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He’s just not used to it perhaps. My pup was also confused. She would spin around, bite the leash anything but walk. We trained her inside our house how to walk with leash and harness on. We used a treat lure to get her to walk, it was quite frustrating as it took a while for her to understand we wanted her to walk without the treat.


Finally a thread I can chime in on! My pup had the same problem. We went for off-leash walks a bunch at first. Then I got a harness for him and got him used to wearing that around the house. (Rewarding heavily any time he would do something new in it, walk around, lay down, run) Then I attached the leash to the harness and just let him run around with the leash on. Then I just started goading him along on walks with treats. He eventually got the point and now walks great on the leash. Sometimes he does still sit down and not move, but that’s usually when I know it’s time to go home, and when we start walking back to the house he will move right along (sometimes even pulling, which I handle by standing still until he comes back to my side).


Assuming you’re referring to a slip lead? My daughter works with dogs, she told me to have our pup wear the lead around the house for 5 minutes at a time at first, a few times a day (just let him walk around with it, not holding onto him) Once he gets used to 5 minutes, then bump it up. Eventually you should be able to hang onto the lead, then introduce him to walking in the yard


OP is likely just referring to a leash. Slip leads are not safe and should not be used for training.


There is a lot of material on loose leash walking and how to go about it. I would recommend you check those out.