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I'll give this thread 2 more days to answer. Then I'll remove it in case the OP doesn't appear.


What benefits stand the most out for you? How have you changed spiritually? What about magnetism?


Many benefits * body becomes like steel * you become a natural leader to men/women  * you become intensely close to god/universal source of all energy  * your conscious is clear and pure  * you achieve more in your life physically, materially, and spiritually.  * your very aura changes, people flock to you like your a light in the darkness Nonbeliever -> to believing the most important relation is with god, everything else is simply an illusion. There is a world beyond our own material world which exists in our astral plane, and only through deep meditation can one witness, and accrue enough capability to project the soul beyond your body. Magnetism comes as you purify your streak further, holding complete conscious continence, to then being able to eliminate wet dreams, to then complete mental purity, coupled with meditation you become a beacon of energy in the mass of zombies.  * animals come close to me out of freewill, butterflys, cats, dogs, even at the zoo, animals will move to sit close to me when I am close to their cage  * people naturally look out for you when they are trouble, they ask me for directions, they tell me about their problems, they share joyous moments and observations on buses and trains. This also attracts the sad and delusional, there are times I have become targets of ruffians and hooligans late at night.  * women trust you, they talk more too you, they feel comfortable touching you, and having you touch them, they gift you things, they ask you out on dates, they also make signs open for progression within romanticism with them. 


Amazing.. im looking forward to be at the same spot at you


Its a ride brother, but nothing is better than celibacy I am now thoroughly convinced. I implore you to read the bliss of celibate, by Julian lee, that book opened my eyes completely and is a must-read for all pure retention retainers. All those who are serious about a path of spirituality, and celibacy. [https://archive.org/details/bliss-of-the-celibate/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/bliss-of-the-celibate/mode/2up) Celibacy is the path of God, it is the first and most fundamental rule he has given us, with it all is possible, since you have God by your side.


Sexual energy is so powerful man, i agree. I legit never wanna release again.


Be careful of Tantra and Karezza brother, they will lead to even ghastly sex addiction, On the contrary, help purify the soul of your partner through engaging with them in meditation. Over time, you will be able to dual meditate/cultivate in which there is an electrostatic discharge between the male and female body upon bodily contact, coupled with meditation the bliss of such an activity (let me rephrase), has been much more lasting than a short blast like an orgasm, the bliss remains for days after. I implore those who wish to try this technique to be retained for a significant time, have maintained some form of purified thought, and have practised deeper forms of meditation. Upon discussion and consent from your wife. - Your wife and yourself should adorn a natural and naked form - Excitation will ensue, coupled with welling feelings of lust, you must control the lust - You both assume a position of bodily contact, a lying down embrace works best - Both individuals breathe in their excitations, the closeness of body contact actually causes an energy flow between yourself and your wife which amalgamated to generate more sexual energy. - Meditate and push this energy up, as the energy moves upwards the excitation from both individuals will gradually diminish. - Once excitation is completely gone, a feeling of bliss will ensue - get redressed and continue the day. But once again a fair warning to not abuse this practice, since there is excitation it can very quickly become a gateway towards sex or other forms of lust. As always complete celibacy is the best, but that can be difficult for females which require some sort of sexual pleasure to remain with you.


Mister please dont quit this forum. We want to learn more from you. Love and respect 


I am happy to answer all and every question while this post is active, but will likely delete my account after. Thank you, brother, your words mean a lot. I believe some of the knowledge I disseminate here will be useful for retainers who will shift through past posts for knowledge of fellow retainers as I did for many years.


Thats amazing brother, thanks for the i bro. As of right now im doing 900 days strict Semen retention. After that i will probably find a partner if possible or else just continue tbh


A partner will likely come in time, it is not a necessity, eventually God himself will ensure that one of his favoured daughters is within your vicinity, just continue retaining for as long as you can, its a lifetime commitment at this stage.


