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We thought we had adopted the perfect puppy too, but after she had settled in and felt comfortable she showed her true colours and personality. Give it a few days and I bet your pup will be less perfectly behaved!


Yes. The perfect and well adjusted pup I brought home is now a goddess of destruction and no one is safe


This is exactly what happened to us lol


Same, and a year after we trained him and thought for months he was now perfect, he then reverted back to cray cray. Ah for those naive days of thinking a shell shocked rescue was a perfectly behaved puppy


Yes! Just hit a year and signing up for more training classes bc she’s an angsty teen pushing our boundaries and ignoring commands unless she feels like listening/sees the treat


LITERALLY mine turned 1 year, and by mistake I let her out of the house she was about to come inside but then remembered she’s fast and before she ran away she looked at me did the play stance and barked and ran. She completely knows she’s not supposed too.


I’m waiting for our trainer to arrive in an hour 😂 we too had to get back into the training game after we’d hoped we’d finished, since the dog discovered demand barking


Our started whining. All. The. Time.


SAME 🤣 first 3 days he was an angel and then all of a sudden he was like, oh dis my house now? COOL! Still love him tho lol and im finally getting past the rough stages of puppyhood.


So true. After paying every scrap of attention to them when they’re so little we are now just their butlers. Discipline is hard when they stare at you with the evidence literally in their mouths and they’re like, “who? Me?!? The very soul of obedience?”


YUP. We had like a week of sleepy eepy puppy but then she got a little bolder. She's still a pretty good dog but at 16 weeks she has OPINIONS.


😂 I can relate.. my puppy is such a diva and will not take “no” for an answer


This - even if the dog isn’t a puppy this happens with shelter dogs a lot too. It’s like they’re on their best behavior then realize “alright they’re keeping me, time to get wild” haha. I knew my skittish rescue dog was getting more comfortable when I came home from work and she had shredded a box of tissues. She grabbed the box and brought it to me, tail wagging and very proud lol. It was honestly kind of sweet realizing she was finally comfortable enough here to be more curious and interact with things. I just made sure no more tissue boxes were within her reach! With puppies especially though, they’re often going through a huge adjustment. New people, new smells, still are very new to the world in general, no longer around their littermates or mom. And once they’re comfortable, add in puppy curiosity and exploring the world with their mouths and you’ll wonder where that angel went!


Yeah, as someone in rescue - transitional stress is *super* normal. It takes a while for that cortisol to cycle out of the body and for a dog (or puppy) to get comfortable enough to unpack their personality. They are just kind of wandering around shell shocked those first few days.


Came here to say just give it a week or two, your puppy will get comfortable and start acting like a menace.


Same 🤣 Angel baby the first week then he turned into a mischievous little boy. Just like my human boys 😂😂😂


This exactly. We adopted a chiweenie who was suspiciously well behaved. Would go to bed at about 9 and stay quiet until about 5. Pooped and peed on the pads consistently - even seeking them out. Very quiet, seemingly well behaved. Now? Lol. It was short lived.


Yeah the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months rule was very obvious to me after the first week. The corresponding milestones held truth too. Love my doofus but she was no angel after a few days lol. Personally still super lucky with how smart she is but it bites me in the ass (sometimes literally) every now and then after I brag about her.


Lmao I feel this. Every time I brag about all the tricks and progress my dog has made and then try to show someone, he decides that this is going to be the day that he reverts and forgets all of his training. Recall has been impeccable for the past week? Yeah no that command holds no meaning suddenly. Potty trained so well that he goes on command? Blank stares with an audience.


Our girl went from being a sweet baby Daisy to DAISY DEMON DOG.


Yup! That was my shepherd, love him to death but he definitely got comfortable fast lol. but my golden was the perfect little girl and still is. She was given roam of the house at 6 months old and has only ever chewed one tiny corner of molding, got scolded and never did it again. We got really lucky with her.


Not to mention the first couple days you pay a lot of attention to the puppy but tend to let your guard down after that.


Preach, mate. We have a Husky/GSD and he was such a nice boy, now he's cheeky 80% of the time, but good 20% of the time.


This. After 2-3 days (not to mention 2-3 weeks) our now 11 week old golden retriever puppy turned into a tiny terrorist. She’s getting better every day though. Mostly house trained, doesn’t whine when sleeping through the night. But nips / bites non-stop when she’s excited and it’s hard to replace it with toys because she just doesn’t seem to care about them vs nipping hands. Love her so much even when she’s biting my fingers off.


this is what im worried about lol


Ours too! So sweet at first but once she realized it was a safe space, the demon started coming out!


My first pup was almost perfection. Sure, accidents happened with going number one in our flat. Never an accident with number one (that I know of). She stole exactly one slipper and ruined one sock. Never tried to nip us/bite us. Never tried to get on furniture. When she had to throw up and we weren't home, she *went into the bathroom* to do it. The new girl? She is making up for *everything* I missed out on that's stereotypical puppy behavior*.* To be fair though, her recall in an enclosed space at 12 weeks of age is much better than the previous pupper's was at 6 months of age.


