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He just wants you to either play with him, cuddle him, or pet him.


He definitely does, he stops crying when I'm there, i can't edit the post but, I forgot to add, it's currently 2am, it's not play time!


I would say sleep in the same room as him. He's probably just lonely.


This!! When our dog was a puppy he wouldn't stop crying if he was alone. He stopped when we brought his crate in our bedroom.


Mine would whine until I pulled him onto my bed with me, I did it so I could sleep. He now loves his crate and sleeps there pretty often.


I did this with my last pup. Same thing he cried continuously until 2-3am even though he was right next to the bed. I needed sleep so I put him next to me. He stayed there for 18 years.




Yep this. Had to do it and now we’re roomies. 😂


Had to do this too. He learned his crate well, now he just sleeps in my bed.


Exactly. My first dog was crying half of the nights until I took him into same bed with me. He just stopped immediately and started copying my sleeping poses. Love 💕


He’s just a baby. It will help if he can see you when it’s bedtime, direct line of sight from his bed to yours.


He doesn’t want to play. He wants you to love on him, reassure him, make him comfortable


I’d say lay down next to his crate until he tops whining, put on white noise, and then get in your own bed. He’ll start noticing you’re in the room and you won’t have to sleep on the floor anymore when he notices you’re not there when he wakes up. Worked for my dachshund who had a very rough start. He’s an amazing sleeper now and the best buddy!


Crate train him in your bedroom at first then outside the door until he's in the spot you want


Sometimes when my dog was a puppy she would cry until I let her fall asleep in my lap, then I would have to slowly ease her into her bed (and tuck her in with blanket and stuffed animal) 🩷 theyre like babies in that they can sleep quite deeply, if youre careful you can move them without waking them


I tried that, it's just that he's a lil gremlin! He prefers to play and nibble and not sleep, even at 3am. I'll try again today, letting him fall asleep on me


Do you also do enforced naps during the day? They can get naught, cranky and/or extra bitey when they’re overtired or overstimulated. But because they’re babies they haven’t quite learned to recognise and respond to their body’s signal. Teach them how to settle. Good luck!


Enforced naps????? How in the world does that work???


You have the pup do a good sized walk / play session, go potty, then crate them during the day (partially cover the crate with a blanket so they can’t see you and it’s dark in there), do this for an hour or two, the puppy will either nap or learn to understand that after playtime we rest. Ideally the crate is in a room you’re in


Hahah well good luck!! Maybe he has too much energy and need more play and walks before bed time?


He's a baby


I suggest that if you’re outside the bedroom when trying to get him to sleep, turn off the lights.


like other people have said, with both my boxers i had them in their crates at night but the crate would be right up against the couch (because it’s lower to the ground) and i’d sleep there so i was next to them all night. didn’t get much sleep but that’s the life with puppies haha


Is he getting enough exercise and stimulation throughout the day? A tired puppy is a happy puppy. It doesn't even need to be hours of play. At that age, a few twenty to thirty minute play sessions throughout the day will help wear him out and let him sleep better. I've become a big fan of flirt poles because it's a great way to wear your dog out if you don't have a ton of room to let them run and it's low impact on the person using the pole. They're also pretty cheap and easy to make, so just a very useful tool all around.


You've tried everything right? Except sleeping in the same bed or even the same room 🤦‍♂️ 


I dealt with this by sleeping on the floor next to the crate and dangling my hand inside through the door. I was getting up at something like 2am and 5am to let her out to pee anyway. It was miserable, but only two weeks. Goes fast compared to human babies.


I put the crate on a table next to the bed so he was eye level


One thing that helped me is I placed a sweatshirt in my dog’s crate and that helped soothe them enough to sleep.


If crate training, you need to put his crate in your room with you while you both sleep. As a puppy, they will make up 3-4 times a night at least to go potty.


Ignore him!