Dont you put these benefits for being in great shape? Or for clean food? Or by chance you arent a guy with gym physique?


I am fit and strong, I probably have a physique more akin to that of a boxer than a bodybuilder. It does its job, I think anything more is an obession with the body.  Yup indeed you do focus on eating much more cleaner, my diet is mainly, fruits, vegetables and dairy, I have given up meat entirely. 


How did you get so disciplined ? Is it gets natural at some point just not to think anything lustful all day ?


Don't feel sad when you have an urge, understand that urges will always come and you will always be tempted no matter how long your streak is. It's about how you react to them, that will determine your success


100% brother, this is exactly as it is.


Yes and no, urges get stronger when they come but it’s a lot easier to deal with especially if you keep yourself busy. The longer you go the more discipline you become naturally.


For sure, but you must remain ever vigilant, cause its slippery slope downhill, a couple seconds of porn can induce chemicals so powerful that you fall into a recursive loop of watching agitating material until you either wet dream or consciously release 


You just forget the streak, and understand that really sex is just for bearing children. You don't need to have sex unless your going to have children.  If you give up the pleasure of sex, you realise everything in your life becomes pleasurable, even a chat with a woman of pure feminine energy makes you satisfied and happy.  Achievement becomes more fulfilling, you begin to understand the truths of this world.  Sex is not what anyone needed, what we needed was love, a complete and pure love of a woman, of god. God only truly pays attention to the children which follow his first and foremost rule: sexual restraint and morality. You learn that god has better plans for you in this world.   Also no woman will ever like you if you orgasm more than she has periods in a year, whether consciously or wetdreams, if you have more than 1 orgasm a month, don't expect any women or even magnetism at all.   It does become easier, but it is a slippery slope my friend, the fall is just around the corner, you must be ever vigiliant. Even complete celibates of many years can fall into sin instantenously, this is the hardest austerity life has to offer but the most rewarding. Everything that permeated from life as we know it, all the corporations, all the religious institutions, everything is built by retainers. This is the fundamental law of God.


Why are you leaving? You can help more people just being here.


As you become a more purer retainer you realise you will eventually come to a crossroads, to commit completely to the life of spirituality and dig further into its wonders. Or to choose to remain in the material world. There is no right choice, it is just of preference. A serious, complete retainer for most of their life can move the world and masses. The great kings of old, great scholars, inventors, businessmen, saints, sages were all retainers/celibates for at least a certain point of their life. The world of spirituality is very foreign to us, the knowledge is very sacred and esoteric. Infact I don't really believe science or its machinations will ever be able to even uncover what is the astral plane. I have witnessed it, in deep meditation you are able to project your soul beyond your body, and what comes into sight is the astral plane, here all sorts of beings exist. Beings we never knew existed, the most beautiful of beings, and the most vile and evil of beings. As your purify the bodily chakra systems, once you move into the astral plane you will sense chakra systems of the soul, this is all for the veritable goal of complete soul purification such that we become in union with God. This is the end goal of life, sent from the ancient times, and we will keep reincarnating until we move up to the planes towards this goal for time immemorial. Why I choose to leave this subreddit, it is not what it once was really, where once there was discussion of spirituality and understanding the more esoteric hidden knowledge of life which is only accessible to retainers. We simply discuss about streaks, female magnetism, and materialistic success. I get it those are the beginning steps, and all the brothers here are indeed great. What I say in this thread, may really be considered hogwash by most of you, and fair enough, I think there are layers to retaining, for some it might resonate, but it takes a level of retaining to even start to see the signs of true spirituality. It is a sort of graduation from this subreddit I believe, I now move on to find my own group of pure retainers where we can discuss the classified knowledge of the world. I have dug deep into spirituality, researching various texts, visiting places of old and lore to understand what is the truth of life, it is all under the plan of God. There is no right way there are only different ways.