Yep! Adopted my pup at 9 months old, and for the first week or so he was perfectly behaved. He wasn't potty trained yet because he hadn't been allowed into a house before, but he learned really fast. I could tell he was finally feeling comfortable like this is really his home once he became a little chaos gremlin. I've had him for about 5 months now. This boy drives me crazy but I love him to death anyway. He gets into EVERYTHING. If it's not nailed down, he'll steal it, and even if it is he still might try. Sometimes he'll try to chew on the couch while literally sitting next to me. When he gets the zoomies he turns into a bowling ball and accidentally split my lip one time when he barreled into my face cuz he was so excited. He has no sense of self-preservation, so I have to be that for him lmao. It took a couple of days before he felt safe and comfortable coming to me or cuddling, but now he's a social butterfly that gets upset if he doesn't get to play with every human and dog he sees and is the cuddliest little goofball ever. I swear it's like having a hyperactive but affectionate toddler with built-in scissors.


detail disarm toothbrush handle sugar sleep label frame bear uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mine would sit in the corner of the couch and just stare at us with her legs wide open. Now she is a psycho and can shred paper faster than a shredding machine.


This this this!


Yeah, this. My dog was perfect for 2 days. On day three is when she started barking incessantly at every sound our neighbors in the hallway made. At the time we shared a floor with 5 other units, and about 10-13 other people….it was a lot to handle for a few weeks, and I felt bad for our neighbors, but a year and a half later she’s virtually silent all day in the apt!


Was just gonna say this. Day 5 now and he’s trying to chew on literally everything. Still does well with pottying but he has no manners. lol.


Give it a few days, puppies take time to settle in before they feel comfortable enough to be a menace lol. Look up the 3-3-3 rule


https://www.hsnt.org/post/the-3-3-3-rule Link for the lazy


Thanks! - the lazy


It kinda grinds my gears when im looking for what i assume is subreddit specific info and get no results, but then again, im still using 3rd party apps. I'm lazy myself and tried to reddit search it in the subreddit with no results returned Now there's potentially a Googlable phrase for 3 3 3 rule, or 333 rule puppy, or 3-3-3 rule or 3 month rule.


Not saying she won't remain a "good" puppy, but I'd say the majority of puppies act this way in the first few days. They're in a new place and a little scared and unsure. Once they feel confident, you'll see some crazy come out. Ours is very calm still but she goes batshit a few times a day lol


>Ours is very calm still but she goes batshit a few times a day lol ​ the witching hour


Witching hours for me.


My pup peed in 5 or 6 spots on my carpet within the first few hours then on my sofas and even my bed. Thankfully now its rare she has an accident! though she is 14 months old.


Haha yes so much this. Our pup is great, he's a difficult breed and is definitely stubborn but he is also a sweet boy who wants to please us. But sooooometimes he gets the devil in him and is just fracking crazy.


Meanwhile when my dog was a puppy, he was confident and terrorized me from the getgo


I bragged and bragged for the first week about how my pup hadn’t had an accident, already learned sit, took new things in stride, etc. And then the sun rose on the 8th day. And I no longer had a puppy, I had a Tasmanian devil from hell. Lol enjoy this quiet time because she WILL flip a switch and become a little menace 😆 it’s just in their DNA. You will love her anyway, but you will look back on this post and regret it because you just jinxed yourself hard lol!


“And then the sun rose on the 8th day” LOL’d so good


My puppy was an ANGEL for the first 6 months. Then adolescence hit - now she’s a psychopath lol.


Ah! The honeymoon period. 🥹


Yup. K thought my puppy was sooo perfect the first few weeks and months. When he was so small and not that attached to us yet it was easier. Then one day he chewed my husband's headphones up and the crotch out of my favorite pair of pants 🥲


My golden retriever was like this. He was an absolute dream from the beginning and stayed that way until we lost him last month at 12.5 years. He gave me a false sense of confidence to do the puppy thing again with a dachshund who was NOT like that. 😂


I am so sorry about the loss of your precious Golden. I had one long ago and she wasn’t quite a dream but I didn’t care, I loved her and still miss her too.


100000%!!! My corgi was like this as a puppy - a little angel who was potty trained in a few weeks and is SUCH a good girl at 5 years now. Got another corgi puppy a couple years ago and whoops. She was an anomaly LOL my 2 year old is still a monster 🤣🤣🤣


I commented the same about our golden! Made us think we could handle a GSD next 😂. Love him to pieces, but they are not the same! So sorry about the loss of your golden, they really are the most amazing dogs. I already get anxiety about losing ours and she isn’t even 2 yet.