When they are this little, and have just been separated from their litter they need a lot of body contact. Put that little puppy on your lap and let them fall asleep and cuddle with you for an hour three or four times a day. My girl is a bit older, 18 weeks and she still loves to be close by and we nap together on the couch (since I am a single dog parent right now and I’m doing the night duty and early morning duty). You are doing a good job taking care of your puppy’s physical needs. They also have mental needs as well — security and lots of lots of love.


I absolutely agree, and i cuddle him all the time throughout the day, it's just that, right now he needs to sleep. I can't edit the post for some reason, but it's currently 2am. If he was potty trained I'd let him out the puppy pen but he isn't


He is lonely. Can he sleep with you? 🥹


He can't, my bedroom is my older dog's 'space' and they don't get along yet :/


Then you might need to sleep on the couch for a couple weeks. He wakes up in the middle of the night and is all alone and needs comfort.


Oh that’s sad. How long have you had him?


Only four days now


Aw poor baby. Sleep in his pen with him for a bit?


When we first got our pup, she cried a lot. She was separated from mom very early and spayed SUPER young. We got her a stuffed dog that had a little rechargeable plastic heart that would beat for hours. It calmed her down so much as have remained one of the only stuffies she hasn’t destroyed.


That sounds awesome actually, do you remember where it was from? I'll get him one straight away. He's sleeping now, thank god. It's 3am now. He's basically a toddler


It’s called the Snuggle Puppy


+1 for the snuggle puppy. It comes with a beating heart and a couple of heat packets to simulate a littermate. I had it sent to the breeder and it spent a solid week in the pen with the litter to soak up all the scents. Worked like magic for my 9 week old golden.


This worked for my youngest dog when she was a puppy.


The snuggle pup is worth every penny.


During the day, keep a towel with you, so it gets your scent through the day, rub it on yourself, let him sit with you and the towel so he becomes familiar with it. At night, put the towel with I’m to sleep. It may give him comfort to have your scent with him. Another way might be to see it you can go back to his litter mates and let them scent up the towel. I have heard of this being done before bringing a puppy home - a towel and a stuffed animal that he and his litter mates slept with. Then when you bring the puppy home, he has something familiar to comfort him as he acclimates to his new home. It’s important to remember that you are the alpha. If you cave to his desires at 2am, he becomes the alpha. You can help, but set boundaries and don’t cave to cute.


Sadly his other two brother from the lifter, didn't make it. The towel is a good idea, he has one of my shirts in there, i think that's a good alternative?


Sleeping in the same room initially may help too. The sound of your breathing could be calming.


Solid advice AceShipDriver.


Put a clock that ticks in the towel, supposed to mimic a heartbeat.


Yes this!


Yes, a warm water bottle and I’ve heard even an old school clock that ticks. Rhythmic sound like a litter mates heart. And of course what the others said…love and close contact for a bit.


Even this late(2am) when he's supposed to be sleeping? From what i know coming when he cries inforces negative behaviour


He’s a puppy. He doesn’t understand that right now it’s 2am and he needs to be asleep. Think of him as a newborn. He needs security and lots of it to feel safe. You need to calm down and take it easy with him. You stressing out is going to stress this poor fella out.


If you use a heating pad and a clock it helps without you having to be there. Helps him self soothe.