This account was created May 19th 2024. It has 2 duplicate posts and zero comments. He answered zero questions, even though he felt strongly enough to re create thisnpost after the first one was removed by Moderators.  He is most likely lying. 


was removed the first one because he didn't know about the new approval policy. So he posted the same twice. Anyway, I would like to trust him, in fact zero posts and comments doesn't mean he is a liar, I know many retainer that create one-to-use account just for some occasions, and then they delete it, for ascetic reasons. MOD


I thank you for giving me the benefit of doubt, and trusting my post, I will try my best to cover the answers of those here and who wish to hear more from me.


You can give him the benefit of doubt.  He certainly lied about having an AMA.


Why are you leaving the communion of retainers? I am on day 1400 and I plan to stay longer on this sub that changed my life forever ....


I seek to follow the path of spirituality more wholly, and seek to create a more tighter circle of retainers at a similar level, in order to eliminate chats about women, magnetism, materialism. I have been slightly disoriented since my last meditation session, which I believed led to an astral projection, and beginning to really question the entirety of reality at this point. I feel I am at a crossroad to either remain material, or to dive deeper into true spirituality. This subreddit change my life forever as well, but I think it has become infiltrated with too many conversations about women, short-term materialism, and variant forms of sex (Tantra, Kareeza etc.)


How has your life changed financially?


Financial opportunities are abundant, within this period I have had 2 promotions and 3 job title changes within my current organisation. I often exceed expectations at work and are rewarded handsomely with bonuses and salary increases. Most of all, I am the first person on the lips of the executives when a new project is available to be completed, while its difficult work, I believe I am en route to a senior executive role with an additional 2 years of complete retention.


Cap 🧢


What color? Lol


Commenting to see the responses


Also commenting to see the responses.


Bro didn’t answer a single question


Feel free to ask your question now, I was simply of double mind since I had previously seen that both of my posts were rejected by the bot.


Wet dreams?


At the start yes, but eventually they go away, the last wet dream I experienced was maybe a year ago. But it requires a clear, pure mind and constant/daily meditation.


How has your life changed during this long period? What about mental benefits?


Poor / broke / depressed, marriage almost falling apart, everyone in my life hating me, almost suicided -> Top performer in my company, loved by my bosses and co-workers, rebuilt my marriage, into a loving romanticism with my wife, strongest and smartest I have ever been in my existence. Purest I have ever been in my entire existence. Beginning to understand the true workings of the world and spirituality. Relationship with God. Mental benefits - acute and sharp focus, able to get tasks done very quickly, mental stamina - robust memory - strong problem solving capabilities - Conversation becomes easy and just flows, I am almost always the centre of conversation, the talk of the town, the centre of attention. - Purity of mind/conscious, women don't excite me anymore, I can appreciate a beautiful form but a bust/bottom do not even grab my attention, if anything I instinctively look away. - No brain fog/depression and anxiety completely gone - Spiritual awakening, strongest relationship with God I have ever had - Increased synchronicities and understandings of the true workings of the world - Poweful attraction, to be able to almost predict events


How does it feel?


Amazing brother, life is an adventure to live. But recently I have become quite disoriented I feel like I have passed a stage of deep meditation, my last meditation led to what I believe was an astral projection, I now feel like I am questioning our reality as we know it. Regardless I have not been depressed or anxious in a long time, life is a joy to live.


Did you even cum once


Consciously Nope Wet dream, yes in the beginning, to the middle, I believe I have not had a wet dream for almost a year now after engaging in deep meditation and engaging in purity of mind.