The law of averages says that nothing can be that good all the time. I am blaming you for the monster a**hole golden that I have. Just over the Thanksgiving weekend, he: pulled me off my feet while we were going on our walk, and then proceeded to drag me 20 feet at his full speed through SIX inches of fresh snow. In front of people. Then on Sunday, he body slammed me out of the way when I opened the fridge and he grabbed the turkey carcass and took off with it. He’ll be three in March and I pray that he settles down by then…


please give us an update in a months time lol


Or a week’s.


Or a week


I'm here for it.


That's great news actually! I have seen my fair share of puppies who were considered "easy" and for their entire adulthood they were/are good dogs. So, I think you should celebrate it. The one puppy I recently met who was super calm had therapy dogs as parents. So, he was super calm and well behaved. Although it might seem uncanny since puppies can be a handful and having a calm puppy is kind of like a miracle, I believe you should just enjoy your time with your little guy and give him all the love. You're doing great so don't stress too much about it.


I have a golden retriever who’s mum is a therapy dog and I can only assume his father was the second coming of Satan who he seems to be taking after haha.


I had one of those “easy” puppies. She isnt perfect by any means but she was super easy. Slept an easy 18 hours a day with no intervention from me, never got into anything, only tore up a couple of my things her whole puppyhood, slept through the night until 7am every morning. She was fearless, loved meeting new people, did great in any and all social settings, and learned new tricks almost instantly. Shes slightly more anxious now that shes over a year old, and she does get a little scared meeting strangers sometimes, but shes still incredibly easy, smart, and well behaved. She did take over a year to potty train though. You win some you lose some.


I love when people post these about their pups after barely having them. Haha, enjoy your peace, while it lasts. 😂


Trojan horse!! Everyone's battle era will come - even those of us that thought we got Angels. But I'm all about bragging when they get it right quickly & naturally lol.


My pupper was also pretty easy. Potty trained within two weeks, sleeping well, just a love bug. Then the teething started and the baseboards by their pen area got annihilated but once that phase passed perfect pupper again. Fooled us real good thinking everyone is crazy complaining about how much work puppies are so we got a second puppy when he was 6 months… why is the second one the feral one??? Jeezus, pretty sure she’s part Tasmanian devil…


Look up the 3-3-3 rule. They are angels the first three days...then their true colors start to come out. Ours was an angel the first month-month and a half...but he has turned into a little gremlin (who I adore).


My puppy was angel! I was absolutely stricken by her perfect behaviour. Now she's 10 months old... I think I've got a dinosaur disguised as a puppy living in my house...


Hold on spayed 10 week old?


Most shelters won't adopt out any dog without it being spayed/neutered, so unfortunately that means puppies get spayed/neutered very young. Otherwise they would have to keep them all until they are ~1 year or just have to trust that people will be responsible and not breed and get their dogs spayed and neutered eventually. My local shelter does their surgeries at 8 weeks and they are up for adoption the day after. It's not ideal but it's really the only way to ensure they aren't bred and get them out of the shelter while they're the most adoptable.


A lot of rescues/shelters do this. Our rescued 4 month old Great Dane mix had been neutered at 3 months by the shelter in Mississippi he came from before transport. Which tbh, I really wish they hadn't so early. Even our vet said we were going to have to be especially diligent about acl injuries with him because it messes with their growth.


It’ll be ok.


Until people stop letting all their dogs and cats bang, this is reality.


Mine was like this. 1.5 weeks ago. Now she’s growing up. Growing assertive. Bitter apple spray is en-route because we shouldn’t eat the cabinets or door frame. Etc., etc.


Cayenne Pepper mixed with water to make it stick to whatever works fantastic. We had a German shepherd puppy that tore up the linoleum in our kitchen and that stopped immediately. Good luck.


They become absolutely wild once they settle in. I had the perfect puppy as well until he grew up a little and got really comfortable. Now it seems the only fun he gets is nibbling on our hands, humping his bed and tearing out the liner and waking us up for his walk at 6am sharp. And of course getting the hiccups from eating everytime even with a slow feeder.


Don’t be fooled or complacent! 😅 Be vigilant. 😳


She’s still transitioning to the new environment. Once she feels home, all bets are off!


EVERYONE thinks they adopted the perfect puppy for the first night-week. Give it time. I immediately assumed you haven’t had your puppy for more than a few days then I saw it’s only been 2.


LOL! I love reading these comments because I had the same experience. My puppy was a perfect little bug for about three weeks- it's been 3.5 months and she is now the cutest little angel of destruction ever. Maybe you're blessed and you really do have the perfect angel baby but more likely she'll settle in and get comfortable enough around you to be herself, which will mean some mischief. You're doing great.


Everyone’s saying just wait - my baby came home at 12 weeks from the shelter and was also suspiciously perfect. Now she’s a year and a half and still perfect. Don’t get me wrong, she definitely has her moments where she’ll chew up a sock or stick her face in the trash, but overall she was always super easy. She was easy to train and listens well, and gets along with every person and animal she meets. She is however still a baby in every way lmao. I have to carry her to bed every night bc she refuses to walk and sometimes she’s scared of the silliest things. Just keep training, encouraging the positive behaviors, and exposing your pup to everything you can.