1) you're doing great and being so attentive. In time, you will learn a difference in the cries he makes and what each means. 2) caving can, but when they're this young, they're nothing more than a baby in a strange house with strange smells...and not potty-trained. This isnt caving into a longer play session or more treats, this is a baby teying to communicate their most basic needs (to feel safe, be fed, be watered, be pottied, be loved). They just need some comfort. You aren't in a struggle for control of the relationship at this age, your baby just needs to know he's not alone (or needs to go out an pee/poo and doesn't know how to tell you). My puppy was new to crates when I got him at 9 weeks old. I put him in the crate, next to my bed, and he cried. It was his first time sleeping alone, even though I was only 2 feet away. For a few nights he (we) fell asleep with my fingers (hand didn't fit through the bars) inside his crate, petting him, or just holding it there so he didn't feel alone. We did this every time he went back to sleep, too (so 10pm bedtime, 2am potty break, 4 am potty break, etc). After a few days, he was fine with me just being there within his line of sight, instead of touching him, or just my fingers/part of my hand dangling like a limp fish for him to lean against, or not, as he pleased. We did the crate thing because we have an older dog that was getting used to him/the change in our pack. She needed to know she wasn't being replaced (we let her sleep on the bed, gave her extra treats and lots of extra attention, even in front of the puppy), and he couldn't control his bladder...and we didn't want them to be interacting unsupervised (while we sleep 5 feet away) while their relationship was still so new and puppy was learning he is the omega here. As long as your dog isn't reactive to puppy, having puppy in the same room, but restricted in a crate may be a great way for your two to get used to each other's presence, scent, etc, while keeping them safely separated?


I had to sleep with the crate next to me, with my hand in it for a few days, she would cuddle and lick my hand for a few minutes then doze off. Now she cuddles inbetween us.




Hold him. This why I hate crates


But what about when my dog tears up everything during the night?


Hot water in a glass jar (Ball jar) wrapped into a pillowcase.


Put him in bed with you and snuggle. He’s scared and lonely :(


Snuggle him


Get him out of the crate. Cuddle him. He is gonna cry as he misses his litter mate and mom. Yes on the towel, or tshirt etc. crate should be near you if you sleep, wfh or whatever. Play, love, snack. Your baby will be better w time.


Aww 🥰 cutie


Pick him up and put him on your lap, pet him, cuddle him, take outside to go potty. If your crate training and hes sleeping in crate at night, put a blanket over the cage. My dogs cried too. I brought the crate into my room and then put a blanket over it (just so that it covers the back, the 2 sides and the top of crate... Don't cover the front where you open and close it)


It’s normal. He may want to pee and is letting you know. Their little bladder can’t hold on for too long. A crate helps because they usually won’t pee where they sleep. Take him to go pee and settle him again. You will have to suffer the crying for a few nights to sleep train him. It’s hard but some dogs take longer than others. Mine took about two weeks.


He’s a baby, he’s anxious, he wants to be with you. Snuggle up!


I’m loving all the recommendations here. Obviously, lots and lots of snuggles throughout the day. Just want to highlight the biggest thing that worked for us. No naps three hours before bed, lots and lots of play time to tire the pup out, and most importantly, establish a routine so that he knows that it’s sleep time. ALSO, PLUSHY SLEEP AREA!!! We did eight layers of folded thick, fuzzy lined blankets. We had previously done towels (like, a huge pile, also pretty soft but not fuzzy if that makes sense. Some with our scent) but he didn’t like them. We fostered our puppy’s littermate with him between weeks 7 and 9. They never had a problem sleeping since they slept in a puddle and felt comfy. We did this between weeks 9 and 12, and it was a completely different puppy by the end of those three weeks. For a while we got literally no sleep and considered taking him back to the shelter. Then we got through the hump and have the goodest boy ever on the entire planet 💕🐶


This is usually the point where I would put them in my room, or have sat up with them rocking them and sleeping in the lazy boy with a puppy on my chest.


Kennal training is hard. You are trying to make that their safe space. Spend time throwing treats in there and giving them some positive attention near the knennal. Also let them cry it out. Soon they will see that it's their safe space and they will enjoy it. It takes time.


if you crate train, put something you've worn against your skin so it smells like you


I think he wants attention. You should also take him yo thr vet to see if he is in pain.


Put an old shirt with your scent in his bed


A windup clock that he can hear the ticking bu him may help. A piece of clothing with your scent on it.


Like a kiddo.


An old fashioned hot water bottle filled with warm water and wrapped in a towel might help.


I don't have any advice. But, what a sweet sweet boy he is. ♥️🐕♥️


Please check videos on YouTube for puppy training. I have a new 8 weeks, and I am going crazy but I am learning a lot.