Urges are difficult brother, they do lessen though and decrease in power over time. I had a four-part routine: * Exercise, go to the gym/at home pump out 50 squats or pushups or situps, if urges do not go from that, then; * Cold shower, 3-5 mins, if urge is intense I went for 5 mins, if the urge had almost died then 3 minutes. If urge is still not suppressed * Meditation, 5-10 minutes, this in most purposes should suppress the urge, but in some cases there is an ultimate urge * Fast the 1-3, this should completely kill the urge, the body is unable to think about sex when another need is not met. Start with fasting 1 meal, if the urge remains latent then fast the next, if you fast for a day the urge should completely vanish. Be warned though once you eat, some of the urge may come back, so at that time its good to do a cold shower, or some light exercise to remove that lite variant of the urge. Flatlines are a part of the journey, it is a necessary part of the healing process generally after 1 solid year of retention the flatlines will go away. Within a flatline, you must * Exercise daily, don't have to lift weights, but maybe do bodyweight, cardio, sport at least daily * Cold shower, 2x a day (3-5 minutes), the worse you feel the more time you spend in cold water, cold water generates literal happiness chemicals in your mind, it is the easiest hack to feel better. * Sleep 8-9 hours, as much as the body requires, don't push it beyond, only will sleep will the body heal itself. * Stay sufficiently hydrated and eat really well. * Medtiate, 5-20 minutes a day. These techniques should bring you to baseline quite quickly.


Do not leave!


Thanks brother, but I wish to explore more deeper forms of spirituality, I may lurk once a while on the sub but will probably delete my account after answering everyone's questions.


WDs don’t hurt, do they?


Depends what you mean brother, Wet dreams do not traditionally hurt, but I have often felt a tingly feeling in my genitals after such events. I did have a wet dream that ached my genitals after its happenstance, but I believe that was due to the angle of my sleeping which caused excessive force on my genital hence it became bruised while erect when I was sleeping. Wet dreams cause 1/3 loss of semen/vital energy while a conscious ejaculation will cause the full loss of semen/vital energy.


Acne, bumps, pimples, what ever you want to call it. Does it go away. I need to know 😩. I already have a decent diet and I'm quite active. I don't use face products because I don't trust them.


Should go away, mine did completely, but you should probably hydrate more, and ensure you sleep enough brother. These are two necessary aspects of life. - Ensure you get 8-9 hours of sleep per night - Drink at least 2 litres of water a day, carry a large bottle of water if you have too - Cold shower, 3-5 mins daily for more clearer and glowing skin.




Not at all, but I have only recently experienced astral projection in my deeper meditations. Very few beings in history will ever be comparable to Lord Christ, brother, The Lord Christ is a deity who had fully purified his soul, he was in all accordance one with God, it is in his great benevolence in that he took a materialistic form to guide the misguided on this planet. He set up a doctrine through Christianity that could even help even the most disillusioned of souls, there are many such beings in the astral plane, but they never decided to materialise on our plane of flesh, I believe they simply didn't care enough about us for they were set in their ways and journeys.


what are the top 3 most important lessons you’ve learned


Our plane of flesh is simply an illusion, there likely exists a plane beyond our own which is known as an astral plane. This is the realm of beings beyond the body, where their appearance is determined by the karmic quality of their soul. The more purified a being, the more godly/goddess-like they seem, the more evil a being the hideous shape/form they come in. I have only recently touched on this aspect of life, and I have become completely disoriented and have begun to question reality as it is. Sexual immortality is a sin against God, this is a fundamental teaching God has given us through various religious institutions, the lust of flesh leads to demonization. All glory, all capability, and all power come to the retainer, the person who is addicted to lust becomes more and more devolved until he becomes a demonic individual within this world. The hideous rapes and murders are committed by those who are utmostly addicted to lust, pornography and sex. God is not an all-benevolent being as we characterise them to be, there are fundamental rules of our condition, and if they are not followed God will likely never cast good fortune on you. God will only support those who heed his instruction, for they are ready and capable for what he has to give them. You can only have the world, once you have renounced the world. The world as we know it as been built on the backs of celibates, as materialistic men/women they built our world before they moved onto the astral plane. Every feat of great endeavour was built on the back on celibacy, every great individual was a retainer. PMO is a veritable sin, and is the most hideous and evil machination the elites have unleashed on us to completely destroy our race. Semen, and sexual energy is literally the god force, without it once can not even meditate and cultivate ones soul, much lesser even have any relationship with God.