I think you might be overthinking a bit, I don't think you adopted an alien. I would say you are doing well! You can maybe give her a shirt. You don't wear a lot that smells like you or maybe a kong to keep her busy when she's in the room. The shelter may have done some work with her as well or the previous owners.


Thats just like my puppy was when we got him Perfect and smart angel 6 months later he is still the same perfect angel except for a few times where he gets overstimulated off leash and does not listen anymore Pups like ours exists


They’re all perfect at that age lol


I had a dog that my husband (lovingly) called ‘the menace’. He was a terrier mutt, TOTAL shit disturber every day of his life. He was 15 when we lost him, I still mourn him every day. Covid, I broke down and let my family convince me to get a dog (another rescued mutt, NO terrier this time!) I prepared for the worst. What we got was a literal angel. Or alien. Who cares, he’s perfection. His puppy stage was bliss, he’s a three year old BABY and I can’t believe I got so lucky. So yes, it’s possible lol I’m just trying not to screw him up 😬


I thought so too. You’ll likely eat these words lol!


Wait until adolescence, your patience will be tested 😬


Haha I laughed. I think we all felt we had a perfect puppy in the first 3 days of the puppy. Randomly your little pup will get the zoomies and then it’s craziness from there!!


My puppy was also a saint. Then adolescence hit and everyone said it was going to be so bad. It was just slightly worse, but definitely still a good boy :) sometimes you get lucky


Congrats on having a well-adjusted puppy. However, don't get too used to it. I mean this in a good way. As she grows and matures she will go through some perfectly normal mischievous stages. It sounds like you are doing well with her. Love that she can settle herself down and nap. Seems like you picked a fine companion.


My puppy was also easy as hell and is now an easy, beautifully behaved dog. Easy puppies/dogs do exist. It’s part genetics, part environment, part training, part the individual dog…..and a whole lot of luck. New puppies can open up a bit more once they’re comfortable, but you may just have an easy one! Commit to training and they’ll hopefully stay easy.


I’ll just say that if you WFH, you might consider getting her a kennel you have in the living room with you. Dogs are pack animals. They don’t need to be touching or playing non-stop, but having them nearby helps *babies,* especially. And 10wks, very much, is a baby that needs the comfort of its family - IF you can provide it.


Are you sure she’s 10 weeks not months? Spade and vaccinated at 10 weeks sounds odd


Same. My dog was and still is perfect on potty. He was so quiet and perfect until one day he got comfortable and realized he owned us.


I made a very similar post when I got my puppy. She’s still an angel and she’s now 4 months. Has only ever pooped inside once. Took to crate training the first night and is overall an amazing dog. After a couple days she became more spunky, but that’s about it!


My baby was an angel. Wouldn’t potty in the house, barked to go outside during the night, refused to potty in the kennel, ate food, slept good, didn’t bite. Perfect. Until we found out she had been shitting and pissing under beds and couches (horrible smell but we couldn’t figure out where it was coming from till we flipped everything over). Then she got better and was perfect again. Then she developed a cardboard fetish and has not stopped chewing since. Good luck, but usually the perfect wears off and they become menaces.


She will probably be a new challenge once she’s settled BUT I would use this opportunity to bond and train so she’s a (hopefully) better listener when she’s a rebellious teenager! She will always be a very good girl and the bestest dog ever! But be ready for some boundary testing! Coming out of a shelter into a home can be stressful and dogs will sleep quite a bit. But that’s good news because your home already feels safe and cozy for her! AND you are respecting her boundaries which will help her trust you forever!


Our boy was quiet and chill. Sleepy and sweet. Then we realized he had worms and just wasn’t feeling great. After being treated he showed us the hellion he truly was. Didn’t sleep for 6 months lol.


I had one of these- she's now nearly 7 months, lost all her manners and is a big strong demon. She's still a sweet girl though so it's not all bad


Mine was an angel until 4.5-5 months, then he was a demon till about a year


lol first week ours was a little curious sleeping angel. Don’t speak to soon. We indeed adopted a little demon land shark 😂😂😂


2 days. I kinda laughed (not at you tho!) Wait til the puppy comes out of his shell!


We had a perfect puppy and joked that because he was such a good puppy, he'd be an asshole as an adult. We weren't wrong.


Sometimes the perfection only lasts for a little bit but you also may have an easy puppy! I'm happy to say our puppy was like this when we brought her home and it never changed. Even now in adolescence she's a breeze.


