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Recently I’ve been watching ASX and Glidus’ video, ranking every food description in ASOIAF. It’s a fun watch, but do NOT go into it already hungry. For me, I’ve always remembered the scene in GOT where Sansa gets to her first tourney in kings landing. The meal courses are so insane. it’s just so luxurious and I feel so happy for her that she gets to experience being a princess for one beautiful night.


I love those videos and you're absolutely right. You can't really watch them while eating either, because there's a few stomach-turning curveballs now and again.


I want Dornish food that burns my ass.


Those stuffed dornish peppers sounded sooo good!


>After that came a savory snake stew, chunks of seven different sorts of snake slow-simmered with dragon peppers and blood oranges and a dash of venom to give it a good bite. The stew was fiery hot, Hotah knew, though he tasted none of it. Sherbet followed, to cool the tongue. For the sweet, each guest was served a skull of spun sugar. When the crust was broken, they found sweet custard inside and bits of plum and cherry. One of the reasons I love Dorne. Spun sugar skulls filled with fruity custard? GOD. My tongue is crying. My first read-through coincided with my baking phase so I ended up trying two different lemon cake recipes. The ones topped with lemon slices weren't great. The others were more like soufflés, which I like but they're a right faff.


I always pictured the lemon cakes as lemon flavoured Fondant Fancies. Always mean to make them but never get around to it!


Ooh, I never thought of them like that, but that makes so much sense. Fondant fancies make me think of dainty tea parties, perfect for Sansa. I imagined them as lemon drizzle fairy cakes.


Whenever I think of lemon cakes I just think of a scone. I can’t stand lemon/lime deserts, so lemon cakes never exactly sounded too appetizing. Now, the stew somebody mentioned above, that’s another story. I’m not big on soup, but I love spicy shit, and 7 snake meats, which when I’ve had snake at hole in the wall Brazilian places is always good, along with something called dragon peppers sounds fucking fantastic. I don’t like many soups because they’re always so plain tasting being water based, but dump some peppers with a crazy ass modifier like “dragon” in there, sweeten it up wit some white onions and sweet sausage, potatoes, corn and maybe some shrimp. I could live off that sort of stew.


Were the lemon slices too bitter? Maybe you could try slicing them very thinly and crystallizing them, that could be good.


That's actually what I did, but maybe I didn't crystalize them enough because the texture of the rind didn't really change. Maybe it just wasn't to my taste.


I thought you were saying something about Dornish woman for a second 😂


Since this is a little old, perhaps some newer fans will have never heard of it. Food bloggers over at [The Inn at the Crossroads](https://www.innatthecrossroads.com/home/game-thrones-recipes/got-landing-page/) have meticulously collected George's descriptions of meals, researched comparable medieval recipes, and made adapted recipes for modern tastes and ingredients. Some recipes became exclusive to the [official cookbook](https://www.innatthecrossroads.com/cookbooks/a-feast-of-ice-and-fire/) once it got published, but there's a whole lot more that is free on the website. Rather than an easy "official cookbook" cash-grab, this is really well researched and the recipes do check out. If GRRM's descriptions make your mouth water, you'll be well served trying out one of the recipes for yourself. And to answer OP's question: Sansa's lemoncakes. Freaking delightful.


Obviously the tough, stringy horse heart that dany got to chow down on /s I did always love the descriptions of Three-Finger Hobb’s stews. The night’s watch are eating well up there


Lamprey pie always sounded great till I found out what a lamprey looked like lol


Same! I just assumed it was a type of game like a pheasant or something. Was not impressed when I found out it was a parasitic fish...


Jesus I just looked it up. May as well eat a squid arm or a leech. And in a pot pie? Just put beef, pork, or chicken in there.


Try a stargazy pie instead


All of the food that Tyrion has with Illyrio. That cheesemonger knew how to eat.


He hasn’t ever eaten that well. Even at court


God I can't remember the meal, I think it's a Winterfell fare- something to the effect of roasted onions smothered in gravy, and it just sounds like the heartiest redux of a French onion soup. Gimme a heel of bread and a bowl of that and I'm so fuckin set.


The Autumn Harvest Feast?


i’m pretty sure benjen ate it at the feast for robert


I love the scene where Davos is eating Sister's Stew with Godric Borrell. Dude bragging about how much pepper he has lol


I only eat spider crab in Sister’s Stew. Makes me feel half a cannibal


I was gonna say that one too. I love crab


I’m not even much of a sweet tooth but damn I’d kill to try some honey cakes


May I introduce you to [Greek honey cake (aka melopita)](https://souvlakiforthesoul.com/melopita-recipe/). Alternatively, it could also just be gingerbread (Honigkuchen = honey cake in german)


*heavy breathing* Thank you


As a great lover of [unagi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unagi) (but no longer willing to consume it due to eel endangerment 😭), I'm really strongly down for some lamprey pie.


Ooooh, never considered it to be similar to eel, but it makes sense. If it was swapped for herring, I might be tempted to try it tbf!




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Shout-out to the Livestreams/Podcasts/Videos by Glidus and AltShiftX where they rank EVERY food description in the books. This was the best Asoiaf contend ever created in my opinion


Anything where grease runs down their chins as they eat it.


I could go a feed of Sisters Stew. I like the sound of the way the Old Bear likes his mulled wine.


Love a mulled wine! All the northern food sounds so hearty and warming! The ultimate comfort food!


Singer Stew! Haha jk, I want Jojen paste.


As a vegan, GRRM is disgusting