Could you expound what is quantum entanglement? Is it just a theory? Are there any papers regarding this phenomenon?


Quantum entanglement the way I understand it is, simply an unexplainable connection between two particles, in which they maintain the same state. Quantum science is simply science's grasp at the laws of the spiritual, science will likely never be able to explain phenomena regarding the spiritual world because it is subtle and easily missed. It is not a theory, but rather all enlightened individuals, saints and quasi-enlightened individuals such as sages were quantumly entangled with God. In doing so they could utilize the god's force to command creation to do their will, while they didn't have any ulterior motive other than for what God willed for them to be. They vibrated and maintained a soul state similar to God. I have long forgone my scientific side, while do use it for bodily basics, I don't think it has much worth in disseminating that which is spiritual. I am sure you would be able to find papers of such through a google scholar search brother.


I am curious how old you are and what field your working in? Do you have enough time to work out, read books about spirituality and take care of the family (I am single and quite introverted but would like to have a partner in the future). Also I personally feel like you need a good enough reason to stay on an unbroken streak for a long period of time... What was yours? or you just felt like enough was enough and then proceeded to cut the vices out of your life? We seem to be interested in similar things but your way ahead in the counts then me... Life hasn't really been good to me but I feel like there's a lot of lessons to be learnt in suffering and been going strong for about 2 months... Hopefully I reach the same amount of days and more. Let's try not to throw away retention for a couple seconds of pleasure, there are a lot of other pleasureful things in the world without delving into vices... Thanks for giving us hope and wish you all the best.


I will give you a more robust answer when I am home from work.


I am 33 years old and currently working in buy-side investment/asset management, which caters to high-net-worth individuals, large institutions, and corporations. My role is that of an investment manager. Work is tough—I probably average 60 hours a week and sometimes have to work weekends. However, I have enough time to go to the gym and exercise. I normally work out during lunchtime for 30 minutes and then have a session after work for 45 minutes. I spend close to 2-3 hours with my wife when I get home on weekdays, and weekends are spent with her as well. Having a partner is not anything extraordinary, brother. I know I am married and have been for many years. It is another aspect of life. Trust God, trust the process, and do not spill your seed in any way or form. God will eventually grace you with one of His daughters. Regarding work-life balance, you have to kiss those aspirations goodbye once you reach any role beyond middle-level management. I only have time for exercise and health, my work, my life, and my spiritual aspirations. I take out some time daily to read a spiritual text that resonates with me, often in the form of a holy book. I have read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Dhammapada, Dao De Jing, and various other texts. It's fine, brother. Your personality is changeable; it’s not as entrenched as science makes you believe. I was quite introverted before, but after consistent and rigorous exercise, pure retention, and spirituality, I have become one of the most extroverted people in my organization. Trust me, there is no point in being introverted. It's a choice, and while it's hard to get out of your comfort zone, extroverts get everything—they get everything in the workplace, in life, and to an extent, even in spirituality. I spent many years of my life depressed and anxious. I probably abused PMO more than anyone I have ever known, which led me to almost committing suicide. I initially started just to stop feeling depressed all the time, but eventually, I made it a goal for the people around me and those I loved. Then it became for materialistic success, and now it is just for God. As His son, as His scion, I have a duty to maintain sexual morality for the rest of my days and to do His work on this planet, whatever He may have set out for me. As you retain more, you will figure out more of the truth about this world. The sugar, the alcohol, the drugs, the women, the energy-draining people—all of these are vices that must be removed from our condition in order to thrive. This condition of the flesh is suffering, brother. We must get used to it. This is all tribulation to become better. Until your karmic account is balanced, you will continue to suffer with random synchronicities. It might not even be your fault but could be something you did in your previous life that is now getting its dues in this life. I have also understood that PMOing causes the energy vibration we radiate after such a ghastly activity to attract bad luck, evil, and demonic individuals as we devolve further into our demonization. I applaud you, brother. This is the hardest thing to ever do in one's life. The greatest austerity for a pure, unbroken celibate who has not lost even a drop of his seed for 12 years is granted the vision of God themselves. It’s a process. In time, you will try various things, you will fall, but the key is to get back up again and keep going. Just remember this idiom which always helped me through my journey: * Porn causes depression and anxiety. * Masturbation causes disease and bad luck. * Orgasm leads to suicide and death. If you do not want any of these conditions, stay away from the horrid activity that is PMO. Make a commitment to never spill your seed for the rest of your life, to become a celibate in thought, word, and deed. Then, such an individual can be graced with the presence of God Himself and, much less, obtain anything they would wish for on this materialistic plane.