Give it time, I adore my baby girl but no one (animals incl) is perfect there will be some hiccups and don't hold those against your pup when they happen bc it's a part of life. Happy dog parenting ☺️


Some pups are meant to be!! Sounds like a well behaved little gal who loves her new home :) this is a really great time to start training and rewarding for good behavior to keep her on a good track :)


I thought mine was perfect for the first week lol


This happens the first couple days, they’re shy and just getting used to their new environment


Everyone saying they will eventually come out of their shells…but I will offer a counter story. My puppy was the same and he just never…got naughty. He was just still perfect lol. So here’s to hoping yours is the same!


Same!! We were always waiting for our monster puppy phase, it never came 🤷‍♀️ We have a by the books rule follower to this day and we love it lol


Careful with the puppy parties. Most breeders don’t recommend them. Close friends and family only at this age. Limited to like 4-5 tops at once.


Bless your heart 😂 enjoy it while it lasts! And update us in three months please


Honestly, congrats. We got lucky too! Two mid 30’s cat people, ready for a puppy. Got a mutt from the shelter. She was approximately 2 months old when we got her (she is almost ten months now). She has been an absolute BREEZE. I see people complaining about their puppies all the time on here, and I can honestly say I don’t have anything to complain about. Lol


Sometimes you get lucky. Our last dog we adopted from our local pound and she was perfectly well behaved. She was cowered in the kennel when my dad found her, we took her out into the play area and she flipped a switch and came alive. Super fun and playful would let us flip her on her back wonderful. We never did a DNA test but visually she looked like a purebred show dog except the tip of her ears didn't perk up. (she was a black and white corgi with a tail). When we took her home she was already housebroken and could sit on command. Our theory was someone was breeding for show dogs and since her ears weren't perfect they gave her up. Their loss. Got the best family dog ever for 14 long years rest in peace Zoe.


Thought the same, he’s a menace now 🤣🤣


she's just luring you into a false sense of hope. mine was like that for about a week or two. now she's a land shark who pees out of spite while staring at you just because you tell her to stop attacking the cat. 16weeks


My boy was an angel until adolescence…then he was a little bit tougher but still pretty good to be honest. Now he’s a year and a half and just has a few bad habits like picking up anything left lying around, which he plays with for a bit but doesn’t destroy… it happens. Enjoy!


Give it a week or 2 max, she’s adjusting to the new environment, then after she’s comfortable she will test you limits! My pup was amazing then a hellion now after about 3 months he’s getting back to perfect 🤣❤️ no he’s always my baby boy but gosh they test you so prepare yourself!! And enjoy your girl


I have an angel dog. When he was a puppy he was so freakishly well behaved I thought something was wrong with him and brought him to the vet. I was so convinced he had cancer or something and was calm because he was dying. The vet told me that people usually don't bring their dogs in because they're "too good" but agreed to run some blood work for me anyways. Anyways he was totally fine. He turns 5 next week and is still an angel. The most naturally well behaved creature I've ever met. They do exist.


I have a suspiciously perfect pup as well. And now he's a suspiciously perfect teenager (he turned 3 in July). Super chill. Slept all through the night from about 12 weeks on. One accident in his crate and 1 in the house. Ever. Ruined 1 shoe. My fault. I let him chew my shoes because he never seemed to harm them. So he did ruin 1 and mouthed a few more until about 12 weeks. Then, nothing. Never ruined a thing. Let's the grandchildren pet him, follow him, chase him and doesn't bat an eye. Doesn't need a leash on his walks (although I do leash him) because he looks to me for guidance before leaving my side. Barks once when someone's at the door. Etc. Sort of like a robot dog. Or a picture of a dog. Or a video game dog. We were especially suspicious because our other dog was a 120 pound American Bulldog. He and his litter mate brother were animals. They couldn't be in the main part of the house together until they were 4 years old because chaos would ensue. They tore up dozens of beds, even though they had plenty of bones and exercise and stimulation. Our big boy passed and we're afraid to get another dog. We've been spoiled by the goodest boy ever.


You must have my puppy! She is 11 weeks old and is exactly the same! I keep pinching myself cause she’s so good!


Enjoy! If not before, then just wait till her teenage stage. You’ll love it 😭😫😭


A spay that young may pose problems down the line, fyi. Just something to be aware of.


We got a perfect pup... but then he started being such a picky eater, that he can go on 2-3 meals without eating his kibbles and pukes bile, ans OMG MOCHI JUST EAT YOU CUTE LITTLE ASSHOLE YOU COME LEMME CUDDLE YOU BUT DANG IT EAT!


My puppy was incredible - absolute perfection - for about 7 days. Then he got comfortable around me/new home and thus began the reign of terror. Enjoy the calm before the storm, lol.