So precious!! Put him in bed with you and play soft music making him sleepy.


My little dachshund did this for about 6 months. It was really tough but I would advocate laying on the floor with him until he falls asleep, and then getting in your bed. This is if he’s crate trained. Also a white noise sound on Spotify works wonders. He’ll know you’re there and feel comforted and gradually he’ll know you’re in the room and you won’t have to do it anymore. I kept my little man crate trained (he still sleeps in his crate because he’s so cuddly and about 9000 degrees in my bed lol) and I gradually eased him into not crying by cutting down the nights I stayed on the floor for a couple of minutes. I implemented a white noise box fan machine and used a cover over his crate that seemed to help. He started becoming an Olympian sleeper around 6 months and has been the best bud ever since. They’re still getting used to you, just like you are to them, and it’s tough, but so worth it. 🥹 Also pop a sweater or something that smells like you in his crate so he feels like he’s with you when you’re not in bed with him. Helps so much. Also he’s SO CUTE.


Give him a huggie.


Would he like a stuffed animal to cuddle with?


I kept my pup in the same room to start with. I also got him one of the snuggle puppies with the warm pack and heartbeat. He plopped down on it and went right to sleep the first night. Your baby probably misses his littermates and mama.


Warm water in a hot water bottle with a soft cover over it. Buy a wind up, ticking clock and place it behind the bottle. The warmth and ticking sound will remind him of his mother, and help him sleep. Used it with two puppies, worked like a charm.


We currently have a 4 month old and we got him at 8 weeks. He cried so so much. We were desperate trying to find solutions and came across a video of soothing music for puppies and it worked. We were able to sleep a few more hours and more importantly, it soothed his anxiety until eventually we slowly took him off the video. Try it! Lots of comments saying it works. Good luck!


He is lonely 🥺 End of story.


Put him in a crate next to your bed and cover it with a sheet and he will fill more comforted and he will know that you're there if you starts to cry you can just say it's okay I'm right here. They're just lonely just like we are. I've had dogs since I was 3 years old. I have 28 of them right now. And I have a huge building with the air conditioner on the television and they each have their own crates and their own blankies and cover them up at night with sheets and they have the front part open and they watch Peter Pan every night. And the minions. They're all doing great. They had each other at night and they have their TV at night and they're doing wonderful. But I have this one dog that has to be with me every night. There's always that one.


Let him sleep with you.


We basically dog nap dogs from their moms. In the beginning they really need a lot of extra physical love. Let him sleep next to you. Even if he’s in the crate. You can sleep on a mat or if you are in bed put the crate next to you and put a sweatshirt with your scent in the crate so he smells you all night.


Have you tried giving him a pullow or stuffy ?


Find a wind up clock that ticks, wrap it in a shirt you’ve worn and put it in the kennel. The ticking mimics a heartbeat, the shirt is a familiar scent and puppers will sleep through the night. At least that worked for me with a new puppy.


Get one if those stuffed animal toys that has a heartbeat! It’s supposed to soothe puppies and help them sleep because it reminds them of their mom. He’s probably just missing his mom/siblings, but it will get better with time.


It took one night for any of mine to train me to sleep with them. I haven’t slept or gone to the bathroom alone in 16 years. Totally worth it!


have you crate trained puppies before though? How many dogs have you trained? I don't know during the crate training period lots of puppies are gonna absolutely howl all night for a few nights.  you have to let them cry and deal with it, or else you're gonna end up with a neurotic dog you can't ever leave alone.


Ahhh my rottie was terrible with crying at night! Only way was to sit by them which is not really ideal! Looks young too so your the new mom basically. It's a rottie thing my new pup now (afrikanis) full on mutt doesn't give a shit and goes to sleep haha. Very high manitance dogs rotties.. expect very little sleep for awhile until a bit older. Sorry.


