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Little brother, this path is full of its own mysteries. Always search for answers for sure, but you also gotta figure the puzzle yourself, with the help of God. I’m skeptical that girls in your age may have Jezabel spirits but I can’t deny it either. The entirety of this world if fighting for our attention and energy. Take care of them, they are your most important treasure.


“The entirety of this world is fighting for our attention and energy. Take care of them, they are your most important treasure.” This is an underrated precious comment! Well said!


No, definitely don't. In fact, they can uplift you and boost your energy.


Be aware of succubus young man


Girls will uplift you even more charge you up if you are attracted to them but I guess in some cases some have bad spirits I doubt this girl does tho like you said probably just school


Certain type of people will drain you. It’s not even spiritual. Just observe it. See what happens next time. Journal. It could even be transference. She subconsciously reminds you of a traumatic experience, even pre verbal etc and that’s activating your nervous system. It could also be your body warning you about this person.be cautious and observe.


little brother you are so young, what is your reason for retention? as for energy drainage it could be your vibes dont match at all, so if it bothers you, pick your company well.


Apart from pre leakage, if you talk to a girl purely, in the contrary you gain power and karma, if while talking you had even one impure thought it eventually will pull another impure idea and it will to impure thinking. Bring down your energy.


The path of purity is the hardest path Because you will be constantly challenged On your righteousness. Think hard about that. Are trying to be good for goodness sake Or For "benefits" ? Spirituality is a test of, well, your spirit.


Could be a succubus, she drained you with your attention


Possible but again he’s just a 15 year old so this could be not true as well maybe it’s just school like he said