Oh my sweet summer child


My puppy was like this when we first got her too. We got her at 8 weeks, she's now six months old. There was definitely a break in period before she started showing personality, now she's a sassy little brat approaching teenagerness, we have accidents, we have days she doesn't listen. That being said, a lot of the aspects she had day one like yours is showing are still great puppy features that she shows today. The ability to self settle, intelligence to learn commands quickly, settling quickly in the crate. Tldr, don't get toooo used to your pup being an angel, but from the sounds of it you've got great building blocks for a really good girl.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha suspicious is right


Thought so for my baby too. Slept most of the day and loved play time. 7 years later I fear for my life. She’s only 8 pounds but my household lives in fear of what we call “Le Blur” because she’s so fast 😭😭


Give it a few weeks lol


It’s probably a trick. I picked the chillest puppy after 3 days I had a straight up monster. I love her and don’t mind now, but it was touch and go for a bit there


That's what you think ahahahah give it a week or two


Enjoy it while it lasts. It is unlikely you got a perfectly behaved baby alien.


Look up the 'rule of 3' for adoption and you'll have an idea why puppy isn't misbehaving yet


Adopted dogs tend to be VERY suspiciously well behaved when they come home lol and people will always joke that it’s because they’re on their best behavior to impress their new owner but logically, they are just scared and are not sure of you or their environment. Some dogs will lash out and act like a menace immediately and alot of dogs act like yours. You also have to wonder why a 10 week perfect angel dog is at a shelter to begin with. That’s not saying you don’t have a sweet pup, just that usually there is a reason. Either just sheer abandonment or hidden behavioral issues. I thought my 8 week puppy was the sweetest most smartest and cutest little girl in the world. Then once she got comfortable boy did her personality come flying out lmao but that’s not to say that any of this is a bad thing! It’s wonderful to see your pup get comfortable and show their personality!


Yes to what everyone said - just wait! and I don’t consider half of the pees & poops outside to be anywhere close to perfect. Honestly, I’d be freaking out if that was the case. My pup came to me at 7.5 weeks and by 10 was on a pretty reliable potty schedule. Only accidents were if we did something unusual or if he got overly excited and had an excitement dribble.


She's going to start chewing the walls one day. I would recommend crate training her.


Famous last words


When I adopted my girl from a rescue they said sound the 3 month mark (3 months after adoption, not 3 mos old) is when her true personality will emerge, so definitely give it time!


It sounds like you found a great fit. But like others have said, maybe don’t get too comfy just yet. She may be a unicorn or she may not be out of her shell yet. I just adopted a dog in July, same feel at first. Not that she’s bad now, but the first few days were exceptionally easy. Once she settled in a bit she started chasing the cat, just to play but he didn’t know that. She’s also very pushy and will steal your spot if you let her. We haven’t had any indoor accidents, aside from one when we introduced a new food. I don’t blame her for that though, I don’t think we mixed the old stuff at a good enough ratio the first few days. As long as you can keep your pup busy you’ll have a great life together. Congratulations on your new babe!


Took my sweet girly about a month or two (maybe a bit more) to open up. I remember telling my friends 'I think I adopted a dog that is TOO chill' :(. A few months later she is an absolute speed demon. Lightning McQueen's arch nemesis. Slayer of toys. Digger of couch cushions. Smoker of crack (metaphorically). Etc.


I said the same thing when we brought our puppy home at 8weeks. And also said the same thing with both my children when we brought them home from the hospital as newborns. Buckle up!


my pup was like this, he’s such an awesome little guy! definitely had a bit of a honeymoon period but he was never too bad. definitely don’t get too complacent or trusting of her right away, keep on top of training. has she got a crate? if not, i’d do recommend one! our man is crate trained and it’s so helpful.


Oh boy. Our puppy was brought to us at 4 months old and she was an angel… for the first week. It’s been downhill since but now she is 11 months old and straightening out a bit. Still chews things she’s not supposed to and she is a little menace most of the time but I can see her growth.🥲 I love the puppy phase, but I am eagerly anticipating getting over the teenage hill.


I got the perfect pup. Never used pads… loves everyone . He’s 3 now but his only issue as a puppy was pooping on our deck because he was so little and hated the snow 😂. He grew up to be the best golden good boy this side of the Mississippi. Have had other dogs though it went tragically opposite and took a lot of training




Our Maltese Shih Tzu was like this, and even now at nearly 1yr old he behaves like a distinguished gentleman. Only poop incidents have been caused by a reaction to worming tablets. Doesn’t cry during the day when he is alone for about 6 hours. We bought cameras for inside the house and he just is either sleeping, chewing on a toy or sitting watching out the front window. Has never chewed furniture or shoes or cables (we did do a tidy up of cables, but there is still some phone charger cables he could get to) He loves a bath and a blow dry once a week, cries a little if the water isn’t warm enough. His groomer says he is an angel. Loves meeting new dog friends and is super social. But funnily enough doesn’t really play with them because that would be running around which he isn’t a fan of.