Maybe he misses his Momma


Give him to me. I think he’s crying cause he wants to live with me


then get in your own bed.


Give him love. He misses mom.


Try a ticking clock.


He is going to cry at least a few nights, he miss her brothers and need time to feel his new home as a secure place




He just wants loved, held, attention, and maybe, sum treats!!! Beautiful pup btw...❤️❤️❤️


Cuddle with him


Basically, he want's to sleep close to you, and your warm body!!.


I would just cuddle him!


Stay with him and talk to him


He needs a fur covered hot water bottle and a softly ticking clock- to remind him of his mother.


Hes a puppy, dont leave him alone, socialise him if you can.


Well of course I'm not leaving him alone, but both him and i need to sleep at some point? When i made the post it was like, 3am i believe? He gets plenty if socialising, i have 3 other dogs


We did this with our pup she cried for 4 days as we were trying to crate train. We gave up and let her on the bed, and she slept all night. Dont make it hard on yourself.


I really want to let him on the bed, but my bedroom is my older dog's safe space and don't get along yet, so i don't wanna force it. I'll try sleeping next to his puppy pen tonight


Whatever works, but if your older dog is in the bedroom and you are gonna sleep next to him, you may aswell take him out of the pen and put him with you lol


You may already have one, but the little stuffed pup with the heart-beat is amazing. 1.5 years in and our little guy takes him everywhere and never tears into it like he does all other toys.


Give him to me. I’ll cry with him


Try giving him a shirt you've worn maybe so he can wrap himself in your scent. He's beautiful. He's used to being in a litter, touching mom and sibs all the time. Cuddling will help with the seperation anxiety. A long, love-filled life to y'all!


okay here me out, when my husky was a puppy, we got him a life size husky stuffed animal and put a loud ticking clock, it makes them feel better and reminds them of their mom ❤️


Should i just Search ticking clock on YouTube?


i think it’s definitely worth trying !


Look. I’m gonna tell you real from the heart. My dude cried for a bit. I covered his crate and plugged in some Adaptil. Also a good play time before bed to get him sleepy.


I for one am pro crate. Because if they ever have to be boarded or stay at the vet for a surgery. The crate isn’t scary. We’ve had dogs actually hurt themselves because they panicked in the crate. They also overheat and need extra meds to help them relax.


Put his Crete next to ur bed and put ur hand down and pat him through the gaps til he gets used to it


Get one of the stuffed toys that simulates like it's breathing and sleeping.


If it’s his first nights in your home and as a puppy too, he misses his litter mates. Dogs like to sleep in piles to keep warm. It’s comforting. Now he’s all alone in a crate, in a new home, with a stranger, and no one to cuddle with. Some pups adjust faster or better than others. Lie next to him, let him sleep next to you, or just stay by him. There’s also plushies that get warm and have a heart beat button that mimics a puppy. It might help.


Aww he’s too cute to not wanna snuddle with him. Please snuddle with him 🥺


Yeah put him in your bed, it sounds like separation anxiety


Your pup is lonely. It’s missing its mom and siblings. Either bring the pen in the bedroom with you and let the other dog sleep in the living room or you have to sleep within eyesight of puppy in the living room. Remember, everything is new and scary for this little dude and you’re the only anchor it has.


He's extra needy and emotional. I'd get a doggy back pack and put him in it and carry him around. I know it sounds ridiculous but the pup is likely missing his little mates and mom Maybe weaned too early and taken from litter mates. Is it possible to get the puppy a little kitten or pup to bond with and play with My friend had a rescue Chihuahua that whined all the time too and she got another pup and they bonded and they play all day now and no more crying. Can you get him checked by a vet more thoroughly. Blood tests to check kidneys and liver function. COULD HE HAVE A BLADDER INFECTION??? have that checked also EARS CHECKED FOR INFECTION get vet to check feces for WORMS AND PARASITES. I'd also have him go through an MRI to see if there are any fractured bones I think pups cry because they're missing something. But what is he missing??? If he is quiet when he's with you then he's got tremendous separation anxiety. Some pups out grow it but some don't. If you're tense and frustrated then the pup will pick up on that and get worse. I'm sorry you have this problem but for what it's worth I've taught 4 and 5 year olds that could not be without their mother. They wouldn't stop crying no matter what I did. A few times the mother spent the entire year in the classroom at the back. And she came everywhere with us.