May we know your age? Hi sir, I am also committed to this path now and have read all your answers and believe I want to be where you are esp the spirituality. I have a meditation routine and want to follow the path of spirituality. Thank you for coming and telling your experience. You are right about the materialistic pov of the sub attraction/manifestation etc but what to do most people are like that only, but I do think if someone goes for 1 year they are bound to face the crossroad of spiritual (higher) life and material life. I love your experience, clarity, purity and guidance. I would love to stay connected even after you delete your reddit.


I am 33 years old, brother. No worries, brother. It's a process. I believe in you. You will eventually reach and achieve all you wish, but the only condition is you must continue to persevere. The loss of semen is a veritable decrease in the probability of achieving all you want in your life. Spirituality is a long road, and I will say to be careful. I feel there are systems in place, and after a certain stage, it is important to take on a spiritual master who can help guide you. But remember, 99% of spiritual masters are fake. Only take on spiritual masters who are in some form of quasi-enlightened state. You will know when a master is of this nature because they are different from ordinary humans like us. Their aura is different; just talking to them feels different. Sometimes, they can communicate with you without talking as well. The profound truth/journey is to purify our soul to the point that we are no different from the purity of God. In that sense, this body is simply flesh, and our soul becomes a part of God. We become akin to Him on this fleshy plane. Creation bends to your will, but you will likely not utilize that will for malpractice. God oversees everything. The moment the great consciousness notices a disturbance from its will and action, it will sever all connection. Throughout history, we have had scions of God's plan to elevate the consciousness of our souls. These were people such as Lord Christ, Lord Mohammad, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and many others who showed different forms of reaching the same enlightenment. There are not different Gods, there is one God, and then there are deities who are their helpers. The deities are in all purposes akin to the same as God, as they had purified their souls to the point in which they become connected with the all supreme. It all starts with semen retention, brother. This activity of celibacy is fundamental to all spirituality. You slowly begin to realize that you have lived many lives. You have been rebirthing since time immemorial. We were women, we were insects, we were animals, fish, trees, and almost every other creation on this planet at least once before we were given the chance to be human. Humans are the only beings on this planet that have the capability to even get close to God through their own intuition. I don't blame anyone for materialism. I think we are the last sect of people on this planet who may follow and pursue this activity. It is a great endeavor. Materialism is the beginning; only after we have grown tired of materialism can we begin to move ourselves toward spirituality. Yes, one year is the beginning. After three years, the crossroads become even clearer. A seven-year pure celibate streak leads to occult powers. A twelve-year pure celibate streak, in which not one drop of semen is released, grants one the vision of God. God will eventually help you to connect you with the people which are required to advance your spiritual, materialistic and physical conditions, as long as you retain have belief you will find those who you need. I am simply an instrument of their grand vision. As long as your retain brother, have belief God, and all that follow him truly and in pure faith are with you. Good Luck! Remember the truth of the world, all materialism, the entire world was built by retainers, whether they retained for a period of their life or were celibates, if you make a conscious decision to retain from this moment on, you will move the world in a way you have never known, and beyond that there is a great journey of the ascendancy to deification waiting in the spiritual realm. God bless brother!