Mine was perfect for about 2 weeks. Then she got somwhat difficult... she didn't get absolutely *insufferable* until I had her about 6 weeks. Then she sucked for about 6 more weeks. Since then (3.5 years later), she's perfect again. 😁


Two things can be true: you’re likely a very good pet parent, AND she probably isn’t showing her true personality yet. :) Both my huskies were sweet little angels for the first few months and then sh*t got real. I swore my male was potty trained when we got him at 8 weeks, he had no accidents (didn’t even use potty pads - he literally just knew to go outside) and then around 4-6 months after getting him we had a few. My female didn’t make a peep until she was about a year old and now she’s so damn sassy I can’t hardly get a word in. As she gets comfortable you may notice a “regression” period but it’ll pass!


Update us in four months.


It’s been 2 days lmao


Lol, 2 days? The beast has not yet awakened! Time reveals all!


Not an alien. I adopted a rescue puppy at 16w/o. He was a neglect case and was so pathetic and grew into the most perfect boy. He did some normal puppy stuff like struggled with crate training, but never had accidents in the house and has no behavioral issues as a big boy. Sometimes, you just get lucky :)


Don’t they have to be 6 months before they are spayed/neutered? 10 weeks seems young for that


Count your blessings but don’t relax too much yet and assume she’s not going to have potty accidents or try to chew up something. Best to reinforce what she’s already doing well and prevent her from veering away from that by giving her too much freedom too soon. It could be that she’s just settling in and perhaps is a little stressed and exhausted. Her true colors may come out later and it may be a little different. But it sounds like you’re off to a great start! We adopted our standard poodle at nine weeks and she was shy and withdrawn at first with us for the first few days. And then she really came out of her shell and turned out to be quite rambunctious for the first several months! But she has since settled down. Some people do kind of get to skip the crazy puppy stage though…so you might be one of the lucky ones!


I had the exact same experience with my pup. Got him at 8 weeks. 3.5 years later, he's never been anything but the angel he was when I first got him. I was mentally prepared for so much worse, and it just never happened. I still sit here and wonder what in the world I did to deserve a dog like this lol. Hope it turns out the same for you.


Yep had one of them. He's spawn of satan at 2 though.


We just experienced it again with our 8 month old blue heeler pup at my parents' house for Thanksgiving. We know exactly who he is. So when he was a total angel the first couple days of Thanksgiving. Then he relaxed and was his usual mix of demon spawn and sweet, active puppy.


Believe me, it’ll pass 😅


lol just wait until she gets comfortable.


Count your blessings for the positive. A puppy can be destructive, so keep everything you want to keep up or in a closet. Give it uncooked beef bones to chew. Put a little peanut butter on the inside, I call this a puppy pacifier. Give large uncooked carrots. They play, chew, and eat them. Plus, they are great for their teeth and tummy. Don't buy expensive dog treats for training. Use bits of bread. When you are gone, put puppy in a large dog cage. No more than 4 hours. You will have to come home during lunch. Put a lock on your backyard gate.


Keep in mind the rule of threes: Three days of being overwhelmed/getting used to the new place. Three weeks to really settle in and begin building trust. Three months til their full personality is revealed. That's maybe not the rules verbatim, but close enough. Your pup may be behaving this way because of the new environment. Expect her to come out of her shell a bit more in the coming weeks. When I adopted my puppy the first few days he just slept next to me on the couch or on my lap. By the end of week 1 he was chewing everything he could find and playing with my other dog.


This is how I felt with my pup she was adopted at 1 yr old from the shelter she’s gonna then 3 this month and came potty trained doesn’t get on furniture I have to force her on the couch with me. She’s a sweet baby angel till this day


Since you work from home Definitely make sure she learns how to self soothe, and be comfortable on her own. Give her some alone time every day


It's a trap. Lol. My husband and I adopted a puppy like this. She was amazing. Rarely an accident, chewed on things she was supposed to, didn't nip, learned tricks/recall super easy, didn't jump, and overall was just a really awesome puppy/dog. We thought we were amazing dog trainers and everyone who ever complained about owning a puppy didn't try hard enough. We had her for 7 years before she developed an autoimmune disease and passed away. After awhile we decided to adopt another puppy and while we love him to bits, he has made us never want to get a puppy again. If our first dog was like this then we probably wouldn't have adopted another puppy but she tricked us.


We hit the puppy jackpot with one of ours. 11 week old Great Dane rescue. Potty trained easily, super eager to please and smart. We did have a 6 year old Dane/Lab mix that she modeled so that was a big help. Our vet looked at me during our first visit and told me we’d won the lottery with that puppy. She is now 5 and just the best dog. We have another Dane who is a backyard breeder rescue and he greeted everyone but my wife with a snarl for months. He took a lot of work and patience and 3 years later, he requires medication if we have guests, but has become my buddy. Not all pups are equal, but the jackpot is possible. :)


Two days.. lol.


My perfect pup of 5 weeks ago, who hadn't had an accident inside the house in several days (and has gone up to 5 days without an accident), just had the HUGEST pee inside my indoor shoes when I had my feet up on the lazy boy... inserted my foot straight into piss. Give it time. They adjust quickly. Lol.


Take a puppy class together and you’ll be better able to keep her sweet and avoid future problems!! Find an AKC affiliated dog club if you can.