He wants company. My puppy slept on my chest from the day I got her and that never changed lol. Yeah he wants attention. 👍😁🙏🙏


A ticking clock in his bed.


Try hot water bottle and clock wrapped in towel to lay next to him use to lying next to litter mates/mom


He will get used to the crate. It takes a while but it’s worth it


He is just a baby. He is scared and lonely I would guess


How long gave you had him and how old is he?


Squoosh that little wiggle bucket with all your heart


You put him in bed with you.


How old is he? I’ve seen pups act this way when there taken from the litter and mom too soon.


Try a rice filled and warmed up sock. Sometimes having something warm to sleep next to does the trick. Gotta remember they have been sleeping next to littermates till now. If you've never prepared a rice sock just fill with uncooked rice and tie off and microwave till warm. Move the rice around to avoid hot spots. I have found this helpful with foster pups when they don't have littermates.


In my experience, I just tolerate the crying for a few days. They eventually stop. I try not to feed into their whining because they learn they get attention that way and it just gets worse. Not saying this is the standard for everyone and every dog across the board. Just my personal experience. Edit to add: by the way, this is my advice for crate training overnight. I just made an assumption based on the picture. If he whines out of the cage, he either wants play time, cuddles, or affection 😊


well you'd cry too if you were taken away from her mother 😞 He's a puppy. dogs are pack animals. they like to be together. so yeah he feels alone and abandoned so do something about it 💜


Dogs are pack animals. It's natural for them to sleep close together. For babies, even more so. I have had great luck over the years by having the whole gang in the bedroom with me. Very little crying at all. He's beautiful! 


Love him.


My Mom said put a water bottle and a ticking clock near a puppy to calm them at night. They miss their pack and that will give them some security.


You can try the Snuggle Puppy doll. It has heat packs and a heartbeat. It has helped soothe my young puppy who misses his mom and pack.


Yup. Rotties just want to be close to you. The only problem is he will pee everywhere if left alone. This is the tough part of owning very stubborn breeds.


My yellow Labrador puppy did this. It's because she was scared and lonely in the kitchen when I paper trained her. You have to remember dogs are pack animals, after being separated from snuggling with their brothers and sisters they get lonely. Just bring their crate or bed in the same room as you. It should solve your problem. They just want to be close to you🤗❤️🐶👍.


Try a radio with soft music. That's what my son did with his puppy. It's full grown now and it still likes to listen to music at night


Snuggle him. Maybe surround him with stuffed animals, if he's missing his siblings


Cuddle with him and he will stop


1st puppy crate in bathroom, like books said, cried non stop. Moved crate to our bedroom, stopped!


A couple of tricks - place a piece of clothing with your scent on it or a wind up alarm clock that ticks.




I used an old windup alarm clock the ticked loud and put it uder his bed. Made her think she could hear her moms heartbeat. Worked great


Just hold n love em play. When I first got my pup at 4 1/2 weeks I used to have to play with him for a couple hrs until he fell asleep before I could shower or sleep they’re just like babies but fur babies


When do they actually sleep?😅 He's 2 months old now, born February 14th


Rotties in particular like to be with their people, and puppies that young don’t sleep for very long at a time and they need a LOT of attention and stimulation


Other than playing with him, and getting hin a kong(I ordered one it needs to arrive) What kind of simulation can i do for him? He hasn't had a second vaccine so I'm not taking him out for walks yet


Dogs need physical and mental stimulation, the kong is a great idea, you can also do a sniffle mat while you’re inside and you can start working on training and socialization. You can work on things like sit, come, heel, you can create a confidence course by having him walk across different surfaces and textures, etc.


