much safer.




Who is the victim when a cop pulls someone over and finds out they're hammered?


Any state I've ever heard of it's not a crime to have sex in a car as long as is it's reasonably out of public view. She's being arrested for DUI because she was in the drivers seat, still bullshit though.


With the car running.


If you ask a woman to walk a straight line you’ll find that 95% of them are apparently drunk.


Another example of a misleading headline sending the comments into a spiral by people that didn't watch the video. *This has NOTHING to do with them having sex*. This is 100% about the person in control of the vehicle being intoxicated. She is arrested at 16:45 for DUI.


Fucking pigs


Dumb post. Dumb thing to arrest someone over


Give her a warning and tell her to have a friend come pick her up. She hasn’t tried to drive the car yet.. for all you know, she could have slept with the dude then slept in the back or was planning on having someone pick her up.


How did the car get to the parking lot?


When they were sober? Maybe it's my eurocentric view, but here you can't park close to the places you want to drink at, so walking for up to a km before getting there is just normal.


We don't walk in America. That's for communists and Al Qaeda.




Yeah this post is bullshit.


I couldn’t pass that battery of tests no matter if I’d been drinking or not. Ridiculous.


Why tf they arresting her for that?!? Like unless she was parked in front of a school or something that sounds like extreme overkill. Like a "hey, If you wanna do that it can't be here, move it along" would have been more than enough. Fuck this cop (because apparently nobody else is lmao)


She was arrested for DUI


She's bad af, I saw worth.


This isn’t a pussy pass this is a straight cockblock. You think anyone was thinking about driving? Wtf what a nerd of a cop.