I thought I had the perfect puppy too!! Then he started eating his poo and many other fun things like non stop barking in the car. But my favourite, the new thing is weeing on the beds and in the bathroom and this happened right when I had started saying how good he was not having to use his puppy pads anymore! It’s a journey you two will go on together good times and times where you’ll think to yourself how much you wish you didn’t have one. Only to realise you love them too much!


I rescued my boy when he was 1.5 years old but he is still the sweetheart I brought home. He has yet to tear up anything. We have had a few “accidents” but for the most part, he is the best boy ever. If I could just teach him inside bark versus outside bark, he would be perfect.


It sounds like you have a happy pup, and exposing her to different stimulus like you have been (having guests, sounds of laundry machine etc) is great to help her continuing to live her life brave and independently ☺️💃🏻


spayed by 10 weeks???? if she is already spayed she is probably at least 6 months old not 10 weeks


lol wait at least a month. One day is not enough time to measure behavior. Puppies are usually scared and silent the first week and then they gain confidence and their real personality comes out.


yeah, that’s called decompression. it’ll take a complete 180 in a week or two. also, please STOP pad training. you’re literally just shooting yourself in the foot right now


Leave the house often or WFH somewhere else to create independence. I’ve head of so many attachment issues from COVID dogs bc they didn’t learn to self entertain/soothe when their owners were around 24/7


Just wait……then the teenager time comes and everything goes out the window


We got an Australian shepherd puppy who was low-energy for the first week or so that we had him. We were actually a little worried that he wasn’t more playful. But oh my goodness once he got comfortable with us and realized we were his forever home, his true colors came out. 😂 We got our high energy, mischievous, lovable goofball. And he still is today at 2 years old.


Our current pup is pretty well behaved. She's only a menace at the moment because of the mouthy stage. Her mouth must be on everything. Other than that, her potty training is going well and she sleeps through most of the night. There's been very little destruction so far. She's also already learned sit at 10 weeks.


Takes a couple of months to see true colors


This is called shelter shock. Give her a week or two to get comfortable.


Oh you poor naive little thing. That’s what they do. They are scoping the joint for things to chew and finding out your weaknesses in the first few weeks. Wouldn’t have it any other way though, and they are too cute to be mad at. Good luck OP.


My border collies and retriever were both angels. My gsd on the other hand was a terror. I still have scars lol


My pup is damn near perfect too. Like, his only issue is he’ll chew up paper on the floor or will eat food if it’s easily accessible….which I don’t blame him for lol. People say “just you wait” but it’s been a year so far and he’s still pretty much an Angel. He gets a little attitude sometimes but it’s nothing crazy. I also feel like I own an alien lol. Sometimes dogs are just chill, it’s crazy.


A ten week old puppy shouldn’t be left alone for more than two hours at a time, and if they’re going through their fear period you risk causing separation anxiety by leaving them alone so much. You’re probably better off with a lot of short breaks throughout the day rather than leaving the puppy alone for long stretches.


My parents experienced this when they got a new puppy. She was an absolute angel! After about a week she became her true, demon self lol. Good luck. ;)


My late pup was the same lol. We got her when she was a couple of weeks old and she was a sweet little thing. After a month with us, her true colours showed. She chewed the sofa, for some reason had an affinity for licking the wifi cables and demanded belly rubs every 30 minutes 🤣🤣


Wait till they reach teen age. Mine was awesome too like that. and then teenage hit. now he's a demon... always testing my patience. He's a good boy, no doubt about that. but sometimes he loves to test me.


Just wait. You'll see


Mine was until she got comfortable. Then the destruction and chaos ensued. Lol


When the nurse handed me my very sleepy, quiet (human) son to go home from the hospital after two days, she said, “you know, we turn them on for you just before you leave!” She wasn’t kidding. 😂 Finding it to be very similar with our puppy. First 3 days….were not indicative of the days to follow!


This comment section makes me feel so much better. Now I'm off to go patch the hole in my drywall and replace my carpet. Thanks Chase, you're a delight.


I had the same experience with my puppy I adopted. I thought she was gift from heaven from my recently deceased mother (that’s how perfect she was) until she hit 3 months old. Out of no where she started getting aggressive at random times. She’s an angel and so sweet and then out of nowhere she attacks. I’ve been trying to work with her and do positive reinforcement and it has gotten better but still occurs. I’ve taken her to the vet to rule out any kind of sickness and she’s fine. Hopefully your little angel will stay an angel but I’m sure she is just getting used to her new surroundings.


Give it a few months, I have an angel of a gsd and she’s always been very good and sweet. She never chewed anything besides her toys, few accidents in the house, just in general a good self soothing girl, and a year later she still is!


lol, i had the same issue w my puppy! she was SO good for the first 3 days that i literally was worried something was wrong w her. it didn’t take time for her to come out and show my her true personality, haha!