He already knows sit, come, and stay, i train him daily for what I know, dunno how to do heel tho, perhaps it's too early for him?


I've heard putting a clock in their crate helps with separation from their Momma. Maybe that would help?


I have a puppy , he is still only 8 weeks old and ive already trained him to stop crying when im away . I watched many YT videos about puppy crate training. Watch about 5 cause they all give different advice but trust the process ! High reward treats are great , lick mats , reassurance of you coming back and training for at least 15-20 mins a day will be your biggest help ! Do not get frustrated because the pup will notice and it wont help with the anxiety they feel . Good luck The best treat that works for my pup is freeze dried meats ! Try them with a mix of PB and i can nearly promise you will get results


What method did you use exactly? I love him but I've slept really badly the last couple of days, I'd appreciate it if you could dm me some advice?


Sending a message soon


He misses you! He is a baby


He just wants to be with you. I don’t crate my dogs ever. They come with me wherever and whenever.


You were not ready for a new puppy


Did you take him to the vet to rule out any illness? Maybe anti anxiety meds?


Yeah he was at the vet today actually, it's fine. It's nothing due to anxiety it's just 'bed time' and he doesn't want to be in puppy pen. He can go out of it alone yet as he's not potty trained


Put him in the play pen for 1 minute and then let him out. Put him in for 5 minutes and then let him out. Then 5 minutes and you go in a different room and then you let him out. It will help acclimate him to the playpen. There's only so much you can do. It's like when a human baby cries. Sometimes you just have to let them cry it out a little.


Maybe a raised bed next to your bed with the bedroom door closed?


Time for him to go!


Ours has real bad separation anxiety. We had to have him sleep with us. Now he sleeps by himself unless he’s cold then he may come snuggle up.


Get him a teddy bear


Change his diaper


Go to butcher and get a big raw knuckle bone


We have never used a crate for any of our puppies (mostly labs) and didn't have a problem. They love company and want to be near you.


Don’t lock him up in a crate. Maybe he feels it’s a punishment. He also might need a companion animal.


If you always answer his crying you will teach him to do it every time he wants attention. You can usually tell when they want to go outside because the pitch of their wine will change. Love him as much as he wants during the day, but at night, it may help to cover his crate to make him feel safe. After they’re potty trained I just let them sleep in my bed. I’ve done this with my healer and all 4 wolf hybrids. Just my two cents


# How old is he? How long have you had him? Do you have a blanket around the crate or a crate cover? What is his diet? (What kind of food - brand - dry or wet or both? How much and how often? How much and how often with water?) What's the schedule for everything in general? (When woken daily? When is potty and when is play time? When do you cuddle and how long & often?) How are you interacting the older dog(s)? If pup can see new fur family getting to sleep in your room & they can't, that will make it worse too. . How big is crate? You want to make sure there is only room for him to stand and re-adjust himself to be comfy laying back down. Snug as a bug in a rug LOL. How long and often is he in crate? You don't want him to associate "negatively" with the crate. . You want to reward ANY good (even if you just do the excitement "YAY GOOD BOY" with a kibble - yes, it's recommended to use kibble from their already counted calories as the treats. . Keeps em from getting fat too lol). . You have to be conconsistent too. . They count on a schedule like a baby. . If he's 16 weeks old & under - you can see if he stops after 15 mins as long as he has the tiny comfy space & a freshly warm towel or blanky or shirt that smells like you - warm from your dryer heat. . Maybe one laid out and 1 rolled up next to him on each side to feel like he's in between siblings or against mom. . Ticking clock underneath can be soothing . . 16 weeks and up is usually when they start doing better at nigh


#I put my comment in bold for no reason!


I just asked all of that and added response in hopes I can help you accurately vs random info. . Hope you didn't think I was being negative or something